Acts of the Privy Council, ed. J.R. Dasent et al., 46 vols. (London, 1890–1964) |
AR |
The Antiquarian Repertory, ed. F. Grose, 4 vols. (London, 1807–9) |
Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research |
BL |
British Library |
Commons |
The House of Commons 1509–1558, ed. S.T. Bindoff, 3 vols. (1982) |
Calendar of Patent Rolls |
CS |
Camden Society |
CSP Dom. |
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic |
CSP For. |
Calendar of State Papers, Foreign |
CSP Mil. |
Calendar of State Papers, Milanese |
CSP Sp. |
Calendar of State Papers, Spanish |
CSP Ven. |
Calendar of State Papers, Venetian |
Dictionary of National Biography |
Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records |
Early English Text Society |
The English Historical Review |
Foedera |
Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae, ed. T. Rymer, 15 vols. (London, 1704–35) |
G.E. Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., Extant, Extinct, or Dormant, rev. ed. V. Gibbs and later H.A. Doubleday, 13 vols. (London, 1910–49) |
HJ |
The Historical Journal |
The History of the King’s Works, ed. H.M. Colvin et al., 6 vols. (London, 1963–82) |
Historical Manuscripts Commission |
HO |
A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household (Society of Antiquaries, London, 1790) |
HR |
Historical Research |
HS |
Harleian Society |
LJ |
Journals of the House of Lords, 12 vols. (London, 1817–1910) |
LP |
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, 1509–47, ed. J.S. Brewer et al., 21 vols. and addenda (London, 1862–1932) |
LP Hen. VII |
Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III and Henry VII, ed. J. Gairdner, 2 vols. (Rolls Series, 1861, 1863) |
Materials |
Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII, ed. W. Campbell, 2 vols. (Rolls Series, 1873, 1877) |
Memorials |
Memorials of King Henry the Seventh, ed. J. Gairdner (Rolls Series, 1858) |
Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 1386–1542, ed. N.H. Nicolas, 7 vols. (London, 1834–7) |
PPE Elizabeth of York |
The Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York: Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth, ed. N.H. Nicolas (London, 1830) |
PPE Henry VIII |
The Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth from November MDXXIX to December MDXXXII, ed. N.H. Nicolas (London, 1827) |
PPE Princess Mary |
Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary from December MDXXXVI to December MDXLIV, ed. F. Madden (London, 1831) |
Public Record Office |
Statutes |
Statutes of the Realm, ed. A. Luders et al., 10 vols. (London, 1810–1828) |
St. P. |
State Papers of King Henry the Eighth, 11 vols. (London, 1830–52) |
1. Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, The Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth (London, 1649), p. 497; G. Burnet, The History of the Reformation, ed. N. Pocock, 7 vols. (Oxford, 1865), I, p. 514; A. Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England, 6 vols. (London, 1854) III, p. 234.
2. PRO, E315/161, fos. 22–34; N. Williams, Henry VIII and his Court (London, 1971), pp. 246–7. Williams does not cite his source; nevertheless, he is relied on by A. Fraser, The Six Wives of Henry VIII (London, 1992), p. 373 and n. 43.
Henry’s Weddings
1. AR II, pp. 284–90; The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, ed. G. Kipling (EETS 296, 1990), pp. 39–44.
2. AR II, p. 302; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 73; The Epistles of Erasmus, ed. F.M. Nichols, 2 vols. (London, 1904), I, p. 201.
3. LP IV iii, 5774/5/ii.
4. S. Thurley, The Royal Palaces of Tudor England: Architecture and Court Life 1460–1547 (London, 1993), pp. 125–7, 199.
5. Thurley, Royal Palaces, p. 199.
6. LP IV iii, 5774/1, 5774/5/ii.
7. LP IV iii, 5774/1; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 19.
8. PPC VII, pp. 352–3.
9. E.W. Ives, Anne Boleyn (Oxford, 1989), p. 210 n. 97; A Treatise of the Pretended Divorce between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon by Nicholas Harpsfield, ed. N. Pocock (CS new series 21, 1878) [hereafter Harpsfield, Pretended Divorce ], pp. 234–5; D. MacCulloch, Thomas Cranmer: a Life (London, 1996), pp. 261, 637–8; LP X, 1000; XVIII i, 873; A Chronicle of England…by Charles Wriothesley, Windsor Herald, ed. W.D. Hamilton, 2 vols. (CS new series 11, 1875) [hereafter Wriothesley’s Chronicle ], I, p. 111.
10. E. Hall, The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of York and Lancaster [hereafter Hall, Chronicle ], ed. H. Ellis (London, 1809), p. 836; LP XV, 925.
11. AR I, pp. 296–341. The text is discussed and dated in D. Starkey, ‘Henry VI’s Old Blue Gown’, The Court Historian 4 (1999), pp. 1–28.
12. AR I, p. 302; B. Wolffe, Henry VI (London, 1981), pp. 180–2.
13. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 43–4, 112, 124, 143.
Part One: Queen Catherine of Aragon
Chapter 1
1. G. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon (London, 1942), p. 15. And see the List of Illustrations.
2. N. Macchiavelli, The Prince, trans. G. Bull (Harmondsworth, 1995), p. 70.
3. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. xxxiv–vii; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 14–15, 19.
Chapter 2
1. Memorials, p. 351; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 16; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 404; II (1509–1525), p. 18.
2. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 16–18, 21; M. Dowling, Humanism in the Age of Henry VIII (London, 1986), p. 17; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 156.
Chapter 3
1. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 20.
2. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 124; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 21–2.
3. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 22.
4. Ibid., p. 23.
Chapter 4
1. Memorials, pp. 350–1.
2. M.K. Jones and M.G. Underwood, The King’s Mother: Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby (Cambridge, 1992), chs. 1–2.
3. Joannis Lelandi Antiquari de Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, ed. T. Hearne, 6 vols. (2nd ed., London, 1770) [hereafter Leland, Collectanea ], pp. 403–7; PPE Elizabeth of York, p. lxix; F. Bacon, The History of the Reign of King Henry VII, ed. B. Vickers (Cambridge, 1998), p. 22.
Chapter 5
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 23.
2. I. Arthurson, The Perkin Warbeck Conspiracy 1491–1499 (Stroud, 1994), pp. 60, 81, 121–5; LP Hen. VII I, pp. 388–404.
3. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 161–3.
4. The Great Chronicle of London, ed. A.H. Thomas and I.D. Thornley (London, 1938), pp. 275–6, 443 n.
5. S. Bentley, Excerpta Historica (London, 1833), p. 114; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 145–6.
Chapter 6
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 11.
