

1. Memoirs 1:32.

2. The spelling JQA used is de la Fayette.

3. Anne Newport Royall, Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the United States (New Haven: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1826), 166.

4. Royall, Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the United States, 166; AA to JQA, Jun. 23, 1797, Adams Papers; Andrew Oliver, Portraits of JQA and His Wife (Harvard Univ. Press, 1970), 38; AA2 to JQA, Sep. 5, 1785, AFC 6:307.

5. RC to JA, Nov. 3, 1781, AFC 4:242.

6. JQA to AA2, Sep. 27, 1778, AFC 3:93–4.

7. AA to Mary Cranch, Oct. 11, 1789, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 30.

8. George Washington to JA, Feb. 20, 1797, Jared Sparks, ed., Writings of George Washington (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1847) 11:188.

9. John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955), 35.

10. Memoirs 9:14.

11. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage, 35.

12. Ibid., 36.

13. Memoirs 1:28; AA to John Thaxter, Feb. 15, 1778, AFC 2:390; Oct. 4, 1785, JQA Diary. The last line is a reference to Hamlet, Act 1, scene iii, line 63: “Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel.”

14. L. H Butterfield, DAJA 1: xvi; May 20, 1840, JQA Diary; Apr. 1, 1791, JQA Diary.

15. Joseph Allan Nevins, ed. The Diary of John Quincy Adams, 1794–1845 (New York, 1951), introduction.

16. Memoirs 1: viii.

17. Writings 1: vi; AFC 1, introduction.

18. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918), 17; Diary of CFA, xxiv.

19. Jul. 30, 1826, JQA Diary; Massachusetts Historical Society, “Miscellany,” Fall 2009.

Chapter 1: “A Legacy More Valuable Than Gold or Silver”

1. DAJA, 1:80; JQA Diary, Jun. 3, 1794.

2. Memoirs 1:28.

3. JA to JQA, May 26, 1794, Writings 1:190, n. 2.

4. Ibid.

5. JA to JQA, May 29, 1794, Writings 1:190, n. 2.

6. JA to JQA, May 30, 1794, AFC 10:199.

7. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 8–9.

8. Charles F. Adams, Three Episodes of Massachusetts History, 2:872; Henry Adams, The Birthplaces of Presidents John and John Quincy Adams, 3.

9. JA to the Hon. Cotton Tufts, Esq., Aug. 27, 1787, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1882–1883, 20:360.

10. JA to JQA, Dec. 2, 1794, AFC 10:285.

11. John T. Morse, John Quincy Adams (Cambridge: Riverside Press, Houghton Mifflin, 1899), 1; JQA to Skelton Jones, Apr. 17, 1809, Writings 3:252–96.

12. There is some conflict about the extent of the family: “in all eight sons and one daughter lived to grow up” states James Truslow Adams, The Adams Family, 4. According to J. Gardner Bartlett, Henry Adams of Somersetshire, England, and Braintree, Mass. (1927), Henry Adams did indeed have eight sons, but it was son # 3, Jonathan, who remained in England when the family came over in 1638 and only later came to America. JQA writes in a letter, August 25, 1840, to Josiah Adams, and Bartlett concurs, that the land grant Henry Adams had was for ten persons: himself, his wife, his daughter and seven sons. So, “if there were eight sons, did one son simply come here later or did he travel back to England and return to America at a later date? That remains unclear.” Courtesy of Amanda A. Mathews, Assistant Editor, The Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

13. JQA to Skelton Jones, Apr. 17, 1809, Writings 3:294–95.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. DAJA 1:265.

18. AA to JA, Sep. 14, 1767, AFC 1:62.

19. Richard Frothingham, Life and Times of Joseph Warren (Boston: Little, Brown, 1865), 101.

20. DAJA 3:293.

21. DAJA 1:13.

22. JA to James Warren, Dec. 17, 1773, Works of John Adams, 9:333.

23. AA to JA, Aug. 19, 1774, AFC 1:143.

24. Eliza S. M. Quincy, Memoir of Eliza S. M. Quincy (Boston: J. Wilson & Son, 1861), 209.

25. Memoirs 8:325; AA to JA, Mar. 2–10, 1776, AFC 1:354.

26. JQA to Joseph Sturge, Mar. 1846, AFC 1:223, n. 3, (also original AA to JA, Jun. 20, 1776); Memoirs 1:5–6.

27. Jun. 17, 1786, JQA Diary.

28. AA to JA, Sep. 29, 1776, AFC 2:136; JA to AA, Oct. 8, 1776, AFC 2:141.

29. JA to AA, Jul. 3, 1776, AFC 2:27–8.

Chapter 2: “A Great Deal of Room for Me to Grow Better”

1. JA to AA, Jun. 30, 1774, AFC 1:117; JA to JQA, Aug. 11, 1777, AFC 2:308.

2. DAJA 3:256.

3. JA to AA, Jun. 23, 1774, AFC 1:109; JA to AA, Jul. 1, 1774, AFC 1:118.

4. DAJA 6:37–8.

5. AA to John Thaxter, Feb. 15, 1778, AFC 2:391; AA to Mercy Otis Warren, Jul. 16, 1773, AFC 1:85.

6. Memoirs 1:12.

7. JA to AA, Oct. 29, 1775, AFC 2:317–18.

8. Ibid.

9. JA to TBA, Mar. 16, 1777, AFC 2:178.

10. JA to CA, Mar. 17, 1777, AFC 2:179–80.

11. JA to AA2, Mar. 17, 1777, AFC 2:179.

12. JA to AA2, Apr. 18, 1776, AFC 1:388.

13. JA to AA, Sep. 26, 1775, AFC 1:285–86.

14. JA to AA, Apr. 15, 1776, AFC 1:384; AA to JQA, Jan. 19, 1780, AFC 3:268.

15. JA to JQA, Mar. 16, 1777, AFC 2:178.

16. JA to JQA, Aug. 11, 1777, AFC 2:307; JA to JQA, May 14, 1783, AFC 5:160.

17. JA to JQA, Jul. 27, 1777, AFC 2:290–91.

18. JA to JQA, May 14, 1781, AFC 4:114.

19. JA to JQA, May 14, 1783, AFC 5:161.

20. JQA to Elizabeth Cranch, 1773(?), AFC 1:91. This letter is undated but is assumed to be 1773 based on JQA’s handwriting. See note 1.

21. JQA to JA, Oct. 13, 1774, AFC 1:167.

22. JQA to JA, Jun. 2, 1777, AFC 2:254.

23. JQA to JA, Mar. 23, 1777, AFC 2:186.

24. JA to AA, Jun. 29, 1777, AFC 2:271; JA to JQA, Apr. 18, 1776, AFC 1:388.

25. JA to AA, Jul. 7, 1776, AFC 2:39–40.

26. DAJA 4:5.

27. AA to John Thaxter, Feb. 15, 1778, AFC 2:390–92.

28. Ibid.

29. AA to JQA, Jun. 10(?), 1778, AFC 3:37.

30. Ibid.

31. AA to John Thaxter, Feb. 15, 1778, AFC 2:390.

32. Ibid.; AA to Hannah Quincy Lincoln Storer, Mar. 1, 1778, AFC 2:397.

Chapter 3: “Some Compensation for My Not Being with My Friends at Braintree”

1. Life in a New England Town: Diary of JQA, 7.

2. DAJA 2:286.

3. DAJA 2:282; DAJA 2:276–77.

4. DAJA 4:36.

5. DAJA 4:38–41.

6. DAJA 4:42–43.

7. JA to AA, Apr. 19, 1778, AFC 3:14 and n. 3.

8. JQA to AA, Apr. 20, 1778, AFC 3:16.

9. Ibid.

10. JQA to AA, May 25, 1778, AFC 3:29.

11. JQA to William Cranch, May 31, 1778, AFC 3:30.

12. JQA to TBA, May 29, 1778, AFC 3:29.

13. JQA to CA, Jun. 6, 1778, AFC 3:33.

14. JA to AA, Sep. 9, 1778, AFC 3:88.

15. JQA to CA, Oct. 3, 1778, AFC 3:102.

16. JQA to CA and TBA, Oct. 3, 1778, AFC 3:103–5.

17. Ibid.

18. DAJA 2:304; DAJA 4:120.

19. DAJA 2:347; DAJA 3:186; DAJA 2:302.

20. JA to AA, Nov. 27, 1778, AFC 3:122–23.

21. JA to AA, Dec. 3, 1778, AFC 3:128; JA to AA, Feb. 26, 1779, AFC 3:179; JA to AA, Feb. 28, 1779, AFC 3:183.

22. JQA to AA, Feb. 20, 1779, AFC 3:175–76.

23. DAJA 2:352.

24. DAJA 2:377; DAJA 2:354; JQA to AA, Feb. 20, 1779, AFC 3:176.

25. JA to AA, May 14, 1779, AFC 3:195.

26. DAJA 2:359, n. 3.

27. DAJA 2:375.

28. DAJA 2:385.

29. DAJA 4:179.

30. DAJA 4:174.

31. JQA Diary 1:xxxvii (editor’s introduction); JQA to Rev. Henry Coleman, Aug. 25, 1826, Adams Papers.

32. AA to CA, Jan. 19, 1780, AFC 3:270.

33. AA to JQA, Jan. 19, 1780, AFC 3:267–69.

34. Ibid.

Chapter 4: A Journal

1. JA to JQA, Jun. 1784, AFC 5:353.

2. Nov. 12, 1779, JQA Diary.

3. Memoirs 3:408; Memoirs 9:159.

4. Samuel F. Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1981), 258.

5. Nov. 14, 1779, JQA Diary.

6. JQA to AA, Nov. 20, 1779, AFC 3:238–39.

7. Nov. 24, 1779, JQA Diary.

8. Nov. 27, 1779, JQA Diary; Francis Dana’s Journal of 1779–1780 quoted in JQA to AA, Nov. 20, 1779, AFC 3:238, n. 3.

9. Nov. 29, 1779, JQA Diary.

10. Dec. 7, 1779, JQA Diary.

11. Dec. 9, 1779, JQA Diary.

12. Dec. 8, 1779, JQA Diary.

13. DAJA 2:403–4.

14. DAJA 2:201.

15. Dec. 26, 1779, JQA Diary.

16. Dec. 14, 1779, JQA Diary.

17. The knight Hudibras and his squire Ralpho are the principal characters in Samuel Butler’s mock-heroic poem Hudibras. Dec. 15, 1779, n. 1, JQA Diary.

18. Dec. 18, 1779, JQA Diary.

19. Dec. 25, 1779, JQA Diary.

20. Dec. 26, 1779, JQA Diary.

21. Jan. 3, 1780, JQA Diary.

22. Jan. 4 & 6, 1780, JQA Diary.

23. JA to AA, Feb. 12, 1780, AFC 3:271–2; JA to AA, Jan.16, 1780, AFC 3:259; JQA to AA, Jan. 16, 1780, AFC 3:260.

24. JQA to AA, Feb. 17, 1780, AFC 3:279.

25. JQA to JA, Mar. 16, 1780, AFC 3:307.

26. JA to JQA, Mar. 17, 1780, AFC 3:307.

27. John A. Garraty, The American Nation (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), 174–45; Richard B. Morris, ed., Encyclopedia of American History (New York: Harper & Row, 1976), 105, 107.

28. Morris, ed., Encyclopedia of American History, 116, 118; Garraty, The American Nation, 175; Samuel F. Bemis, The Diplomacy of the American Revolution: the Foundation of American Diplomacy (New York, London: D. Appleton-Century, 1935), 184, 186–87.

29. AFC 3:391, n. 5; DAJA 2:442; AFC 3:394, n. 5.

30. Rector Verheyk to JA, Nov. 10, 1780, AFC 4:11–12.

31. JA to Rector Verheyk, Nov. 10, 1780, AFC 4:12.

32. Sep. 6, 1780, JQA Diary.

33. JA to AA, Dec. 18, 1780, AFC 4:34.

34. JA to AA, Jul. 11, 1781, AFC 4:170.

35. Ibid.

Chapter 5: “Almost at the World’s End”

1. JQA to AA, Oct. 12 [23], 1781, AFC 4:233; instructions to Francis Dana from the President of Congress, Dec. 19, 1780, in Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1888), 4:201.

2. Francis Dana Letterbook, Official, 1781–1784, Dana Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Series VI, Vol. 24–25.

3. JA to AA, Jul. 2, 1781, AFC 4:171, n. 3. See also Correspondence of the Late President Adams originally published in the Boston Patriot in a series of letters, (Boston: Everett and Munroe, 1809), 570–71.

4. Benjamin Franklin to the President of Congress, Aug. 9, 1780, in Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, 4:24; JA to Francis Dana, Apr. 18, 1781, JA Papers, 11:269.

5. Francis Dana to JA, Francis Dana Letterbook, Official, 1781–1784, Dana Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Series VI, Vol. 24–25. Francis Dana to Arthur Lee, May 17, 1781, Francis Dana Letterbook, 1780–1781, 182, Dana Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society; Albert S. Cosby, America, Russia, Hemp, and Napoleon: American Trade with Russia and the Baltic, 1783–1812 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1965).

6. Jul. 9, 1781, JQA Diary.

7. Jul. 10–11, 1781, JQA Diary.

8. Jul. 12, 1781, JQA Diary; Francis Dana Journals, 1781–1783, Dana Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Series VI, Vol. 26–27.

9. Jul. 16, 1781, JQA Diary.

10. JQA to JA, Aug. 21, 1781, AFC 4:206–7.

11. Ibid.

12. AA to JA, Sep. 22, 1774, AFC 1:162; Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 25.

13. JQA to JA, Aug. 21 [Sep. 1], 1781, AFC 4:206–7; JQA to John Thaxter, Sep. 8/19, 1781, AFC 4:214; Memoirs 2:53.

14. JQA to AA, Oct. 12, 1781, AFC 4:233–34.

15. Ibid.

16. W. P. Cresson, Francis Dana, A Puritan Diplomat at the Court of Catherine the Great, (New York: Dial Press, 1930), 183, 196.

