Abbott, Tony, 281

Aberfan disaster, 264

Abraham, John, 7475, 297, 306

abstinence-only sex education, 126

ACCCE, 262

aerosols, atmospheric, 243

Age of Autism (website), 105, 132

Agin, Dan, 86

AGW denial. See climate change denial

AIDS denial, 70, 12538

Akerman, Piers, 301

Akko, Rabbi Isaac of, 168

Akyol, Mustafa, 165

Alcoholics Anonymous, 144

Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, 95, 286

al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad, 47

“Al Gore’s Army of Penguins,” 273

al-Isfahani, Abu al-Majid Muhammad Rida, 176

Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives, 127

Al Karaouine, University of, 45

All About Radiation (Hubbard et al.), 8081

Allen, Chris, 281

Alliance for Responsible CFC Policy, 217

alternative medicine. See complementary medicine

“Amazongate,” 301

Amazon rainforest, 245, 301

American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 53

American Breeders’ Association, 19899

American Exceptionalism, 190, 198

American Genetic Association, 199, 200,

American Petroleum Institute, 290

amrinone, 71

anal winking, 6465

Anaximander, 148

Andrews, N., 109

Angell, Marcia, 54, 57

Annan, Kofi, 24445, 260

Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy, 290

Answers in Genesis, 15960

anthropic principles, 178

anti-abortion ideology, 102103

antiretroviral therapy, 126

antivaxers, 29, 73, 10524, 127

APCO, 9495, 27071, 272, 305

Aquinas, Thomas, 173

Arafiles, Rolando, 7374

Argument from Design, 173

Aristotle, 148, 173

Ark Encounter, 160

Armstrong, Karen, 45

Arp, Halton, 20

Arrhenius, Svante, 236

arson investigations, 6567

Arthur, Barbara Loe. See Fisher, ­Barbara Loe

Aryan race, 196

Asher, Michael, 299

Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, 259

Asimov, Isaac, 19

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 117

astroturf organizations, 89, 94, 266, 271, 273, 275

Atatürk, Kemal, 166

Atlas of Creation (Yahya), 16465

atman, 170

Australian, The, 279

autism, 73, 102, 10624

Autism Insights, 11819

Avicenna, 4546

Ayala, Francisco J., 150, 256

Ayurvedic herbal medicines, 86

AZT, 127, 13334

Bachmann, Michele, 250

Baer, Karl Ernst von, 151

Baird, Charles, 67

Baliunas, Sallie, 289, 290

Balizet, Carol, 101

Balko, Radley, 68, 69

Ball, Jeffrey, 273

Ball, Tim, 290

Balling, Robert C., Jr., 270, 281, 288

bark beetle, 244

Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, 209

Barnes, Fred, 281

Barnes, Hank, 131

Barr, Richard, 109, 117

Barrett, Stephen, 54, 73

Barton, Joe, 214, 247, 251, 29293

Bastardi, Joe, 281

Baugh, Carl E., 15859

Beck, Coby, 256

Beck, Glenn, 195, 281

Beckwith, Michael Bernard, 143

Beecher, Henry Ward, 210

Beg, Arshad Ali, 47

Behe, Michael, 17475, 176, 177

Beinecke, Frances, 269

Beisner, Calvin, 278

Bell, Alexander Graham, 199

Bell, Thomas, 154

Bellamy, David, 281

Bendectin, 51

Benedict XVI, Pope, 155

Bennis, Warren, 3738

Berger, Carolin, 59

Bergson, Henri, 152

Berk, Lucy de, 6768

Berson, Nancy, 64

Beyler, Craig, 66

Bharatiya Janata Party, 132

Bialy, Harvey, 135

Bickmore, Barry, 295

Biden, Joe, 262

Big Bang theory, 20, 42

Bilim Arastirma Vakfi (BAV), 163, 165, 166

Billings, Josh, 11

Biltz, Mark, 41

biofuels, 266

Birch, Nicolas, 166

Blair, Tony, 108, 302

Blaylock, Russell L., 110

Blind Watchmaker, The (Dawkins), 172, 17374

Bloom, Arnold, 246

Bloor, David, 22

Bob Jones University Press, 40

Bolt, Andrew, 249, 303304

Bolton, Dan, 56

Bondi, Sir Hermann, 20

Bonneville, Hugh, 107

Boob Job, 71

Booker, Christopher, 25253, 280, 300301, 302

Bopal disaster, 263

Bose, Jagadish Chandra, 42, 43

Bose, S. N., 42

Boswell, James, 50

Boyce, Daniel G., 232

Boykoff, Jules M., 279

Boykoff, Maxwell T., 279

Bradley, Raymond S., 250, 252, 292

