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Adams, John Quincy
American Comic Annual
American Joe Miller, The (almanac)
Anderson, James
Andover, Mass.
Andrew Jackson on Sam Patch (painting)
Arnold, Benedict
art: differing views of Patch and Crane; falls jumping as; Forest Garden as representation of juxtaposition with nature of; Niagara Falls as work of art; as term used by Crane
Bailey, Mother
Barker, Nancy, see McIntire, Nancy Barker
Barnum, P. T.
Bartlett, W. H.
Bearcup, Erastus
Beneath Table Rock (illustration)
Benedict, Rev.
Bennett, James Gordon
Bernard and Page circus
Biddle stairs, Niagara Falls
Bingham, Alpheus
Blackstone River: Pawtucket Falls
Bond, J. C.
Bontemps, Arna
boss spinners; see also mule spinning
Branigan, Martin
Britton, Joab
Brooklyn Bridge
Brown, Charles C.
Bucklin, Nehemiah
Buffalo, N.Y.
Buffalo Republican
Burke, Edmund
Burnham, Benjamin
Burr, Aaron
Cameron, George
Cartwright, Peter
Catlin, George
Catlin, Julius
Cavanaugh, Patrick
celebrity; Sam Patch as showman and celebrity
children: as mill workers
Clay, Henry
Clinton, De Witt
Clinton Band, see Rochester Band
Clinton Bridge, Paterson, N.J.: creation; as example of art; illustration; pulling over chasm; and Sam Patch; toll charge
Cochrane, Joe
Cochrane, William
Commercial Advertiser
Conroy, Jack
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, William
Cooperstown, N.Y.
Crane, Timothy C.: as citizen of Paterson; citizen resentment toward his Forest Garden; creates commercial pleasure garden near Passaic Falls; and Fourth of July; view of “art”
Crockett, Davy
Danvers, Mass.
Davis, Job
Davis, Thomasine Greenleaf, see Patch, Thomasine Greenleaf Davis (grandmother)
Democrats, see Jacksonian Democrats
Devlin, Patrick
Dolebar, Sarah
Doolittle, Hiram (Cooper character)
Doolittle, Hiram, Jun. (Stone character)
Doolittle characters, as Yankee types
Dorson, Richard
Dow, Neal
Downing, Maj. Jack
Drake, Sam
Dublin neighborhood, Rochester, N.Y.
Dunlap, William
Dwight, Timothy
Earl, Ralph
Elysian Fields, Hoboken, N.J.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Erie Canal; and Niagara Falls; opening of; and Rochester
factories: in Paterson; in Pawtucket; in Rochester; Stone Mill; and water power; White Mill; Yellow Mill; see also mill worker(s)
falls: see Genesee Falls; Little Falls; Niagara Falls; Passaic Falls; Pawtucket Falls
falls jumping: as an art; as boyhood activity at Pawtucket Falls; as a craft; by Sam Patch at Genesee Falls; by Sam Patch at Niagara Falls; by Sam Patch at Passaic Falls; by Sam Patch at Pawtucket Falls
Farmer’s Almanack
Fashionable Tour
Felton, Abigail, see McIntire, Abigail Felton (grandmother)
Felton, John
Female Charitable Society
Fink, Mike
Finn, Henry
Flaccus, see Ward, Thomas
Forest Garden: citizen resentment toward; and Clinton Bridge; creation; as juxtaposition of nature and art
Forrest, Edwin
Forsyth, William: builds staircase to base of Niagara Falls; as hotelkeeper; off-season Niagara Falls exhibitions
Frankfort neighborhood, Rochester
Franklin, Benjamin
Freeman’s Journal
Fulton, Robert
Genesee Falls: description; differing points of view; first jump by Sam Patch; illustration; Sam Patch visits to; second jump by Sam Patch; sketch from Rochester Gem; as tourist destination; see also Rochester, N.Y.
Genesee River
Gibbons v. Ogden
Goat Island, Niagara Falls
Godwin’s tavern, Paterson
Goodale, Ebenezer
Grant, Ulysses
Graves, Jacob
Green, Duff
Greenleaf, Thomasine, see Patch, Thomasine Greenleaf Davis (grandmother)
Hackett, James
Haliburton, William
Hall, Basil
Hamilton, Alexander
Harvard’s Hasty Pudding Club
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; view of Genesee Falls
Haywood, William
Henry Clay (steamboat)
Herrick, William
Hewitt, J. M.
