
An SAT course is much more than clever techniques and powerful computer score reports. The reason our results are great is that our teachers care so much about their students. Many teachers have gone out of their way to improve the course, often going so far as to write their own materials, some of which we have incorporated into our course manuals as well as into this book. The list of these teachers could fill this page.

Thanks to Ed Carroll, Pete Stajk, David Stoll, and Curtis Retherford for their work on previous iterations of this title.

Special thanks to Adam Robinson, who conceived of and perfected the Joe Bloggs approach to standardized tests and many of the other successful techniques used by The Princeton Review.

Special thanks to Jonathan Chiu and all those who contributed to this year’s edition: Brian Becker, Elizabeth Owens, Amy Minster, Joelle Cotham, Julia Ayles, Lori DesRochers, Bobby Hood, Aaron Lindh, Garrison Pierzynski, and Nicole-Henriette Pirnie.

Finally, we would like to thank the people who truly have taught us everything we know about the SAT: our students.