Brahmagupta, 41

Brainard, Curtis, 227

Brayton, Ed, 261

breast implants, 5459

Brecheen, Josh, 183, 186

Bricmont, Jean, 22, 23

Brigham, Carl C., 201

Brinkley, John R., 132

British Chiropractic Association, 72, 79

Broch, Henri, 30, 81

Broder, Stephen, 205

Brookes, Martin, 196

Brown, Gordon, 229

Brown, James Robert, 17

Brown & Williamson, 9293, 94

Brownback, Sam, 277

Browne, Janet, 208

Brownstein, Ronald, 233

Bryan, William Jennings, 18485, 211

Bucaille, Maurice, 46

Buchanan, Patrick J., 299300

Buck, Carrie, 202203

Buck, Gayle A., 26

Buckey, Peggy Ann, 61

Buckey, Peggy McMartin, 61

Buckey, Ray, 61

Buffon, Comte de, 148

Bunge, Mario, 21, 23

Burbank, Luther, 199

Burgus, Patricia, 63

Burton, Dan, 11114, 124

Bush, George H. W., 240, 258

Bush, George W., 126, 259, 267, 302

Busse, Jason W., 29

Butler Act, 18384, 185

Byrd, Polly, 64

Byrd, Robert, 258

Byrd–Hagel Resolution, 258

Byrne, Rhonda, 140143

CAM. See complementary medicine

Cameron, Kirk, 160

Campaign ExxonMobil, 265

Campbell, James B., 29

Campbell, Rev. William H., 191

Canfield, Jack, 14142

cap-and-trade, 233, 241, 268

carbon intensity, 259

Cargill, Barbara, 34

Carrel, Alexis, 203

Carroll, Sean B., 29

Carson, Rachel, 218

Carter, Jimmy, 32, 240

Castro Hlongwane Document, 136

Catsoulis, Jeanette, 306307

Center for Astrophysics, 28990

CFACT, 296

CFCs, 21617

Chambers, Robert, 149

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 18, 42

Charpak, George, 30, 81

chelation therapy, 115

chemical AIDS, 53

chemical castration, 116

Cheney, Richard, 272

Chernobyl, 262, 263

CHILD, 100

chiropractic, 29

Christie, Chris, 233, 281

Christy, John, 229, 281, 302

“chronic” Lyme disease, 80

Chung, Connie, 56

Churchill, Winston, 202

Cicero, 173

cigarettes. See smoking

Clark, Rev. Nelson Ambrose, 100

Clear Skies Initiative, 257

Cleveland abuse case, 65

climate change denial (AGW denial), 32, 7476, 214, 215, 221307

Climate Denial Crock of the Week: Anthony Watts, 298

Climategate, 28, 24650, 251, 298, 300

Climate Research, 290

Climate Science Rapid Response Team, 303

Climatic Research Unit (CRU), 24650

clinical ecology, 5254

Clinton, Bill, 32

Cloud, David W., 16162

Clyde, Lord, 63

Cockburn, Alexander, 300

cold fusion, 107

Comfort, Ray, 16061

Competitive Enterprise Institute, 273, 290, 304, 289

complementary medicine, 7789, 102

complex specified information (CSI), 177

Condon, Patrick, 246

connective tissue diseases, 55

Conservapedia, 20, 156

contraction-and-convergence, 268

Conway, Erik M., 93, 28687

Cook, John, 256

Cooney, Philip, 272

Cooper, Barry, 273

Cooper, James D., 80

Cope, Edward Drinker, 14849

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 45

Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, 278

Cornwell, John, 190

Cottrell, Terrence, 102

CO2 Science (website), 288

Coulter, Ann, 213, 255

Coulter, Harris, 116

Cox, Brian, 297

Coyne, George V., 156

Cranswick, Noel, 102

Creation care, 277

Creation Evidence Museum, 15859

Creationism, 16, 49, 150, 154, 155, 156, 15770, 171, 179

attempts to make part of school curricula, 165, 174, 18388

Hindu, 16870

Islamic, 16366

Jewish, 16668

Mormon, 16263

Vedic, 170

See also ID

Creation Ministries International, 160

Creation Museum (KY), 159

Creative Evolution, 152

Cremo, Michael, 42, 16970

Crichton, Michael, 135, 304

Crohn’s disease, 106

Cronin, Thomas, 54

Crosby, Jake, 132

Crutzen, Paul, 217


CSPP, 296

CTR, 92

Cuccinelli, Ken, 7576, 281

Cuvier, Georges, 151

Dachel, Anne, 105

D’Agostino, Michelangelo, 181

Daily Mail, 222, 279, 280, 302

Daily Telegraph, 247, 254, 279, 280, 301

D’Aleo, Joe, 281

Darrow, Clarence, 18485

Darwin, Charles, 14748, 151, 153, 16061, 195, 196, 198, 207, 208, 209

demonization of, 18993, 210

