To: condorboy
Date: Monday, September 12—11:28 PM
Subject: WHORE
Dear Connor,
My friend, we are talking about the Virgin-Industrial Complex. What is that, you ask? Well, let me tell you. It is the insidious system of oppression that denies girls of their sexuality in an effort to keep them “pure” and virginal. But what is pure, exactly? Are you expected to be pure? Are boys expected to save themselves for “the right one”? Is your sexual activity automatically pathologized? If you decide to be sexual, do you only have two identities to choose from—Victim or Slut? Either someone’s forcing you to do it or you’re an out-of-control nymphomaniac. No decent, wholesome, sane girl would ever choose to have sex. Well, who decided that virginity was such a hot commodity, anyway? And who, exactly, are we keeping ourselves “pure” for? God? Jesus? Our future husbands? What if we don’t believe in any of those guys? Who then?
You automatically assume that your wanting Emily makes her a victim. Don’t you trust her to make her own decisions? Or do you think she’s too weak and too vulnerable to fend off your manly advances? That’s not giving her much credit, is it? You’re infantilizing her, Connor. By trying to “protect” her, you’re turning her into a helpless child.
That’s my two cents. I say go for it. She doesn’t have to be The One for you to justify hanging out with her. Don’t you think The One would be pissed if you didn’t get any practice before meeting her? I say go forth and learn how to kiss!
Team Captain of Team Connor Getting Laid,