17. Francis Dana to JA, Aug. 28, 1781. JA Papers 11:478; Cresson, Francis Dana, A Puritan Diplomat, 177.

18. JQA to JA, Oct. 12, 1781, AFC 4:234–35.

19. JA to JQA, Dec. 15, 1781, AFC 4:264.

20. Ibid.

21. JQA to JA, Jan. 1 [12], 1782, AFC 4:275–77.

22. Ibid.

23. Francis Dana to JA, Jan. 11, 1782, AFC 4:277 n. 1.

24. Jan. 27. 1782, JQA Diary.

25. JQA, 15 years later, as United States minister to Berlin, became proficient in the language and was considered an American pioneer in the study of German culture, the “father of German studies” in America. (See Francis Dana to JA, Mar. 28 [Apr. 8], 1782, in JA Papers 12:397; Walter J. Morris, “John Quincy Adams’s German Library,” in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 118, no. 4, August 1974, Penn State, diss.1963, microfilm, 1965.)

26. JQA to John Thaxter, Jan. 2, 1782, AFC 4:278–79.

27. Ibid.

28. Jul. 11, 1782, JQA Diary.

29. JQA to Elizabeth Cranch, Mar. 17, 1782, AFC 4:297.

30. Ibid.

31. JQA to John Thaxter, Jul. 11, 1782, AFC 4:352.

32. John Thaxter to JQA, Aug. 14, 1782, AFC 4:359.

33. Mar. 10, 1787, JQA Diary; Charles F. Adams, “Memoir of Charles Francis Adams, by his son,” in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1899–1900, 199.

34. JA to JQA, May 13, 1782, AFC 4:323.

35. JQA to AA, Jul. 23, 1783, AFC 5:214–16.

36. Ibid.

37. AA2 to JQA, Nov. 27, [1785], AFC 6:469; JQA to Alexander H. Everett, Aug. 19, 1811, Everett-Peabody Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

38. AA to JQA, Nov. 13, 1782, AFC 5:38.

39. JQA to AA, Jul. 30, 1783, AFC 5:220–21.

40. JQA to AA, Sep. 10, 1783, AFC 5:242–44.

41. Ibid.

42. AA to JQA, Dec. 26, 1783, AFC 5:283–84.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. AA to JQA, Mar. 15, 1784, AFC 5:310.

Chapter 6: “Promise To Produce a Worthy Character”

1. Quote from The Studio, New York, new series 2:154 (March 1887) in Andrew Oliver, Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife (Harvard Univ. Press, 1970), 19.

2. Oliver, Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife, 17.

3. Memoirs, 2:650.

4. JA to Sigourney, Ingraham & Bromfield, Apr. 13, 1781, JA Papers, 11:257; JA to Francis Dana, Mar. 15, 1782. JA Papers, 12:323.

5. JA to JQA, May 14, 1783, AFC 5:161; John Thaxter to AA, Jul. 27, 1782, AFC 4:355.

6. Samuel Flagg Bemis, Diplomacy of the American Revolution (New York and London: D. Appleton-Century, 1935), 126; JA to JQA, May 14, 1783, AFC 5:161.

7. JQA to JA, May 24, 1783, AFC 5:165; Oliver, Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife, 17.

8. JA to JQA, May 14, 1783, AFC 5:160.

9. JA to JQA, May 19, 1783, AFC 5:162–3.

10. JA to JQA, May 29, 1783, AFC 5:166.

11. Jul. 22, 1783, JQA Diary; Oliver, Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife, 17.

12. JA to AA, Mar. 22, 1782, AFC 4:300.

13. JA Papers 12:420; DAJA 3:9, n. 1.

14. DAJA 3:106.

15. JA to AA, Jul. 17, 1783, AFC 5:202; DAJA 3:141, n. 1.

16. Aug. 7, 1783, JQA Diary.

17. JA to AA, Aug. 14, 1783, AFC 5:221.

18. JA to AA2, Aug. 13, 1783, AFC 5:223.

19. Aug. 12, 1783, JQA Diary.

20. Aug. 16, 1783, JQA Diary.

21. Aug. 27, 1783, JQA Diary.

22. Aug. 28, 1783, JQA Diary, n. 3; Sep. 20, 1783, JQA Diary.

23. Aug. 27 and Sep. 22, 1783, JQA Diary.

24. Sep. 3, 1783, JQA Diary.

25. Sep. 7, 1783, JQA Diary; Jared Sparks, ed. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution (Boston: Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen, 1830) 7:156, note.

26. JA to AA, Sep. 7, 1783, AFC 5:236.

27. Ibid.

28. Sep. 22, 1783, JQA Diary; DAJA 3:144, n. 4; DAJA 3:146.

29. JA to AA, Sep. 1, 1783, AFC 5:231.

30. DAJA 3:147; Boston Patriot, May 6, 1812, reprinted in DAJA 3:149, n. 1.

Chapter 7: “A Son Who Is the Greatest Traveller of His Age”

1. Boston Patriot, Feb. 17, 1812, reprinted in DAJA 3:153, n. 3.

2. JQA to Elizabeth Cranch, Apr. 18, 1784, AFC 5:322–24.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid.

10. Oct. 28, 1783, JQA Diary.

11. JQA to Peter Jay Munro, Nov. 4, 1783, in Landa M. Freeman et al., eds., Selected Letters of John Jay and Sarah Livingston Jay: Correspondence by or to the First Chief Justice of the United States and His Wife, (Jefferson, N.C., 2005), 145–46.

12. Boston Patriot, Feb. 17, 1812, reprinted in DAJA 3:153, n. 3.

13. Ibid.

14. JA to AA, Jan. 25, 1784, AFC 5:302.

15. AA to JQA, Mar. 15, 1784, AFC 5:310.

16. JA to JQA, May 28, 1784, AFC 5:334.

17. JQA to JA, Jun. 1, 1784, AFC 5:335.

18. JA to JQA, Jun. 11, 1784, AFC 4:342–43.

19. JQA to JA, Jun. 6, 1784, AFC 5:339–40.

20. JQA to JA, Jun. 18, 1784, AFC 5:347–48.

21. Ibid.

22. JQA to Elizabeth Cranch, Apr. 18, 1784, AFC 5:324.

23. JA to JQA, Jun. 21, 1784, AFC 5:351.

24. AA to JA, Jul. 23, 1784, AFC 5:397.

25. JA to AA, Jul. 26, 1784, AFC 5:399.

26. AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, Jul. 30, 1784, AFC 5:411–12.

27. Ibid., AFC 5:412.

28. AA to Mary Smith Cranch, Jul. 30, 1784, AFC 5:382.

29. AA to Elizabeth Cranch, Aug. 1, 1784, AFC 5:414.

30. JQA to JA, Jul. 30, 1784, AFC 5:412.

31. AA2 Diary, Aug. 7, 1784, in L.H. Butterfield et al., eds., The Book of Abigail and John: Selected Letters of the Adams Family, 1762–1784, (Cambridge, MA, 1975), 397–98.

32. AA to Mary Cranch, Jul. 30, 1784, AFC 5:382.

Chapter 8: “A Sister Who Fulfills My Most Sanguine Expectations”

1. AA to Mary Smith Cranch, Dec. 12, 1784, Letters of Mrs. Adams 2:64.

2. Phyllis Lee Levin, Abigail Adams (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001), 174–75; DAJA 3:171.

3. AA to Elizabeth Cranch, Sep. 5, 1784, AFC 5:434.

4. AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, Sep. 4, 1784, AFC 5:428.

5. Ibid.

6. AA2 to Lucy Cranch, Sep. 4, 1784, AFC 5:431.

7. AFC 3:xxxv. It’s possible that JQA’s response may have been lost when AA2’s papers were destroyed by fire in 1862. AFC 4:127, n. 1.

8. AA to JA, Jun. 8, 1777, AFC 2:258; AA to JA, Dec. 30, 1782, AFC 5:62; JA to AA, Dec. 2, 1778, AFC 3:125.

9. Jonathan Mason to AA, Sep. 18, 1776, AFC 2:127; AA to Mercy Otis Warren, Dec. 10, 1778, AFC 3:133; JA to AA2, Dec. 12, 1779, AFC 3:248.

10. AA2 to JQA, May 24, 1781, AFC 4:127.

11. AA2 to JQA, May 3, 1782, AFC 4:319–20.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid.

14. AA to JA, Jul. 17, 1782, AFC 4:344.

15. JA to AA2, Sep. 26, 1782, AFC 4:383.

16. AA2 to JA, May 10, 1783, AFC 5:156.

17. Ibid.

18. AA to JA, Dec. 23, 1782, AFC 5:56.

19. AA to JA, Dec. 23, 1782, L. Butterfield, ed., The Book of Abigail and John (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975), 334.

20. Ibid.

21. Dec. 23, 1782, The Earliest Diary of John Adams, ed. L.H. Butterfield, 4 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Belknap Press), 23.

22. The Book of Abigail and John, 334–36.

23. Ibid.

24. AA to JA, Dec. 23, 1782, AFC 5:55.

25. Ibid., 334–35.

26. JA to AA, Jan. 22, 1783, The Book of Abigail and John, 338.

27. Ibid. The remark about his own ability to support a family is a direct reference to his recent concern: the protracted final negotiations to achieve agreement on fishing rights in the Treaty of Paris.

28. JA to AA, Jan. 29, 1783, AFC 5:83.

29. JA to AA, Jan. 25, 1784, AFC 5:301.

30. JA to AA, Jul. 26, 1784, AFC 5:400.

31. AA in DAJA 3:161, Jul. 1, 1784.

32. Royall Tyler to JA, Aug. 27, 178, AFC 5:425–26.

33. AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, Sep. 30, 1784, AFC 5:464–65.

34. AA2 to Mercy Otis Warren, Sep. 5, 1784, AFC 5:454.

35. AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, Dec. 10, 1784, AFC 6:23–6; AA to Royall Tyler, Jan. 4, 1785; AFC 6:45–50.

36. AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, Dec. 10, 1784, AFC 6:25.

37. AA to Royall Tyler, Jan. 4, 1785, AFC 6:47.

38. Ibid.

39. Jan. 29, 1785, JQA Diary; Mar. 11, 1785, JQA Diary.

40. May 4, 1785, JQA Diary.

41. Feb. 26, 1785, JQA Diary.

42. Jan. 10, 1785, JQA Diary.

43. Mar. 12, 1785, JQA Diary.

44. Ibid. Mar. 15, 1785, JQA Diary.

45. Mar. 25, 1785, JQA Diary; Mar. 24, 1785, JQA Diary.

46. Mar. 27, 1785, JQA Diary.

47. Mar. 28, 1785, JQA Diary, n. 2.

48. Feb. 21, 1785, JQA Diary.

49. Apr. 1, 1785, JQA Diary 1:243.

50. Ibid.

51. Ibid.

52. Apr. 9, 1785, JQA Diary.

53. Ibid.

54. Ibid.

55. Apr. 26, 1785, JQA Diary.

56. DAJA 2:177, n. 1; Apr. 26, 1785, JQA Diary.

57. Ibid.

58. Ibid. Quote is from Shakespeare’s Henry VIII.

59. Memoirs, 1:20.

60. Charles Thomson to Benjamin Franklin, Mar. 7, 1785, Resolution from the Continental Congress in The Papers of Benjamin Franklin (New Haven: Yale University Press).

61. JQA to William Cranch, Dec. 14, 1784, AFC 6:32–33.

62. AA to Mary Cranch, Dec. 12, 1784, Letters, 2:66.

63. Worthington C. Ford, ed., Statesman and Friend: Correspondence of John Adams with Benjamin Waterhouse, 1784–1822, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1927), 46.

64. Corres. in the Boston Patriot, 572 in AFC 4:332–33.

65. Ford, ed. Statesman and Friend, 5–9.

66. AA to Mary Cranch, Apr. 15, 1785, AFC 6:83; AA to JQA, Jun. 26, 1785, AFC 6:194–97.

67. AA to Elizabeth Smith Shaw, Jan. 11, 1785, AFC 6:56.

68. Ibid.

69. AA2 to Lucy Cranch, Jun. 23, 1785, AFC 6:183.

70. AA2 to Lucy Cranch, May 6, 1785, AFC 6:127: AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, May 6, 1785, AFC 6:124–26.

71. Ibid.

72. Ibid.

73. Ibid.

74. AA2 to Lucy Cranch, May 6, 1785, AFC 6:127.

75. May 11, 1785, JQA Diary.

76. May 12, 1785, JQA Diary; JQA to AA2, May 11[12], 1785, AFC 6:144.

Chapter 9: “Your Ever Affectionate Brother”

1. AA2 to JQA, Aug. 3, 1785, AFC 6:218; JQA to AA2, May 29, 1785, AFC 6:155; AA2 to JQA, Aug. 3, 1785, AFC 6:218.

2. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 26, 1785, AFC 6:212.

3. JQA to AA2, May 17, 1785, AFC 6:149.

4. JQA to AA2, May 18, 1785, AFC 6:149–50.

5. JQA to AA2, May 20, 1785. AFC 6:150.

6. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 4, 1785; letter, Friday, undated, possibly Jul. 11, 1785, AFC 6:208.

7. JQA to AA2, Aug. 26, 1785, AFC 6:289.

8. JQA to AA2, Aug. 31, 1785. AFC 6:319.

9. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 4, 1785, AFC 6:204–5.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. AA2 to JQA, Aug. 11, 1785, AFC 6:220.

13. Ibid.

14. AFC 6:181, n. 8.

15. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 26, 1785, AFC 6:212–16 and n. 24.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 31, 1785, AFC 6:216.