Darwin, Erasmus, 149, 195

Darwin, Leonard, 198

Darwin on Trial (Johnson), 17374

Darwin’s Black Box (Behe), 174, 176

Davenport, Charles Benedict, 199, 203

Dawkins, Richard, 156, 165, 172, 17374

Dawn Man, 153

DDT, 21819

Dean, Carolyn, 83

Death by Medicine (Null & Feldman), 83, 100

Debendox, 51

de Berk, Lucy. See Berk, Lucy de

Deen, Braswell, Jr., 189

Deepwater Horizon, 21314, 215, 293

Deer, Brian, 10810, 111

de Freitas, Chris. See Freitas, Chris de

Delingpole, James, 247, 281

Deltoid (blog), 25556, 293, 302

Dembski, William, 177, 181

dengue fever, 243

Dennison, Norman, 229

Desmond, Adrian, 193

Dessler, Andrew, 293

Devine, Miranda, 269

de Vries, Hugo. See Vries, Hugo de

Dhillon, Amrit, 254

Diamond, Jared, 235

diazepam, 82

Dickens, Charles, 51

Diderot, Denis, 37

Diesel, Rudolf, 266

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (1994), 8586

Dinosaur Adventure Land, 159

Dioscorides, 45

diphtheria vaccination, 123

Discovery Institute, 31, 155, 180, 181, 185, 187

djinns, 48

Dlugolecki, Andrew, 239

Doctor’s Data, 73

Dodd, Chris, 124

Doerr, John, 239

Douglass, David H., 294

Dow Corning, 5458

Dowson, Andrew, 71

Dreamhealer, Adam, 8788

Drown, Ruth, 132

Duesberg, Peter, 12930, 135

Dugdale, Richard L., 204

Dunlap, Riley E., 280

Dunning, David, 14

Dunning–Kruger effect, 14, 33

DuPont, 217

Dyer, Gwynne, 23839

Dyson, Freeman J., 282

Eady, Justice, 72

Ebell, Myron, 272

Ecklund, Elaine Howard, 17

Eddington, Sir Arthur, 18

Edis, Taner, 38, 48

Ehrlich, Paul, 28

Einstein, Albert, 11, 22, 158

Emerson, Jo Ann, 290

Empedocles, 148, 151

entropy, 158

ephedra, 112

Ephedra Education Council, 112

Eriksson, Anders, 71

Ernst, Edzard, 72, 120

Ernst, Robert, 99

Eshel, Gidon, 268

Estabrook, Arthur H., 204

estuary dead zones, 215

eugenics, 195205

Eugenics Education Society, 198

Eugenics Record Office (US), 199200, 204

Eugenics Records Office (UK), 198

Eugenics Research Association, 199

Eugenics Society (UK), 198

euthenics, 195

Evans, Marie, 97

Evolution (TV series), 187

extreme weather events, 22134

ExxonMobil, 239, 252, 265, 27172, 273, 274, 278, 284, 288, 289, 290, 296, 301

ExxonSecrets, 270, 274

Facchini, Fiorenzo, 155

Fairlie, Jim, 64

Fairlie, Katrina, 64

faith healing, 100

Faith Tabernacle Congregation (Philadelphia), 100

Faith Temple Church (Milwaukee), 102

Falwell, Jerry, 40

Fashionable Nonsense (Sokal & Bricmont), 22

Fauci, Anthony S., 126, 130

Feder, Henry M., Jr., 80

fee-and-dividend, 268

Feldman, Martin, 83, 100

Fellowship, The, 101

Ferguson, Robert, 296

Fields, Jack, 296

Figured, Patrick, 6465

First Century Gospel Church (Philadelphia), 99100

Fisher, Barbara Loe, 11516

Fisher, Joseph, 207

Flood, 158, 159

fluoridation, 84

Fogg, Douglas, 65, 66

Fonolleras, Lou, 60

forensic odontology, 68

forensics, dubious, 6770

formaldehyde, 118

Forman, Paul, 2223

Foster, Peg, 60

Foster, Vince, 111

Foundation Center for Science and Public Policy, 289

Fourier, Joseph, 23536

FOX News, 248, 261, 272, 273, 279, 297

Francis Galton Laboratory of National Eugenics, 198

Frankfurt, Harry G., 2627

Fraser, Lorraine, 107

Fraser Institute, 288, 304

Freeman, Mark, 280

free nicotine, 9293

Freitas, Chris de, 290

Friel, Howard, 306, 307

Friends of Science, 273, 304

Frontiers of Freedom Institute, 296

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, 26263

Future Shock (Toffler), 19

Gabriel, Sherine, 57

Galileo, 18

Galle, Vicki, 7374

Galton, Francis, 19597, 198

Galton Institute, 198

Galton Society, 200

garbage power, 267

Gardner, Jim, 159

Gates, Bill, 307

Gauvreau, Emile, 99

Ge Quansheng, 231

Geier, Mark and David, 11617

Gelbspan, Ross, 235, 278, 282, 288

Generation Rescue, 115, 116

geoengineering, 307

George C. Marshall Institute, 252, 272, 28485, 289, 304

