The beginning of the Wolfes and the Gems…

Chapter One


When I was fourteen years old, I tried to kill my father.

The stunt had cost me my freedom. I’d have gladly spent the rest of my life imprisoned as the love slave of a Greek battalion had I been successful. But to be put through hell when the bastard was still alive? So not worth it.

Military school. Not just any military school, but a private academy where millionaires sent their troubled kids to be beaten down, where the rules were that there were no rules. Where survival of the fittest was no longer reserved for the animal kingdom.

I survived.

I grew stronger living through the hell that was Buffington Academy. Secluded in the Adirondacks, the school was home to the most spoiled young men in the world…and the most troubled. After two weeks, I knew I didn’t belong there, but I spent four years in that hellhole.

Those years made me wish for juvie.

But no, my parents didn’t turn me in. Instead…Buffington.

I spent those years plotting my father’s demise, but of course by the time I turned eighteen and released myself, I knew better. I’d learned my lesson. My father wasn’t worth it. Trying to take him out had cost me four years of my life.

Even so, I dreamed of his death. It was no less than he deserved.

But when it finally happened, I was totally unprepared.

“Dad’s dead,” my brother Reid said into the phone when I answered.

I froze, as if ice water had replaced the blood in my veins.

“Did you hear me?”

“Yeah. Yeah. What happened?”

“We’re not sure yet. But I have to ask you, bro…”


“Were you anywhere near Dad’s penthouse last night?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Someone shot him in the head in the penthouse.”

I couldn’t help a chuckle. Most guys might freak out hearing this kind of news. Not me. The bastard had it coming.

“They’re going to get in touch with you,” Reid continued.

“I’m at my cabin, Reid. And by the way, you don’t sound too broken up.”

“None of us are. He was a bastard. That’s public knowledge.”

“So why the interrogation? There’re a thousand people who probably wanted him dead.”

“True, but Dad sent you away when you were so young. The cops are going to think you might be getting back at him.”

“Don’t you think I’d have done something before now?”

“Whatever, man. Still, Riley, Roy, and I need to know. Did this in any way involve you?”

“I just told you. I’m home.”

“You could have hired it out.”

Seriously? I’d been a model citizen since I left Buffington—well, maybe not model in the sense of perfect, since I’d been arrested in a biker brawl once, but I hadn’t started it and the charges were dropped. I’d driven after too many drinks a few times, but I hadn’t gotten caught. I’d made my own money, never stole a dime. And never took one penny from that motherfucker who’d fathered me. Not that he would have given me any. I had a few biker buds who might have been able to handle a contract on a human life, but I’d have never asked.

The asshole warranted better than a paid hitman who bore him no ill will. He deserved to be taken out by someone he’d wronged, someone who could look into his cold eyes so he knew who was doing the deed.

There were a ton of us out there.

“I didn’t,” I told my brother. “Trust me. I had nothing to do with it. But I’m glad the asshole’s dead.”

“None of us are crying, like I said.” Reid sighed through the phone line. “Thank God.”

“Relieved, are you?”

“Of course. You’re my big brother. I don’t want you rotting in prison for the rest of your life.”

I hadn’t seen my brothers and sister in years. Reid was the only one who kept in touch with me regularly. I heard from Roy and Riley every once in a while. Roy didn’t keep in touch with anyone, and Riley had her own issues.

“I won’t be. I was out on a ride last night with buddies who can vouch for me. I got in around one a.m.”

“They think the murder occurred around four this morning. You couldn’t have gotten here by then.”

“Plus the fact that I’m still in Montana right now.”

“Yeah. Right. I’m not thinking straight.” Reid cleared his throat. “You need to get on the next flight to New York.”

“Fuck that. I’m not coming home.”

“You have to. The cops want to talk to you.”

“There’s this little thing called a phone.”

“Damn it, Rock. You need to come home.”

“Burn him and be done with it. You don’t need me for that.”

“We haven’t made any funeral arrangements yet.”

“What do you need me for, then?

“The attorneys are reading Dad’s will tomorrow morning.”

“Why the hell should I care? You know he didn’t leave me a damned penny.”

“It specifies that we all have to be present. They won’t read it without you there.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The bastard was going to rub my nose in it from the grave. All his billions…and I’d get nothing.

Not that I cared.

Much, anyway.

“Sorry,” Reid said. “But it’ll be good to see you, bro. I’ve…missed you.”

