When I finally made it back to the crib, I’d almost forgotten that Monique was there. I walked into the den and saw her sitting on the sofa, with my Smith & Wesson nine-millimeter in her hand! My immediate thought was “Fuck! I’ve been a goddamn fool!” But upon further inspection, I saw that she was doing something to the gun. She looked surprised and a little embarrassed when I walked over and stood in front of her.
“Yo, what the hell you think you doing wit my gun?”
“Well, you left this in the laundry room on top of the dryer, and I saw it needed cleaning so I cleaned and oiled it for you.”
Damn! Did she just say she cleaned and oiled my pistol? I always left at least one ratchet somewhere unexpected that I could get to it quick. I called it “easy access.” With the neighborhood I lived in, I doubted very seriously that the police or narc squad would come kicking my door in, although you can never be 100% sure. I never kept drugs here anyway. But who I wasn’t sleeping on though, was all the slick, snake ass niggas in Durham. I don’t give a fuck who you are, or who you think you are, if you getting paper and niggas know it, there’s always some slick nigga out there that will lay and try to jux your ass. There are “NO” exceptions to the rule. Even if the nigga knows there’s a strong chance he could get killed in the process of trying, that’s just a chance that thirsty niggas will take to get on. Robbery is the first cousin to trapping. I walked around and sat down beside Monique as she smiled nervously and handed me my gun, handle first. She still looked banged the fuck up, but she was coming out of that “after Ike beat Tina” mode, and that was a good thing. My ratchet was clean as a whistle. Sliding the chamber back barely took any pull at all, so I knew whatever she’d done was much needed. She wrapped up her gun cleaning kit and was starting to get up when I stopped her. “Yo where you get that at?” I asked pointing at the kit.
“From Wal-Mart.”
“When did you go to Wal-Mart?”
“This morning.”
“Oh yeah, how’d you get there?”
“The city bus.”
“You always ride the city bus?”
“I haven’t in a long time, but I had before.”
“Uh huh. Where you learn to clean a pistol?”
“Big Joe.”
“Oh yeah. What else you know how to do?”
“Whatever. I’m a fast learner.”
“Ha, Ha. Good answer smart ass,” I told her as I got up and walked to my room. Damn! The shit was so clean it scared me! Every nigga likes at least a lil bit of disarray in his life. As crazy as it sounds, it helps us find shit better. I had at least thirty pairs of sneakers, Timberlands, and casual footwear. They were all color coordinated and lined up neatly in my closet. I went to the dresser and the same was true for my clothes. My bed was even made up with fresh sheets and a clean comforter. I walked around the crib and everything was spotless. She’d even scrubbed the tub and toilet. I walked in the kitchen just as Monique was putting away the last of the dishes. I was starting to feel like a slave driver. “Ay yo Monique, check this out.”
“Yeah what’s up Banks? You need me to do something?” She turned and looked at me as she dried her hands, and I almost forgot what I was about to say! The boy shorts and wife beater she had on, caused me to lose focus for a brief second. Damn! I quickly shook that shit off, although the sly grin she wore, told me she knew I was looking.
“You know what? I guess since you gonna be kinda like my lil sister around here, you shouldn’t have to ride the city bus,” I said as I tossed her the keys to my trap ride.
“What’s this?” She looked at me confused.
“That’s the keys to the whip we were in earlier. When I’m not using it, you can drive it.”
“For real! Oh, Thank you Banks!” Monique jumped up and hugged my neck, damn near squeezing the life outta me!
“Alright! Alright! Don’t thank me by choking me to death! It’s just till you can get back on your feet. You got your licsense right?” She hesitated and I already knew the answer before she said it.
“No.” She sounded like she was ashamed.
“Cool. Me neither. But now you gave me a reason to stop bullshittin and go get em. We both going. Okay?”
“O.k.” She answered lighting up like a kid on Christmas.
“Cool. I’ll holla at you later. I gotta go handle some shit.”
“You want me to cook something?”
“Nah, not tonight. I’m going out and might not be back til tomorrow.
“O.k. Be careful.”
“I will grandma.” I laughed as I grabbed my phone off the table and headed for the door.
“Oh yeah Banks, one more thing.” Monique stopped me at the door.
“Yeah, what’s up now?”
“Well, if I’m not mistaken, I’m three months older than you, so how am I lil sis?”
“Wisdom baby girl. Wisdom.” Monique laughed, shook her head and went back in the house.