George Mason University, 252

Geren, Peter, 95

Gerow, Frank, 54

Ghose, Aurobindo, 169

Ghosh, Pallab, 72

Giebelhaus, Quinna Lamb, 100101

Gingrich, Newt, 32

Giraldo, Roberto, 132, 135

Gish, Duane, 74, 157

Gish Gallop, 74

Glacier National Park, 238

Glad, John, 205

Global Climate Coalition, 278, 272

Global Warming and Ozone Hole Controversies (Seitz), 285

global warming denial. See climate change denial

Global Warming Policy Foundation, 303, 304

global weirding, 221

Goddard, Henry H., 205

Goldacre, Ben, 7071, 8384, 13334, 138

Goldberg, Tony, 125

Gore, Al, 26, 25556, 261

Gosling, David L., 43

Gosse, Philip Henry, 15152

Graham, Robert Klark, 205

Grandia, Kevin, 298

Grann, David, 66

Grant, Edward, 45

Grant, Madison, 200, 202, 203

Gray, Asa, 171

greenhouse effect, 23536

runaway, 237, 298

Greening Earth Society, 245

Greening of Planet Earth, The (propaganda video), 245, 288

Greenpeace, 214, 272, 274, 288

greenwashing, 257

Gross, Paul R., 21

Grossmann, Marcel, 11

Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, 129

Gülen, Fethullah, 48

Gwala, Zeblon, 132

Gwaradzimba, Fadzai, 133

Hagee, Matthew, 39

Hagel, Chuck, 258

Hagelin, John, 142

Haldane, J. B. S., 153

Haley, Boyd, 114

Halsey, Robert, 65

Ham, Ken, 160

Handley, J. B., 115, 116

Hannibal, 255

Hansen, James, 23738, 254, 262, 268, 282

Harakeh, S., 134

Hare Krishna movement, 169, 170

Harland, Richard, 129

Harper, Stephen, 273

Harrabin, Roger, 299

Harriman, Edward Henry, 200

Harriman, Mary, 200

Harris, Tom, 305

Hartzler, Vicky, 257

Hatch, Orrin, 86

Haught, John F., 18081

Hays, Willet M., 198

healthcare reform, 4041, 195, 275

Hear the Silence (TV movie), 107

Heartland Institute, 253, 288, 296, 297, 304

Heaven and Earth (Plimer), 28384

Heck, Peter, 281

Heckert, Richard E., 217

Heisenberg, Werner, 23

herd immunity, 108, 122

Hereditary Genius (Galton), 197

heredity, 151, 153, 154, 195, 196, 199

Herschel, Sir John, 171

Hersh, Nancy, 5556

Hertzberg, Martin, 300

Hickman, Leo, 24849

Hicks, Esther, 142

Higher Superstition (Gross & Levitt), 21

Hill, Baron, 229

Hill, John, 91

Himmler, Heinrich, 190, 198

Hindutva, 42

Hitchens, Christopher, 156

Hitchens, Peter, 236, 281

Hitler, Adolf, 190, 198, 200, 203

HIV. See AIDS denial

HIV testing, 128

Hobbs, Jerry, 69

Hockey Stick graph, 249, 25051, 305

Hodge, Charles, 172

Hofstadter, Richard, 207

Hoggan, James, 21718, 257

Holford, Patrick, 119, 133

Holmes, Judge Oliver Wendell, 203

Holmes, Richard, 150

homeopathic alternatives to vaccination, 11920

Hoodbhoy, Pervez, 44, 4748

Hoover Institution, 289

Hopkins, Mariann, 56

Horner, Christopher, 273

Houghton, Sir John, 301

Houssiere, Charles E., 57

Hovind, Kent, 159, 160

Howard, John, 259

Hubbard, L. Ron, 8081, 295

Huckabee, Mike, 277

Hughes, Malcolm K., 250, 292

Humphrey, Hubert H., III, 63

Hunt, Linda, 103

Huntington, Samuel P., 2324

Hurley, Dan, 112

Hussein, Saddam, 302

Huxley, Julian, 152, 153

Huxley, T. H., 19293, 208

Ibn Sina, 4546

ICE, 270

ICSC, 27374

ID (Intelligent Design), 31, 49, 151, 154, 155, 165, 17181, 18586, 195, 300

Idso, Craig D., 28889

Idso, Keith E., 288, 289

Idso, Sherwood B., 270, 288

Ignarro, Louis J., 19


Imus, Don, 114

Inconvenient Truth, An (Gore), 255, 273, 305

Ingram, Paul R., 62

Inhofe, James, 247, 256, 29092

Injeyan, H. Stephen, 29

Innocence Project, 66, 69

Institute for Biospheric Research, 288

Institute for Optimum Nutrition, 119, 133

Institute of Creation Research Graduate School, 188

Intelligent Design. See ID

Intelligent Design (Jewish concept), 167

Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center, 187

Interfaith Stewardship Alliance, 27778, 304

IPCC Assessment Reports, 28, 252

(2001), 251

(2007), 223, 238, 241, 294, 300, 301