Truthfully, I’d missed him as well. He was my youngest brother, and he and I had been close once. Roy, who fell between us, was a classic introvert who’d spent most of his childhood in his room painting or reading. That left Reid to be my primary playmate, even though he was five years younger. Riley hadn’t come around until I was eight and Reid was three.

“All right. I’ll get a flight.”

“I’m one step ahead of you. I’m emailing you your confirmation. Pack a bag. Your flight leaves out of Helena in three hours.”

Chapter Two


The estate of Derek Paul Wolfe…

I’d drafted the last updates to his last will and testament just three weeks earlier. He’d made some changes that puzzled me, but I was an attorney. My job was to do what the client wanted as long as the law allowed it.

And the law allowed a person to bequeath whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted with whatever contingencies he wanted.

I fiddled with my hair. I was about to meet Derek Wolfe’s ex-wife and children. His longtime live-in lover, ex-supermodel Fonda Burke, would probably show up as well.

I’d never met any of them, but I’d seen plenty of photos. They were all spectacular, as anyone descended from or associated with Derek Wolfe was bound to be.

He had a reputation as a wolf—no pun intended—in the boardroom and the bedroom. Not that I’d know, though he’d tried to lure me to his bed more than once. Admittedly, I’d considered it, even though he was thirty years my senior. The man was gorgeous.

His sons were even more gorgeous. At least the two younger ones were. I’d never seen so much as a photo of his oldest son, Rock. His daughter, Riley, was quickly replacing Fonda Burke as the most successful supermodel of all time—a fact I was sure perturbed the latter more than a lot.

I needed caffeine. Actually, I needed a shot of tequila, but coffee would have to suffice. I couldn’t meet the children of Derek Wolfe with alcohol on my breath.

Today I’d deliver some news that none of them could possibly be expecting.

* * * *

I sat at the head of the table in the conference room. I’d only been made a partner during the last year, so when my mentor, Robert Mayes, had given me the Derek Wolfe estate file, presumably at the client’s request, I’d been more than a little flabbergasted, but large estates were my specialty, so I’d dived right in.

To my right sat Constance Larson Wolfe, blond and beautiful and botoxed, perfect “first wife” material. She and Derek had been divorced for the last five years, and she’d been living the high life on her spousal maintenance. She wouldn’t like what was in the document I held before me, but nothing could be done about that.

Next to her was Riley Wolfe, supermodel extraordinaire, and Derek’s only daughter. Dark hair and eyes, definitely a winter type, though she modeled during all the seasons. She was in demand and was fast accumulating her own fortune.

To Riley’s right was Roy Wolfe, the middle brother. He was an artist—though not a starving one—by trade, living off his hefty trust fund. He had the most perfect face of all the brothers, a male version of his baby sister. His long hair was as silky and shiny as hers was, though it was pulled back in a low ponytail. He was known as somewhat of a recluse.

Next to him was Reid Wolfe, the youngest brother, who sported the signature Derek Wolfe dark hair—all of the children did—but instead of brown eyes, his were a searing blue that held a seductive look, even when he was sitting and waiting for his father’s will to be read. Small wonder he was so popular with the ladies. He was a playboy of the first order, always with a new woman on his arm.

Fonda Burke sat on my left. Still a beautiful woman at forty-two with flaming orange hair and striking green eyes, she had much to look forward to. She wouldn’t be happy with the reading of the will.

None of them would be.

We sat quietly, waiting for the missing person.

Rock Wolfe—the oldest child of Derek and Connie Wolfe.

The rebel.

Rock had a troubled past, though no one actually knew the facts other than his family, and I wasn’t sure they even knew. Derek had made no secret of his animosity toward his firstborn son.

We sat, no one speaking. Until Reid said, “He should be here by now. His flight got in an hour and a half ago, and I told him to come straight here.”

“Rock has always been on his own time schedule,” Connie Wolfe said. “That’s part of his charm.”

Then two harsh knocks on my door. “Come in,” I said, expecting my assistant, Charlie.

Instead, in strolled a man who could only be the elusive Rock Wolfe.

While his brothers’ hair was sleek and combed into place, Rock’s dark tresses were wavy and unruly, falling below his shoulders. His jawline was sculpted and laced with black stubble, and his nose slightly crooked, clearly had been broken at least once. His lips were full and beautiful. And his eyes… A green so clear and powerful a person could get lost in them.

I had to break my gaze away from his magnificently handsome face to notice his wardrobe. While his brothers were clad in Armani suits and ties, Rock wore Levi’s that accented his ass and thighs to perfection. A black leather motorcycle jacket—over gorgeously broad shoulders—and black boots completed his ensemble.

