Lisa paid the cab driver as he pulled up outside the South Beach Grande Marquis Hotel and gazed up at the shining glass facade. She didn’t want to call attention to herself and the absence of any luggage would be suspicious all by itself. It was only sensible to find a suitcase…and something to put inside it.
Glancing up and down the street, the wide array of shops and galleries seemed to assure her that she’d have no problem finding something to wear for the next week here in sunny Florida.
Lisa took the opportunity to wander the streets, ducking in and out of shops. She browsed in some local clothing stores and picked up a few items that would suit her needs during her stay in Miami. She found herself leaving her usual style behind and purchasing several brightly colored tank tops, loosely fitting sheer blouses, slim jeans, and two sundresses that flattered her body in all the right places and could be dressed up with a few pieces of smartly chosen costume jewelry. Finding a boutique specializing in beach attire, Lisa dared to purchase the first bikini she had tried on since becoming a mother, and was pleased to see that her hours at the health club had been worth the effort. To cap off her shopping expedition, she visited a store specializing in elegant lingerie, and paid special attention to a line of lacy undergarments, far more trendy than anything recently produced by Barnes Basics.
By the time Lisa returned to her hotel she had a lovely new tapestry carry-on bag and plans for a second shopping expedition later, should it be needed. Her long journey behind her, Lisa settled into her hotel room, ordering a sandwich and crudités platter from room service.
After a refreshing shower and a change into one of her new dresses, Lisa ventured into the hotel lobby to meet with the concierge. The middle-aged gentleman behind the desk was elegant in his perfectly fitted designer suit with a nametag reading Sandy pinned to the lapel. Lisa noted that he was wearing rather heavy eyeliner and dark eye shadow, as had many of the men she had seen during her day’s excursion. “Good evening, my dear.” He held out the chair at the centrally located concierge’s desk. “You look fetching tonight. Special plans?”
Lisa accepted the compliment with a smile. “I hope you’ll be able to help me in that department.”
“Is there anything in particular you’re looking for?” He winked at her playfully.
Although she had some inkling, Lisa wasn’t completely sure what he meant. While she was comfortable in the elegant world her father had exposed her to, and that she enjoyed as an adult, Lisa hoped South Beach would reveal new adventures. “I’d love a recommendation for a nice place to dine; I like seafood. And I wouldn’t mind finding a nice, safe nightspot for some after-dinner activity. Possibly a nightclub or a show?”
“I think I can help you in both departments. May I first ask, are you interested in remaining solo for the evening or would you enjoy some friendly companionship?”
Lisa smiled at the phrasing. “I wouldn’t mind having some friendly companionship.”
“Well then, I think I have just the answer.” The concierge came out from behind his desk and gallantly took Lisa’s arm, guiding her to a group of four women who were chatting in the lobby. They were around her own age, and, like herself, well dressed, expertly made up.
As the women looked up, he said, “These lovely ladies join us for two weeks every year and know all the most chic locales. Ladies, I’d like you to meet our new guest, Lori. She’s new to South Beach and is looking for some comrades in arms, so to speak.”
One of the women stood up and offered her hand to Lisa, who shook it willingly. “I’m Cory. Welcome to our little world. We’d love to have another partner in crime.”
Lisa smiled, appreciating the humor. “Thank you. I hope I’m not intruding.”
Another chimed in. “Tammy. No intrusion at all. We love meeting new people and sharing the joy.”
“I hope you like dancing,” said a third. “I’m Joan. We always head over to Southern Exposure after dinner to work off some of those nasty calories.”
“And I’m Faith,” said the last of the quartet. “Speaking of calories, if you haven’t had dinner, we were just deciding where to go this evening.”
“That sounds wonderful,” Lisa said. “Lead on, please. I appreciate you including me.”
From that evening on, Lisa’s adventure in South Beach took an unexpected and welcome turn. Her spirits lifted higher with each day that passed. The ladies invited her to join them for beach time during the day and dinner and dancing at night. Lisa thought they needed only a film crew for Sex and the City Goes South.
Dancing at Southern Exposure was certainly a new experience. Every type of couple and group imaginable danced together—men with women, men with men, women with women, and a few androgynous people whose gender Lisa wasn’t about to guess. The atmosphere was always one of celebration, and her newfound friends tended to dance in a group, including Lisa in their circle.
On the fifth night of her stay in the Florida warmth, Lisa found herself dancing on the crowded patio floor with Joan, while the others remained at their table. As they danced Lisa leaned in closer to ask, over the pounding beat of a Michael Jackson medley, “Why is everyone else sitting this one out?”
