Chapter 15 Answers

  1. JavaScript function and variable names are case-sensitive. The variables Count, count, and COUNT are all different.

  2. To write a function that accepts and processes an unlimited number of parameters, access the parameters through the arguments array, which is a member of all functions.

  3. One way to return multiple values from a function is to place them all inside an array and return the array.

  4. When defining a class, use the this keyword to refer to the current object.

  5. The methods of a class do not have to be defined within a class definition. If a method is defined outside the constructor, the method name must be assigned to the this object within the class definition.

  6. New objects are created using the new keyword.

  7. A property or method can be made available to all objects in a class without replicating the property or method within the object by using the prototype keyword to create a single instance, which is then passed by reference to all the objects in the class.

  8. To create a multidimensional array, place subarrays inside the main array.

  9. The syntax you would use to create an associative array is key : value, within curly braces, as in the following:

    assocarray = {"forename" : "Paul", "surname" : "McCartney", "group" : "Beatles"}
  10. A statement to sort an array of numbers into descending numerical order would look like this:

    numbers.sort(function(a,b){return b - a})