2. F. Hepburn, ‘Arthur, Prince of Wales and his Training for Kingship’, Historian 55 (1977), pp. 8–9; Memorials, p. 43.
3. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 131, 143–4, 160.
4. W. Busch, England under the Tudors I: King Henry VII, ed. J. Gairdner (London, 1895), p. 132; CSP Mil. I (1359–1618), p. 539.
Chapter 7
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 164.
2. Ibid., pp. 145, 191–2.
3. Ibid., pp. 156, 255, 386; Memorials, pp. 350–1.
4. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 218, 226.
5. Ibid., pp. 209–10, 240, 249–50.
6. Arthurson, Perkin Warbeck, pp. 16, 69, 212–15; R. Horrox, Richard III: a Study of Service (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 115, 215, 299; GEC XII ii, pp. 394–7; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 27; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 213.
Chapter 8
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 129, 214, 217.
2. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 23. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 214.
3. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 218; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 25.
Chapter 9
1. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 15.
2. The Catholic Encyclopedia, 17 vols. (New York, c. 1907–1918), VIII, pp. 36–7; XIV, p. 783.
3. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. xlv, xlvii–viii, 164.
Chapter 10
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 203, 214, 257, 258.
2. Ibid., p. 258.
3. Ibid., pp. 258–9; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 26.
4. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 261–2; The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil A.D. 1485–1537, ed. D. Hay (CS 3rd series 74, 1950) [hereafter Vergil, Anglica Historia ], p. 122.
5. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 254, 262, 264; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 4; Hall, Chronicle, p. 493; Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, ed. J.G. Nichols (CS old series 53, 1852), p. 27; Jones and Underwood, The King’s Mother, p. 77; Leland, Collectanea V, p. 352; Bacon, Henry VII, p. 169.
Chapter 11
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 262.
2. Ibid., pp. 129, 226, 252, 255; J. Leland, Itinerary, ed. L.T. Smith, 5 vols. (London, 1906–8), I, pp. 212–13.
3. Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 5; LP Hen. VII I, pp. 406–11; II, pp. 103–5.
4. GEC XII ii, pp. 683–6; LP Hen. VII I, pp. 406–11.
5. LP Hen. VII I, p. 406; Leland, Itinerary I, p. 160.
6. LP Hen. VII I, p. 406.
7. Ibid., pp. 406–7.
8. Ibid., pp. 407–8; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 5.
9. GEC IX, pp. 609–15; LP Hen. VII I, pp. 407–8; Heraldry of Suffolk Churches I: Long Melford (Suffolk Heraldry Society, 1979), p. 9.
10. LP Hen. VII I, pp. 407–8; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 5.
11. LP Hen. VII I, pp. 407–8; CPR Hen. VII II (1500–1509), p. 343; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 327.
12. Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 7; P. Hembry, ‘Episcopal Palaces, 1535 to 1660’, in E.W. Ives, R.J. Knecht and J.J. Scarisbrick (eds.), Wealth and Power in Tudor England: Essays presented to S.T. Bindoff (London, 1978), pp. 150, 157.
Chapter 12
1. AR II, pp. 249–55.
2. HKW IV, pp. 222–8; AR II, pp. 253–4; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 5–6.
3. AR II, p. 254; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 6.
4. AR II, p. 254; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 6; Vergil, Anglica Historia, pp. 122–3.
5. AR II, p. 255; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 7, 8.
6. C.L. Schofield, The Life and Reign of Edward IV, 2 vols. (London, 1923), I, p. 585; II, pp. 23, 159; LP I iii, p. xl; III i, 228.
Chapter 13
1. AR II, p. 256; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 8; B.J. Harris, Edward Stafford: Third Duke of Buckingham (Stanford, 1986).
2. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 253.
3. AR I, pp. 302–5; LP Hen. VII I, pp. 404–17; II, pp. 103–5.
4. S. Anglo, Spectacle, Pageantry and Early Tudor Policy (Oxford, 1967), pp. 57–8.
Chapter 14
1. LP Hen. VII I, p. 409.
2. AR II, p. 259; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 12.
3. AR II, p. 260; The Panorama of London c. 1544 by Anthonis van den Wyngaerde, ed. H. Colvin and S. Foister (London Topographical Society 151, 1996).
4. AR II, pp. 260–2, 278–9; Anglo, Spectacle, Pageantry and Early Tudor Policy, pp. 58–94. But see D. Starkey, ‘King Henry and King Arthur’, Arthurian Literature 16 (1998), p. 193.
5. AR II, pp. 263–76; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 30, 31.
6. AR II, pp. 276–81; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 31–6. The topography of the City and Catherine’s route through it are reconstructed from A. Prockter and R. Taylor, The A to Z of Elizabethan London (London Topographical Society 122, 1979).
Chapter 15
1. LP Hen. VII I, p. 412; AR II, p. 283; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 37, 38.
2. AR II, pp. 284–7, Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 39, 42.
3. AR II, pp. 287–8; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 42–4.
4. AR II, p. 287; Bentley, Excerpta Historica, p. 126.
5. AR II, pp. 284–90; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 44; LP Hen. VII I, pp. 414–15.
6. AR II, pp. 289–91; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 44, 46–7.
7. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 246; AR I, pp. 301–2; II, p. 278; Materials II, pp. 349, 359.
8. AR I, pp. 301–2; II, p. 291.
9. AR II, pp. 291–2; Manuale et Processionale ad Usum Insignis Ecclesiae Eboracensis (1875, issued as Surtees Society 63, 1874), pp. 24–5; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 47.
10. LP IV iii, 5774/1, 2.
Chapter 16
1. LP IV iii, 5774/3, 13.
2. AR II, pp. 292–5; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 48–50.
3. AR II, pp. 295–302; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 50–68.
4. AR II, pp. 302–19; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 68–76; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 264–5.
5. F.M. Nichols, The Hall of Lawford Hall (London, 1891), p. 196; AR II, p. 320; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, p. 77.
6. Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 77–8.
7. W.C. Richardson, Mary Tudor: the White Queen (London, 1970), pp. 108–11.
8. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 237, 245–7, 251–2, 255, 272; Memorials, p. 409.
9. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 246–7.
10. Ibid., p. 265; Supplement to vols. I & II, p. 12.
11. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 237.
12. Ibid., p. 234.
13. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, p. 6, and see n. 17 below.
14. Ibid., pp. 6–7.
15. Ibid., pp. 7–12.
16. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 23, 129, 220–2, 244, 252.
17. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 2–5, 8–11; W.D. Montagu, Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne (London, 1864), pp. 60–1. I owe this reference, along with much else in my account of Arthur, to the kindness of Frederick Hepburn.
18. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, p. 8.
Chapter 17
1. HKW II, p. 732; III, pp. 174–6.
2. A.B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1957–8), II, pp. 1147–8; III, pp. 1721–2; Hepburn, ‘Arthur’, p. 7.
3. Hepburn, ‘Arthur’, p. 8; H. Pierce, ‘The King’s Cousin: the Life, Career and Welsh Connection of Sir Richard Pole’, Welsh Historical Review, 19 (1998), pp. 187–8, 204–9, 214–25.
4. A.B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford A.D. 1501 to 1540 (Oxford, 1974), pp. 453–5; CSP Ven. V (1534–54), pp. 257–8.
5. AR II, p. 321; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 78–9; Hepburn, ‘Arthur’, p. 8; W.R.B. Robinson, ‘Prince Arthur in the Marches of Wales’, Studia Celtica 36 (2002).
6. BL, Cotton MS Vitellius B XII, fos. 113–113v (LP IV iii, 5774/5ii); LP IV iii, 5774/13.
7. AR II, pp. 321–2; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 79–80; Dr Thomas Stuttaford, The Times, 4 June 1998.
8. AR II, pp. 322–3; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 80–1.
9. AR II, pp. 323–31; Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, pp. 81–93.
10. E. McClure, ‘Some Remarks on Prince Arthur’s Chantry in Worcester Cathedral’, Worcestershire Archaeological Society; N. Pevsner, Worcestershire (London, 1968), p. 311.
Chapter 18
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 269; PPE Elizabeth of York, pp. xc, 14, 103.
2. CPR Henry VII II (1494–1509), p. 258.
3. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 268–9, 272, 354.
4. Ibid., p. 268.
5. BL, Add MS 59899, fo. 18; Bentley, Excerpta Historica, pp. 127, 129; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 327, 432. The first of these letters is dated 1 July at ‘Eyton’ (i.e. Eydon, Northamptonshire) and the second 7 September at Ashby-de-la-Zouche, Warwickshire. Margaret Condon’s typescript Itinerary of Henry VII shows that both belong to 1503, not to 1504 and 1507, as in the Calendar.
6. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 335.
7. Ibid., pp. 267, 269–70.
8. Ibid., pp. 271–2.
9. Ibid., pp. 295–302, 306–8; Great Chronicle, ed. Thomas and Thornley, p. 323.
10. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 309.
11. Ibid., pp. 328, 330, 341; Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford to 1500, pp. 1685–7.
12. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 322, 328, 330, 349–50.
13. Ibid., p. 322.
14. H.A. Kelly, The Matrimonial Trials of Henry VIII (Stanford, 1976), p. 72; Memorials, pp. 416–17 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], pp. 338–9).
Chapter 19
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 339, 340.
2. Ibid., pp. 345–6.
3. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 60–1.
4. Bentley, Excerpta Historica, p. 132.
5. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 371–2.
6. Ibid., pp. 339–40, 371–3.
7. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. M.A.E. Wood, 3 vols. (London, 1846), II, pp. 131–3; Letters of the Queens of England 1100–1547, ed. A. Crawford (Stroud, 1994), p. 166 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], p. 376); CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 425.
8. Bentley, Excerpta Historica, p. 133; L.P. Gachard, Collection des Voyages des Souverains des Pays-Bas I (Brussels, 1876), pp. 408–29; CSP Ven. I (1202–1509), pp. 311–3; Memorials, pp. 282–3; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 65–6.
9. Memorials, pp. 283–300, particularly pp. 287–8.
10. CSP Ven. I (1202–1509), p. 313; Memorials, pp. 300–3.
11. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 132–3.
Chapter 20
1. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 17–18 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], pp. 358–9).
2. A.B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500 (Cambridge, 1963), p. 629.
3. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 17–18 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], pp. 358–9).
4. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 88; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 412.
5. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 131–4 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], pp. 376–7).
6. Ibid, pp. 339–40, 371–3.
7. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 138–40 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], p. 386); Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 168.
8. Ibid.
9. Memorials, p. 247; Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 138–40 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], p. 386); Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 168.
10. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 403–5.
11. Ibid., pp. 407, 408.
12. Ibid., p. 411.
13. Epistle of Erasmus, ed. Nichols, I, p. 425.
14. 19 Hen. VII, c. 26; Statutes II, p. 667; Bentley, Excerpta Historica, p. 131; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 329.
15. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 439; Memorials, pp. 116, 120, 124; A. Young, Tudor and Jacobean Tournaments (London, 1987), p. 194.
16. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 412, 413.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid., pp. 376, 410–11.
Chapter 21
1. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 411, 413, 428.
2. Ibid., pp. 407, 415, 417, 419–20, 427, 467.
3. Ibid., pp. 411, 413, 427–8.
4. Ibid., pp. 405, 412, 427, 452.
5. Ibid., pp. 435–6.
6. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 79; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 421–2, 423–5, 457–65.
7. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), pp. 461, 463–4.
8. Richardson, Mary Tudor, pp. 41–3; ‘ “The Spousells” of Princess Mary, 1506’, ed. J. Gairdner, Camden Miscellany 9 (CS new series 53, 1895), particularly pp. 17, 18, 26; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 88.
9. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 138–40 (CSP Sp. I [1485–1509], p. 386); CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 6; Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 14–15; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 88–9.
10. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 89–90; CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 19–29.
11. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 78–91; Correspondencia de Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalida, ed. Duque de Berwick y de Alba (Madrid, 1907), p. 194; CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 469; II (1509–1525), pp. 3, 4.
12. CSP Sp. I (1485–1509), p. 469; Supp. to vols. I and II, p. 20.
13. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 21–2.
Chapter 22
1. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 92; Correspondencia de…Fuensalida, ed. de Alba, p. 484.
2. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 102, 137.
3. Nichols, Hall of Lawford Hall, p. 196; Epistles of Erasmus, ed. Nichols, I, p. 201.
4. Starkey, ‘King Henry and King Arthur’, pp. 191–3.
5. S.J. Gunn, ‘The Accession of Henry VIII’, HJ 64 (1991) pp. 278–88; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 93–4; CSP Sp. II (1509–25), pp. 16–20.
6. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 507–10; AR I, pp. 302–4; Great Chronicle, ed. Thomas and Thornley, p. 340; Sir Thomas More, Latin Poems, ed. C.H. Miller et al. (The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St Thomas More III ii, London, 1984), pp. 112–13; LP I i, 82 (pp. 41–2); The Manner of the Coronation of King Charles the First of England, ed. C. Wordsworth (Henry Bradshaw Society 2, London, 1892), pp. 134–5.
