From: yikes!izzy

To: condorboy

Date: Sunday, December 4—2:32 AM

Subject: Re: good news

Dear Connor,

Trevor’s band is on tour on the East Coast, and apparently there’s no internet or cell phone reception in that part of the country. Fucker. I’m done with him.

I’m trying to be glad for you that you found a friend, but mostly I’m bitter for still being pretty friendless. The only people I really talk to are my sister and Karen, but I’ve been getting a vibe lately that they don’t want me coming around so much. Karen’s starting to show, and it’s all they talk about anymore. I’m starting to hate that baby. Just kidding. (I sincerely hope I’m kidding.)

I’m bored, bored, bored. Nothing’s happening. Nothing ever happens. There’s a pile of college application crap on my desk that’s collecting dust. I already sent in my Reed application a couple months ago, but my mom doesn’t like my plan of just applying to one school early decision and seeing what happens.

Sometimes I feel like I’m barely alive.