IQ, 201

Iqbal, Muzaffar, 46

Irigaray, Luce, 22

irreducible complexity, 173, 174

Isaac of Akko, Rabbi. See Akko, Rabbi Isaac of

Issa, Darrell, 233

JABS, 109

Jacques, Peter J., 280

James, William, 210

Jammeh, Yahya, 133

Jariwalla, R. J., 134

Jarvis, Katie, 120

Jastrow, Robert, 281, 284

Jefferson, Thomas, 34

Jeffreys, Kent, 95, 286

Jepson, Bryan, 119

Jindal, Bobby, 32

John Birch Society, 84

John Deutsch Institute, 304

John Paul II, Pope, 155, 161

Johnson, Harrison, 101

Johnson, Pamela Jean, 56

Johnson, Phillip, 171, 17374, 180, 181

Johnson, Samuel, 50

Johnson–Reed Act, 202

Johnston, Margaret I., 126

Jones, Claude, 69

Jones, Judge John E., III, 18586

Jones, Phil, 246, 247, 248, 250

Jones, Tony, 284

Jordan, David Starr, 199

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 79, 117

Jukes family, 204, 272

Kalichman, Seth, 30, 129

Kallikak family, 204, 205

Kammerer, Paul, 149

Karadzič, Radovan, 139

Katz, Jonathan I., 281

Kelbie, David, 63

Kellogg, Vernon L., 199

Kelvin, Lord, 1819

Kence, Aykut, 166

Kennedy, John F., 26

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 114

Kerry, John, 124, 181

Kessler, David, 5455

Kessler, Judge Gladys, 97

Keysar, Ariela, 17

Kilimanjaro, Mt., 238

Kilmeade, Brian, 189

King, Sir David, 246

Kingsley, Charles, 152

Kirshenbaum, Sheril, 13

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, 174, 18586

Koblitz, Neal, 23

Koch brothers, Koch Industries, 84, 250, 27476, 288

Kornegay, Horace R., 93

Kosmin, Barry A., 17

Krahn, Donna Marie, 63

Krigsman, Arthur, 11819

Kropotkin, Peter, 209

Kruger, Justin, 14

Kyoto Protocol, 258, 259, 260

Lacan, Jacques, 22

Lacerda, Francisco, 71

Laden, Osama bin, 26061

Laetrile, 11112

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de, 148

Lamarckism, 14849, 151, 152, 169, 208

Lambert, Tim, 252, 25556, 293, 302

Lancaster, Justin, 287

Latif, Mojib, 222

Latour, Bruno, 22

Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 200

Lawrence, Jerome, 185

Lawrimore, Jay, 227

Lawson, Nigel, 281

Leake, Jonathan, 253, 279, 301302

Leck, Nigel, 309

Lee, Brock, 189

Lee, Robert Edwin, 185

Leeming, David A., 162

Lefkowitz, Mary, 2425

Legacy Tobacco Documents Library, 92

Legates, David R., 278, 290

Leibniz, Gottfried, 18

Leo, Terri, 34

Le Quéré, Corinne, 257

Lerner, Eric, 20

Levin, Mark R., 281

Levitt, Norman, 21

Lewis, Gerald Wayne, 67

Lewis, Marlon R., 232

Libel Reform Campaign, 73

Lieberman, Edwin, 100

Lieberman, Joe, 124

Lim, Alissa, 102

Limbaugh, Rush, 41, 125, 214, 281

Lindberg, Dennis, 101

Lindzen, Richard, 282

Lippmann, Walter, 201

Lipstadt, Deborah E., 27

Little Ice Age, 255, 290

Littlemore, Richard, 21718, 257

Livingstone, Ken, 108

Loch Ness Monster, 159

locusts, plagues of, 23031

Lomborg, Bjørn, 305307

Lomborg Deception, The (Friel), 306, 307

Lomborg-Errors (website), 306

Lorillard Tobacco, 97

Loughner, Jared, 1213

Lovejoy, Thomas, 306

Lovelock, James, 262

Lowe, Gail, 33

Lucretius, 148

Lundman, Ian, 100101

Luntz, Frank, 259

Lupron, 116

Lykoudis, John, 18

Lyme disease, 244

“chronic,” 80

Lysenko, Trofim D., 149, 190

Macfadden, Bernarr, 99, 102

MacKenzie, Rev. Morris, 63

Mackey, John, 281

Maggiore, Christine Joy, 12728

magical thinking, 140, 214

Maher, Bill, 106

Mahlum, Charlotte, 58

Mahmood, S. Bashiruddin, 48

malaria, 21819, 243

Mandia, Scott, 24950

Mann, Michael E., 7576, 249, 250, 290, 292, 303, 305

Marshall, Barry, 18

Marshall Institute. See George C. Marshall Institute

Martin, Bill, 33

Martin, Pamela A., 268

Marx, Karl, 208

Mashey, John, 252

Mayer, Jane, 274

Mbeki, Thabo, 126, 12829, 132, 13538

McArdle, Sara, 60

McCain, John, 29496

McCarthy, Jenny, 11011, 118, 124

McCoy, Alfred, 16

McIntyre, Steve, 246, 25152, 304305

