How it works...

First, we decreased the number of decimal places (in the Formatting the Story recipe, steps 1-5). Although in some cases the decimal places are necessary, in most cases, whole numbers are enough.

We then increased the font size. It is recommended to adjust the layout of the screen on which the results will be presented. However, we can't always know where they will be displayed, so to stay on the safe side, we need to use a larger font size.

After that, we adjusted the colors. Some colors have specific meanings, and it is always handy to go along with them when possible. In our case, relying on a traffic light analogy, we use red for "not aware" and green for "aware." 

In the formatting phase, our goal is to eliminate all unnecessary elements from the sheet. In our case, we have labels with percentages on bars, tick marks, and also the title in the vertical axis is sufficient. Due to the fact that the "Awareness by Age" title says enough, the label of the "Age" columns is redundant. 

When you are not sure whether an element is needed, ask yourself, "Does it carry unique information, or can we come to the same conclusion via another item?"