- Navigate to https://awstcocalculator.com/.
- Choose your currency, location, AWS region, and workload type. In our case we're going to choose the following:
- Australian dollar
- Colocation
- Asia Pacific (Sydney)
- General
TCO Calculator—workload
- Now we need to describe our server requirements. We're going to specify that our app is running on physical servers with tiers that look like this:
- App Name: nginx
- Server Type: Non DB
- # of Processors/Server: 2
- # of Cores/Processor: 2
- # of Servers: 2
- Memory (GB): 16
- App Name: rails
- Server Type: Non DB
- # of Processors/Server: 2
- # of Cores/Processor: 4
- # of Servers: 4
- Memory (GB): 32
- App Name: mysql
- Server Type: DB
- # of Processors/Server: 2
- # of Cores/Processor: 8
- # of Servers: 2
- Memory (GB): 64
- DB Engine: MySQL
TCO Calculator—servers
- Lastly, we need to input our storage requirements. For our example, the rails application, we need the following:
- Storage Type: Object
- Raw Storage Capacity: 2TB
- % Accessed Infrequently: 90
TCO Calculator—storage
- Go ahead and click Calculate TCO.
- The 3 year cost breakdown graphs provide a high-level view of your potential cost savings. You can see that, in our example, AWS estimates we'll save 68% on our infrastructure costs over the next 3 years. That's pretty impressive!
TCO Calculator—summary
- Scroll further through the report to see cost breakdowns categorized by resource type:
TCO Calculator—graphs