He’d at least put on a button-down black shirt for the occasion, open at the neck, a few dark chest hairs peeking out.

“Please have a seat, Mr. Wolfe,” I said, willing my voice not to crack. “Everyone else is here, so we can get started.”

He glared at me. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Lacey Ward, your father’s estate attorney.”

“Lacey, huh?”


Charlie sat down at the opposite end of the table to take notes. She glanced at me with an “I’m sorry” look.

Rock chuckled and took the seat next to Reid. “Did your mother name you after the lingerie she was wearing the night you were conceived?”

Reid nudged him. “Jesus Christ, Rock.”

My cheeks warmed. This was Derek Wolfe’s son all right, clear down to the douchebag gene. Stay professional, Lace.

“My name isn’t up for discussion right now. Since we’re all here, let’s get to your father’s will.”

“I can’t fucking wait,” Rock said with a touch—okay, a huge amount—of sarcasm.

I cleared my throat and began.

Chapter Three


Lacey Ward was fucking hot.

Oh, she tried to hide it in her navy-blue blazer and tight-ass high-necked blouse, her dark blond hair pulled into a high ponytail so tight that her facial muscles could barely move, and her unglossed lips pressed into a straight line, but I knew the type.

A fucking tomcat in the sack.

I could tell by her eyes. They were big, blue, and vibrant, and they looked me over as if I were a hunk of USDA prime beef tenderloin.

Yup, a tomcat.

Not that I’d ever know. Hell, not that I cared.

I was here for one reason only—so my mother and siblings could hear the contents of the shithead’s will. I already knew he’d left me a fat lot of nothing.

And I didn’t care one fucking bit.

Lacey Ward’s voice had a rasp to it. A sexy rasp. It wouldn’t be a hardship to listen to her for the next few hours. Hell, I didn’t even need to listen to the words. I knew what they’d be anyway.

Rock gets nothing.

Fine with me.

“Section Five, distribution of personal property,” Lacey said. “All of my mother’s jewelry in my possession and in the safe deposit box at First National Bank is hereby bequeathed to my daughter Riley Doris Wolfe.”

No surprise there.

“My automobiles, except for the Tesla and the Porsche, are bequeathed to my sons, Roy and Reid Wolfe, with Roy, as the older, to have the first choice. They will then choose alternately. The Porsche is bequeathed to my daughter, Riley Wolfe.”

His cars. Daddy’s pride and joy. He loved those damned cars more than he ever loved any person in his life, least of all me.

I stopped listening. I sat back, closed my eyes, and basked in the rhythm of Lacey’s sexy voice.

Yeah, Rock. Fuck me good, baby. Pound that hard cock into me…

My groin tightened. Hell, I didn’t care. Just get this day over with.

That’s it, baby. Fuck me. Make me come…

Damn, she’d look good on the back of my bike, that blond hair flowing out of a helmet. Yup, I was a helmet man. No point in splattering my brains all over the place. Now that I had a life I enjoyed, I wanted to keep it that way.

I hated Manhattan. I wanted to go back to Montana, where the sky was big and blue and everything was open. New York was so closed in. And it smelled. Even in this posh Manhattan office, the stench of the streets still wafted in the air.

I looked around. My brother Roy was looking down at his lap, while Reid was ogling Lacey. Not that I blamed him. He’d probably fucked her already.

A spear of jealousy hit my gut. Why? I didn’t know. So what if he’d fucked her? Reid fucked anything in a skirt.

My little sister, Riley, sat next to my mother.

Riley… The sight of her brought it all back. We weren’t close, and I was sorry about that. I’d been protecting her that day, but she didn’t know that, and I could never tell her.

Then of course…Mommie Dearest.

Constance Wolfe.

Bitch extraordinaire, who’d had no issue with turning a blind eye to her husband’s extracurricular activities.

My gaze floated back to Lacey Ward. I closed my eyes again and sighed. This was going to be a long day.

“Section Seven, real property…”

Can I please doze off now? The villa in Tuscany, the ski chateau in Aspen, the loft in Paris. Who needed all that shit? I had my small cabin in Montana, a Harley, and a job doing construction. It kept me fit and paid well, enough to pay my mortgage, keep food in my belly, and gas in my bike. I got to spend a lot of time outdoors. Who needed anything else?

Man, that voice…

Sink that big cock into me, Rock. Yeah, just like that…



My eyes shot open.

Five gazes, belonging to my mother, my siblings, and my father’s current slut, were darting arrows straight toward me.