7. LP I i, 84.
8. Ibid., 119.
9. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 158–161; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, pp. 169–70 (LP I i, 127).
Chapter 23
1. LP I i, 112, 127; PRO, OBS 1419.
2. Hall, Chronicle, p. 513.
3. Ibid.
4. AR I, pp. 304–5; LP I i, 394; CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 34, 42.
5. Hall, Chronicle, p. 513.
6. AR I, pp. 304–5; LP I i, 394; CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 34–5, 42–4.
7. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 39–41; GEC VI, p. 655; XII i, p. 519.
8. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, p. 43; LP I i, 394; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 38.
9. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 38; Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. 34–6.
Chapter 24
1. PRO, OBS 1419; LP I i, 670; II ii, 1448; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 43; Hall, Chronicle, p. 516; Vergil, Anglica Historia, p. 152.
2. LP I i, 670, 673, p. 670/v; II ii, p. 1449.
3. Commons III, p. 147; LP I i, 674, g. 885(8); II ii, p. 1449.
4. PRO, OBS 1419; LP II ii, p. 1449.
5. LP I i, 671, 698; The Great Tournament Roll of Westminster: a Collotype Reproduction of the Manuscript, ed. S. Anglo (Oxford, 1968); Hall, Chronicle, pp. 517–19.
6. LP I i, 707 (pp. 381–2), 734; Hall, Chronicle, p. 519.
Chapter 25
1. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 21–2, 25–9.
2. Ibid., pp. 30 (LP I i, 254), 52.
3. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 5; LP I i, 406; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 33–5, 43.
4. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 45; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 514, 533–4, LP II ii, pp. 1498–9.
5. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 521–2; LP I i, 725, 727–8, 730.
6. Hall, Chronicle, p. 522; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 54.
7. GEC IX, pp. 614–15; Hall, Chronicle, p. 525; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 119; Letters and Papers relating to the War with France in 1512–13, ed. A. Spont (Navy Records Society 10, 1897), pp. viii–ix.
8. Hall, Chronicle, p. 525; LP I i, 880, 974.
9. R. Fiddes, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey, 2 vols. (London, 1724, 1726), II, pp. 8–9 (LP I i, 880).
10. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford to 1500, pp. 2136–7; LP I i, 880.
11. LP I i, 939; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 54–9; D.S. Chambers, Cardinal Bainbridge in the Court of Rome 1509 to 1514 (Oxford, 1965), pp. 38–9.
12. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 527–32; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 64–75.
13. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 75–8.
14. Fiddes, Life of Wolsey II, pp. 10–11 (LP I i, 1356); CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 83.
15. LP I i, 1735 (p. 791), 1775; I ii, 2077; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 87; Chambers, Cardinal Bainbridge, p. 40.
16. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 534–5; Fiddes, Life of Wolsey II, pp. 10–11 (LP I i, 1356); Letters and Papers relating to the War with France in 1512–13, pp. xxx–li; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 87.
17. Hall, Chronicle, p. 515; Letters and Papers relating to the War with France in 1512–13, pp. 103–7.
18. Letters and Papers relating to the War with France in 1512–13, pp. xxxvi-ix, 132–9, 147–8; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 534–7.
19. Letters and Papers relating to the War with France in 1512–13, pp. 132–9.
Chapter 26
1. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 87.
2. CSP Sp. I (1509–1525), pp. 115–16, 121–2, 143–4; LP I i, 1751.
3. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 537–9; LP I ii, g. 2055 (46, 47, 60), 2065, 2295, 2391; II ii, p. 1461.
4. Hall, Chronicle, p. 555.
5. House of Commons, ed. Bindoff, II, pp. 548–9; S.J. Gunn, ‘Sir Thomas Lovell (c. 1499–1524)’, in J.L. Watts, ed., The End of the Middle Ages?: England in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Stroud, 1998), pp. 117–53; R.C. Strong, Tudor and Jacobean Portraits, 2 vols. (London, 1969), I, p. 202; Hall, Chronicle, p. 539.
6. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 540, 555–6; LP I ii, 2651; II ii, p. 1462; Original Letters, Illustrative of English History…from Autographs in the British Museum and…Other Collections, ed. H. Ellis, 11 vols. (1824–46), 1st series I, pp. 80–3 (LP I ii, 2120, 2162); Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, 171.
7. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, p. 82; CSP Mil. I (1389–1618), p. 660; LP I ii, 2138, 2175; C.G. Cruickshank, Army Royal: an Account of Henry VIII’s Invasion of France 1513 (Oxford, 1969), pp. 92–3.
8. LP I ii, 2019, 2098, 2143, 2163, 2312; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 90–1 (LP I ii, 2269).
9. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 544–8; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, p. 83 (LP I ii, 2162); Cruickshank, Army Royal, pp. 114–16, 125; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 118 (where Longueville appears under his other title of Rothelin).
10. Cruickshank, Army Royal, pp. 116–17; R.V. Knecht, Francis I (Cambridge, 1982), p. 47; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), pp. 140–1.
11. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 84–5 (LP I ii 2200); Hall, Chronicle, pp. 544–5; LP I ii, p. 1061; II ii, p. 1461.
12. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 555–7; LP I ii, 2330(3); CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 134.
13. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 163–5 (LP I ii, 2226); LP I ii, 2243, 2299; II ii, p. 1462; Hall, Chronicle, p. 564; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), pp. 145–7.
14. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, I, pp. 163–5 (LP I ii, 2226).
15. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 560–4; W.A. Sessions, Henry Howard: the Poet Earl of Surrey: a Life (Oxford, 1999), pp. 38–40.
16. CSP Mil. I (1389–1618), p. 396 (LP I ii, 2261); Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 88–9 (LP I ii, 2268); Hall, Chronicle, p. 564.
17. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 88–9 (LP I ii, 2268); Hall, Chronicle, p. 564; Chambers, Cardinal Bainbridge, pp. 40, 52.
18. James IV’s body was brought to the Observant Friars at Sheen, and (with papal permission) buried there. At the Reformation, the House was dissolved and the body, encased in lead, removed as a souvenir. It was dumped in a lumber room, where ‘workmen there for their foolish pleasure hewed off his head’: A Survey of London by John Stow, ed. C.L. Kingsford, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1908), I, p. 298. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 80–2, 88–9 (LP I ii, 2120, 2268); LP I ii, 2422 (2); CSP Mil. I (1389–1618), p. 408.
Chapter 27
1. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 188.
2. LP I ii, 2724, 2768; R.B. Wernham, Before the Armada: the Growth of English Foreign Policy, 1485–1588 (London, 1966), pp. 86–7; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 201.
3. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 42.
4. LP II ii, 4071.
5. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), pp. 198–9; LP I ii, 3136, 3146.
6. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 190.
7. Ibid., pp. 190, 199–200; LP II ii, p. 1465.
8. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 188; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 320–1.
9. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 200; LP I ii, 3041 (p. 1307), 3074 (p. 1317).
10. LP I ii, 3332–3, 3416, 3440.
11. Ibid., 3440; 3581; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 248.
12. LP I ii, 3581; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 223.
Chapter 28
1. CSP Sp. Supp. to vols. I and II, pp. xxii–iii, 44–6. LP I i, 20 (p. 15) shows that the individuals Diego named were indeed members of Catherine’s household.
2. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 273; Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, p. 201.
3. Knecht, Francis I, pp. 41–8.
4. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 270–3.
5. Ibid., p. 273; LP I ii, 3482; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 690.
6. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 691.
7. LP II ii, 4074; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 1038.
8. St. P. I, p. 1 (LP II ii, 4279).
9. LP II ii, 4276; St. P. I, p. 2 (LP II ii, 4288).
10. PRO, OBS 1419; LP II ii, 4398, p. 1479; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 1093.
11. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 1103.
Chapter 29
1. LP I ii, 3041; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), pp. 248, 529, 560.
2. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 560.
3. Ibid., pp. 242, 562.
4. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 88–91 (LP I ii, 2268–9); CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 560.
5. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 590–1; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 385.
Chapter 30
1. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 434.
2. LP VIII, 200; CSP Sp. V i (1534–1535), p. 134. I have substituted the more vivid ‘sit up with her’ as in CSP Sp. for the lamer ‘watch her’ in LP.
3. HO, pp. 27–33; N. Orme, ‘The Education of Edward V’, BIHR 57 (1984), pp. 119–30.
4. LP II ii, 4326; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, p. 175 (LP III i, 873).
5. LP II i, 1573.
6. GEC XI, pp. 399–402; LP II ii, 3429, 3802, pp. 1473–4; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 2nd series II, pp. 78–83 (LP XI, 203).
7. AR I, p. 306; LP III i, 491, 528, 577, 579; III ii, Appendix 20; PPE Princess Mary, p. xxi.
8. LP Addenda I i, 259; LP III i, 970; PPE Princess Mary, p. xxii; LP II ii, p. 1477; Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 78, 80.
9. PPE Princess Mary, p. xxii; LP II ii, p. 1477.
10. LP II ii, 4326.
11. LP II ii, 4326/ii; N. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court during Cardinal Wolsey’s Ascendancy’ (University of Wales Ph.D. thesis, 1989), p. 351; D. Starkey, ‘The King’s Privy Chamber, 1485–1547 (University of Cambridge Ph.D. thesis, 1973), pp. 372–3; LP III ii, pp. 1539–43.
12. LP II ii, p. 1477; III i, 805; D. Erasmus, De immensa dei misericordia, trans. G. Hervet, Berthelet, 1526: STC 10474.
13. LP III i, 895–6, 970; VIII, 263 (p. 101).
14. Harris, Buckingham, pp. 55–6.
15. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 359; LP III ii, 2585 (p. 1099); CSP Ven. III (1520–1526), 167; HKW IV, pp. 172–5; Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 44–5, 49–50.
16. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 622–3; LP III i, 1204, 1233; III ii, 1437, 1439, 1673.
17. St. P. I, p. 19 (LP III ii, 1437); LP III ii, 1669, 2585 (p. 1099), 3375 (p. 1409); Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, pp. 361–3.
18. LP I ii, 1849; III ii, 3375 (pp. 1405, 1409); Nichols, Hall of Lawford Hall, pp. 174–7.
19. Dowling, Humanism in the Age of Henry VIII, pp. 221–3.
20. F. Watson, Tudor Schoolboy Life: the Dialogues of Juan Luis Vives (London, 1908), pp. vii–xiv; Dowling, Humanism, p. 149.
21. Watson, Tudor Schoolboy Life, pp. xiv–xvii; Dowling, Humanism, pp. 149–50, 223.
22. F. Watson, Vives and the Renascence Education of Women (London, 1912), pp. 32–8, 58–9, 62–3, 71–84, 102–4, 117–18, 130–1, 137, 139–47, 151–8; Dowling, Humanism, pp. 223–6, Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 365; PPE Princess Mary, pp. cxxviii–ix, cxxxiv–v.
Chapter 31
1. LP II ii, 4480, 4693, p. 1479; CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), p. 463; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 594–5.
2. LP III i, 514.
3. Ibid., 721.
4. Ibid., 728.
5. Ibid., 689.
6. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 604–5; CSP Ven. III (1520–1526), pp. 14–19.
7. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 603–20; LP III i, 861; M. Dowling, Fisher of Men: a Life of John Fisher, 1469–1535 (Basingstoke, 1999), pp. 52–3, 76.
8. Hall, Chronicle, p. 620.
9. LP III ii, 1443/8, 1462, 2333/3.
10. CSP Sp. Further Supp. (1513–1542), p. 71; Starkey, European Court, p. 91; Hall, Chronicle, p. 692.
11. CSP Sp. Further Supp. (1513–1542), p. 138.
12. Ibid., p. 74.
13. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 635–41; CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 430, 432.
14. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), p. 448; Hall, Chronicle, p. 641.
15. CSP Sp. II (1509–1525), pp. 432, 444, 448.
16. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 642–3.
17. CSP Sp. Further Supp. (1513–1542), p. 185.
18. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 661–2.
19. Ibid., pp. 661–2, 667–72.
20. CSP Sp. Further Supp. (1513–1542), pp. 325, 411.
21. St. P. I, pp. 151–3 (LP IV i, 882); Knecht, Francis I, p. 127; CSP Sp. III i (1525–1526), pp. 174–9.
22. J.J. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII (London, 1968), pp. 136–7; St. P. VI, pp. 412–36 (LP IV i, 1212); CSP Sp. III i (1525–1526), p. 114.
23. CSP Sp. III i (1525–1526), p. 108.
24. Ibid., pp. 174–9.
25. Ibid., pp. 1018–19.
Part Two: Rival Queens Divorcing Catherine
Chapter 32
1. CSP Ven. II (1509–1519), 479 (p. 188); LP III i, 1284 (p. 491).
2. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 842–3.
