
This story was written on the fuel of dreams, love, and hope. Many souls took part in that. I would like to thank my husband James for letting me pause movies in order to take notes, for patiently listening, and especially for helping me sort through ideas, even when it’s the middle of dinner and you’re tired after a long day. Much appreciation to Guillermo del Toro for writing a story that filled my heart with so much magic and yearning that I burned with inspiration to write my own fairy tale. A jig of gratitude and celebration (in the Irish style, of course!) for my talented editor, Katie Flanagan. Hugs and kisses to all who listened to me read aloud portions of this story, for your gasps of delight, and for your honest feedback on the rough bits. Big thanks especially to the writers and listeners of Notion Club and the wise critics of Inky Fingers.

Thank you to Bob and Marilyn Stephens, Sally and Hikmat Saba, Karen and Lainie Mullen, Braxton and Danielle Ehle, Scott and Hannah Wilder, Anton and Rachel Preisinger, Will Mari, Daniel Ramer, Kevin Mosher, Hilary Hayes, Julie Zehnder, Michael Edwards, Nick Escobar, Livia Simmons, Adriel Hollandsworth, Rebecca Ifland, and the countless friends and family who have so generously supported me through time, resources, feedback, and singing praises of my work. I cannot name you all, but you mean the world to me.

A huge round of tearful applause to Mom, Dad, Erika, and Elliot, my clan, for being my supporters in so many ways, and for making sure that I continued writing, even when life got much more complicated (i.e. giving birth to and raising a child).

And thank you, Jesus, for the miracle it has been to see this book completed during the first years of life with my amazing little boy. Your wonders never cease.

March 21, 2015