20. AA2 to Mary Cranch, Jun. 22, 1785, AFC 6:181.

21. AA2 to JQA, Sep. 13, 1785, AFC 6:310.

22. AA2 to JQA, Sep. 22, 1785, AFC 6:380.

23. AA2 to JQA, Aug. 11, 1785, AFC 6:219.

24. AA to JQA, Aug. 11, 1785, AFC 6:261.

25. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 7, 1785, AFC 6:207.

26. AA to JQA, Feb. 16, 1786, AFC 7:63–65.

27. AA to JQA, Sep. 6, 1785, AFC 6:343–44.

28. AA to JQA, Sep. 6, 1785, AFC 6:343, n. 6.

29. AA2 to JQA, Thursday (probably Sep. 29, 1785), AFC 6:385.

30. AA to JQA, Sep. 6, 1785, AFC 6:343.

31. AA to JQA, Feb. 16, 1786, AFC 7:62.

32. AA2 to JQA, Sep. 5, 1785, AFC 6:306–7.

33. AA2 to JQA, Sep. 5, 1785, AFC 6:306–7; JQA to AA2, May 25 & 29, 1785, AFC 6:155.

34. JQA to AA2, Jun. 14, 1785, AFC 6:157–58.

35. JQA to AA2, Jul. 17, 1785, AFC 6:161; Robert East, John Quincy Adams: The Critical Years (1785–1794) (New York: Bookman Associates, 1962), 15.

Chapter 10: “The Sentiments of my Heart as they Rise”

1. JQA to AA2, Jul. 19, 1785, AFC 6:226.

2. JQA to AA2, Aug. 5, 1785, AFC 6:244.

3. JQA to JA, Aug. 3, 1785, AFC 6:250–51 and n. 3.

4. Aug. 14, 1785, JQA Diary; JQA to AA2, Aug. 14, 1785, AFC 6:253.

5. JQA to AA2, Aug. 19, 1785, AFC 6:255.

6. JQA to AA2, Aug. 25, 1785, AFC 6:289; Aug. 26, 1785, JQA Diary.

7. Ibid.

8. JQA to AA2, Aug. 26, 1785, AFC 6:289–90.

9. JQA to AA2, Aug. 28, 1785, AFC 6:291; Aug. 28, 1785, JQA Diary; JQA to AA2, Sep. 26, 1785, AFC 6:375 and n.17; Aug. 28, 1785, JQA Diary.

10. Aug. 31, 1785, JQA Diary.

11. The population of Haverhill, Massachusetts, in the first U.S. Census of 1790 was 2,408. George W. Chase, ed. Abstract of the Census of Massachusetts, 1860 (Boston: Wright & Potter, 1863), 26; JQA to AA2, Sep. 7, 1785, AFC 6:325.

12. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Sep. 7, 1785, AFC 6:347–8.

13. Ibid.

14. Dec. 12, 1785, JQA Diary.

15. Dec. 25, 1785, Oct. 4, 1785, JQA Diary.

16. Dec. 25, 1785, JQA Diary.

17. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Jan. 8, 1786, AFC 7:3; Mary Cranch to AA, Feb. 9, 1786, AFC 7:47.

18. Feb. 22, 1786, JQA Diary.

19. Jan. 14, 1786, JQA Diary.

20. JQA to William Cranch, Nov. 1, 1785, AFC 6:448; Nov. 23, 1785, JQA Diary.

21. Jan. 17, 1786, JQA Diary.

22. Dec. 21, 1785, JQA Diary; Jan. 6, 1786, JQA Diary.

23. Jan. 13, 1786, JQA Diary; JQA to AA2, Oct. 5, 1785, AFC 6:399–400.

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid.

26. JQA to AA2, Oct. 19, 1785, AFC 6:402.

27. Ibid.

28. Oct. 10, 1785, JQA Diary; Oct. 16, 1785, JQA Diary.

29. JQA to AA2, Oct. 27, 1785, AFC 6:443; JQA to AA2, Oct. 29, 1785, AFC 6:444.

30. Nov. 3, 1785, JQA Diary.

31. Nov. 12, 1785, JQA Diary.

32. Jan. 9, 1786, JQA Diary.

33. Feb. 9, 1786, JQA Diary.

34. JQA to AA2, Sep. 27, 1785, AFC 6:374–75.

35. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA2, Jun. 4, 1786, AFC 7:213–14.

36. Ibid.

37. Jan. 31, 1786, JQA Diary; Nov. 14, 1785, JQA Diary.

38. Jan. 7, 1786, JQA Diary.

39. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA2, Feb. 14, 1786, AFC 7:58.

40. Matthew Prior, “An English Padlock,” lines 78–79, only JQA has reversed the lines. JQA Diary, Jan. 13, 1786, n. 1; Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA2, Feb. 14, 1786, AFC 7:58–59.

41. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA2, Feb. 14, 1786, AFC 7:58–59; Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Mar. 18, 1786, AFC 7:93–94.

42. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Mar. 18, 1786, AFC 7:93–94.

43. Feb. 4, 1786, JQA Diary.

44. Ibid.

45. Mar. 15, 1786, JQA Diary: “The first book was Horace, where Mr. [Eleazar] James, the Latin tutor told me to turn to the Carmen saeculare where I construed 3 stanza’s, and parsed the word sylvarum, but called potens a substantive. Mr. [Timothy Lindall] Jennison, the Greek tutor then put me to the beginning of the fourth Book of Homer; I construed Lines, but parsed wrong [Greek word]. I had then [Greek word] given me. I was then asked a few questions in Watts’s Logic by Mr. [John] Hale, and a considerable number in Locke, on the Understanding, very few of which I was able to answer. The next thing was Geography, where Mr. [Nathan] Read ask’d me what was the figure of the Earth, and several other questions, some of which I answered; and others not. Mr. Williams asked me if I had studied Euclid, and arithmetic, after which the president conducted me to another room, and gave me the following piece of English to turn into Latin—from The World [which John Quincy copied into his diary from memory], No. 171, 8 April, 1756:

There cannot certainly be an higher ridicule, than to give an air of importance, to amusements, if they are in themselves contemptible and voice of taste, but if they are the object and care of the judicious and polite and really deserve that distinction, the conduct of them is certainly of consequence. I made it thus: Nihil profecto risu dignior, potest esse, quam magni aestimare delectamenta, si per se despicienda sunt, atque sine sapore. At si rest oblatae atque cura sunt sagtacibus et artibus excultis, et revera hanc distinctionem merent, administration eorum haud dubie utilitatis est.

46. JQA to AA2, Mar. 15, 1786, AFC 7:90.

47. JQA to AA2, Mar. 22, 1786, AFC 7:91.

48. Ibid.; JQA to Elizabeth Smith Shaw, Mar. 29, 1786, AFC 7:118.

49. JA to JQA, May 26, 1786, AFC 7:205.

50. Mar. 15, 1786, JQA Diary.

51. JQA to JA, Apr. 2, 1786, AFC 7:131.

Chapter 11: “Study Is My Mistress”

1. Henry Adams, “Harvard College 1786–87,” North American Review (Boston: James Osgood, vol. 114, Jan. 1872), 115–18.

2. Dec. 22, 1787, JQA Diary.

3. JQA to AA2, Mar. 22, 1786, AFC 7:92.

4. Mar. 23, 1786, JQA Diary.

5. JQA to Elizabeth Smith Shaw, Mar. 29, 1786, AFC 7:118; Mar. 24, 1786, JQA Diary.

6. Mar. 28, 1786, JQA Diary.

7. JQA to AA2, Apr. 1, 1786, AFC 7:118–19.

8. Ibid.

9. JQA to AA, May 15, 1786, AFC 7:163–64.

10. Elizabeth Cranch to AA, Jul. 1, 1786, AFC 7:229.

11. Lucy Cranch to AA, Jun. 24, 1786, AFC 7:227.

12. May 16, 1786, Sep. 12, 1786, Sep. 9, 1786, Sep. 26, 1786, JQA Diary.

13. Jun. 26, 1786, JQA Diary.

14. Jun. 21, 1786, JQA Diary.

15. Jul. 6, 1786, JQA Diary.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1981), 21.

19. Sep. 7, 1786, JQA Diary.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Nov. 20, 1786, JQA Diary.

23. Sep. 14, 1787, JQA Diary.

24. AA to Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 29, 1787, AFC 7:455; Charles F. Adams, History of Braintree, Massachusetts (1639–1708) (Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1891), 265.

25. JQA to AA, Dec. 30, 1786, AFC 7:418.

26. Ibid.

27. Ibid.

28. Sep. 26, 1786, JQA Diary.

29. Ibid.

30. Sep. 29, 1786, JQA Diary. Quote is from King Henry V, Act IV, sc.3.

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid.

33. JQA to AA2, Apr. 15, 1786, AFC 7:157; paraphrase of Alexander Pope, “Ode for Music on St Cecilia’s Day.”

34. Mar. 28, 1787, JQA Diary; JQA to AA2, Jan. 14, 1787, AFC 7:434.

35. Memoirs 1:99.

36. JQA to AA2, Apr. 11, 1786, AFC 7:121; Mar. 26, 1786, JQA Diary; May 15, 1786, JQA Diary; Oct. 27, 1786, JQA Diary.

37. Feb. 15, 1787, JQA Diary.

38. AA2 to JQA, Sep. 1, 1786, AFC 7:328.

39. Oct. 19, 1786, JQA Diary.

40. JQA to AA, Dec. 30, 1786, AFC 7:419; JQA to AA2, Jan. 14, 1787, AFC 7:433.

41. Ibid., 7:434–37.

42. Ibid.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid.

46. JQA to AA, May 19, 1786, AFC 7:165: JQA to AA2, Jun. 10, 1786, AFC 7:169.

47. JQA to AA2, Jan. 14, 1787, AFC 7:434; AA to JQA, Feb. 16, 1786, AFC 7:63.

48. Ibid.

49. JQA to AA, May 19, 1786, AFC 7:164.

50. AA2 to JQA, Jul. 22, 1786, AFC 7:282–83.

51. Mar. 2, 1787, JQA Diary.

52. Jun. 20, 1787, JQA Diary; JQA to AA, Aug. 1, 1787, Writings 1:33–34, n. 3.

53. Lucy Cranch to AA, Aug. 18, 1787, AFC 8:142; Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Jul. 22, 1787, AFC 8:135.

54. Writings 1:34.

55. Jul. 18, 1787, JQA Diary.

56. JQA to JA, Aug. 30, 1786, AFC 7:326.

57. AA to JQA, Nov. 22, 1786, AFC 7:394; JQA to JA, Sep. 21, 1790, AFC 7:118; JA to JQA, Jan. 10, 1787, AFC 7:429.

58. Jul. 11, 1787, JQA Diary.

59. Aug 14, 1787, JQA Diary.

60. Aug. 16, 1787, n. 1, JQA Diary.

61. Mary Cranch to AA, Sep. 1, 1787, AFC 8:146.

62. Aug. 30, 1877, JQA Diary.

Chapter 12: “a Student in the Office of Theophilus Parsons”

1. Memoirs 1:23; Charles F. Adams, ed., Life in a New England Town (Newburyport: Little, Brown, 1903), 6.

2. C. F. Adams, ed., Life in a New England Town, 6–7.

3. Ibid., 8–9.

4. Ibid., 8.

5. Sep. 9, 1787, JQA Diary; Sep. 19, 1787, JQA Diary.

6. Sep. 29, 1787, JQA Diary.

7. Sep. 30, 1787, JQA Diary.

8. Oct. 3, 1787, JQA Diary.

9. Mar. 8, 1788, JQA Diary.

10. Oct. 20, 1787, JQA Diary.

11. Oct. 22, 1787, JQA Diary.

12. Nov. 23, 1787, JQA Diary.

13. Ibid.

14. Nov. 24, 1787, JQA Diary.

15. Dec. 6, 1787, JQA Diary.

16. Ibid.

17. Dec. 18, 1787, JQA Diary; Dec. 25, 1787, JQA Diary.

18. JQA to AA, Dec. 23, 1787, Writings 1:37.

19. Jan. 1, 1788, JQA Diary.

20. Samuel F. Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981), x.

21. Jan. 4, 1788, JQA Diary.

22. Jan. 2, 1788, JQA Diary; JQA to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, Dec. 15, 1832 in Bemis, Foundations, 24, n. 51.

23. Jan. 12, 1788, JQA Diary.

24. Jan. 16, 1788, JQA Diary.

25. Jan. 24, 1788, JQA Diary; JQA to AA, May 19, 1786, AFC 7:165; AA2 to JQA, Jul. 22, 1786, AFC 7:284; Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, May 20, 1787, AFC 8:55, n. 8.

26. Mar. 28, 1788, JQA Diary; Apr. 8, 1788, JQA Diary.

27. Dec. 28, 1839, Memoirs 10:175.

28. Oct. 12, 1787, JQA Diary.

29. Ibid.

30. Feb. 8, 1788, JQA Diary.

31. Feb. 7, 1788, and Mar. 5, 1788, JQA Diary.

32. Jul. 9, 1827, Memoirs 7:307.

33. Jan. 26, 1788, JQA Diary.

34. May 13, 1788, JQA Diary.

35. Ibid.; JA to JQA, Sep. 9, 1785, AFC 7:356.

36. Aug. 2, 1787, JQA Diary.

37. Mercy Otis Warren to AA, Jul. 30, 1788, AFC 8:283–84.

38. Jun. 18, 1788, JQA Diary.

39. Jun. 20, 1788, JQA Diary.

40. Jul. 17, 1788, JQA Diary.

41. Ju1. 11, 1788, JQA Diary.

42. Jan. 2 and May 16, 1788, JQA Diary.

43. Aug. 13, 1788, JQA Diary.

44. Sep. 13–20, 1788, JQA Diary; Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Sep. 21, 1788, AFC 8:297.

45. Ibid.

46. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Oct. 3, 1788, AFC 8:301.

