
Jill phoned later that Friday morning to ask if the move had gone well and I said it had. She knew that, as when previous foster children had left us, I would be taking a couple of weeks off from fostering so that I could spend time with Adrian and Paula, which would allow the three of us space to come to terms with losing Harrison. When a foster child, who has been part of the family for a long time, leaves it is like a small bereavement from which it takes time to recover. This is true not only for the immediate family but also for grandparents, extended family and close friends, all of whom have welcomed the child as family and then have to adjust to losing them.

The days immediately following Harrison’s departure were strange and unsettling. While Adrian, Paula and I obviously knew Harrison was no longer in the house we still had the feeling that if we went into the right room we would see him crawling across the floor, playing with his toys or just sitting, chattering his baby talk. It seemed unnatural that he wasn’t somewhere in the house. I often caught Adrian and Paula looking at the photographs of Harrison on the mantelpiece and on the wall in the sitting room, as indeed I did, when we were supposed to be watching television or reading a book. Paula asked many times if I thought Harry was happy and I said I was sure he was, while Adrian predictably went quiet when Harrison was mentioned. I hoped seeing Harrison the following Saturday settled with his mother would help us to let go and move on.

I left the decision as to whether or not Adrian and Paula came with me to see Harrison to them, but I was pleased when they both said they would come, for I was sure it was what they needed. We dressed smartly for our visit, as there was a sense of occasion, although we were also a little apprehensive.

However, when Rihanna answered the front door our reserve immediately vanished.

‘Look at Harry!’ Paula exclaimed. Instead of being carried to the door as had happened previously Harrison was now holding his mother’s hand and standing beside her.

‘Wow!’ Adrian said. ‘He’s walking.’

‘Yes, he’s toddling everywhere now,’ Rihanna said excitedly.

‘Fantastic,’ I said. I was so pleased he’d saved this developmental milestone for his mother.

We followed Harrison and his mother into their flat, where Rihanna made us a drink and set a plate of homemade pastries on the table, which were delicious. Then while Adrian and Paula played with Harrison, Rihanna told me about her week. She said Cheryl had made an unannounced visit on Wednesday but it had gone well and she hadn’t been as anxious as she’d thought she would be. Cheryl had told her she was doing well, and that she’d make two more visits and then write her final report, and that would be the end of the social services’ involvement. Rihanna also told me that her parents had visited during the week but that her sister was still angry and had refused to come.

‘It’s up to her,’ Rihanna said, with a small shrug. ‘I hope she changes her mind but I can’t force her.’ So I guessed Rihanna had had to come to terms with possibly losing forever the close relationship she’d previously enjoyed with her sister, which was sad. Rihanna also said she’d telephoned Harrison’s father, Jacob, and was meeting him the following week, when she was going to tell him about Harrison. Rihanna said she knew it was going to be a very difficult conversation and that Jacob had the right to be upset and angry. She was going to suggest he saw Harrison now her family no longer posed the threat it had, but it would obviously be Jacob’s decision.

An hour passed easily and at the end of the hour I said we should be going. Adrian and Paula would have liked to have stayed longer, and Harrison was appreciating the attention, but Cheryl had stipulated an hour for our visit, which is usually considered an appropriate time for this type of post-move get-together; longer could be unsettling for the child. Rihanna said she would stay in touch with us; then she took Harrison’s hand, and they walked with us to the outer door, where they waved us off. In the car going home Paula and Adrian talked easily about Harrison and I could see our visit had reassured them that he was happy and well settled.


Once a child has left a foster carer the child’s family decides if they stay in contact with the foster family. Foster carers are not supposed to initiate contact, for example by phoning, much as they’d like to, as it could be seen to be intrusive and unsettling for the child. Two months after Harrison had left us it was his first birthday and, having not heard from Rihanna in the interim, I sent a birthday card in the post. A week after his birthday I received a short but pleasant letter from Rihanna thanking me for the card, saying Harrison was fine, and hoping we were all well and enjoying the summer. She’d enclosed two photographs of Harrison’s first birthday, which showed Harrison sitting on her lap and grinning in front of a large birthday cake in the shape of the figure one.

That was in July, and I didn’t hear any more from Rihanna until Christmas. I’d sent Rihanna and Harrison a Christmas card, and one of the cards I subsequently opened was from Rihanna. It contained another short but pleasant letter and two more photographs of Harrison. In the letter Rihanna apologized for not writing sooner but said time seemed to have ‘slipped away’, which I fully appreciated. She said she was looking forward to Harrison’s first Christmas with her and they would be spending Christmas Day at her parents’. She didn’t mention her sister but did say that Harrison was seeing his father. The photographs showed Harrison, a sturdy and very handsome little chap aged eighteen months, eating dinner at home and also sitting in a swing in a park.

I didn’t see Rihanna or Harrison again, although for the next three years Rihanna sent photographs of Harrison with a short letter twice a year: in July, just after Harrison’s birthday, and at Christmas. I too sent Christmas and birthday cards, although I didn’t know if Rihanna ever showed them to Harrison or indeed if he knew of our existence. In her letters Rihanna told me she’d returned to work, part time to begin with, and then extended her hours when Harrison started school. Then just after Harrison’s sixth birthday Rihanna wrote to say she’d accepted a post in a hospital in another city and they would be moving – to rented accommodation at first while she found somewhere to buy. She said she’d let me know her new address and that Harrison was doing well at school and had a good relationship with his father. She enclosed a school photograph of Harrison, in which he looked very smart in his school uniform. I wrote back thanking her for the photograph, and saying I hoped the move went well, but I didn’t hear any more.

So, as with other children we’ve fostered who haven’t kept in touch, we rely on the pleasure we gain from looking at the photographs in our albums, when we remember Harrison fondly and with much love.


For the latest update on Harrison and also Ellie, please visit www.cathyglass.co.uk