
Rico stretched his long legs out in front of him, grabbed Skylar around the waist, and hauled her onto his knee, nuzzling her neck.

They were in orbit around Trakis Five.

“What are we waiting for?” Tannis asked. She was pacing the bridge, fizzing with energy.

“We need to decide where we’re heading next.”

Tannis halted and turned to face him, hands on her hips. “Why do I get the idea you have a plan?”

“Because I do.” He just had no clue whether she would go for it or not. He hoped so.

“Come on, Rico, spit it out. Where do you want to go, and what’s in it for me?”

He glanced at Saffira. She was the only one he’d spoken to about this, and she was completely on board with the idea. She grinned. Tannis caught the glance between them and scowled.

“Oh, freaking hell, no.”

“Hey, listen first,” Rico said. “You’ll like this one. I promise.”

“Why do I doubt that?”

“Because you’re a skeptic?”

“Actually, I’ve mellowed.” She was right. Since Callum, she’d softened. But maybe not enough.

How to broach the idea to her? Well, to all of them—this would be a joint decision. Skylar he was pretty sure of. She liked an adventure. Daisy was the same, and Fergal would follow Daisy to the end of time and space. Saffira was already on board with the plan, and as Devlin wasn’t letting her out of his sight, he would be in, as well. That just left Tannis and Callum. Callum leaned against the wall, wings folded, a lazy grin on his face. Rico reckoned he’d be too intrigued to say no. So that left Tannis. He had to overcome her protectiveness of the crew, try and convince her that the risks were…reasonable.

“Well,” he said, “we know Saffira went back to the Earth to save mankind from some catastrophe—which she did eminently well. What we don’t know is what that catastrophe was or if it even took place.”

“Humph,” Saffira mumbled.

He ignored the comment. “I propose we go back in time, and back to Earth, and we find out what actually happened.”

Tannis narrowed her eyes and looked around at the rest of the crew, her gaze settling on Saffira. “Can you actually do that?”

“Hey, I’m getting better.”

Tannis raised an eyebrow. “Give me a percentage estimate of getting where and when we want to be.”

Saffira nibbled on her lip for a moment, and Rico crossed his fingers that she wouldn’t feel the need to be too honest. “Sixty percent, give or take.”

Rico held his breath. The odds weren’t brilliant, but didn’t that add to the adventure?

Tannis stared at the floor for a minute, and then turned to Callum. “What do you think?”

“I think…hell, yeah.”

Rico resisted the urge to high-five.

“Let’s have a show of hands, then.”

Everyone raised their hands.

“Well, that’s unanimous,” Tannis said, lifting her own. When no one moved, she raised a brow. “What are we waiting for?”

“Candy said she wanted to talk to us before we leave.”

“Bloody woman thinks she’s in charge.” But Tannis didn’t sound put out. He was quite aware that she’d been worried Callum might return to his old job, and Tannis didn’t have the temperament for a position at court.

“We have incoming,” Fergal said. The screen showing the rear of the ship flicked to life and a small spot could be seen against the planet.

“It’s a goddamn dragon,” Tannis said. “Fuck.”

“It’s Kronus.” Rico studied the screen as the spot got bigger.

“Do we shoot him?” Fergal asked.

“No, wait a moment…” There was something strange about the dragon. He put Skylar gently on her feet and stood up, crossed the room, and tapped the console to enlarge the image. A smile tugged at his lips.

The external comm unit buzzed. Tannis slammed a hand on it. “What?”

“This is the Empress of the goddamned Universe. Look after my brother.”


“Sorry, but I have to go. I have a vitally important meeting with my chief advisor…” A sound came down the comm unit. A giggle?

“We’ll do our best,” Tannis said, but the comm call had already shut off. “God help the universe,” she muttered. “And how the hell are we supposed to look after Angel? He’s not here. Is he?” She peered around the room as though the young werewolf would pop up from somewhere.

“Look at this,” Rico said.

They all gathered around and watched the screen. They were close now, so close he could make out the man on the dragon’s back, Angel’s features beneath the breathing apparatus.

“Holy Meridian,” Tannis said. “Is she goddamned serious?” She stabbed her fingers through her spiky hair. “Any ideas?”

“We could go to stealth,” Fergal said.

Rico glanced away from the screen to look at Tannis. “Our empress has spoken. Who are we to not do her bidding?”

A few people snorted.

Tannis didn’t seem impressed. “Yeah, right. Since when have you followed anyone’s orders? Goddamn vampire.” She took a deep breath then grinned. “Why the hell not? We won’t be bored anyway. Open the docking bay doors.”

A minute later, a shudder ran through the ship.

“Docking bay doors closed,” Fergal said.

“That’s our stowaways on board.” Rico took the pilot’s seat and settled in.

“Then let’s go.”

“Everyone in their seats. This might get bumpy.”

He gave them a minute and then hit the forward thrusters, and they were heading into space.

They were going back in time, and they were heading back to Earth.

And they were travelling in the company of a dragon.

Life was good.

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