47. Oct. 1, 1788, JQA Diary, from Henry IV, pt. 2, Act 3, sc. 1.

48. Oct. 14, 1788, JQA Diary.

49. Oct.-Dec., 1788, JQA Diary; Dec. 10, 1788, JQA Diary; Dec. 11, 1788, JQA Diary.

Chapter 13: “Exposed to the Perils of Sentiment”

1. JQA to JA, Jun. 28, 1789, AFC 8:380.

2. JQA to JA Jun. 28, 1789, AFC 8:384, n. 2, 3 and 7: Parsons never held any federal positions; he was named chief justice of the Mass. Supreme Judicial Court in 1806.

3. JA to JQA, Jul. 9, 1789, AFC 8:386.

4. AA to JQA, Nov. 22, 1789, AFC 8:442.

5. Oct. 18, 1789, JQA Diary; C. F. Adams, ed., Life in a New England Town (Newburyport: Little, Brown, 1903), 177.

6. AA to JQA, Nov. 22, 1789, AFC 8:442.

7. JQA to AA, Dec. 5, 1789, AFC 8:445–46.

8. Ibid.

9. JA to JQA, Feb. 9, 1790, AFC 9:14.

10. JA to JQA, Feb. 19, 1790, AFC 9:16.

11. JQA to JA, Mar. 19, 1790, AFC 9:29–32.

12. Ibid.

13. JA to JQA, Apr. 1, 1790, AFC 9:36–37.

14. JQA to JA, Apr. 5, 1790, Writings 1:49–50.

15. Ibid.

16. JQA to JA, Oct. 19, 1790, AFC 9:136.

17. JQA to William Cranch, Apr. 7, 1790, AFC 9:41–44.

18. Ibid., n.1.

19. Ibid.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid., n. 7. Quoted from The Rape of the Lock, Canto 1, l. 76.

22. Ibid.

23. James Bridge to JQA, Sep. 28, 1790, Adams Papers.

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid.

26. Ibid.

27. Ibid.

28. AA2 to JQA, Apr. 18, 1790, AFC 9:47.

29. Ibid.

30. AA2 to JQA, Jun. 6, 1790, AFC 9:68. JQA letter is lost.

31. Ibid.

32. Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, sc. 2.

33. William Cranch to JQA, Jun. 10, 1790, AFC 9:70.

34. Ibid.

35. Jul. 11, 1790, JQA Diary.

36. Jul. 15, 1790, JQA Diary; AA to Mary Cranch, Mar. 12, 1791, New Letters, 70.

37. JQA to JA, Aug. 9, 1790, Adams Papers.

38. JQA to AA, Aug. 14, 1790, AFC 9:90.

39. AA to JQA, Aug. 20, 1790, AFC 9:92.

40. JA to JQA, Oct. 4, 1790, AFC 9:129.

41. Ibid.

42. AA to JQA, Sep. 12, 1790, AFC 9:110.

43. Ibid.

44. Jun.-Dec. 1790, JQA Diary.

45. Elizabeth Shaw to AA, Sep. 28, 1790. AFC 9:123; AA to JQA, Nov. 7, 1790, AFC 9:142.

46. Ibid.

47. AA to JQA, Aug. 20, 1790. AFC 9:92.

48. JQA to AA, Aug. 29, 1790, AFC 9:96.

49. JQA to AA2, Nov. 20, 1790, AFC 9:147.

50. JQA to AA, Oct. 17, 1790, AFC 9:133.

51. CA to JQA, Oct. 21, 1790, AFC 9:137.

52. JQA to AA, Oct. 17, 1790, AFC 9:132.

53. JA to JQA, Dec. 8, 1790, Writings 1:64.

54. Charles F. Adams, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States (Boston: Little & Brown, 1850), 2:29; JQA to JA, Jun. 30, 1787, AFC 8:96; JQA to AA, Aug. 14, 1790, AFC 9:89–90.

55. JQA to AA, Nov. 20, 1790, AFC 9:146.

56. JQA to TBA, Apr. 20, 1791, AFC 9:209.

57. Ibid., 212.

58. AA to JQA, Apr. 18, 1791, AFC 9:210; JA to JQA, Jun. 1791, Adams Papers.

59. JQA to CFA, Mar. 15, 1828, Samuel Flagg Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Greenwood Press, 1981), 24, n. 55.

60. JQA probably to Thomas Woodbridge Hooper, Aug. 29, 1794, AFC 9:43, n. 5.

61. Nov. 18, 1838, JQA Diary.

62. Ibid.

63. AA2 to JQA, Jun. 6, 1790, AFC 9:68; AA to TBA, Mar. 20, 1803, AFC 9:xxx, n. 22.

64. Elizabeth Smith Shaw to JQA, Jun. 9, 1794, AFC 10:202–203.

65. Ibid.

Chapter 14: “On the Bridge between Wisdom and Folly”

1. Address to the bar of Cincinnati, 1843 in Josiah Quincy, Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams (Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee, 1860), 7; Nov. 15, 1790, JQA Diary.

2. Apr. 1, 1791, JQA Diary.

3. James Bridge to JQA, Jun. 1791, Adams Papers.

4. May 4, 1785, JQA Diary.

5. ”Extract from a Sermon by Dr. Price,” The Parliamentary Magazine, 89.

6. Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (New York: Penguin, 2004), 25, 13.

7. Ibid., 25, 90, 93–94.

8. AA to William Stephens Smith, Mar. 16, 1791, AFC 9:204.

9. Ibid.

10. JQA to TBA, Apr. 2, 1791, AFC 9:209.

11. Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man (London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1969), 4, 33.

12. Ibid.

13. The Selected Writings of John and John Quincy Adams, ed. Adrienne Koch and William Peden (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1946), 226.

14. JA to Benjamin Rush, Apr. 18, 1790, JA Works, 9:565.

15. Ibid.

16. Selected Writings of JA and JQA, 226.

17. Ibid.

18. Writings of James Madison, vol. 8, quoted in Writings 1:66.

19. Writings 1:107.

20. John Quincy Adams and Charles Francis Adams, The Life of John Adams, 2 vols. (New York: Haskell House, 1968), 2:150–51.

21. Thomas Jefferson to JA, Jul. 17, 1791, The Adams-Jefferson Letters 1:245.

22. Ibid.

23. Ibid.

24. Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, May 8, 1791, Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, May 9, 1791, Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph Jr., Jul. 3, 1791, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton University, ed. Julian Boyd, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950), 20:291–96.

25. JA to Thomas Jefferson, Jul. 29, 1791, The Adams-Jefferson Letters 1:247–48; JA to JQA, Aug. 25, 1795, Writings 1:66.

26. JA to Thomas Jefferson, Jul. 29, 1791, The Adams-Jefferson Letters 1:247–48.

27. Thomas Jefferson to JA, Aug. 30, 1791, The Adams-Jefferson Letters 1:251–52.

28. Memoirs 8:270.

29. Oct. 20, 1791, JQA Diary; JQA to TBA, Oct. 28, 1791, AFC 9:235.

30. JQA to TBA, Feb. 1, 1792, AFC 9:254.

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid.

33. Apr. 13, 1792, JQA Diary.

34. Apr. 17, 1792, JQA Diary.

35. Apr. 14, 1792, JQA Diary.

36. May 4, 1792, JQA Diary.

37. May 16, 1792, JQA Diary.

38. Sep. 1, 1792, JQA Diary.

39. Jan. 6, 1792, Mar. 1, 1792, Feb. 23, 1793, JQA Diary.

40. David McCullough, 1776 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005), 27.

41. Sep. 3, Jun. 20, Jul. 12, Sep. 7, Dec. 31 1793, JQA Diary.

42. JQA to JA, Dec. 16, 1792, AFC 9:350, n. 1; JQA to JA, Dec. 8, 1792, AFC 9:341.

43. Alden Bradford, History of Massachusetts (Boston: Richardson and Lord, 1822), 116.

44. George O. Seilhamer, History of the American Theater: New Foundations 1792–1797 (Philadelphia: Globe Printing House, 1891), 17–19.

45. JQA to JA, Dec. 16, 1792, AFC 9:349, n.3.

46. JQA to JA, Dec. 16, 1792, AFC 9:349.

47. Oct. 8, 1792, JQA Diary.

48. JQA to JA, Feb. 10, 1793, Writings, v. 1. John Quincy Adams was one of the original stockholders in the Boston Theater, which opened on February 3, 1794, went bankrupt after one season, and burned down in 1798, noted in JQA to John Gardner, The Hague, May 28, 1795, Adams Papers; Justin Winsor, ed., Memorial History of Boston, v. IV, 362–64; quoted in Bemis, Foundations, 28, n. 68.

49. Dec. 24, 1792, JQA Diary; JA to JQA, Dec. 26, 1792, AFC 9:358; Elizabeth Smith Shaw to AA, Dec. 31, 1792, AFC 9:363.

50. AA to JA, Jan. 7, 1793, AFC 9:374; JA to JQA, Jan. 27, 1793, AFC 9:383.

51. Columbian Centinel, Jan. 26, 1793, AFC 9:388–89, n. 1; JQA to JA, Feb. 10, 1793, AFC 9:403.

52. JA to CA, Mar. 18, 1793, AFC 9:411; JQA to JA, Feb. 10, 1793, AFC 9:403.

53. Memoirs 1:27.

54. Samuel Flagg Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981), 29.

Chapter 15: “I, Too, Am a Scribbler”

1. JA to AA, Dec. 4, 1796, Adams Papers.

2. AA2 to AA, Sep. 13, 1792, AFC 9:304–5.

3. TBA to JA, Apr. 7, 1793, AFC 9:421.

4. Ibid.

5. Jared Sparks, Writings of George Washington, v. 10 (Boston: Russell, Shattuck, and Hilliard & Hilliard, Gray, 1836), 533–34.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. CA to JA, May 29, 1793, AFC 9:430–31.

9. Writings 1:135–46.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid. Marcellus appeared in the Boston Columbian Centinel, April 24, May 4, 11, 1793. The third installment was reprinted in the Philadelphia Gazette of the United States on May 25.

12. JA to CA, Jun. 5, 1793, AFC 9:434.

13. JQA to TBA, Jun. 23, 1793, AFC 9:438.

14. An Oration pronounced Jul. 4, 1793, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston in Commemoration of the Anniversary of American Independence, by John Quincy Adams, (Boston: Benjamin Edes & Sons, 1793). Also see Jul. 4, 1793, JQA Diary: “Independence Day. Delivered the Oration at the request of The Town, the performance well received for which I feel grateful.”

15. CA to JQA, Jul. 29, 1793, AFC 9:440.

16. Nov. 25, 1793, JQA Diary.

17. Writings 1:148–76.

18. Writings 1:148–76.

19. Ibid.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Ibid.

23. JQA and his thoughts on abstention from European political conditions would be reflected in George Washington’s Farewell Address, and still later, in the Monroe Doctrine. Samuel Flagg Bemis, “John Quincy Adams and George Washington,” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. LXVII, Oct. 1941–1944, (Boston, 1945), 365–85.

24. Sparks, Writings of George Washington, 12:96.

25. JQA to JA, Jan. 5, 1794, AFC 10:11.

26. CA to JA, Dec. 30, 1793, AFC 9:491; JA to AA, Dec. 30, 1793, AFC 9:492.

27. JA to JQA, Dec. 14, 1793, AFC 9:469; JA to AA. Dec. 19, 1793, AFC 9:477.

28. JQA to JA, Jan. 5, 1794, AFC 10:11–13; also in Writings 1:176–79.

29. Ibid.

30. JQA to TBA, Feb. 13, 1794, AFC 10:77.

31. Feb. 13, 1794, JQA Diary; JQA to TBA, Feb. 13, 1794, AFC 10:78.

32. Ibid. John Quincy Adams in 1793 collected 222 pounds 4 shillings from 94 fees; for January to Jun. 1794, 170 pounds 11 shillings from 77 fees. By year four year of his law practice, Adams finally began to reap the rewards of his patience. As he recalled in 1843, he found his practice “swelling to such an extent that I felt no longer any concern as to my future destiny as a member of that profession.” Comparisons are difficult to make but “Adams’s income in 1793 was roughly the equivalent of approximately $60,000 in today’s money . . . although because he had to pay overhead expenses his income was not sheer profit.” William G. Ross, “The Legal Career of John Quincy Adams,” Akron Law Review, v. 23:3, 415–53, spring, 1990; Joseph Quincy, Memoir of the Life of John Quincy, 7–8.

33. JQA to JA, Mar. 2, 1794, AFC 10:98; JA to AA Mar. 8, 1794, AFC 10:104.

34. JQA to JA, Mar. 2, 1794, AFC 10:97; JQA to JA, Mar. 24, 1794, AFC 10:125; JQA to TBA, Mar. 27, 1794, AFC 10:129.

35. JA to JQA, Apr. 3, 1794, AFC 10:134.

36. Ibid.

37. JQA to JA, Apr. 12, 1794, AFC 10:142.

38. Ibid.

39. JA to JQA, Apr. 23, 1794, AFC 10:151.

40. JA to AA, May 19, 1794, AFC 10:184.

41. AA to JA, May 27, 1794, AFC 10:196.

42. Jun. 3, 1794, JQA Diary.

43. JA to AA, May 27, 1794, AFC 10:197.

44. JA to JQA, May 29, 1794, AFC 10:198.

45. AA to Martha Washington, Jun. 20, 1794, AFC 10:206.

46. Ibid.

47. Martha Washington to AA, Jul. 19, 1794, AFC 10:214–15.

48. JA to JQA, May 30, 1794, AFC 10:200.

49. Jun. 10, 1794, JQA Diary.

50. Jun. 4, 6, 7, 14, 15, JQA Diary.

51. Jun. 18, 1794, JQA Diary; Jun. 29, 1794, JQA Diary.

Chapter 16: “The Times Change and We Change with Them”

1. Jun. 30–Jul. 7, 1794, JQA Diary; JA to AA, May 3, 1794, AFC 10:163.

2. Jul. 7, 1794, JQA Diary.

3. JQA to AA, Jul. 8, 1794, AFC 10:207.

4. Jul. 7, 1794, JQA Diary.

5. Katherine Metcalf Roof, Colonel William Smith and Lady (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1929), 38, 90–95.