Chapter Four


Had Rock Wolfe heard what I said?

I’d expected a major outburst.

The outburst came, but not from Rock.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Reid said, standing. “You misread that.”

I cleared my throat. “I assure you I didn’t.”

“Dad couldn’t have agreed to that,” he said.

“It’s outrageous,” Connie Wolfe said, her perfect lips a straight line. “Nothing to me? Or my other children?” she added, most likely as an afterthought.

“You’re the ex-wife, Connie,” Fonda said, smirking, “in case you’ve forgotten.”

“I’m the mother of Derek’s children,” Connie snarled back at her, “and I don’t recall hearing your name being read either.”

These two were about to have a mega-catfight if I didn’t regain control of this meeting. Roy remained silent, but that didn’t surprise me. He was known to be quiet. Riley, however, looked distant, as though she were somewhere else entirely.

I cleared my throat. “These were Mr. Wolfe’s wishes. I have all the notes in my office, and I recorded all of our meetings.”

“We’ll just contest it,” Connie said. “Reid has been Derek’s right-hand man for years. None of this makes any sense.”

Right. That viper wasn’t concerned about Reid at all. Her gravy train had ended with Derek’s death, and she was far from happy about it.

“You may certainly contest the will, Mrs. Wolfe,” I said, “but you’ll be wasting your time and money. Your ex-husband made his wishes very clear.”

Constance Wolfe darted her gaze to her oldest son, who was staring at me wide-eyed. “Rock, don’t you have anything to say about all of this?”

“Why should I?” he asked.

Connie shook her head and scoffed. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

“That’s a good thing, from where I’m sitting,” Rock said, smiling. “Why the hell is everyone staring at me?”

“Uh…because our father just mandated that you become CEO of Wolfe Enterprises,” Reid said.

Rock cocked his head, one eyebrow rising. “Excuse me?”

“Christ, Rock, haven’t you been listening?”

“Of course I haven’t been listening. Do you think I give a rat’s ass what the bastard put in his will? He only mandated that I be here so that he could rub my nose in the fact that I was getting nothing. What he didn’t count on was me not giving a flying fuck.”

“Rock,” Roy said softly. “Dad just put the fate of our birthright in your hands.”

* * * *

Ten minutes later, I found myself in my office with a rabid Rock Wolfe.

“I’m out of here,” he’d said, standing and heading toward the door.

Charlie had looked at me with pleading eyes, so I’d turned to the family. “I’ll take care of this.” Then I’d headed out the door after Rock.

Somehow I’d convinced him to follow me to my office.

“What?” He looked at me irately.

“Were you truly not listening to anything I said in there?”

“Honestly? No. I was imagining the two of us fucking.”

Warmth spread to my cheeks, and my pulse thumped, despite myself. A torpedo shot between my legs.

I cleared my throat. “I’d like to keep our relationship professional, please, Mr. Wolfe.”

“Sure, we can keep it professional. You asked if I was listening. I told you what I was doing instead of listening. Nothing unprofessional there.”

Best to ignore him. Rock Wolfe was trouble. Trouble I didn’t need in my life at the moment.

I cleared my throat again. Time to cut to the chase.

“Mr. Wolfe—”

“Rock. Mr. Wolfe was that bastard who died.”

He wasn’t making this easy. “All right. Rock. Your father just mandated that you move to Manhattan and take your place at the head of his company—rather, your company—as chief executive officer.”

“What? No way. What the hell is he trying to pull? He hates me. And I don’t know anything about his fucking business. I also don’t give a shit.”

I sighed. “Believe me, I tried to talk him out of this scheme, but he was adamant.”

You wrote this thing?”

“That’s what he paid me to do.”

“Jesus fuck.” He sat down in one of the leather chairs across from my desk. “I won’t do it, I tell you. I won’t. I wouldn’t know what I was doing anyway.”

I walked around my desk and took a seat, facing him. “You really weren’t listening, were you?”

He smiled. God, he was gorgeous. I hated the effect he was having on my body.

“I already told you what I was doing, Lacey Lingerie.”

I seethed, despite the tickle between my legs.

“I still bet your mother was wearing lace that night. Where else would you get a name like Lacey?”

“You’re one to talk, with a name like Rock.”

“My mom was a fan of the old Rock Hudson and Doris Day movies. Riley’s middle name is Doris.”

“You do know that Rock Hudson was gay, right?”

“Yeah, I do. So what? That doesn’t mean everyone named Rock is gay.”

