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Abraham Mosque (Hebron)
African National Congress (ANC)
Africans, female circumcision among, immigration to Europe of, Naipaul’s attitude toward
Aguirre, Jesús
Ahmend, Luna
Alexander the Great
Alexandria Quartet (Durrell)
Allegory of Faith (Vermeer)
America, conquest and colonization of
Anderson Kohatsu, Major Ricardo
Angelou, Maya
Apollinaire, Guillaume
Arabs, see also Palestinians
Arafat, Yasir
Arciniegas, Germán
Argentina, economic development in, immigration to
Arguedas, José María
Aron, Raymond
Artaud, Antonin
Atlantic Monthly, The
Augustine, Saint
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (Vargas Llosa)
Axworthy, Lloyd
Azhar University
Bakhtin, Mikhail
Balaguer, Joaquín
Balzac, Honoré de
Bank of England
Banzer, Hugo
Bari Hermosa, General Nicolás de
Barker, Eileen
Barral, Carlos
Barreto, Mariela
Barrios Altos, massacre at
Barthes, Roland
Bartra, Roger
Bataille, Georges
Bathers at Asnières (Seurat)
Batista, Fulgencio
Baudelaire, Charles
Baudrillard, Jean
Beauvoir, Simone de
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Bend in the River, A (Naipaul)
Benjamin, Walter
Berlanga, Luis García
Berlin, Isaiah
Berlin Wall, fall of
Berlusconi, Silvio
Besançon, Alain
Betancourt, Rómulo
Beyond Culture (Trilling)
Bibliothèque Nationale
birth control
“Black Legend”
Blair, Tony
Blanco (Paz)
Bocángel, Gabriel
Bocuse, Paul
Bolívar, Simón
Bolnes, Catharina
Bongiovanni, Gerardo
Booker McConnell Prize
Borges, Jorge Luis
Bosch, Pere
Botha, P. W.
Brasillach, Robert
Brecht, Bertolt
Brel, Jacques
Breton, André
Britain, abortion in, economy of, female circumcision in, India and, Industrial Revolution in, invasion of Jamaica by, literary novels in, modern art in, poetry of, privatization in, Society of Authors of, tabloid press in, universities in, welfare state in, in World War II
British Library, Reading Room of
Bucharest University
Caldera, Rafael
Calvino, Italo
Cambridge University
Campbell, Naomi
Camus, Albert
Canada, immigration to
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Carnaval (Rio de Janeiro)
Carter Foundation
Castro, Fidel
Catholicism, in Brazil, in Mexico, in Spain
Catholic University of Arequipa
Cavafy, Constantine
Ceausescu, Nicolae
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Cernat, Manuela
Cernuda, Luis
Cervantes, Miguel de
Cézanne, Paul
Chapman, Jake and Dinos
Chávez, Hugo
Chávez, José Antonio
Children of Clay (Queneau)
Children of the Mire (Paz)
Chile, economic
development in
Pinochet regime in
China, economic development in, population policy in, United States and
Chomsky, Noam
Chrétien de Troyes
Christian Democratic party, German
Christianity, in Africa, modesty and, secularization and, symbols of, in German public schools, transcendence in, see also Catholicism
Christian Social Union (CSU), German
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (Vermeer)
church and state, separation of, population policy and
Churchill, Winston
“Circular Ruins, The” (Borges)
circumcision, female
Civil Wars (Enzensberger)
Clarín (newspaper)
Claudel, Paul
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Cocteau, Jean
Colina Group
Collishaw, Mat
Colvin, Marie
Comercio, El (newspaper)
Mexican, Romanian, South African
Conjunctions and Disjunctions (Paz)
Conrad, Joseph
Constantinescu, Emil
Consumer Society, The (Baudrillard)
Copperfield, David
Corea, Chick
Costa Rica
Craxi, Bettino
Cromwell, Henry
Crucifixions (Delvaux)
Cruise, Tom
Cruz, Juana Inés de la
Cuba, return of Elián González to, Soviet aid to, Zapatistas and
Czech Republic
Daily Telegraph, The (newspaper)
Dalí, Salvador
D’Annunzio, Gabriele
Darío, Rubén
Davies, Ann
Davies, Dennis Russell
Davies, Ron
Dead Sea Scrolls
Debray, Régis
De Chirico, Giorgio
Declaration of the Rights of Man
de Gaulle, Charles
de Klerk, F. W.
Deleuze, Gilles
Delgado Parker, Genaro
Delvaux, Paul
de Man, Paul
democracy: future of, literature and, religion and
Democratic Party, U.S.