6. JA to AA, Mar. 2, 1793, AFC 9:415; AA to JQA, Sep. 12, 1790, AFC 9:109.

7. JA to AA, Mar. 2, 1793, AFC 9:416.

8. Memoirs 1:34–36.

9. Jul. 11, 1794, JQA Diary.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. JQA to JA, Jul. 18, 1794, AFC 10:211.

14. JQA to AA, Jul. 12, 1794, AFC 10:209; AA to JQA, Jul. 20, 1794, AFC 10:215; JQA to JA, Jul. 18, 1794, AFC 10:213.

15. JQA to JA, Jul. 27, 1794, Writings 1:193–97.

16. Ibid.

17. JA to JQA, Aug. 24, 1794, AFC 10:227–28.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. Instructions from Edmund Randolph to JQA, Jul. 29, 1794, Writings 1:198–200.

21. JQA to AA, Jul. 29, 1794, AFC 10:223.

22. Writings 1:201, n. 1; JQA to AA, Jul. 27, 1794 and n. 2, AFC 10:222, 224.

23. Memoirs 1:39.

24. Ibid.

Chapter 17: “The Magnitude of the Trust and My Own Incompetency”

1. AA to JQA, Sep. 12, 1790, AFC 9:109; JA to AA, Jan. 16, 1795, AFC 10:350; JA to TBA, Dec. 3, 1794, AFC 10:286; AA to TBA, Jan. 10, 1795, AFC 10:346.

2. Memoirs 1:43.

3. Memoirs 1:13.

4. Samuel F. Bemis, “The London Mission of Thomas Pinckney, 1792–1796,” American Historical Review, 28:229–31 (Jan. 1923).

5. JQA to AA, Jan. 6, 1796, AFC 11:125.

6. JQA to JA, Oct. 31, 1795, Writings 1:424; JQA to JA, Oct. 23, 1794, Writings 1:203.

7. Philadelphia Aurora General Advertiser, May 13 and 22, 1797, 2–3.

8. JQA to AA, Nov. 11, 1794, AFC 10:254; JQA to AA, Oct. 25, 1794, AFC 10:240.

9. Oct. 27, 1794, Memoirs 1:54–55; JQA to AA, Nov. 11, 1794, AFC 10:254.

10. Simon Schama, Patriots and Liberators (New York: Knopf, 1977), 3; JA to JQA, Aug. 24, 1794, AFC 10:227.

11. JQA to JA, Oct. 23, 1794, Writings 1:205–9.

12. Ibid.

13. Instructions from Edmund Randolph to JQA, Jul. 29, 1794, Writings 1:198–200; JQA to JA, Nov. 9, 1794, Adams Papers.

14. Schama, Patriots and Liberators, 2; Samuel F. Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981), 31.

15. JQA to JA, Nov. 9, 1794, Writings 1:224–25.

16. Ibid.

17. JQA to JA, Dec. 3, 1794, Writings 1:246; JQA to AA, Nov. 11, 1794, AFC 10:255.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. JQA to JA, Dec. 3, 1794, Writings 1:247.

21. Nov. 14, 1794, JQA Diary; Feb. 2, 1795, Memoirs 1:66.

22. Ibid.

23. His wife, the Princess of Orange, Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina (1747–1802), niece of Frederick the Great and daughter of Prince August of Prussia.

24. Feb. 2, 1795, Memoirs 1:66.

25. Jan. 18, 1795, JQA Diary.

26. JQA to Edmund Randolph, Jan. 22, 1795, Writings 1:264.

27. Jan. 22, 1795, JQA Diary.

28. Ibid.

29. JQA to AA, Feb. 12, 1795, AFC 10:384–85.

30. Ibid.

31. JQA to JA, Apr. 1, 1795, Writings 1:312.

32. JQA to Thomas Welsh, Apr. 26, 1795, Writings 1:339, n. 1.

33. JQA to JA, May 4, 1795, Writings 1:343.

34. May 1–2, 1795, Memoirs 1:115.

35. Ibid.

36. JQA to JA, May 22, 1795, Writings 1:353–55.

37. Ibid.

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. JQA to JA, Jun. 27, 1795, Writings 1:375.

41. JQA to AA, May 16, 1795, AFC 10:434; JQA to JA, Jun. 27, 1795, Writings 1:378.

42. JQA to JA, Jun. 27, 1795, Writings 1:388.

43. JA and AA to JQA, Apr. 26, 1795, AFC 10:423.

44. George Washington to JA, Aug. 20, 1795, The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745–1799, ed. John C. Fitzpatrick, 39 vols., Washington, D.C., 1931–1944, 13:91.

45. Writings 1:397.

46. Memoirs 1:121.

47. Oct. 14, 1795, JQA Diary.

48. Writings 1:418; JQA to JA, Oct. 31, 1795, Writings 1:423–24; Oct. 21, 1795, Memoirs 1:126.

49. JQA to AA, Nov. 7, 1795, AFC 11:60–62.

50. Ibid.

51. Ibid.

52. Ibid.

53. Nov. 11, 1795, JQA Diary.

54. Nov. 12, 1795, Memoirs 1:133.

Chapter 18: “The Usual Mixture between Sweet and Bitter”

1. Nov. 11, 1795, JQA Diary.

2. LCA, Diary and Autobiographical Writings of Louisa Catherine Adams, ed. Judith S. Graham and others, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013), 1:33.

3. LCA, D&A 1:33–34.

4. JQA to Sylvanus Bourne, Dec. 24, 1795, Writings 1:466.

5. JQA to JA, Nov. 17, 1795, Writings 1:433.

6. JQA to Sylvanus Bourne, Dec. 24, 1795, Writings 1:466–67.

7. Ibid.

8. Nov. 22, 1795, JQA Diary.

9. Nov. 27, 1795, Memoirs 1:140–41.

10. Ibid.

11. Dec. 1, 1795, Memoirs 1:143–46.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid.

14. Dec. 2, 1795, Memoirs 1:148–49.

15. Dec. 8, 1795, Memoirs 1:161; Dec. 11, 1795, Memoirs 1:164.

16. JQA to Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, Jan. 20, 1796, Writings 1:472, n. 1.

17. JQA to Lord Grenville, Dec. 9, 1795, Writings 1:450.

18. Dec. 11, 1795, Memoirs 1:164.

19. JQA to JA, Dec. 29, 1795, Writings 1:473; Dec. 12, 1795, JQA Diary.

20. JQA to JA, Dec. 29, 1795, Writings 1:471–72.

21. Dec. 9, 1795, Memoirs 1:162–63.

22. Jan. 13, 1796, Memoirs 1:167.

23. JQA to JA, Feb. 10, 1796, Adams Papers.

24. Memoirs 1:167.

25. Memoirs 1:viii.

26. Dec. 28, 31, 1795, Memoirs 1:165–66.

27. Apr. 4, 1796, JQA Diary.

28. Apr. 22, 1796, JQA Diary; Dec. 22, 1795, JQA Diary; Jan. 27, 1796, JQA Diary.

29. Jan. 17, 1796, JQA Diary.

30. Mar. 28, 1796, JQA Diary; Feb. 25, 1796, JQA Diary; Feb. 29, 1796, JQA Diary.

31. JQA to AA, Feb. 20, 1796, AFC 11:181–82.

32. JQA to AA, Feb. 28, 1796, AFC 11:190.

33. LCA, D&A 1:41; Mar. 2, 1796, JQA Diary.

34. Mar. 11–14, 1796, JQA Diary.

35. Apr. 10 & 13, 1796, JQA Diary.

36. Apr. 18, 1796, JQA Diary.

37. Apr. 26, 1796, JQA Diary.

38. May 24, 1796, JQA Diary; May 2, 1796, JQA Diary.

39. May 1, 1796, JQA Diary.

40. May 10–11, 1796, JQA Diary; May 18, 1796, JQA Diary.

41. Apr. 26, 1796, JQA Diary.

42. May 27, 1796, JQA Diary.

43. May 28–31, 1796, JQA Diary.

44. AA to JQA, May 20, 1796, AFC 11:296–97; AA to JQA, May 25, 1796, AFC 11:299.

45. AA to TBA, Jun. 10, 1796, AFC 11:316.

46. LCA, D&A 1:65, 21.

47. LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, Mar. 2, 1834, Adams Papers.

48. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, An Autobiography (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918), 15.

Chapter 19: “The Age of Innocence and Thoughtlessness”

1. LCA, Diary and Autobiographical Writings of Louisa Catherine Adams, ed. Judith S. Graham and others, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013), 2:612, 1:1–2.

2. LCA, D&A 1:64.

3. LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, Mar. 2, 1834, Adams Papers.

4. LCA, D&A 1:64; LCA to CFA, Aug. 19, 1827, Adams Papers.

5. LCA, D&A 1:64.

6. LCA, D&A 1:64, 24–25; Tobias George Smollett, The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (London: George Routledge and Sons Ltd, 1890), 2:38; LCA, D&A 1:21; Lars E. Troide, ed., The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume I: 1768–1773, London: McGill-Queens’s Press, 1988.

7. LCA, D&A 1:21, 2–3, 7.

8. LCA, D&A 1:7.

9. LCA, D&A 1:8.

10. LCA, D&A 1:2.

11. LCA, D&A 1:3.

12. LCA, D&A 1:2–3.

13. Joshua Johnson to John Davidson, Jul. 22, 1771, Joshua Johnson’s Letterbook, 1771–1774: Letters from a Merchant in London to His Partners in Maryland, ed. Jacob M. Price (London, 1979), 1–4.

14. Ibid.

15. Joshua Johnson, Feb. 1772, Letterbook, 27.

16. Joshua Johnson, Mar. 25, 1772 and Jun. 4, 1772, Letterbook, 31, 36.

17. Joshua Johnson, Letterbook, 50–59.

18. Johnson, Letterbook, 109; Joshua Johnson to Denton Jacques, Jul. 20, 1771, quoted in Joan R. Challinor, “‘A quarter taint of Maryland blood’: An Inquiry into the Anglo/Maryland Background of Mrs. John Quincy Adams,” Maryland Historical Magazine, 80:412 (Winter 1985). Regarding “quanturns,” Challinor writes in a footnote to the text that Johnson meant “quartern . . . which in the eighteenth century meant either one-fourth or four of something.”

19. Joshua Johnson to Denton Jacques, Mar. 18, 1773, quoted in Challinor, “Quarter taint,” MHM, 80:412; Joshua Johnson, Sep. 4, 1773, Letterbook, 98.

20. LCA, D&A 1:7; Henry Adams to Maria Louisa Crane, May 27, 1893, quoted in Challinor, “Quarter taint,” MHM, 80:410.

21. Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., Jul. 12, 1800 quoted in Challinor, “Quarter taint,” MHM, 80:412.

22. Undated genealogical note on the Johnson family in LCA’s handwriting, quoted in Challinor, “Quarter taint,” MHM, 80:411.

23. Challinor, “Quarter taint,” MHM, 80:411–13.

24. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918), 17–18.

25. Quoted in Edward C. Papenfuse, In Pursuit of Profit: The Annapolis Merchants in the Era of the American Revolution, 1763–1805 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975), 72; Challinor, “Quarter taint,” MHM, 80:415.

26. LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, Mar. 2 1834, Adams Papers.

27. LCA, D&A 1:3–4.

28. LCA, D&A 1:7, 9–10.

29. LCA, D&A 1:3, 10.

30. LCA, D&A 1:6.

31. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Julian P. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen, John Catanzariti, Barbara B. Oberg, and others (Princeton, 1950), 17:119.

32. LCA, D&A 1:19–20.

33. LCA, D&A 1:37.

34. LCA, D&A 1:43.

35. Ibid.

Chapter 20: “Albeit Unused to the Melting Mood”

1. JQA to LCA, Jun. 2, 1796, AFC 11:304.

2. JQA to LCA, Jun. 17, 1796, AFC 11:318.

3. JQA to LCA, Jun. 2, 1796, AFC 11:305–6.

4. Ibid.

5. Jul. 11, 1796, JQA Diary.

6. JQA to LCA, Jun. 2, 1796, AFC 11:306.

7. JQA to Joshua Johnson, Jun. 2, 1796, AFC 11:300–1.

8. JQA to AA, Jun. 30, 1796, AFC 11:328.

9. Ibid.

10. JQA to JA, Jun. 6, 1796, Adams Papers; Jun. 2–15, 1796, JQA Diary.

11. Jun. 30, 1796, JQA Diary.

12. Ibid.

13. JQA to JA, Jul. 21, 1796, Writings 2:3–13.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. JQA to AA, Jul. 25, 1797, AFC 11:338–41.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. AA to JQA, May 20, 1796, AFC 11:298; JQA to AA, Jul. 25, 1796, AFC 11:338–41.

Chapter 21: “Oh My Louisa!”

1. LCA, D&A 1:84, 65.

2. JQA to LCA, Apr. 13, 1797, Adams Papers.

3. Henry Adams, Education of Henry Adams, 19.

4. JQA to LCA, Aug. 13, 1796, AFC 11:358; Bemis, Samuel Flagg. John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy, 82.

5. LCA, D&A 1:46.

6. LCA to JQA, Jul. 4, 1796, AFC 11:329–30.

7. LCA, D&A 1:44.

8. JQA to LCA, Jul. 9, 1796, AFC 11:331–33.

9. Ibid.

10. LCA to JQA, Jul. 4, 1796, AFC 11:330.

11. JQA to LCA, Jul. 9, 1796, AFC 11:333–34.

12. Ibid.

13. LCA to JQA, Jul. 24, 1796, AFC 11:337–38; JQA to LCA, Aug. 6, 1796, AFC 11:344.

14. LCA to JQA, Jul. 25, 1796, AFC 11:342.

15. Timothy Pickering to JQA, Jun. 11, 1796, Adams Papers; Aug. 7, 1796, JQA Diary.

16. JQA to LCA, Aug. 13, 1796, AFC 11:359–60.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. LCA to JQA, Aug. 28, 1796, AFC 11:371–72.

