Blayne (m)
- Panakeya (First Healer), Hope’s life-partner, father of Romana, Ryley and Aryn
Aryn (m)
- Ryley’s twin, exists as a living soul inside Ryley
Beryn (m)
- Second Settlement healer
Cayl (m)
- Maya’s life-partner, Merryn’s father, Hope’s blood-brother
Chryss (m)
- Hope’s mentor, previously the fourth Dayamari god known as Merchryssi
Dayamar (m),
- Previous First Sehan, Hope’s blood-father (deceased)
Gerran (m),
- Historian
Hope (f)
- First Sehan, Blayne’s life-partner, mother of Romana, Ryley and Aryn
Hopian (m)
- Second Sehan, Romana’s life-partner, Lin and Matti’s father
Johan (m)
- Healer (deceased)
Katya (f)
- Maya’s sister, Sehan (deceased)
Keeta (f)
- First Elder
Kirstyn (f)
- Chryss’s lover
Kraig (m)
- Hunter, Merryn’s life-partner
Lin (f)
- Romana and Hopian’s daughter
Lukas (m)
- Master Tracker
Matti (m)
- Romana and Hopian’s son
Maya (f)
- Cayl’s life-partner, Merryn’s mother, Hope’s blood-sister
Marya (f)
- Chryss’s first human life-partner, Dayama’s mother (deceased)
Merryn (f)
- Child-minder, Cayl and Maya’s daughter, Kraig’s life-partner
Nesala (f)
- Previous lover of Hopian’s
Romana (f)
- Hunter, Hopian’s life-partner, Matti & Lin’s mother, Hope and Blayne’s daughter
Ryley (m)
- Third Sehan, Hope and Blayne’s son, Aryn’s twin brother
Silas (m)
- Hunter, First Settlement hunt-leader
Soraya (f)
- Varaya’s apprentice
Symon (m)
- First Settlement healer
Varaya (f)
- Batyk cloth-maker, Willem’s life-partner, Hope’s blood-sister
Willem (m)
- Hunter, Varaya’s life-partner, Hope’s blood-cousin
Gods & Other Entities
Daemon (m)
- Banished Ergaiya, also known as the Daemoni
Dayama (f)
- Demigoddess, daughter of Chryss and his lover Marya (deceased)
- Energy beings
Kunnandi (m)
- Elder God, Child figure, overseer of afterlife; chosen animal form: serpent
Marc (m)
- Younger God, previously a human man from Earth who took Merchryssi’s place as the fourth Dayamari god
- Elemental, aspect: rain
Shikari (m)
- Elder God, Father-figure, protector, chosen animal form: wolf
- Elemental, aspect: sun
- Elemental, aspect: wind
Wisa (f)
- Elder God, Mother-figure, Seer; chosen animal form: owl
Yumanos (m)
- Ergaiya, first of his people to ascend
Dean Milton (m)
- Private pediatric specialist for Seaview Children’s Home , AKA Doctor Dean
Harrison Havers (m)
- Rowan’s husband (deceased)
James Woodford (m)
- Rowan’s elderly neighbor
Jean and John Gibbs
- Marc’s parents
Jonathan Woodford (m)
- James’s Woodford’s son
- Receptionist at Seaview Hospital
Leesa (f)
- Physiotherapist at Seaview Children’s Home
Marilyn (f)
- Manager of Seaview Travel Agency, Rowan’s boss
Mona (f)
- Employment agent at Seaview Employment Agency
Richard Meeks (m)
- Managing Director of Seaview Children’s Home
Rowan Havers (m)
- Travel agent at Seaview Travel Agency
Steve Kearney (m)
- Pediatrician at Seaview Hospital
Zach Mallory (m)
- Teenager
Terms & Explanations
- Gold-colored fossilized resin, prized as jewelry
- Low-growing herb with a fragrance like apples, and daisy-like flowers with yellow centers; used widely as a tea; valued for its calming properties, but also used to reduce fevers, toothache, clear skin eruptions. Also useful as an insect repellent and as a poultice to speed wound healing.
- Psychic energy that surrounds the human body and all matter, both animate and inanimate
- A ‘dye-resist’ method of painting colored designs on cloth by applying melted beeswax before it is dipped in the dye.
- Hunting weapon, heavy chiseled stone balls connected by a strong cord
- Wild cattle with high humped shoulders, large head and forequarters covered with long woolly hair, a tufted tail and distinctive long chin hairs forming a ‘beard’. Have short, sharp, up-curved horns. Hunted for hides, meat and horns.
- Deer-like herbivore, hunted for hide, meat and antlers
- Woody, perennial herbaceous plant with bright blue flowers; used as a diuretic, and believed beneficial for stomach upsets, and to aid digestion by reducing acidity of the stomach. Leaves can be eaten raw but are rather bitter-tasting. Preferred for its roots, which are baked.
- Small green stout-bodied insect with transparent wings, known for the distinctive buzzing and chirping chorus they ‘sing’ over the summer season.
- ‘Dayama’s Land’
- People of Dayamaria
- Spoken language of Dayamaria
- Dayamari custom, similar to marriage.
- Deep red-colored precious gem
- Fragrant herb with distinctive silvery foliage covered in fine hairs, and purple flower-heads. Used in balms, salves and infusions. Valued for its antiseptic properties; used to soothe insect bites, burns and headaches, and to help with insomnia. The dried buds add a slightly sweet floral taste when used in cooking.
- Joined couples, similar to married couples
- Highest status healer, i.e. First Healer
- Dayamari custom, similar to engagement. An exchange of gifts is made during the Promising ceremony, traditionally a bracelet or necklace featuring the color red.
- Generic term for Seer
- Of, or regarding, a Sehan
- Alcoholic beverage made from fermented fruit
- Two-legged dragon-like creature with iridescent multi-colored hide, wedge-shaped head, red eyes, wings and a barbed tail. Originally created by the gods.