When you wish to style a whole site, rather than a single page, a better way to manage styles is to move them out of your web pages into separate files, called style sheets, and then import the ones you need. This minimizes the amount of code that is duplicated across your pages, aiding maintainability, and allows you to apply different style sheets for different layouts (such as web and print) without changing the HTML. Such separation of content from layout is a fundamental principle of design.
There are a couple of different ways this can be achieved, the first
of which is by using the CSS @import
directive, like this:
<style> @import url('styles.css'); </style>
This statement tells the browser to fetch a style sheet with the
name styles.css. The @import
command is quite flexible in that you
can create style sheets that themselves pull in other style sheets, and so
on. Just make sure that there are no <style>
or </style>
tags in any of your
external style sheets, or they will not work.
You can also include a style sheet with the HTML <link>
tag, like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles.css' />
This has the exact same effect as the @import
directive, except that <link>
is an HTML-only tag and is not a
valid style directive, so it cannot be used from within one style sheet
to pull in another. It also cannot be placed within a pair of <style>...</style>
Just as you can use multiple @import
directives within your CSS to include
multiple external style sheets, you can also use as many <link>
elements as you like in your