Derrida, Jacques
Diario del artista seriamente enfermo (Gil de Biedma)
Dionysus, cult of
Dole, Bob
Dominican Republic
Don Carlo (Verdi)
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre
Drot, Jean-Marie
Duchamp, Marcel
Durrell, Lawrence
Dutch East India Company
Duvalier family
East Germany
Economist, The
Edwards, Jorge
Egypt, female circumcision in, Islamic fundamentalism in
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Elon, Amos
El Salvador
England, see Britain
Ensor, James
entertainment, culture of
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
ethics, Weber’s formulation of
European Union
Family Idiot, The (Sartre)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Ferrara, Giuliano
Ferraté, Joan
Ferrater, Gabriel
Fidelio (Beethoven)
Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
Fire Within, The (Drieu La Rochelle)
Flaubert, Gustave
FLN (National Liberation Front of Algeria)
Foix, Josep Vicenç
Forbes, Steve
Forster, E. M.
Foucauld, Charles de
Foucault, Michel
Fox, Vicente
Fraginals, Manuel Moreno
France, abortion in, Algeria and, arms sales to Mexico by, cultural identity of, extreme right in, immigration to, literary novels in, during World War II
Free Student Association of Munich
French Revolution
Freud, Lucian
Frida (Herrera)
Friedman, Milton
Fuentes, Carlos
Fujimori, Alberto
Furet, François
Galeano, Eduardo
Gallimard publishing company
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
García, Alan
García Hortelano, Juanito
García Márquez, Gabriel
García Meza, Luis
Garvey, Marcus
Gaviria, César
Genet, Jean
Germany, abortion in, billionaires in, Church of Scientology in, guest workers in, Nazi, see Nazis; reunification of, separation of church and state in, Weimar
Ghelderode, Michel de
Gide, André
Gil de Biedma, Jaime
Giuliani, Rudolph
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, comte de
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Goldmann, Lucien
Goldstein, Baruch
Gombrowicz, Witold
González, Elián
Goossens, Jan
Goya, Francisco de
Goytisolo, José Agustín
Goytisolo, Luis
Grandes Décorations (Monet)
Grand Guignol
Greek Orthodox Church
Greeks, ancient
Greene, Graham
Green Party, German
Gross, John
Guardian, The (newspaper)
Guattari, Félix
Guevara, Che
Guild of Saint Luke
Guillén Vicente, Rafael, see Marcos, Subcomandante
Guimarães Rosa, João
Gulf War
Gumucio, Juan Carlos
Guzmán, Abimael
Hadley, Jerry
Haile Selassie
Haiti, economy of, immigrants from
Halimi, Serge
Harvard University
Hayek, Friedrich
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Heidegger, Martin
Henschel, Johann Friedrich
Herrera, Hayden
Herzen, Aleksandr
Herzl, Theodor
Himmelfarb, Gertrude
Hindley, Myra
Hitler, Adolf
Holdorf, Udo
Holocaust, survivors of
Holy Virgin Mary, The (Ofili)
Hong Kong
House for Mr. Biswas, A (Naipaul)
Hubbard, L. Ron
Hugo, Victor
Huizinga, Johan
Human Condition, The (Malraux)
Hussein, Saddam
Huston, John
identity, cultural
Iliescu, Ion
Independent, The (newspaper)
India, population policy in
Indians, Mexican
Industrial Revolution
Institute of Contemporary Arts (London)
Internal Revenue Service, U.S.
International Congress of Writers
International Monetary Fund
Ireland, immigrants from
Islamic Jihad
Israel, ultra-Orthodox Jews in
Italy, abortion in, guest workers in Germany from
Ivcher, Baruch
Jeanson, Francis
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jerusalem Prize
Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe)
Jews, Nazi persecution of, Palestinians and, ultra-Orthodox
Joan of Arc
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson, Paul
John XXIII, Pope
Jones, Gwyneth
Journal, 1939–1945 (Drieu La Rochelle)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne)
Joyce, James
Juan Carlos, King of Spain
Judaism, see Jews
Jurassic Park (film)
Kafka, Franz
Kahlo, Frida
Kemp, Jack
Kevorkian, Jack
Kidman, Nicole
Kim Il Sung
King’s College
Kohl, Helmut
Labastida, Francisco
Labour Party, British
Labyrinth of Solitude, The (Paz)
Lacan, Jacques
La Cantuta University
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)
La Grange, Bertrand de
laissez-faire capitalism
Language and Silence (Steiner)
Lanza del Vasto, Joseph Jean
La Rosa, Leonor
Las Casas, Bartolomé de
Leante, César
Le Bon, Gustave
Lenin, V. I.