20. Ibid.

21. AA to JQA, May 20, 1796, AFC 11:296.

22. JA to JQA, Aug. 7, 1796, AFC 11:354–55.

23. JQA to AA, Aug. 16, 1796, AFC 11:364.

24. AA to JQA, Aug. 10, 1796, AFC 11:356–57.

25. Ibid.

26. JQA to AA, Nov. 14, 1796, AFC 11:405.

27. JQA to Joshua Adams, Nov. 9, 1796, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, Nov. 15, 1796, Adams Papers.

28. LCA to JQA, Nov. 29, 1796, AFC 11:426–27.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid.

31. JQA to LCA, Dec. 20, 1796, AFC 11:452–53.

32. Ibid.

33. Dec. 31, 1796, JQA Diary.

34. Jan. 31, Mar. 4, 1797, JQA Diary.

35. JQA to AA, Jul. 25, 1796, AFC 11:340.

36. JQA to LCA, Jan. 7, 1797, Adams Papers.

37. Ibid.

38. Ibid.

39. JQA to LCA, Jan. 10, 1797, AFC 11:490.

40. Joshua Johnson to JQA, Sep. 30, 1796, AFC 11:383–84.

41. Joshua Johnson to JQA, Dec. 16, 1797, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, Jan. 10, 1797, AFC 11:490–91.

42. LCA to JQA, Jan. 17, 1797, AFC 11:503–4.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. LCA to JQA, Jan. 31, 1797, AFC 11:534–35.

48. JQA to LCA, Feb. 12, 1797, AFC 11:557–59.

49. Ibid.

50. Ibid.

51. Ibid.

52. Ibid.

53. Feb. 13, 1797, JQA Diary.

54. JQA to LCA, Feb. 12, 1797, AFC 11:559.

55. JQA to LCA, Feb. 20, 1797, AFC 11:569.

56. LCA to JQA, Feb. 28, 1797, AFC 11:577.

57. JQA to LCA, Apr. 13, 1797, Adams Papers.

58. JQA to LCA, Feb. 7, 1797, AFC 11:543.

59. LCA to JQA, Feb. 28, 1797, AFC 11:577–78.

Chapter 22: “For the Friend of Your Life”

1. JQA to LCA, Apr. 13, 1797, Adams Papers.

2. JQA to LCA, May 12, 1797, Adams Papers.

3. Ibid.

4. LCA to JQA, May 26, 1797, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, Jun. 6, 1797, Adams Papers.

5. JQA to AA, Jun. 26, 1797, Adams Papers.

6. Jul. 1, 2, 7, 1797, JQA Diary; William Vans Murray to JQA, Jul. 6, 1797, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 354.

7. William Vans Murray to JQA, Jul. 6–7, 1797, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 356–7.

8. Uriah Tracy to Oliver Wolcott, Sr., May 27, 1797 in Writings 2:191, n. 1.

9. JQA to AA, Nov. 14, 1796, Memoirs 1:194.

10. AA to JQA, Nov. 3, 1797, Adams Papers; (Excerpt in Writings 2:253) JA to JQA, Oct. 25, 1797, Adams Papers.

11. JA to JQA, Nov. 3, 1797, Writings 2:173–4, n. 1.

12. AA to MC, Jun. 3, 1797, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 95.

13. Jul. 13, 1797, JQA Diary.

14. Joshua Johnson to JQA, Jul. 19, 1797, Adams Papers.

15. Ibid.

16. Jul. 26, 1797, JQA Diary.

17. JQA and LCA to JA and AA, Jul. 28, 1797, Adams Papers.

18. Aug. 30 and Sep. 8, 1797, JQA Diary.

19. Joshua Johnson to JQA, Sep. 12, 1797, Adams Papers.

20. Catherine Nuth Johnson to JQA, Sep. 18, 1797, Adams Papers.

21. LCA, D&A 1:86; Frederick Delius to JQA, Sep. 29, 1797, Adams Papers; Joshua Johnson Letterbook, xxvi.

22. TBA to AA, Sep. 10, 1797, Adams Papers; AA to Mary Cranch, Oct. 31, 1797, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 110.

23. AA to Mary Cranch, Oct. 22, 1797, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 109; AA to Mary Cranch, Nov. 28, 1797, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 113; AA to Mary Cranch, Feb. 6, 1798, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 131.

24. Boston Independent Chronicle, Sep. 14–18, 1797, 3; Boston Columbian Centinel, Sep. 20, 1797, 3.

Chapter 23: “Wise and in the Best Interests of the Country”

1. AA to MC, Apr. 21, 1798, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 157. (From JQA to AA, Dec. 28, 1797.)

2. Nov. 8, 1797, Memoirs 1:203.

3. Dec. 5, 1797, Memoirs 1:207.

4. Nov. 16, 1797, JQA Diary.

5. LCA, D&A 1:69–70.

6. Nov. 17–19, 25, 30, 1797, JQA Diary.

7. TBA Diary, Jun. 11, 1798 in Victor Hugo Paltsits, ed., Berlin and the Prussian Court in 1798: Journal of Thomas Boylston Adams, Secretary to the United States Legation at Berlin, (The New York Public Library, 1916), 19.

8. Dec. 8, 1797, Memoirs 1:210.

9. Jan. 6, 1798, Memoirs 1:215

10. AA to Mary Cranch, Jun. 13, 1798 via Catherine Johnson, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 190–91.

11. JQA to Catherine Johnson, Feb. 7, 1798, Adams Papers. JQA’s letter goes into greater detail: “Three days after our arrival, on the 10th Mrs. Adams was taken ill, and from that time until the 20th I could scarcely for a moment leave her bedside. I shall not attempt to describe what she suffered nor the deep distress of my own feelings in considering that she was remote from her beloved mother and sisters from all her friends, at a public Inn in a foreign land with a strange language, and without the benefit of a single female, who could give her assistance or relief. Amidst these numerous afflictions we had however the consolation of meeting an able English physician who attended her not only with professional skill but with that kindness and interest which is more efficacious in sickness than medicine. She recovered slowly, but I hope effectually, and notwithstanding some remains of weakness, I think her health and appearance for this month past has been a good as I have known it, at any period. Since her recovery she has been presented at court. . . .”

12. Feb. 16, Mar. 21, Jul. 18, 1798, JQA Diary.

13. TBA Diary, Jul. 17, 1798, in Berlin and the Prussian Court, 21.

14. Jul. 15, 1798, JQA Diary.

15. Jul. 31, 1798, JQA Diary.

16. JQA to AA, Feb. 5, 1797, Adams Papers; JQA to AA2, Feb. 7, 1797, Reel 130, Adams Papers; JQA to John Gardner, Oct. 10, 1798, Reel 133, Adams Papers; Jul. 26, 1798, JQA Diary.

17. JA to JQA, Jun. 2, 1797, Adams Papers.

18. Timothy Pickering to JQA, Jul. 15, 1797, Writings 2:188–91.

19. Ibid.

20. JQA to JA, Dec. 16, 1797, Writings 2:234.

21. Ibid.

22. JQA to Elbridge Gerry, Feb. 20, 1798, Writings 2:260; JQA to JA, Sep. 21, 1797, Writings 2:214–16.

23. JQA to TBA, Jul. 11, 1800, Writings 2:467.

24. JQA to the Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, Jan. 15, 1798, Writings 2:239.

25. Inaugural Address of John Adams, Mar. 4, 1797. Regarding their “long-tried and affectionate friendship,” John Quincy praised Murray for his pleasing manners, amusing and instructive conversation, good nature, original humor, wit and keen observation, all united with the enlivening fancy of a poet. He also spoke of his strong and genuine relish of the fine arts, his refined and delicate taste for literature, his fondness for the pursuits of science: JQA in Port Folio, Jan. 7, 1804 in Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 351.

26. William Vans Murray to JQA, Nov. 4, Aug. 23, Oct. 1, 1797 and Apr. 13, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 360–69, 393.

27. AA to Mary Cranch, Jun. 3, 1797, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 94; AA to Mary Cranch, Jun. 23, 1797, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 99; William Vans Murray to JQA, May 18, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 407.

28. JQA to Rufus King, Jul. 11, 1798 in Writings 2:329, n. 2; Mar. 19, 1798, Annals of Congress, 5th Congress, 2d session, 1217.

29. William Vans Murray to JQA, Apr. 3, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 391 and Writings 2:274, n. 2.

30. William Vans Murray to JQA, Apr. 13, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 393.

31. JQA to William Vans Murray, Apr. 27, 1798, Writings 2:280–81.

32. Ibid.

33. JQA to William Vans Murray, Jun. 7, 1798, Writings 2:301.

34. JQA to William Vans Murray, May 25, 1798, Writings 2:295–96.

35. JQA to William Vans Murray, Jun. 7, 1798, Writings 2:299.

36. AA to William Smith, Apr. 8, 1798, Smith-Townsend Collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.

37. AA to Mary Cranch, May 26, 1798, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 179.

38. Alexander Hamilton to Jonathan Dayton, The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, ed. Harold C. Syrett, 26 vols. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961–), 23:604; Jun. 16, 1798, Annals of Congress, 5th Congress, 2nd Session, 1961.

39. The Sedition Act, Jul. 14, 1798, U.S. Statutes at Large, 1:596–7; reprinted in Henry Steele Commager, ed. Documents of American History. 9th ed., in 2 vols. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973) 177–78.

40. Nov. 16, 1798, “Kentucky Resolutions” and Dec. 24, 1798, “Virginia Resolutions” in Commager, Documents of American History, 178–80.

41. Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, Jan. 26, 1799, The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Adrienne Koch and William Peden (New York: The Modern Library, 1972), 545.

42. Aug. 29, 1836, Memoirs 9:306.

43. Aug. 30, 1836, Memoirs 9:306–7.

44. JQA and CFA, The Life of John Adams (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1871), 2:241; Sep. 2, 1836, Memoirs 9:307.

45. William Vans Murray to JQA, Aug. 2, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 443; JQA to AA, Sep. 14, 1798, Writings 2:360; William Vans Murray to JQA, Apr. 17, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 395.

46. ”Du Pont and Talleyrand, 1798,” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 49:75.

47. ”Du Pont and Talleyrand, 1798,” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 49:76, n. 3; Writings 2:360–61.

48. William Vans Murray to JQA, Aug. 2, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 444.

49. William Vans Murray to JQA, Aug. 6, 1798, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 448.

50. Dec. 11–12, 1798, Annals of Congress, Senate, 5th Congress, 3rd Session, 2192–93. The next day John Adams took the question of whether “individuals affecting to interfere in public affairs between France and the United States, whether by their secret correspondence or otherwise, and intended to impose upon the people and separate them from their government, ought not to be inquired into and corrected.”

51. Jan. 30, 1799, Annals of Congress, Statutes at Large, 5th Congress, 3rd Session, 613.

52. JQA to AA, May 7, 1799, Writings 2:416.

53. Feb. 18, 1799, Annals of Congress, Senate, 5th Congress, 3rd Session, 2223–24.

54. Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick, The Age of Federalism (Oxford University Press, 1995), 622.

55. JQA to AA, Jul. 3, 1799, Writings 2:431.

56. JQA to AA, May 7, 1799, Writings 2:417–18.

57. Ibid.

58. William Vans Murray to JQA, Aug. 6, 1799, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 581.

59. Jan. 1800, JQA Diary.

60. Apr. 9, 1799, JQA Diary; JQA to Joshua Johnson, Dec. 10, 1800, Adams Papers.

61. Dec. 31, 1799, JQA Diary.

Chapter 24: “To Turn Weariness Itself into Pleasure”

1. Jan. 2, 8–9, 1800, JQA Diary.

2. JQA to William Vans Murray, Feb. 11, 1800, Writings 2:453.

3. JQA to the Secretary of State Timothy Pickering, Mar. 8, 1800, Writings 2:454.

4. William Vans Murray to JQA, Aug. 20, Feb. 17 and Nov. 7, 1800, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 643, 651, 658–59.

5. William Vans Murray to JQA, Oct. 5, 1800, Letters of WVM to JQA 1797–1803, 654.

6. JQA to Joshua Johnson, Dec. 10, 1800, Adams Papers.

7. JQA to William Vans Murray, Oct. 30, 1800, Writings 2:472.

8. Linda K. Kerber and Walter John Morris, “Politics and Literature: The Adams Family and the Port Folio,” The William and Mary Quarterly Third Series, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Jul. 1966), 450–476; JQA to TBA, Mar. 21, 1801, Adams Papers. This section is also printed in Writings 2:521.

9. JQA, Letters on Silesia (London: J. Budd, at the Crown and Mitre, Pall Mall, 1804), 2.

10. Oct. 17, 1833, Memoirs 9:22.

11. JQA to TBA, Sep. 24, 1800, Reel 134, Adams Papers.

12. Sep. 20, 1800, JQA Diary.

13. Sep. 27–29, 1800, JQA Diary.

14. JQA to Joshua Johnson, Dec. 10, 1800, Adams Papers.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. JQA to William Vans Murray, Oct. 30, 1800, Writings 2:473.

18. Alexander Hamilton, The Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States (New York: John Lang / George Hopkins, 1800), 2.

19. JQA to TBA, Dec. 3, 1800, Writings 2:485.

20. Jan. 31, 1801, JQA Diary.

21. Feb. 2, 1801, JQA Diary.

22. AA2 to JQA, Oct. 26, 1795, AFC 10:43; AA to MC, Dec. 8, 1800, New Letters of Abigail Adams, 262; AA to JQA, Dec. 2, 1800, Adams Papers (AA quotes to JQA a letter, not extant, that she received from CA on the subject); AA to William Smith, Dec. 28, 1798, Massachusetts Historical Society: Smith-Townsend Collection.