Hill, George “Yankee”
Hoboken, N.J.: riverside property development; Sam Patch jumps into Hudson River; steam vessel services
Hollenbrook, Hosea
Holt, Joseph
Hopkins, Mark
Howells, William Dean
Hudson, Silas
Hudson River; Sam Patch jumps into
Humphreys, David
Indian Ladder, Niagara Falls
Jackson, Andrew: and Charles C. Brown; followers of; horse named Sam Patch; and Mother Bailey ; portrait of; and Stone; wins presidency
Jacksonian Democrats; and Doolittle characters; viewed as undeserving of popularity; view of Sam Patch; vs. Whigs
Johnson, Andrew
Jones, Emily (niece)
Jones, Mary (niece)
Jones, Mary Patch (sister)
Jones, Sarah Anne (niece)
Judson, Alfred
jumps, see falls jumping; river jumping
Kaln, Peter
Kemble, Fanny
Kendall, Amos
King, Bradford
King, Zachariah
Knickerbocker Magazine
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lake Ontario
Lancashire, England
Langworthy, Andrew Jackson
Latrobe, Benjamin
L’Enfant, Pierre
Little Falls, Passaic River
Livingston, Robert
Lowell, Mass.
Mackenzie, William Lyon
Manchester, England, see Lancashire, England
manufacturing, see factories; mill worker(s)
Marble, Dan
Marblehead, Mass.
Martineau, Harriet
Mathews, Charles
Mathies, J. L. D.
McCleary, Jonathan
McIntire, Abigail, see Patch, Abigail McIntire (mother)
McIntire, Abigail Felton (grandmother)
McIntire, Archelaus, Jr. (uncle)
McIntire, Archelaus, Sr. (grandfather)
McIntire, Deborah (aunt)
McIntire, Mary (aunt)
McIntire, Mehitable (aunt)
McIntire, Nancy Barker
McIntire, Philip (ancestor)
McIntire family; churchgoing traditions; in Reading; ties to Danvers
McKee, Sheriff
Medbury, Joseph
Melville, Herman
Michigan Descent
Milbert, Josiah
mill worker(s); children as; Paterson manufacturers change dinner hour; Sam Patch as; see also factories; mule spinning
Mohawk Valley
Moore, W. P.
Morgan, William
Morris Canal
Mount Auburn Cemetery
mule spinning
New England Palladium
New-York Commercial Advertiser
New York Enquirer
New York Journal of Commerce
New York Statesman
Niagara (steamboat)
Niagara Falls: Biddle stairs; dangers and disasters; in early American history; and Erie Canal; first jump by Sam Patch; Goat Island; Indian Ladder; as landmark on Fashionable Tour; and nationalism; off-season festival in 1827; off-season festival in 1829; Patch’s Point; remembrances of Sam Patch; Sam Patch invited to jump; second jump by Sam Patch; sketch from below; sketch from Table Rock; staircase to base at Table Rock; Table Rock; Terrapin Rocks; as tourist destination; as work of art
Niagara Falls Daredevils Hall of Fame
Niblo’s summer garden
North Ameriean Review
North Reading, Mass., see Reading, Mass.
Oddie, Walter M.
O’Donohue, John
Passaic Falls: description; jumps by Sam Patch; illustration
Passaic River; Little Falls; see also Passaic Falls
Patch, Abigail (Nabby) (sister)
Patch, Abigail McIntire (mother): ancestry; divorce from Greenleaf Patch; as independent woman; marriage to Greenleaf Patch; moves family to Pawtucket; takes over family decision-making
Patch, Andrew (uncle)
Patch, Greenleaf (brother)
Patch, Isaac (brother)
Patch, Isaac (uncle)
Patch, Mary (Molly, Polly) (sister)
Patch, Mayo Greenleaf (father): ancestry; birth; childhood; courtship and marriage; deserts family; divorce; dominance in family affairs; economic benefits of marrying into McIntire family; economic problems and integrity issues; I.O.U. illustration; recollections of granddaughter Emily Jones
Patch, Molly, see Patch, Mary (Molly, Polly) (sister)
Patch, Nabby, see Patch, Abigail (Nabby) (sister)
Patch, Polly, see Patch, Mary (Molly, Polly) (sister)