McKitrick, Ross, 246, 25152, 278, 302, 304305

McLeroy, Don, 13, 33, 34, 186

McMartin, Virginia, 61

McMartin Pre-School case, 61

MCS, 53

measles vaccination, 12223

Media Matters for America, 273, 279

Medieval Warm Period, 255, 303

Medvedev, President Dmitry, 227

Megson, Mary, 113

Mehmud, Salim, 47

Melbourne Herald Sun, 303

Mencimer, Stephanie, 117

Mencken, H. L., 185

Mendel, Gregor, 151, 153, 154

Mendick, Robert, 254

Mercer, John H., 242

Merchants of Doubt (Oreskes & Conway), 28687

methodological naturalism, 31

Meyer, Judge John, 101

Mica, John, 95

Michaels, Margaret Kelly, 5961

Michaels, Patrick J., 270, 281

Miller, Judith, 302

Miller, Kathy, 3334

Miller, Stephen L., 262

Millî Degerleri Koruma Vakfi, 163

Milloy, Steven J., 90, 272

Mills, Terry, 302

Milne, Jonathan, 301

Minnery, Tom, 278

Mitchell, Anne, 7374

Mitchell, Edgar, 87

mitochondrial disorders, 118

Mitroff, Ian, 3738

Mjoen, Jon Alfred, 202

MMR vaccine, 10624 passim

Molina, Mario, 217

Monbiot, George, 239, 268, 28384, 287, 294, 303

Monboddo, Lord, 149

Monckton, Christopher, 50, 7475, 134, 135, 196, 255, 29397, 298, 306

Montagnier, Luc, 19

Montford, Andrew, 281

Montreal Protocol, 21617

Mooney, Chris, 13, 3132, 292, 299

Moore, James, 193

Morano, Marc, 281

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 195

Morris, Henry, 15758

Mosher, Steve, 246

Mound People, 25

MRSA, 8384

Muller, Richard A., 305

multiverse hypothesis, 179

Murch, Simon, 107

Murdoch, Rupert, 272, 27879, 301, 303

Murkowski, Frank, 86

mutationism, 153

Muttalib, Mohammed, 47

Nabel, Gary J., 126

Nader, Ralph, 55

Nalliah, Pastor Daniel, 231

Nanda, Meera, 24, 42, 43, 132, 169

Narlikar, J. V., 42

National Association of Evangelicals, 277

National Center for Public Policy Research, 289

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (1986), 11516

National Vaccine Information Center, 11516

natural selection, 50, 148, 15051, 152, 153, 15455, 171, 174

Natural Theology (Paley), 17274

Nemesysco, 71

Nepstad, Dan, 301

Neumann, Madeline, 101

Newsmax, 7879, 110

Newton, Sir Isaac, 18, 173

Nield, Dalia, 71

Nierenberg, William, 281, 284

Nixon, Richard, 32

NMT Medical, 7172

Noel, Mike, 222

Nordau, Max, 190

Norman, Brett, 240

North, Gerald, 251

North, Richard, 25253, 281, 301, 302

Nova, Joanne, 241, 281, 303

nuclear power, 26264

Nugent, Ted, 281

Null, Gary, 83, 100

Obama, Barack, 15, 26, 33, 44, 117, 214, 261, 262, 296

Objectivism, 209

oceans, poisoning of, 214

O’Donnell, Christine, 162

Offit, Paul, 102, 116

Oktar, Adnan, 16365

Olmsted, Bishop Thomas, 103

Omphalos (Gosse), 15152

Orac, 13132

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, 117, 285

Oregon Petition, 285

O’Reilly, Bill, 25, 248

Oreskes, Naomi, 93, 241, 280, 28687

Origin of Species (Darwin), 11, 14850, 16061, 171, 172, 190, 192, 195, 208

Orkney abuse case, 6263

Ormerod, Neil, 180

orthogenesis, 153

Orwell, George, 210

Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 15253, 199

Overpeck, Jonathan, 260

Owen, Sir Richard, 151

Oxburgh, Ron, 248, 249

ozone layer, 32, 21618, 285

Pachauri, Rajendra, 25254, 301

Padian, Nancy, 131

Paley, William, 17274, 175

Palin, Sarah, 235, 281

pangenesis, 151

Papadimitriou, John, 128

Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Eleni, 128, 135

Park, Robert L., 16, 8788

Pasteur, Louis, 18

Pauling, Linus, 19, 134

Peale, Norman Vincent, 143

Pearson, Karl, 198

Peay, Austin, 183

Peiser, Benny, 281

Pell, John, 41

Pelosi, Nancy, 233

Perakh, Mark, 167

Perkins, Tony, 278

Perry, Governor Rick, 6667

Personal Liberty Digest, 78

Perth Group, 128

Peters, Shawn Francis, 102

Peterson, John E., 296

Philip Morris, 94, 95, 97, 27071

Phillips, Melanie, 280

phytoplankton, decline of oceanic, 232