23. AA to MC, Dec. 8, 1800, New Letters, 262; JQA to AA, Apr. 14, 1801, Adams Papers.

24. JQA to AA, Mar. 10, 1801, Writings 2:510.

25. JQA to JA, Mar. 24, 1801, Writings 2:527, n. 1.

26. JQA to AA, Mar. 10, 1801, Writings 2:511.

27. Ibid.; JQA to JA, Nov. 25, 1800, Writings 2:480.

28. JQA to TBA, Dec. 27, 1800, Writings 2:489–500.

29. JQA to AA, Mar. 10, 1801, Writings 2:512.

30. Joseph Pitcairn to JQA, Mar. 31, 1801, Writings 2:513, n. 1.

31. JA to John Marshall, Jan. 31, 1801, Adams Papers.

32. JQA to AA, Apr. 14, 1801, Adams Papers.

33. Dec. 31, 1800, Jan. 9, 1801, JQA Diary.

34. Feb. 28, May 4, 1801, JQA Diary.

35. AA to TBA, Jul. 12, 1801, Adams Papers.

36. May 5, 1801, JQA Diary.

37. May 18, 1801, JQA Diary.

38. In JQA’s youth there was controversy over the choice of having smallpox the “natural” way, as opposed to the “artificial” way, by inoculation. A census after the epidemic of 1764 proved to the dubious that in 4,977 cases of inoculation only 45 had died. Of the 619 who endured smallpox without inoculation, 124 had died. Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, John Adams’s great-uncle, experimented with inoculation against smallpox on Jun. 26, 1721, on his own child and two servants. He published in London in 1730 an “Historical Account of the Small Pox inoculation in New England upon all sorts of persons, whites, blacks, and of all ages and constitutions,” including some “Short directions to the unexperienced in this method of practice,” with a dedication to the princess of Wales. It was only after Dr. Edward Jenner’s discovery of a milder vaccine, that of cow pox, that inoculation against smallpox became less hazardous. Phyllis Lee Levin, Abigail Adams (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987), 497–98, n. 24; John B. Blake, Public Health in the Town of Boston, 1630–1822 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959), chs. 4–5; “Smallpox Inoculation in Colonial Boston,” Journal of the History of Medicine 8 (1953), 284–300. See also Jun. 3, 1801, JQA Diary; JQA to TBA, Jun. 9, 1801, Adams Papers; AA to JA, Jul. 21, 1776, AFC 2:57, n. 1.

39. JQA to TBA, May 30, 1801, Adams Papers.

40. Jul. 11, 1801, JQA Diary.

41. Thomas Adams describes the work his brother John Quincy “intends to give to the world at some future date. The first a Treatise upon Government; second, History of the American Revolution; third, a parallel between the Roman history till the reign of Augustus and the French Revolution. Fourth, a book against Voltaire. Within no less compass than this are the literary and scientific schemes of this grasping genius restrained.” TBA Diary, Reel 282, Adams Papers.

Chapter 25: “Painful Retrospection”

1. JQA to JA, Sep. 4, 1801, Reel 401, Adams Papers.

2. JA to JQA, Sep. 12, 1801, Reel 401, Adams Papers.

3. Sep. 12, 1801, JQA Diary.

4. Sep. 14, 1801, JQA Diary.

5. JQA to Rufus King, Oct. 13, 1801, Writings 3:1–2.

6. Sep. 21, 1801, JQA Diary; Sep. 30, 1801, JQA Diary.

7. JA to JQA, Sep. 12, 1801, Adams Papers.

8. AA to JQA, Sep. 23, 1801; AA to TBA, Jul. 5, 1801, Adams Papers.

9. AA to JQA, Sep. 23, 1801, Adams Papers.

10. Ibid.

11. LCA to JQA, Sep. 22, 1801, Adams Papers.

12. LCA to AA, Oct. 2, 1801, Adams Papers.

13. JQA to LCA, Sep. 29, 1801, Adams Papers.

14. TBA to AA, Oct. 24, 1801, Adams Papers.

15. LCA to JQA, Sep. 22, 1801, Adams Papers.

16. JQA to LCA, Oct. 9, 1801, Adams Papers.

17. Oct. 26, 1801, JQA Diary.

18. Ibid.

19. Nov. 14, 1801, JQA Diary.

20. JQA to TBA, Nov. 28, 1801, Adams Papers; Nov. 30, 1801, JQA Diary.

21. AA to TBA, Dec. 27, 1801, Adams Papers.

22. LCA, D&A 1:162, 86.

23. Ibid., 164.

24. Ibid., 210, 86.

25. LCA to George Washington Adams, Jun. 25, 1825, Adams Papers.

26. LCA, D&A 1:167.

27. Sep. 17, 1801 and Jan. 8, 1802, JQA Diary.

Chapter 26: “No Small Difficulty”

1. Jan. 8–9, 1802, JQA Diary.

2. JQA to TBA, Nov. 28, 1801, Adams Papers.

3. TBA to JQA, Dec. 7, 1801, Adams Papers.

4. Ibid.

5. JQA to TBA, Sep. 27, 1801, Adams Papers.

6. Apr. 4, 1802, JQA Diary.

7. JA to JQA, Feb. 2, 1802, Adams Papers; JQA to JA, Mar. 2, 1802, Reel 401, Adams Papers.

8. The Society for the Study of Natural Philosophy, 1801–1813, John Collins Warren Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society; Marlana Portolano, “John Quincy Adams’s Rhetorical Crusade for Astronomy,” ISIS 91:3, Sep. 2000, 480–503.

9. George Adams’s publications included “Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy” (1784) and “An Essay on Electricity Explaining the Principles of that Useful Science, and Describing the Instruments Contrived Either to Illustrate the Theory, or Render the Practice Entertaining” (1799).

10. Henry Adams, The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma (New York: Macmillan, 1920), 47, 53; Jan. 31, 1802, JQA Diary.

11. A. Hunter Dupress, quoted in Marlana Portolano, “John Quincy Adams’s Rhetorical Crusade for Astronomy,” ISIS, v. 91; the speech is also quoted in Nina Burleigh, The Stranger and the Statesman: James Smithson, John Quincy Adams and the Making of America’s Greatest Museum: The Smithsonian (New York: William Morrow, 2003).

12. JQA, State of the Union Address, Dec. 6, 1825.

13. Jan. 10, 1837, JQA Diary.

14. Memoirs 1:249.

15. Letter of Massachusetts Federalists to John Quincy Adams, Nov. 26, 1828, Henry Adams, ed., Documents Relating To New-England Federalism, 1800–1815, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1905), 43–45; May 27, 1802, Memoirs 1:252.

16. JQA to Henry Knox, Feb. 14, 1803, Writings 3:12; Writings 3:5, n. 1.

17. Feb. 4, 1803, JQA Diary; Fisher Ames to Christopher Gore, Feb. 24, 1803, Writings 3:11, n. 3.

18. JQA “Ecce Iterum” written about 1825 in Writings 3:10.

19. JQA, “An Address to the Members of the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society,” May 28, 1802 (Boston: 1802); JQA “Ecce Iterum” written about 1825 in Writings 3:10.

20. JQA, “Oration at Plymouth Massachusetts Commonwealth of the First Landing of Our Ancestors at That Place” (Boston: Russell and Cutler, 1802).

21. Jul. 31, 1802, JQA Diary.

22. AA to Thomas Jefferson, Oct. 25, 1804, The Adams-Jefferson Letters, vol. 1.

23. Dec. 31, 1802, JQA Diary.

24. Dec. 31, 1803, JQA Diary.

25. Dec. 31, 1802, Jan. 7, 1803, April 27–28, 1802, JQA Diary.

26. Jul. 4, 1803, JQA Diary; TBA to JQA, Jul. 10, 1803, Adams Papers.

27. Catherine Johnson to JQA, Jul. 1803, Adams Papers.

28. Jul. 11, 1803, JQA Diary.

29. Sep. 1803, JQA Diary.

30. Oct. 9, 1803, JQA Diary.

31. Oct. 20, 1803, JQA Diary; JQA reply to the Letter of Massachusetts Federalists, Dec. 30, 1828, Henry Adams ed., Documents Relating To New-England Federalism, 1800–1815 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1905), 46–62.

32. Oct. 31, 1803, JQA Diary.

Chapter 27: “Another Feather Against a Whirlwind”

1. Henry Adams, History of the United States of America (New York: Scribner, 1909), 2:49.

2. Henry Adams ed., Documents Relating To New-England Federalism, 1800–1815 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1905), 155.

3. Thomas Jefferson to John C. Breckinridge, Aug. 12, 1803, “The Louisiana Purchase,” Jefferson Papers, U. of Va. Library, Electronic Text Center.

4. Nov. 3, 1803, Annals of Congress, 8th Congress, 1st Session, 67–68.

5. JQA to JA, Apr. 25, 1801, Writings 2:531.

6. JQA to William Vans Murray, Apr. 7, 1801, Writings 2:526.

7. JQA to JA, Apr. 25, 1801, Writings 2:531.

8. Thomas Jefferson to Robert Livingston, Apr. 18, 1802, The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Paul L. Ford, ed., (New York and London: Putnam, 1904) 8:143–47.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jan. 17, 1799, in Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Pierre Samuel Du Pont De Nemours 1789–1817, Dumas Malone, ed. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930), 1, n. 1; Pierre Du Pont to Thomas Jefferson, Sep. 8, 1805, Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Pierre Du Pont 1789–1817, 86.

13. Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Du Pont, Apr. 25, 1802, Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Pierre Du Pont 1789–1817, 46–48.

14. Pierre Du Pont to Thomas Jefferson, Apr. 30, 1802, Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Pierre Du Pont 1789–1817, 52–60.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid., 2:27.

17. Ibid., 2:28.

18. Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall, This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States (New York: George H. Doran Company, 1917), 437.

19. Henry Adams, ed. Documents Relating to New-England Federalism 1800–1815, 156.

20. Nov. 1, 1803, JQA Diary.

21. Nov. 3, 1803, Annals of Congress, 8th Congress, 1st Session, 67.

22. Henry Adams, ed., Documents Relating to New-England Federalism 1800–1815, 157.

23. Aurora, Dec. 1, 1803, quoted in Writings 3:20, note 1.

24. Theodore Lyman to Timothy Pickering, Jan. 4, 1804 quoted in Writings 3:30, n. 1.

25. AA to JQA, Dec. 11, 1803, Adams Papers.

26. JA to JQA, Feb. 25, 1804, Adams Papers.

27. Dec. 8, 1803, Memoirs 1:285.

28. Dec. 31, 1803, JQA Diary.

29. Writings 3:27.

30. Writings 3:30.

31. Bemis, JQA and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy, 131.

32. JQA to AA, Jan. 22, 1804, Adams Papers.

33. Bemis, JQA and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy, 122.

34. Writings 3:50.

35. Writings 3:71.

36. Writings 3:72.

37. JQA, Proposed Amendment, Writings 3:87, 90–91 and n. 1: These remarks were to be delivered in the Senate, but it is doubtful if an opportunity offered, as they are not mentioned in the Annals of Congress for this session.

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. Ibid.

41. Nov. 27, 1820, JQA Diary; JQA, Proposed Amendment, Writings 3:101–02.

42. Mar. 25, 1804, Memoirs 1:311.

43. Mar. 4, 1804, JQA Diary.

44. JQA to LCA, April 9, 1804, Adams Papers. JQA says the letter is of April 4, but there is no record of it.

Chapter 28: “Like a Fish Out of Water”

1. LCA to JQA, May 6, 1804, Adams Papers.

2. LCA to JQA, May 29, 1804, Adams Papers.

3. LCA to JQA, May 29, 1804, Adams Papers; LCA to JQA, Aug. 12, 1804, Adams Papers.

4. LCA to AA, Nov. 27, 1804, Adams Papers.

5. JQA to LCA, Apr. 9, 1804, Adams Papers.

6. Ibid.

7. JQA to LCA, Apr. 15, 1804, Adams Papers.

8. LCA to JQA, Jun. 26, 1804, Adams Papers; LCA to JQA, May 13, 1804, Adams Papers; LCA to JQA, May 6, 1804, Adams Papers.

9. LCA to JQA, May 6, 1804, Adams Papers.

10. JQA to LCA, May 20, 1804, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, May 9, 1804, Adams Papers.

11. JQA to LCA, Sep. 30, 1804, Adams Papers.

12. JQA to LCA, Jun. 9, 1804, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, May 20, 1804, Adams Papers.

13. LCA to JQA, Aug. 5, 1804, Adams Papers.

14. JQA to LCA, Sep. 2, 1804, Adams Papers.

15. LCA to JQA, Jul. 4, 1804, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, Jul. 19, 1804, Adams Papers.

16. JQA to TBA, May 21, 1801, Writings 2:521.

17. William Warland Clapp, Joseph Dennie, Editor of “The Port Folio” and Author of “The Lay Preacher” (Cambridge: John Wilson & Son, 1880), 8; The Port Folio, Fourth Series, Vol. II, No. IV (October 1816), 273; JQA to TBA, Mar. 21, 1801, Writings 2:525.

18. JQA to TBA, Aug. 19, 1803, Adams Papers.

19. Letters of William Vans Murray to John Quincy Adams, 1783–1803, ed. Worthington Chauncery Ford, reprint from the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1912, 341–715 (Washington, DC, 1914).

