This book wouldn’t exist without the imagination and foresight of my editor, Jennifer Kasius, or the support of my agent and friend, Peter Steinberg. It also wouldn’t have been possible without the love and encouragement of my family and friends. Endless thanks to my husband, Anthony Orkin, for supplying me with oat lattes, dark chocolate, and delicious home-cooked meals, as well as helpful editorial input and lots of love. Thanks to my mother, Marilyn Bernstein, and my late father, Bernie Bernstein, for their unconditional love and support and for encouraging me to pursue my dreams. All those hours watching TV as a kid paid off!

I have enormous respect for the creators, producers, writers, actors, and everyone who was involved with The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Even all these years later, the remarkable show they created continues to resonate with viewers. So much of this book is a tribute to their wit, talent, and insight, so I owe them a great deal of gratitude. Having taken a deep dive into all things related to the show, I have gained immense admiration for the authors whose footsteps I’ve followed, including Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, Robert S. Alley, and Irby B. Brown.

There were times during the writing process when I doubted I could do The Mary Tyler Moore Show justice. Thanks to friends Janet Morgan, Nathalie Jacqmotte, Jessica Rhys, Diane Avenoso, Beth Federici, Jackie Weissman, Samantha Parton, and the gang at Oui Presse, who cheered me on, brought me treats, and reminded me to take a break from the computer. Thanks also to dear old friends Dori Fern and Blair Miller, whose pep talks helped buoy me when I needed it most.

Finally, thanks to my amazing daughters, Jess and Ruby, for putting up with my nonstop Mary Tyler Moore references and, more importantly, for inspiring me every day. I love you!