Le Pen, Jean-Marie
Levantine Greeks
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Lezama Lima, José
Liberal Imagination, The (Trilling)
Library of Congress
Life magazine
Likud Party, Israeli
literature: desanctification of
French, decadence of
impact of technology on
as predatory art
London, University of
London School of Economics
Lowry, Malcolm
Lumen publishing company
Madrid, Miguel de la
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Magritte, René
Mail on Sunday, The (tabloid)
Maistre, Joseph de
Maîtres de l’amour, Les (Apollinaire)
Makerere University
Malfitano, Catherine
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Malraux, André
Mandela, Nelson
Mao Tse-tung
Marcos, Ferdinand
Marcos, Subcomandante
Marcos: La genial impostura (La Grange and Rico)
Marías, Julián
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso
Marley, Bob
Marlowe, Christopher
Martelaere, Anne-Marie “Tam” de
Martínez, Tomás Eloy
Marx, Karl
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Matta, Roberto da
Mauritshuis (The Hague)
Maurras, Charles
Mbeki, Thabo
Meciar, Vladimír
Melgarejo, Mariano
Melville, Herman
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
Mexico, billionaires in, elections in, illegal immigration into U.S. from
Zapatista uprising in
Michael, King of Romania
Michelet, Jules
Minotaure exhibition
Mises, Ludwig von
Mitterrand, Madame
MNR (National Revolutionary Movement of Bolivia)
Mobutu Sese Seko
Monde, Le (newspaper)
Monet, Claude
Montero, Rosa
Montesinos, Vladimiro
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de
Moon, Sun Myung
Mort du grand écrivain, La (Raczymow)
Mortier, Gérard
Mosquito Coast, The (Theroux)
Munch, Edvard
Museum of Modern Art
Muslims, see Islam
Myth of Sisyphus, The (Camus)
Naipaul, Vidia S.
Nasrim, Taslima
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
National Front, French
National Gallery (London)
National Geographic Society
National Party, South African
Neruda, Pablo
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Netherlands, abortion in, assisted suicide in
News of the World (tabloid)
New Yorker, The
New York Public Library
New York Times, The
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nomadology (Deleuze and Guattari)
Nono, Luigi
Norris, Frank
Northern Ireland
North Korea
Nouvelle Revue Française, La
Ocampo, Victoria
Octopus, The (Norris)
Odría, Manuel Arturo
Off on a Comet (Verne)
Ofili, Chris
On Looking into the Abyss (Himmelfarb)
Order of Things, The (Foucault)
Organization of American States (OAS)
Ortega y Gasset, José
Orwell, George
Oslo Accords
Ottoman Empire
Oxford University
País, El (newspaper)
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
PAN (National Action Party of Mexico)
Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)
Panama, U.S. invasion of
Parliament, British
Pascal, Blaise
Patriotic Pole, Venezuelan
Pauley, Wilbur
Paulhan, Jean
Paz, Octavio
Paz Estenssoro, Victor
Paz Zamora, Jaime
Pequeña crónica de grandes días (Paz)
Peres, Shimon
Pérez, Carlos Andrés
Pérez Jiménez, Marcos
Perón, Eva
Perón, Juan Domingo
Perot, Ross
Perse, Saint-John
Peru, Congress of, economic development in, Holocaust survivors in, immigrants from, Ministry of Justice of, National Library of, OAS and, pre-Columbian remains found in
Pessoa, Fernando
Philanthropic Ogre, The (Paz)
Picasso, Pablo
Pierre Gianadda Foundation
Pinochet, Augusto
Pitanguy, Ivo
Pla, Josep
Planner, Mortimer
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poland, privatization in
Polanyi, Karl
Polay, Víctor
Pomés, Xavier
Poniatowska, Elena
Popper, Karl
population control
Posdata (Paz)
poverty, population growth and, religion and, violence and
Prague Circle
PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party of Mexico)
Prester John
PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party of Mexico)
Primera Plana (weekly)
Princeton University
Protestant Reformation
Proust, Marcel
Publishers Association of Great Britain
Puig, Manuel
Queen Mary’s College
Queneau, Raymond
Quevedo, Francisco de
Rabelais, François
Rabin, Yitzhak
Racine, Jean
Raczymow, Henri
Rafferty, Kevin
Raimón (Ramón Pelegero)
Reagan, Ronald
Reinhard, Johan
Rembrandt van Rijn
Renga (Paz)
República, La (newspaper)
Republican Party, U.S.