20. JQA to JA, Nov. 19, 1804, Adams Papers.

21. JA to JQA, Nov. 30, 1804, Adams Papers; JA to JQA, Dec. 14, 1804, Adams Papers.

22. AA to JQA, Dec. 18, 1804, Adams Papers.

23. AA to JQA, Mar. 24, 1806, Adams Papers. This line is a quotation from Frederick Reynolds’s play, Speculation.

24. AA to Eliza Susan Quincy, Mar. 24, 1806, Adams Papers.

25. JQA to JA, Jan. 5, 1805, Writings 3:105.

26. Jan. 4 & 15, 1805, JQA Diary.

27. JQA to AA, Mar. 15, 1804, Adams Papers.

28. JQA to JA, Mar. 8, 1805, Writings 3:108; quoted in JQA to Timothy Pickering, Mar. 11, 1804, Writings 3:35, n.1.

29. William Plumer, Memorandum of Proceedings in the United States Senate, 1803–1807, March 11, 1804 (Macmillan, 1923), 101.

30. Henry Adams, History of the United States 2:143.

31. Henry Adams, Documents Relating to New-England Federalism, 1800–1815, 11.

32. William Plumer, Memorandum of Proceedings in the United States Senate, 1803–1807, March 11, 1804 (Macmillan, 1923), 175.

33. Henry Adams, History of the United States 2:148.

34. Ibid., 149.

35. Ibid., 150, 229–30.

36. Ibid., 243.

37. JQA to JA, Mar. 14, 1805, Writings 3:117.

38. Apr. 25, 1805, JQA Diary.

39. May 29, 1805, JQA Diary; Jul. 31, 1805, JQA Diary.

40. JQA to Samuel Dexter, Aug. 6, 1805, Writings 3:123–25; JQA to Corporation of Harvard College, Oct. 11, 1805 and Jun. 26, 1806, Writings 3:126–29, 148–49.

41. AA to JQA, Dec. 17, 1805, Adams Papers.

42. LCA to AA, Jan. 6, 1806, Adams Papers.

43. AA to LCA, Jan. 19, 1806, Adams Papers.

44. LCA to AA, May 5, 1806, Adams Papers; LCA to AA, Dec. 6, 1805, Adams Papers.

45. AA to JQA, Jan. 9, 1806, Adams Papers.

46. Nov. 30, 1805, Memoirs 1:375–76.

47. Ibid.

48. JQA to JA, Dec. 6, 1805, Adams Papers.

49. Thomas Jefferson, Fifth Annual Message to Congress, Dec. 3, 1805.

50. AA to JQA, Dec. 17, 1805, Adams Papers.

51. JQA to JA, Jan. 14, 1806, Writings 3:131–32.

Chapter 29: “Apostasy”

1. JQA to Skelton Jones, Apr. 17, 1809, Writings 3:303.

2. JQA to TBA, Dec. 18, 1805, Adams Papers; JQA to JA, Feb. 11, 1806, Writings, 3:134.

3. JQA, Resolutions, Feb. 1806, Writings 3:133–34.

4. Memoirs 1:397.

5. JQA to JA, Feb. 11, 1806, Writings 3:136.

6. Ibid.

7. Mar. 3, 1820, Memoirs 5:11.

8. Feb. 24, 1820, Memoirs 4:531; Mar. 3, 1820, Memoirs 5:11; Jan. 8, 1820, Memoirs 4:502.

9. Annals of Congress, Senate, 16th Congress, 1st Session, 367–428, 1571–1588.

10. Mar. 3, 1820, Memoirs 5:12.

11. JQA to William Stephens Smith, Apr. 16, 1806, Writings 3:140.

12. JQA to LCA, May 1, 1806, Adams Papers.

13. JQA to TBA, Mar. 19, 1806, Reel 404, Adams Papers; JA to Daniel E. Updike, Aug. 7, 1806, Adams Papers.

14. Katherine Metcalf Roof, Colonel William Smith and Lady (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1929), 268–70.

15. Ibid.

16. Jan. 11, 1805, JQA Diary; JQA to LCA, May 4, 1806, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, Jul. 13, 1806, Writings 3:153.

17. JQA to LCA, Jun. 8, 1806, Adams Papers; LCA to JQA, Jun. 15, 1806, Adams Papers.

18. John Quincy Adams, Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, (Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1810), 1:29.

19. Jun. 30, 1806, JQA Diary.

20. LCA to JQA, Nov. 25, 1806, Adams Papers; JQA to LCA, Dec. 8, 1806, Adams Papers; LCA to JQA, Dec. 14, 1806, Adams Papers.

21. JQA to AA, Feb. 13, 1807, Adams Papers; Henry Adams, History of the United States (New York: Scribner, 1890), 4:38; Jun. 30, 1820, Memoirs 5:136.

22. Henry Adams, ed. Documents Relating to New-England Federalism 1800–1815 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1905), 180.

23. Ibid., 183.

24. Jul. 10, 1807, JQA Diary.

25. Henry Adams, ed., Documents Relating to New-England Federalism, 181; Jul. 9, 1807, JQA Diary; Jul. 11, 1807, JQA Diary.

26. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eloquence, Letters and Social Aims (Boston, 1888), 120.

27. Aug. 18, 1807, JQA Diary; JQA to Catherine Nuth Johnson, Aug. 18, 1807, Adams Papers.

28. JQA to Catherine Nuth Johnson, Aug. 20, 1807, Adams Papers; Oct. 24, 1807, JQA Diary.

29. Letter of Stephen Row Bradley, Sep. 21, 1824 in Writings 3:169, n. 2 (continued from page 168).

30. Barent Gardenier to Rufus King, Jan. 26, 1808, Life and Correspondence of Rufus King, vol. 68 in Writings 3:232–33, n. 2.

31. Henry Adams, ed., Documents Relating to New-England Federalism, 1800–1815, 194.

32. Timothy Pickering, “A letter from the Hon. Timothy Pickering, a Senator of the United States from the United States, exhibiting to his Constituents a View of the Imminent Danger of an unnecessary and Ruinous War, Addressed to his Excellency James Sullivan, Governor of the said State,” Boston, published by Greenough & Stebbins, 1898; JQA to Harrison Gray Otis, Mar. 31, 1808, Adams Papers.

33. JQA to Skelton Jones, Apr. 17, 1809, Writings 3:303.

34. JA to JQA, Jan. 8, 1808, Writings 3:189, n. 1.

35. James Sullivan to Thomas Jefferson, Jun. 3, 1808, Writings 3:236–37, n. 1.

36. Jul. 5, 1809, Memoirs 1:549; JQA to William Plumer, Aug. 16, 1809, Writings 3:338; “A mission to the Court of St. Petersburg is, to a man of active talents, somewhat like an honorable exile.” Ezekiel Bacon to JQA, Jun. 29, 1809, Writings 3:321, n. 1.

37. John Quincy Adams, Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, 2:396.

38. Ibid.

39. Aug. 6, 1809, Memoirs 2:5; AA to JQA and LCA, Aug. 5, 1809, Reel 408, Adams Papers.

40. JQA to AA, Aug. 9, 1809, Reel 408, Adams Papers.

Chapter 30: “In Honorable Diplomatic Exile”

1. JQA to AA, Feb. 8, 1810, Writings 3:393.

2. Ibid.; JQA to Charles W. Upham, Feb. 2, 1837, Samuel F. Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981), 152, n. 68.

3. Nov. 3, 1809, JQA Diary.

4. LCA, D&A 1:293.

5. Nov. 25, 1809, JQA Diary.

6. Secretary of State Robert Smith to William Short, Sep. 8, 1808, Writings 3:327. This letter was sent to JQA in lieu of particular instructions.

7. Oct. 28, 1809, JQA Diary.

8. Apr. 15, 1810, JQA Diary.

9. JQA to AA, May 2, 1811, Adams Papers.

10. Several sources, including Scribner’s article from 1872, say Alexander I was more than six feet tall. Nov. 5, 1809, JQA Diary.

11. Ibid.

12. LCA, D&A 1:297–99.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. JQA to AA, Oct. 14, 1810, Adams Papers; JQA to TBA, Mar. 29, 1811, Adams Papers.

16. LCA to AA, Oct. 28, 1809, Reel 408, Adams Papers.

17. Ibid.

18. LCA to AA, May 13, 1810, Reel 409, Adams Papers; LCA to MC, Jun. 5, 1810, Reel 409, Adams Papers.

19. LCA to AA, Jun. 2, 1810, Reel 409, Adams Papers.

20. JQA to AA, Feb. 7, 1810, Reel 409, Adams Papers.

21. Dec. 17, 1810, JQA Diary.

22. JQA to JA, Sep. 2, 1810, Adams Papers.

23. JQA to TBA, Oct. 23, 1810, Writings 3:521; JQA to AA, Oct. 14, 1810, Writings 3:517. The last sentence is a direct quotation from the newspaper.

24. JQA to TBA, Oct. 23, 1810, Writings 3:522.

25. AA to LCA, May 15, 1810, Adams Papers.

26. James Madison to His Imperial Majesty, Oct. 10, 1810, Adams Papers; James Madison to JQA, Oct. 16, 1810, Adams Papers.

27. Ibid.

28. AA to LCA, Mar. 4, 1811, Adams Papers.

29. JQA to AA, Jun. 11, 1811, Adams Papers.

30. Aug. 11, 1811, JQA Diary; LCA to AA, Jul. 19, 1810, Adams Papers; JQA to AA, Aug. 12, 1811, Reel 412, Adams Papers.

31. JQA to AA, Sep. 10, 1811, Adams Papers.

32. Jul. 26, 1811, JQA Diary.

33. JQA to Secretary of State James Monroe, Jul. 22, 1811, Writings 4:151; JQA to TBA, May 13, 1811, Writings 4:67.

Chapter 31: “Whether of Peace or War”

1. JQA to TBA, Feb. 14, 1810, Writings 3:397–99.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. “Il faut toujours proportionner la dépense à la recette.” May 31, 1811, Memoirs 2:268.

6. Mar. 3, 1812, Memoirs 2:345.

7. Dec. 22, 1810 and Dec. 24, 1811, JQA Diary.

8. Feb. 15, 1811, Memoirs 2:226.

9. LCA to AA, Jun. 2, 1810, Reel 409, Adams Papers.

10. Ibid.

11. JQA to William Eustis, Feb. 28, 1810, Writings 3:404.

12. JQA to James Monroe, Jul. 6, 1811, Writings 4:131; Mar. 19, 1812, Memoirs 2:352.

13. Apr. 20, 1812, Memoirs 2:363–64.

14. JQA to James Monroe, Feb. 2, 1813, Writings 4:431; April 23, 1812, Memoirs 2:365; JQA to James Monroe, Jun. 11, 1812, Writings 4:347.

15. JQA to JA, Feb. 15. 1813, Writings 4:437; JQA to TBA, Jan. 31, 1813, Writings 4:427.

16. JQA to JA, Oct. 4, 1812, Writings 4:394.

17. JQA to AA, Dec. 31, 1812, Writings 4:420; JQA to AA, Oct. 24, 1813, Reel 414, Adams Papers.

18. Sep. 30, 1812, Memoirs 2:408–9.

19. JQA to AA, Nov. 30, 1812, Writings 4:411–13 and Adams Papers.

20. Ibid.

21. JQA to AA, Dec. 31, 1812, Writings 4:421–22.

22. JQA to AA, Jun. 5, 1813, Writings 4:488.

23. JQA to AA, Dec. 31, 1812, Writings 4:423.

24. Sep. 21, 1812, Memoirs 2:401–4.

25. Ibid.

26. LCA to GWA, Jun. 14, 1812, Adams Papers; Aug. 21, 1812–Sep. 15, 1812, JQA Diary.

27. Sep. 31, 1812, JQA Diary.

28. JQA to AA, Sep. 21, 1812, Adams Papers; LCA to AA, Apr. 4, 1813, Adams Papers.

29. AA to LCA, Jul. 24, 1813, Adams Papers; AA to LCA, Jan. 30, 1813, Reel 415, Adams Papers.

30. AA to LCA, Jul. 24, 1813, Adams Papers.

31. JQA to AA, Jun. 30, 1813, Adams Papers.

32. JQA to AA, Mar. 25, 1813, Writings 4:459.

33. JQA to TBA, Apr. 10, 1811, Writings 4:43–45.

34. JQA to GWA and JA2, May 1810, Adams Papers.

35. JQA to GWA, Sep. 1 and 8, 1811, Writings 4:211–17.

36. JQA to TBA, Apr. 3, 1813, Writings 4:460–61.

37. Ibid.

38. LCA to GWA, Jun. 14, 1812, Adams Papers.

39. JQA to James Monroe, Jul. 14, 1813, Writings 4:493–94.

40. JQA to JA, Sep. 3, 1813, Writings 4:512.

41. Mar. 20, 1814, Memoirs 2:583–84.

42. JQA to JA, May 8, 1814, Writings 5:41–42, n. 1; Apr. 23, 1814, Memoirs 2:600.

43. Jun. 22, 1813, Memoirs 2:480; Feb. 5, 1826, Memoirs 7:112.

44. JQA to LCA, Apr. 15, 1804, Adams Papers.

45. James Monroe to JQA, Mar. 6, 1817, Writings 6:165–66.

46. JQA to James Monroe, Apr. 17, 1817, Writings 6:177; JQA to AA, May 16, 1817, Writings 6:181–82.

47. AA to JQA, Nov. 13, 1782, AFC 5:38. Abraham Lincoln, a freshman Congressman from Illinois, was an honorary pall bearer at JQA’s funeral, two days after his collapse.


1. JQA, Message to the United States House of Representatives, House Journal, 19th Congress, Mar. 17, 1826, 351.

2. LCA to JQA, Aug. 3, 1821, Reel 452, Adams Papers.

3. JQA to LCA, Aug. 11, 1821, Writings 7:170–71.

4. LCA to AA, Jun. 12, 1815, Adams Papers. The 48-page manuscript is dated Jun. 27, 1836. LCA, D&A 1:375 and n. 1.

5. C. James Taylor, Editor in Chief of the Adams Papers, to Phyllis Lee Levin, Sep. 22, 2014.

6. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918), 20, 25, 12.