To: condorboy
Date: Monday, December 26—8:27 PM
Subject: zoo
My dearest Connor,
I’m like an animal trapped in a cage, pacing back and forth, waiting for someone to feed me. But I just realized they don’t have any food! So I’m going out tonight, with or without my parents’ permission. My window is not that far from the ground, when you think about it, if you squint your eyes in just the right way. I’m pretty sure I can jump out without breaking anything. Either that or just walk out the front door when no one’s looking, which is pretty much always because the front door is in the middle of the house and my parents like to be as far away from each other as possible, which means not in the middle of the house, so I pretty much have a straight shot to freedom if I want it. But jumping out the window sounds a little more fun, doesn’t it? Yes. The answer is yes.