“And neither is every Lacey named after undergarments.”

He smiled again, but this time he didn’t push it.

I cleared my throat. “Your father has left his business interests in Wolfe Enterprises, which, as you know, is a three billion dollar corporation—”

“I haven’t seen my father in twenty-some years. I don’t know shit.”

“All right.” I sighed. “Now you know. You are heir to a three billion dollar corporation.”

“You’re telling me I’m as rich as Bill Gates now?”

“Hardly, but you are rich. Once you get into billions, does it really matter?” Indeed, any amount in the billions was incomprehensible to most, myself included.

He sat, stunned, his green eyes wide. “What the hell am I going to do with all of that?”

“It’s not solely yours. He left it in equal parts to you, your brothers, and your sister.”

“Good. They deserve it.”

“But there was a stipulation.” I stood. “Didn’t you wonder why everyone was staring at you in the conference room?”

“It was obviously my devastating good looks,” he said, smiling.

I couldn’t fault his observation, even though he was clearly just flirting with me. If I were the type to go for a leather-clad bad boy, I’d be all over Rock Wolfe.

Fortunately, I wasn’t that type.

At least that was what I kept telling myself.

“Mr. Wolfe—”

“We’ve been through that. My name is Rock.”

“Rock.” I sighed. “The stipulation I’m talking about is this. For you and your siblings to inherit the business holdings at all, you, Rock Wolfe, must move to Manhattan and take your place as CEO of the company. You need to run the company, or it will be sold to the highest bidder.”

Chapter Five


Fucking bastard.

This had to be some kind of a sick joke.

“I assure you it’s not,” Lacey said, when I mentioned the same. “I tried to talk him out of this. I told him you had no idea how to run a billion dollar company, and that it was irresponsible to put his company in the hands of a son he’d been estranged from for so long, a son who’d never had any experience in business at all.”

A son who’d tried to off him once.

But she didn’t know that.

“And he didn’t listen to you? What the hell kind of lawyer are you? Can’t you control your clients?”

She walked around her desk and stood right in front of me, forcing me to look up at her. “It’s my job to advise my clients what the law is and what is in their best interests under the law. I didn’t feel this decision was in his company’s best interest, and I told him so many times. However, the law allows a person to bequeath his property to whomever he chooses with whatever stipulations he chooses. I did my job, Mr. Wolfe.”

There she went with the Mr. Wolfe again. She looked cutely irate, her hands glued to her hips and her cheeks flushing a glorious pink.

“Well”—I stood, this time making her look up to me—“I won’t do it. I don’t give a flying fuck about Wolfe Enterprises.”

“Do you give a flying fuck about Roy, Reid, and Riley?” she asked adamantly.

I sat back down with a plunk.

Roy, Reid, and Riley.

Of course I gave a fuck. They were my brothers and sister. I’d protected them as best I could before I’d been sent away.

“Well?” she asked again.

I closed my eyes. “Yes.”

“Then you don’t have a choice,” Lacey said. “They lose their inheritance if you don’t do as the will stipulates.”

“You mean as my bastard father stipulates,” I said. “He’s coming after me from the grave, the son of a bitch.”

She placed her hand on my shoulder. The gesture was caring, but it ignited a spark under my skin.

“He is. But if you don’t do this, Rock, your siblings will suffer. They won’t get their share of the business.”

“They still got plenty from that will,” I said. “I was lucid when I heard that Reid and Roy got all the cars, Riley all the jewels. They can still live the high life. Who got the home in Tuscany? Aspen?”

“You did.”

I stood. “What the fuck?”

“You got all the real property, including the Manhattan penthouse.”

“Well, that’s easy enough to remedy. I’ll give all the real estate to my siblings.”

“You can’t.”

“Why the hell not?”

“It’s all part of the stipulation. You take the reins at Wolfe Enterprises, or everything is sold to the highest bidder.”

“What about cash on hand?”

“There isn’t any. Nothing of substance, anyway. Your father died without any liquid assets. It’s all tied up in real estate and business.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I wish I were. I’m sure your siblings wish the same thing.”

“I can’t do this, Lacey. I just can’t. I have a life, damn it. A life I love in Montana. I’m free there. Free to do as I please. Take off on my bike whenever I want.”

An image appeared in my mind, of Lacey, clad in tight leather chaps and a leather halter top, climbing on the back of my bike and wrapping her arms around my waist.

Then taking off, the roar of my pipes, the wind in my face…and Lacey clinging to me.

“I understand. Really, I do.”