responsibility, ethic of
Revel, Jean-François
Reyes, Alfonso
Riba, Carles
Ribeiro, Darcy
Rico, Maite
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Rimbaud, Arthur
Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, The (Brecht and Weill)
Rivera, Diego
Robben Island (South Africa)
Robespierre, Maximilien de
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholicism
Romans, ancient
Roncalli, Angelo Giuseppe Cardinal, see John XXIII
Royal Academy of Arts (London)
Royal College of Art (London)
Royal Museums of Fine Arts (Brussels)
Rubens, Peter Paul
Ruiz, Samuel
Rushdie, Salman
Russell, Bertrand
Russia, arms sales to Mexico by, Communist, see Soviet Union
Rutgers University
Saatchi, Charles
Sade, Marquis de
Safire, William
Salazar, Fabián
Salinas, Carlos
Salzburg Festival
Samba Schools
Sánchez de Lozada, Gonzalo
Santa Evita (Martínez)
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saudi Arabia
Savater, Fernando
Schiffer, Claudia
Schulz, Werner
Scientology, Church of
sects, religious
Semprún, Jorge
Sensation exhibition
Seurat, Georges
Shakespeare, William
Shining Path
Siles Suazo, Hernán
SIN (Peruvian National Intelligence Service)
Sir Vidia’s Shadow (Theroux)
Sisulu, Walter
Smirke, Sydney
Smith, Adam
social Darwinism
Solomon, King
Somoza, Anastasio
Soros, George
Soustelle, Jacques
South Africa
South Korea
Soviet Union, collapse of
Spain, abortion law in, cultural climate of, democratization and modernization of, Golden Age poetry of, guest workers in Germany from, immigrants in, Jamaica and, Latin American resentment of, National Library of, 0.7% Movement in
Spice Girls
Spielberg, Steven
Spitzner Museum (Brussels)
Stalin, Joseph
Stein, Eduardo
Steiner, George
Steiner, Rudolf
Stellenbosch, University of
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stone, Oliver
Stroessner, Alfredo
Sudan, female circumcision in
suicide, assisted
Sunday on La Grande Jatte, A (Seurat)
Sunday Times
Sunstone (Paz)
Switzerland, abortion in
System of Objects, The (Baudrillard)
Szyszlo, Fernando de
tabloid press
Tambo, Oliver
Tàpies, Antoni
Taylor, A. J. P.
Telefónica of Peru
Tellado, Corín
Temps Modernes, Les (journal)
Theroux, Paul
Thomas, Hugh
Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Times, The (newspaper), Literary Supplement
Tinguely, Jean
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Toledo, Alejandro
Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hebron)
Topoemas (Paz)
Toscani, Oliviero
To the Finland Station (Wilson)
Touraine, Alain
Touray, Fataumata
Transparency International
Trask, Margaret Elizabeth
Travolta, John
Trilling, Lionel
Trotsky, Leon
Trujillo, Rafael Leónidas
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
Turkey, immigrants from
Tzotil Indians
ultimate ends, ethic of
Ulysses (Joyce)
Umkhonto we Siswe
Unamuno, Miguel de
Unification Church
United Fruit Company
United Kingdom, see Britain
United Nations
United States, abortion in, arms sales to Mexico by, assisted suicide in, concentration of wealth in, Elián González in, immigration to, influence of deconstruction in, Israel and, Latin America and, literary novels in, Peru and, postwar intellectual life in, social programs in, universities in, Venezuela and
Valéry, Paul
Vallejo, César
van Gogh, Vincent
Velasco Alvarado, General Juan
Venezuela, economy of, immigration to
Venice Biennale
Verdi, Giuseppe
Vermeer, Johannes
Verne, Jules
Verwoerd, Hendrik
Vico, Giambattista
Victoria, Queen of England
Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra
Villaurrutia, Xavier
Villiers, Philippe de
violence, during Carnaval, terrorist, Zapatista
Waigel, Theo
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
wealth, production of
Weber, Max
Weill, Kurt
Wetter, Friedrich Cardinal
Whitbread Prize
Whitmer, John
Wilde, Oscar
Wilson, Edmund
women: circumcision of, rights, violence against
World Bank
World War I
World War II
Writers’ Union, Romanian
Yourcenar, Marguerite
Zadek, Peter
Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN)
Zárate, Miguel
Zedillo, Ernesto
Zen Buddhism
0.7% Movement
Zola, Emile
Zygotic Acceleration (Chapman)