Patch, Sam (Samuel), daredevil: ancestry; in Buffalo; burial; childhood and youth; city remembrances; and Clinton Bridge; death; death aftermath; descriptions and characteristics; fame after death; as first Niagara Falls daredevil; Fourth of July jumps; as heavy drinker; jump into Hudson River at Hoboken; jump into Niagara River from steamboat Niagara; as jumper at Genesee Falls; as jumper at Niagara Falls; as jumper at Passaic Falls; as jumper at Pawtucket Falls; jumping attire; as mill worker; moves to Paterson; pet black bear; press and public views and accounts; recollections by niece Emily Jones; as showman and celebrity; significance of name; sketch by Walter Oddie; visits to Genesee Falls
Patch, Sam (horse)
Patch, Samuel (brother)
Patch, Samuel (cousin)
Patch, Samuel (great-uncle)
Patch, Samuel (uncle)
Patch, Thomasine Greenleaf Davis (grandmother)
Patch, Timothy, Jr. (grandfather)
Patch family: churchgoing traditions; family history; as mill family; moves to Danvers; moves to Marblehead; moves to Pawtucket; naming of children; in Reading
Paterson, N.J., Independence Day celebrations; as landscape; manufacturers change dinner hour; as manufacturing town; remembrances of Sam Patch; Sam Patch moves to; and Timothy Crane
Paterson Association of Spinners
Paterson Intelligencer
Pawtucket, R.I.: as manufacturing town; Patch family in; remembrances of Sam Patch
Pawtucket Falls: bridge across; description; illustrations; impact of factories; jumping at
Peck, Everard
Peck, Jedediah
Perry, Matthew
Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post
Pioneer (steamboat)
Pioneers, The (novel)
Pluck, John
Poe, Edgar Allan
politics, see Jacksonian Democrats; Whigs
Portland Courier (Maine)
Quincy, Josiah
Reading, Mass.
Redburn (novel)
Reid, Benjamin T.
Reid, William
religion: role in Patch family
river jumping: Sam Patch jumps into Hudson River at Hoboken; Sam Patch jumps into Niagara River from steamboat Niagara
Robinson, John
Rochester, Nathaniel T.
Rochester, N.Y.: as boomtown; Col. Stone’s view; description; Dublin neighborhood; and Erie Canal; first Sam Patch jump at Genesee Falls; Frankfort neighborhood; as landmark on Fashionable Tour; map (1827); as mill town; remembrances of Sam Patch; Sam Patch spends time in; second Sam Patch jump at Genesee Falls; as tourist destination
Rochester Band
Rochester Gem
Rochester Observer
Rochester Recess
Ryerson, Maria
Salem, Mass.
Sam Patch (canal boat)
Sam Patch Nitro Porter
Sam Patch, the Yankee Jumper (play)
Sam’s Gift Patch
Sands, Robert
Sawyer, Porter
Schoolcraft, H. R.
Scott, Sam
Scranton, Edwin
Selkrig, Jerry
Sheridan, Philip
Siamese Twins
Sibley, L. W
Slater, Samuel
Smith, J. R.
Smith, Seba
Society for the Encouragement of Useful Manufactures (SUM)
Sodus, N.Y.
spinning mules, see mule spinning
Stanton, Henry
steam vessels
Stevens, Col. John
Stevens, John Cox
Stone, Col. William Leete: childhood and youth; at Forsyth’s Niagara Falls Pavilion; portrait; reports on Forsyth’s shows; in Rochester; and Rochester Band; role of aesthetics; and staircase at Niagara Falls; views Niagara Falls from Table Rock; visits Genesee Falls; see also New-York Commercial Advertiser
Stone, Suzannah Wayland
Stone Mill (Pawtucket)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strong, Myron
Superior (ship)
Swain, John
Table Rock, Niagara Falls
Tappan, Lewis
Terrapin Rocks, Niagara Falls
textiles: mule spinning; Paterson, as manufacturing town; Pawtucket, as manufacturing town; see also mill worker(s); Slater, Samuel
Their Wedding Journey (novel)
Thomas, Keith
Totman, Caleb
Travels in North America (play)
Trip to Niagara, A (play)
Trollope, Frances
Tuttle, Thomas
United States Democratic Review, The
universal suffrage
Utica, N.Y.
Van Buren, Martin
Walker, William
Ward, Thomas (Flaccus)
water power; see also factories
Wayland, Francis
Webster, Daniel
Weed, Orson
Weed, Thurlow
Weissoon, Capt.
Wenham, Mass.
Weston, Isaac
Weston, James
Whigs; vs. Democrats
White, George S.
White Mill (Pawtucket)
Whitney, Parkhurst
Whitridge, William
Whittlesey, Frederick
Willis, Nathaniel P.; view of Genesee Falls
Wonderful Leaps of Sam Patch, The, (children’s book)
Wright, Fanny
Yankee characters
Yankee in England, The, (play)
Yellow Mill (Pawtucket)
York (Toronto) Colonial Advocate