Pielke, Roger A., Jr., 281

Pielke, Roger A., Sr., 253, 281, 295

Pinatubo, Mt., 243

pine caterpillar, 22324

Pius XII, Pope, 155

placebo effect, 77, 8183, 110, 297

Plato, 43, 195

Plimer, Ian, 28384

Ploetz, Alfred, 197

Plotz, David, 205

polio vaccine, 12122, 131

polygeny, 153

Popenoe, Paul, 201

Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 28

postmodernism, 2124, 4243, 50

Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale), 143

Prawngate, 75

Pray at the Pump, 140

prayer power, 100, 101, 140

Preadamism, 19192

Press, Bill, 31

Principles of Geology (Lyell), 11

Prindle, David, 16

Pringle, Heather, 190

Prison Planet (website), 253

Proctor, Bob, 141, 142

provoked urine testing, 73

Prusiner, Stanley B., 94

quack medicine. See complementary medicine

Quackwatch (website), 54, 73

“quantum holography,” 87

quantum theory, 23

Quéré, Corinne Le. See Le Quéré, Corinne

Qushji, Ali, 45

Raese, John, 281

Rajput, Safdar Jang, 48

Ramachandran, G. N., 42

Raman, C. V., 42

Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 42

Rand, Ayn, 209

Randolph, Theron, 5253

Rasio, Debora, 83

Rasnick, David, 12829, 135

Rath, Matthias, 7071, 137

Raymond, Lee, 265

Reagan, Ronald, 31, 32, 125, 240, 284

Recovered Memory Syndrome, 5965

Redoubt, Mt., 32

Rees, Martin, 178

Regalado, Antonio, 273

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 233

Reid, Harry, 86

Relativity, 22, 47, 91, 167, 168

religious denial of science, 3750

Christian, 3941 passim

Hindu, 4143

Muslim, 4449

Renzi, Rick, 296

Repository for Germinal Choice, 205

repressed memories. See Recovered Memory Syndrome

Research Review of Global Warming Evidence (Robinson), 285

Resisting the Green Dragon (video series), 278

Respectful Insolence (blog), 77

Revelle, Roger, 287

Roberts, Robert, 74

Robertson, Pat, 40, 41

Robertson, Stephen, 69

Robinson, Arthur B., 285

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 207

Rodial Ltd., 71

Rohrabacher, Dana, 281

Romm, Joseph, 298

Roosevelt, Theodore, 200

Rosa, Emily, 88

Rose, David, 302303

Rowland, Frank, 217

Roy, P. C., 42

Rubin, Daniel, 77

Rudd, Kevin, 231

Russell, Bertrand, 40

Ryland, Mark, 155

Sabin, Albert, 122

Saha, Meghnad, 42

St. Clair, Jeffrey, 300

St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, 102103

Salam, Abdus, 44

Salerno, Steve, 144

Salk, Jonas, 121

Salmon, Jeffrey, 272

Sammon, Bill, 279

Sangh Parivar, 4243

Sardar, Ziauddin, 49

Satanic abuse, 6264

Scarborough, Joe, 114

Schaible, Kent, 99100

Schirmer, David, 142

Schlafly, Andrew, 117

Schlafly, Phyllis, 33, 117

Schlesinger, William, 245

Schmidt, Casper, 128

Schmidt, Katja, 120

Schönborn, Cardinal Christoph, 155

Schroeder, Gerald L., 16768

Schwartz, Jeff, 115

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 233

Science and Public Policy Institute, 253

ScienceDebate2008, 33

Science Wars, 2024

Scientific Alliance, 289

Scopes, John T., 18485

Scopes Trial, 18385

SDI. See Strategic Defense Initiative

Searcey, Dionne, 273

Secret, The (Byrne), 140143, 145

Seitz, Frederick, 93, 28486

Selden, Steven, 204

self-help movement, 13945

Semmelweiss, Ignatz, 18

Sensenbrenner, James F., Jr., 233

SEPP, 284, 287

Shanks, Niall, 157, 177, 180

Shapiro, David, 30

Shaw, George Bernard, 152

Shekarau, Ibrahim, 122

Shimkus, John, 234

Shockley, William, 205

Shorto, Russell, 3334

Shulman, Seth, 31

Silent Spring (Carson), 218

Silverman, David, 25

Sinclair, Peter, 298

Singer, Peter, 211

Singer, S. Fred, 95, 270, 275, 28688, 288

Singh, Simon, 72

Singham, Mano, 171

SIV, 131

Skeptical Environmentalist, The (Lomborg), 305306

smallpox vaccination, 123

Smith, Arthur, 74

Smith, Dorothy, 83

Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory, 290

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 276

