It is not easy being a young performer. Combine the insecurity of youth with the uncertainty of the creative artist and put it on display in front of hundreds of people, and you get a whole lot of craziness. Yet we artists stick with it, despite the humiliating auditions, the empty seats, the rejection letters, the bad reviews. We stick with it because we are called to it, because we believe that this is what we have to give back to the world.
You would think that young performers, exceptional as they often are, would get all kinds of support from the adults around them, but such is often not the case. “Have something to fall back on” is the frequent mantra. “You’ll never make any money at it.” For kids who have heard these discouraging words repeatedly, hearing a little of the opposite can be like elixir to the creative soul. So I’d like to acknowledge the few adults who encouraged me when I was a young artist. I won’t name you; you know who you are. Thank you.
And to all you young artists out there—you’re terrific.