
Thanks to my friend Eric Fahner for his infinite knowledge and invaluable research assistance on the Queen Mary and the boat train, and to my friends Ed Baskiewicz and Michael Vaughn for research assistance with New York and the New York streets. Thanks also to all my Facebook fans for voting on the name of the Quimby estate, and to the members of Fans of Ocean Liners on Facebook for their assistance with some research questions. Thanks to Liz and Mike for the suggestion of the name Wigglesworth for the butler, and special thanks to Delbert Slowik, who provided Heath’s middle name, Alexander, in my “Give Heath Barrington a Middle Name” contest!

Special thanks to all my family, and my friends, who are my chosen family, and all my readers. Thank you!!!

And as always, thanks and all my love to my husband, Alan, the key to my lock.

Finally, thanks also to Jerry Wheeler, my editor with the most-est, and everyone at Bold Strokes Books who have helped me so much, especially Radclyffe, Carsen, Sandy, Cindy, and Ruth, Stacia, and Sheri.