smoking, 8998

snake oil, 8485

social constructivism, 21

Social Darwinism, 191, 20711

Sokal, Alan, 2122, 23

solar output, variations in, 254

solar power, 26465

Soon, Willie, 28990, 296

Sortland, Kaare, 65

South, Michael, 102

Specter, Michael, 128

Spencer, Herbert, 208, 20910

Spencer, Roy W., 278, 281

SPPI, 294, 296

Sripati, 41

Stagliano, Kim, 105

Stalin, Josef, 190

Stanley, Clark, 85

STARFlex, 7172

“Star Wars.” See Strategic Defense ­Initiative

Steady State theory, 42

sterilization campaigns, 200, 202203

Sterling–Winthrop, 71

Stern, Maria, 5556

Stockholm Convention, 219

Stoddard, Lothrop, 200

Stoll, John, 6162

Stossel, John, 281

Stott, Carol Mary, 119

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 31, 32, 284

Striffler, Steve, 13

Stringer, Graham, 281

Strobel, Lee, 183

Strong, Augustus Hopkins, 154

Strong Programme, 22

Sumner, William Graham, 210

Sunday Telegraph, 253

Sunday Times, 253, 279, 301302

Supersonic Transport Program, 32

Swanwick, Michael, 157

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 181

Taibbi, Matt, 39

TASSC, 95, 271, 272, 284

Taylor, Greg, 69

Tea Party, 210, 229

Tech Central Science Foundation, 290

Tech Central Station, 289

Tennyson, Alfred, 149

Terman, Lewis H., 201

Terry, Luther, 91

Texas State Board of Education, 13, 3335, 186

Thalidomide, 5152

Thimerosal, 105, 11213, 11415, 116, 124

Thomas, Colleen, 147

Thompson, Damian, 155

Thompson, Lowell, 67

Thompson, Richard L., 42, 16970

Thoughtful House Center for Children, 118

Three Mile Island, 262

Tidwell, Scott, 7374

Tierney, John, 281

Tiller, George, 248

Times (London), 279

Timoner, Ondi, 306

Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 19

TIRC, 91, 92

tobacco. See smoking

Toffler, Alvin, 19

Tshabalala-Msimang, Manto, 136, 137

Turner, Valendar, 128

Twain, Mark, 11

Tyndall, John, 236

UKIP, 29697

Union of Concerned Scientists, 304

Upton, Janet, 228

vaccination, 29, 105, 11920, 12122, 123, 131

See also antivaxers; MMR vaccine

VAERS, 11617

Vaillant, George, 144

Vales Lake Publishing, 288

Valium, 82

Van Allen, James, 53

Vapositori, The, 122

Vasquez, Manuel, 65, 66

Venus syndrome, 23738, 298

Vestiges of the Natural History of ­Creation (Chambers), 149

Virodene, 137

Visser, Olga, 137

Visser, “Zigi,” 137

Vivekananda, 16869

Vogt, Carl/Karl, 192

Vries, Hugo de, 153

Wakefield, Andrew, 106107, 108110, 11112, 113, 118, 119

Waldenberger, George, 292

Walker-Smith, John, 109

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 154

Wallace, Amy, 116

Ward, Lester, 197, 208

Warren, Robin, 18

Washington Legal Foundation, 290

Wattles, Wallace D., 143

Watts, Anthony, 246, 29798, 302

Watts Up with That? (blog), 75, 253, 24748, 298

Waxman, Henry, 11314

Webb, George E., 31

Wedge Document, 31, 180, 181

Wee Care Nursery case, 5961

Wegener, Alfred, 18

Wegman, Edward, 25152

Wegman report, 292

Wells, H. G., 184

Western Fuels Association, 245

Whitehouse, David, 281

Whitfield, Ed, 251

Wicker, Christine, 8687, 13940

Wigner, Eugene, 284

Wikileaks, 250

Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, 193

Will, George F., 29899

Williams, Kathi, 115

Williamson, Mary, 99

Willingham, Cameron Todd, 6567, 69

Wilmshurst, Peter, 7172

Wilson, Colin, 86

Wilson, Karen, 90

Winchell, Alexander, 19192

wind power, 266

Winfrey, Oprah, 140

Winickoff, Jonathan P., 90

Wishart, Ian, 281

Wolfe, Nathan D., 125

Wood, Orlando, 13

World Climate Report, 289

WorldNetDaily, 78, 160, 300

Worm, Boris, 232

Wott’s Up With That? (blog), 298

Wright, Lawrence, 62

Yahya, Harun. See Oktar, Adnan

Yavas, Tarkan, 166

Yellowlees, Alex, 64

You Bet Your Life (blog), 131

Young, Don, 21314

Zewail, Ahmed, 44

Ziadat, Adel A., 211

Zimov, Sergey, 267