“You don’t. You sit here in your tight-ass office wearing your tight-ass suit, when you should be outdoors enjoying life.”

“Mr. Wolfe, I—”

“Rock,” I said. “Damn it. Call me Rock.” My groin was tightening, and I couldn’t stand it any longer.

I grabbed her and crushed my mouth to hers.

She kept her lips pinned shut, but I traced my tongue over the seam of them, nudging them open. “That’s right, baby. Open for me.” I swept my tongue into the warmth of her mouth.

She tasted minty fresh with a touch of vanilla. Delicious.

I glided my lips over hers as our tongues slid together.

I’d kissed a lot of women. Almost every weekend I took a new luscious treat to my bed.

But this kiss…

She pulled away and pushed at me.

I didn’t move.


“Rock, damn it. I just had my tongue in your mouth. Call me Rock.”

“Rock…” She swayed a little, steadying herself by placing her hand on the edge of her desk.

I couldn’t help smiling.

“This… I’m not… This isn’t…professional.”

“It’s not? That was a damned good kiss, baby. I’d say you could do it professionally.”

Her cheeks went from rosy to crimson. Again, I smiled.

“You know what I mean.”

“You’re my father’s lawyer. You’re not mine. You and I don’t have a professional relationship.”

“It’s not—”

I quieted her by placing two fingers over her pink, swollen lips. “You know what I’d like to do, Lacey Ward?”

She gulped.

“I’d like to lift up that blue skirt and bend you over that desk.” I inched closer to her. “I bet you’re already wet for me.”

She squirmed, crossing her legs.

Yup. She was wet.

I inhaled. I could already smell her musky arousal. I inched forward again, until only a few centimeters separated us.

She backed up against her desk. “I don’t think—”

“Don’t think, baby. Now isn’t the time for thinking. Where the hell would thinking get us? Just give in. Turn around.” I lightly touched her arms, turning her around. Then I buried my nose in her neck and inhaled. “You smell like a fantasy.”

“I’m not wearing anything.” She let out a nervous chuckle. “Any perfume, I mean.”

“I know. I smell you. I smell your arousal. You want me just as much as I want you.” I grabbed the firm globes of her ass.

She let out a soft gasp.

I massaged her ass softly, pushing my hard cock into the small of her back. “You feel that? I’m hard for you, Lacey. Rock hard. Tell me what you want me to do with that fucking hard cock.”

“I want…” She moaned when I slid one hand up her side and then around in front to cup one firm breast.

“Yeah? What do you want, baby?”

“You. God. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

All I needed. I slid her skirt up. Fuck. She was wearing a garter belt and stockings. I didn’t know women wore those in an office anymore. And it was fucking hot.

And a thong. A pink lacy thong.

Lacey. Maybe she wasn’t named after lingerie, but she was wearing it, lace and all. Her taut luscious body had been created for it.

“I’m going to rip this off of you and shove my hard cock into that hot pussy.”

She groaned.

“Tell me you want it, baby. Tell me.”

“God, yes. I want it.”

With one yank, the pink thong was gone. I tossed it aside. Then I slid my fingers through her slick folds. God, so wet. I pulled my fingers out of her and ran them over my tongue. Mmm, sweet and tangy. If I weren’t so fucking hard, I’d bend down and bury my face between those gorgeous ass cheeks and suck on that tasty pussy.

Next time. Not this time. This time would be fast and furious and delicious.

I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans, releasing my erection. I slid it between her ass cheeks, teasing her.

“Please,” she sighed. “I need you.”

“Since you said please.” I stopped for a few seconds to roll on a condom and then thrust into her.

She let out a low moan.

Yeah, that husky voice that had made me horny when she was reading the will. That’s how I wanted to hear it, moaning as I fucked her.

“Feel good, baby? You like that?”

She inhaled sharply. “God, yes.”

I pulled out and slid back in balls deep. Already my nuts were tightening, crushing to my body. This wouldn’t take long.

But I wanted it to. Screw fast and furious. I wanted to fuck her long and slow and deep.

I pulled out and plunged in again. God, sweet suction. I wanted to touch her clit, rub it, make her come, but I couldn’t in this position.

“Play with yourself, baby,” I whispered into her ear. “Make it feel good.” I grabbed her hand and led it around her front and under her skirt. “I’m not going to last long. You have such a tight cunt. I want to come inside you. Fill you up.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said on a sigh.

“Believe it, baby. Feel me. This is real. Feel me fucking you right here in your office.”

Continue reading Rebel here!