“I think they’re just pacing themselves,” Joan shouted back.
“Would you rather sit down? I won’t mind.” Lisa felt a bit self-conscious.
“No, I’m enjoying this.” Joan briefly rested her hands on Lisa’s shoulders, closing her eyes, moving with the rhythm.
Relieved that her dance partner wanted to continue, Lisa lifted her hands in time with the beat of the music. “It does tend to carry me away.”
“Especially after a couple of strong drinks.”
Lisa threw her head back and laughed, shaking out her hair as it was beginning to get matted against her neck. “The drinks certainly help.”
As the dance went on, Lisa could feel the moisture continue to build on the back of her neck, but she didn’t want to stop. She hadn’t felt this alive in ages.
Joan leaned in to whisper in Lisa’s ear. “You know, whenever we’ve come here this week, everyone in the place has had their eyes on you.”
Lisa smiled and shook her head.
“I’m not kidding. Do you know how beautiful you are?” Joan chuckled. “Oh my God, you’re blushing.” She reached behind Lisa and ran her hand firmly over her butt. “You don’t know, do you? You have the tightest, cutest little ass.” She whispered again, punctuating the statement with a discreet lick across Lisa’s neck.
Lisa pulled away, surprised by the contact and not quite sure what to make of it. Joan must have had one too many. She had noticed that some of the group got rather touchy-feely on the dance floor, but this was the first time she had been included that way. “I hope I didn’t lead you on. I’m not—”
“Oh none of us are.” Joan continued to move to the beat, running her tongue over her lips. “But pleasure is pleasure, no matter where it comes from.” She brushed her hands quickly across Lisa’s breasts before she could move farther away. “Look at your reaction. While you try to move away they stand up, wanting me, wanting more.”
Shivering at the touch, Lisa stopped dancing. “I’m not sure about this. I just don’t know…” She shook her head. “I can’t; I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Nearly running, she left the club and took a taxi back to the hotel where she hurried back to her room, stripped off all her clothes, and went straight into the shower. She turned the water on as hot as she could stand and scrubbed her body as though putting out a fire.
Remaining in the shower until she was red as a lobster, Lisa took long, deep, drawn-out breaths to calm herself. Finally turning off the water, Lisa dried herself with the towel and looked in the mirror as she ran a comb through her wet hair. She froze, staring at her reflection.
The face in the mirror was her own—but not her own. There was a depth of sensuality in those brown eyes that she’d never seen before. The comb fell unnoticed to the counter as her hand, acting with a will of its own, slid over her ass and gently squeezed it. Heat bubbled up inside her from the touch. Lisa shook her head, confused, and stumbled to the bed. As a drop of water from her hair licked her neck, a shiver ran up and down her spine. What was happening? She lay down and closed her eyes, letting her hand roam across her body, up to her breasts. Her nipples were raised with desire and she began to rub and pull at them.
Her body wanted more. Keeping her eyes tightly shut, afraid to watch her own actions, Lisa slowly ran her other hand across her stomach until it reached the soft hair that covered her velvety opening. Combing her fingers through the hair sent chills through her being. The sensations were guiding her movements.
Lisa began to writhe under her own ministrations, although she had no idea where they were coming from. She gently moved her fingers to the edge of the moistening lips of her vagina. It felt so good, so wet. She needed more and she pressed just inside and arched, hitting the special, sensitive spot that made her feel so hot, so good.
Her legs spread apart without conscious direction as Lisa began to tenderly and unceasingly massage herself. Head rolling from side to side, she began to moan with pleasure. A part of her mind wondered if she should stop, but the sensations were too powerful to resist.
Lisa was no longer in control. Her body was demanding satisfaction. She became a part of the heat, the wetness forming all around, and with one final press she let herself go. “Oh God, oh God!” The feelings flooded her body and she shook through an intense orgasm, falling over the edge and allowing herself to fly on the waves of the aftershocks.
Calm at last, Lisa’s breathing slowly returned to normal. Shocked, and yet somehow not disturbed by what she’d experienced, Lisa drew the hand, wet with her passion, up across her entire body, stopping at her lips where she dared to spread the taste of herself across her lower lip. Lisa hesitated only a moment before she licked. The musky aroma, coupled with the salty taste, was all so new. For the first time in as long as she could remember, Lisa fell into a peaceful, deep sleep, with a genuine smile on her face.