3. Hall, Chronicle, p. 703.
4. CSP Ven. III (1520–1526), 1053.
5. Nichols, Hall of Lawford Hall, p. 196; Chronicles of London, ed. Kingsford, p. 213.
6. CSP Ven. III (1520–1526), 1053.
7. PPE Princess Mary, pp. xxxix, xli–xlii, xliv.
8. W.R.B. Robinson, ‘Princess Mary’s Itinerary in the Marches of Wales, 1525–1527: a Provisional Record’, HR 52 (1998), pp. 235–7, 240–2; LP Addenda I i, 458; IV i, 1940/1; Hall, Chronicle, p. 703; PPE Princess Mary, p. xxxix.
9. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 19–20 (dated at Woburn, probably on 26 October 1525); Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 177.
10. St. P. I, pp. 161–2 (LP IV ii, 2452).
11. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 109–11, 116–17.
Chapter 33
1. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 193–4.
2. LP IV ii, 3140.
3. Letters of Richard Fox 1486–1527, ed. P.S. and H.M. Allen (Oxford, 1929), pp. 156–7; LP IV ii, 3140 (p. 1429); IV iii 5792 (p. 2588); Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 25–9.
4. LP IV ii, 3148; Dowling, Fisher, p. 133.
5. St. P. I, pp. 189–90 (LP IV ii, 3147).
6. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 276.
7. St. P. I, pp. 194–5 (LP IV ii, 3217).
8. St. P. I, pp. 194–5; N. Pocock, Records of the Reformation, the Divorce 1527–1533, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1870), I, p. 11 (LP IV ii, 3302).
9. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 276–7.
10. Ibid., p. 277; LP I i, 20 (p. 15).
11. St. P. I, pp. 215–16 (LP IV ii, 3265); LP IV ii, 3283.
12. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 300–3.
Chapter 34
1. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, II, pp. 201–3 (LP IV ii, 4990).
2. Ibid.
3. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 443.
4. Ibid., p. 822 (misdated to 1528 by the Calendar); V. Murphy, ‘The Literature and Propaganda of Henry VIII’s First Divorce’ in D. MacCulloch, ed., The Reign of Henry VIII: Politics, Policy and Piety (London, 1995), pp. 143–4.
5. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford to 1500, III, p. 1417; Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, pp. 599–600; J. Wegg, Richard Pace; a Tudor Diplomatist (London, 1932), pp. 274–7; LP IV ii, 3233–6.
6. Wegg, Richard Pace, pp. 279–81; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 440–1.
7. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 587–8.
8. LP IV ii, 3943, 4990.
9. LP IV ii, 5038.
10. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 822–3 (my translation from the Spanish).
11. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, pp. 212–13, 215.
12. Ibid., p. 212.
13. Emden, Biographical Register…Cambridge to 1500, pp. 525–6; Fiddes, Life of Wolsey II, pp. 212–15 (LP IV ii, 4685).
14. LP IV ii, 4857, 4858, 4879; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 839.
Chapter 35
1. W.E. Wilkie, The Cardinal Protectors of England: Rome and the Tudors before the Reformation (Cambridge, 1974), pp. 104–5.
2. LP IV ii, 4858.
3. Ibid., 4875.
Chapter 36
1. LP IV ii, 4875; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 842.
2. Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 57–8, 62. G. de C. Parmiter, The King’s Great Matter (London, 1967), pp. 76–8.
3. N. Pocock, Records of the Reformation, the Divorce 1527–1533, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1870), I, pp. 212–15; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 789, 845.
4. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 854. This refers to the person Henry proposed to send as ‘someone’; he is identified as Fitzwilliam by CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 860 which describes him as ‘King’s treasurer’ (i.e. Treasurer of the Household).
5. LP IV ii, 5053; iii, 5154, 5163, 5470; V, pp. 306, 308; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 860, 877, 882, 884; Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, p. 1.
6. LP IV iii, 5283.
7. Ibid., 5154/ii, 5468.
8. Ibid., 5470 (St. P. VII, p. 161).
9. Ibid., 5423 (pp. 2383–4), 5425, 5470 (St. P. VII, pp. 158–64).
10. Ibid., 5469, 5470 (St. P. VII, pp. 161), 5471 (p. 2411).
Chapter 37
1. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 600; The Inventory of King Henry VIII: the Transcript, ed. D. Starkey (Harvey Miller Publishers, London, 1998), p. 259 (nos. 11591, 11594); CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 222–4.
2. F. Kisby, ‘“When the King Goeth a Procession”: Chapel Ceremonies and Services, the Ritual Year and Religous Reforms at the Early-Tudor Court, 1485–1547’, forthcoming.
3. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, pp. 383–4; LP IV ii, 5016.
4. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 861, 989–91; LP IV ii 5063; V, p. 304.
5. LP IV ii, 5072.
6. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 990; III iii (1529–1530), p. 95; Pocock, Records I, p. 252 (LP IV iii, 5762 [p. 2566]).
7. LP IV iii, 5519, 5611, 5613/5, 5636, 5694/2; J. Gairdner, ‘New Lights on the Divorce of Henry VIII’, EHR 11–12 (1896–7), 12, p. 246.
8. LP IV iii, 5679, 5681, 5700; Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, 12, p. 250.
9. Pocock, Records II, p. 609; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 133.
10. A.W. Clapham, ‘On the Topography of the Dominican Priory of London’, Archaeologia 63 (1912), pp. 57–84, particularly pp. 78–80; E.K. Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage, 4 vols. (London, 1923) II, pp. 480–91.
11. HKW IV, pp. 53–7; Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 40–1; LP III ii, 2956.
12. LP V, p. 311; Hall, Chronicle, p. 756; The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish, ed. R.S. Sylvester (EETS 242, 1959) [hereafter Cavendish, Wolsey ], p. 79.
13. Pocock, Records I, pp. 216–22; CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 219; LP IV iii, 5694, 5695/2–3, 5702; Parmiter, Great Matter, p. 98 n. 1; Hall, Chronicle, p. 757.
14. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 78, 80–1; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 756–7; CSP Ven. IV (1527–1529), pp. 219–20; LP IV iii, 5702; Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, 12, p. 251.
15. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 352.
16. R. Scheurer, Correspondance du Cardinal Jean du Bellay, 2 vols. (Paris, 1969), I, p. 47 (LP IV iii, 5702); Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, 12, p. 251.
17. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 82.
18. LP IV iii, 5702.
19. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), pp. 845–6.
20. Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, 12, pp. 249–52; LP IV iii, 5572 (p. 2462), 5584 (p. 2470), 5775 (p. 2581).
21. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 89.
22. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 134, 154, 158.
23. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 155–6.
24. Ibid., pp. 156–8. There are useful discussions of the technical terms in Parmiter, Great Matter, p. 108 n. 3 (signatura ) and LP IV Introduction, p. div (advocation).
25. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 158–60.
26. Ibid., pp. 158–9.
27. LP IV iii, 5791 (p. 2589); Hall, Chronicle, p. 758; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 127–80.
28. Hall, Chronicle, p. 758; Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 90.
29. LP IV iii, 5789.
Chapter 38
1. St. P. VII, pp. 194–5.
2. Pocock, Records I, pp. 266–7.
3. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 58.
4. LP IV iii, 5780, 5785.
5. LP IV iii, 5802, 5820.
6. Ibid., 5819, 5821 (Pocock, Records I, pp. 266–7).
7. LP IV iii, 5821; St. P. VII, pp. 194–5.
8. LP IV iii, 5865; St. P. I, p. 336.
9. St. P. I, p. 336.
10. LP IV iii, 5867, 5923; St. P. I, p. 347.
11. LP IV iii, 5866.
12. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 214–15; LP IV iii, 5995.
13. St. P. I, p. 343; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 237.
14. LP IV iii, 6121 (p. 2732).
15. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 133 (LP IV iii, 5803); Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 92–3.
16. LP IV iii, 6000, 6025, 6035, 6043; Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 96–8; Hall, Chronicle, p. 760.
17. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 303–4; Thurley, Royal Palaces, p. 51; S. Thurley, Whitehall Palace: an Architectural History of the Royal Apartments, 1240–1690 (London, 1999), p. 37; Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 151; Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 387.
Anne Boleyn
Chapter 39
1. E.W. Ives, Anne Boleyn, pp. 3–5; Howard de Walden, Banners, Standards and Badges from a Tudor Manuscript… (London, 1904), p. 17.
2. Ives, Anne Boleyn, pp. 4–7, 11, 17–21.
3. H. Paget, ‘The Youth of Anne Boleyn’, BIHR 54 (1981), pp. 165.
4. Ibid., pp. 164–5, 169.
5. Ibid., pp. 163–4, 166–67.
6. Ibid., pp. 163, 166, 167, 168; G. Ascoli, La Grande-Bretagne devant L’Opinion Française depuis la Guerre de Cents Ans jusqu’à la Fin du XVIe Siècle (Paris, 1927), p. 233; Richardson, Mary Tudor, chs. 3–6.
7. Paget, ‘Youth’, p. 168; Ascoli, La Grande-Bretagne, p. 234; Richardson, Mary Tudor, pp. 88, 108–11; S.J. Gunn, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk 1484–1545 (Oxford, 1988), pp. 35–7.
8. LP III i, 808.
9. Paget, ‘Youth’, pp. 168–9; Ascoli, La Grande-Bretagne, p. 234.
10. LP III ii, 1994; CSP Sp. Further Supp. (1513–1542), pp. 30–1.
Chapter 40
1. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 29; The Papers of George Wyatt, Esquire, ed. D.M. Loades (CS 4th series 5, 1968), p. 143.
2. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 630–1; R.G. Siemens, ‘New Evidence on Wyatt’s “A Robyn” in British Library Additional MS 31, 922’, Notes and Queries ns 46, p. 190 n. 5; CSP Sp. Further Supp. (1513–1542), p. 71; LP III ii, pp. 1557–9.
3. Ives, Anne Boleyn, pp. 43–6; St. P. II, pp. 50–1 (LP III i, 1011); St. P. I, p. 92 (LP III ii, 1762); Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII (The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace exhibition catalogue 1978–1979), pp. 67–8 (where the subject ‘Ormond’ is mistakenly identified as Anne Boleyn’s father, the Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond); D. Starkey, ‘Holbein’s Irish Sitter?’, The Burlington Magazine 123 (1981), pp. 300–1.
4. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 30, 34; G.W. Bernard, The Power of the Early Tudor Nobility: a Study of the Fourth and Fifth Earls of Shrewsbury (Brighton, 1985), p. 154; E. Lodge, Illustrations of British History, Biography and Manners, 3 vols. (London, 1838), I, pp. 20–1 (LP II i, 1935); LP III ii, 3648.
5. Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 83; Commons III, p. 669; Papers of George Wyatt, pp. 6–7; LP IV i, 214 (p. 85); K. Muir, Life and Letters of Sir Thomas Wyatt (Liverpool, 1963), p. 41; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–42), p. 314; P. Thomson, Sir Thomas Wyatt and his Background (London, 1964), p. 19.
6. Muir, Life and Letters, p. 206; R.A. Rebholz, Sir Thomas Wyatt: the Complete Poems (Harmondsworth, 1978), pp. 77, 85, 96; The Life of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish, ed. S.W. Singer (London, 1827) [hereafter Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer], p. 425.
7. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 688–91; ‘The Letters of the Clifford Lords Clifford and Earls of Northumberland’, ed. R.W. Hoyle, Camden Miscellany 31 (CS 4th series 44, 1992), pp. 95–6; LP IV i, 965 (p. 419); Hall, Chronicle, p. 911; Commons I, pp. 518–21.
8. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 29.
9. P. Friedmann, Anne Boleyn, a Chapter in English History, 2 vols. (London, 1884), I, p. 43; GEC XII i, pp. 602–3; Commons I, pp. 582–3; III, p. 419; LP III ii, p. 1939; IV i, 2972; VII, 1655; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 473.
10. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 30.
11. Ibid., pp. 30–4.
12. LP IV i, 1201; IV ii 2523, 3378.
13. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 34–5.
14. Bernard, Power of the Early Tudor Nobility, p. 153.
15. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 34–5.
Chapter 41
1. The Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. H. Savage (London, 1949). My ordering of the Letters, which broadly agrees with M.St.C. Byrne, ed., The Letters of King Henry VIII, (London, 1936), would put the following as the earliest in the sequence: Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 27–8, 29–30, 40–1, 38.
2. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 27–8; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 54.
3. J. Rowlands, The Age of Dürer and Holbein: German Drawings 1400–1550 (London, 1988), pp. 245, 246.
4. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 29–30; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 55–6.
5. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 40–1; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 57–8.
6. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 38; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 58.
7. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 32–3; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 56–7.
8. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 34–6; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 54–5.
9. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 34–6; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 54–5.
Chapter 42
1. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 41–3; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 59.
2. J. Lingard, The History of England, 10 vols. (London, 1854), IV, p. 237 n. 3; CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 61.
Chapter 43
1. Lingard, History of England, IV, p. 237 n. 3; LP IV ii, 3140.
2. Parmiter, Great Matter, pp. 3–4; Lingard, History of England, IV, p. 234 n. 6; T.F. Mayer, Reginald Pole: Prince and Prophet (Cambridge, 2000), ch. 1, p. 378; ‘A Fate worse than Death: Reginald Pole and the Paris Theologians’, EHR 103 (1988), pp. 883–7; Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, pp. 454–5.
3. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, p. 635; HO, pp. 159, 160; Select Cases in the Court of Requests A.D. 1497–1569 (Selden Society XII, 1898), pp. cv–vl, cviii, cxv.
4. LP IV iii, 5791 (pp. 2588–9); Letters of Richard Fox, ed. Allen, pp. 156–7.
5. LP IV ii, 3140; Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 179.
6. For example, Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 78, 80, 81.
7. St. P. I, p. 189 (LP IV ii, 3147). The Pope understood the consequences of this takeover: he was clear that it was Wolsey who had persuaded Henry that the Divorce must be settled in Rome, not England. He did not thank Wolsey for it: LP IV ii, 5072.
8. St. P. I, pp. 194–5 (LP IV ii, 3217); Emden, Biographical Register…Cambridge to 1501, pp. 505–6.
9. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, pp. 163–97.
10. St. P. I, pp. 194–5 (LP IV ii, 3217).
11. Ibid.
Chapter 44
1. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 35–6, 43–4.
2. St. P. I, p. 197.
3. St. P. I, pp. 230–3, 254–6 (LP IV ii, 3311, 3340).
4. LP IV ii, 3263.
5. HKW IV, p. 172; Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 44–5, 49–50.
6. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 379; LP IV ii, 3318.
7. LP IV ii, 3335 (p. 1511).
8. J.A. Muller, Stephen Gardiner and the Tudor Reaction (New York, 1926), pp. 1–12.
9. St. P. I, p. 255; LP IV ii, 3167/2.
10. St. P. I, pp. 254–6.
11. LP IV ii, 3354.
12. St. P. I, p. 261 (LP IV ii, 3360).
13. St. P. I, p. 267 (LP IV ii, 3382).
14. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 379; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 327.
15. St. P. I, p. 268 (LP IV ii, 3400).
16. St. P. I, pp. 267–77; Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 58–9.
17. LP IV ii, 2828, 2830, 2864, 2871, 2914, g. 2927(4).
18. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 63; St. P. VII, pp. 1–3 (LP IV ii, 3420, 3422).
19. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’. pp. 360, 379–80; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 432. Cavendish’s memory seems to fail, for once, when he reports that the King and Wolsey met at ‘Sir Harry Wyatt’s house in Kent’ (p. 67).
Chapter 45
1. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, p. 26.
2. LP X, 1182; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 471; Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, p. 685.
3. St. P. VII, p. 3; Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, p. 685.
4. Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, pp. 685–6.
5. Ibid., p. 686; St. P. VII, pp. 13–14, 16 (Barlow is the ‘chaplain of my lord of Rochford’, whom Knight mentions, not Cranmer as LP IV ii, 3638 speculates); Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford to 1500, p. 1063.
6. Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, pp. 686–7; SP VII, pp. 16–17.
7. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 34–5 (LP IV ii, 3751); Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, pp. 686–7.
8. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 35, 37–9 (LP IV ii, 3749); LP IV ii, 3686; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 41–2.
9. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 35.
10. Ibid., pp. 36, 39; LP IV ii, 3749; St. P. VII, p. 36 (LP IV ii, 3750).
11. St. P. VII, p. 36 (LP IV ii, 3750); Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 37–9 (LP IV ii, 3749); LP IV ii, 3851.
12. Pocock, Records of the Reformation I, pp. 22–7; Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, p. 691; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, p. 41 n. 6, which corrects Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, pp. 203–4 on the nature and possible authorship of the annotated copy of the Dispensation.
13. LP IV ii, 3913 (p. 1741); Pocock, Records I, p. 160 (LP IV ii, 4185).
14. LP IV ii, 4647; Fiddes, Life of Wolsey, II, pp. 255–6 (LP IV iii, App. 197).
Chapter 46
1. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 46; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 75.
2. Pocock, Records I, pp. 22–7; LP IV ii, 3913 (p. 1741); CSP Ven. VI iii (1557–1558), p. 1607.
3. DNB sub ‘Foxe’; Gairdner, ‘New Lights’, p. 691; LP IV ii, 3913, 3932; Pocock, Records I, pp. 73–4, 115 (LP IV ii, 3925, 4120).
4. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 587; CSP Ven. VI iii (1557–1558), p. 1607; Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 381; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 742–3.
5. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 742–3.
6. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 46; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 61.
7. Ibid.
8. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 46; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 61; LP IV ii, 3910, 3932.
9. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 46–7; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 80.
Chapter 47
1. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 3rd series II, pp. 132–4 (LP IV ii, 4005).
2. PRO, SP1/47, fo. 120 (LP IV ii, 4081).
3. Commons III, p. 234; D. Willen, John Russell, First Earl of Bedford: One of the King’s Men (London, 1981), pp. 16–17; PRO, SP1/47, fos. 64–5 (LP IV ii, 4456).
4. Starkey, ‘The King’s Privy Chamber, 1485–1547’, pp. 133–81; Commons I, pp. 57–8.
5. LP IV ii, 3691 (Wallop was marshal of Calais; ‘remys’ should be rendered as ‘reappointed’, not ‘replaced’ as in LP ), g. 3869(29).
6. Commons I, pp. 634–8; LP III ii, 2326; IV i, 2032; T. Fuller, Worthies of England, 3 vols. (London, 1840), II, p. 179; GEC V, p. 80; PRO, SP1/47, fo. 120 (LP IV ii, 4081).
7. LP IV ii, 3930, 4190.
8. St. P. I, pp. 284, 286 (LP IV ii, 4080); LP IV ii, 4147; Tudor Royal Proclamations, eds. P.L. Hughes and J.F. Larkin, 3 vols. (1963–1969), I, pp. 175–6.
9. LP IV ii, 3682.
10. Knecht, Francis I, pp. 215, 217; R.B. Wernham, Before the Armada: the Emergence of the English Nation 1485–1588 (London, 1966), pp. 118–19.
11. Pocock, Records I, pp. 75–7, 84–5 (LP IV ii, 3932, 4077); St. P. VII, pp. 54–6 (LP IV ii, 3954).
12. Pocock, Records I, pp. 88–9 (LP IV ii, 4090).
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid., pp. 95–135 (LP IV, 4120, 4167).
15. Ibid., p. 141 (LP IV ii, 4251).
Chapter 48
1. Pocock, Records I, pp. 141–55 (LP IV ii, 4251). J. Gairdner, ‘The Draft Commission’, EHR 5 (1890), pp. 544–50; LP IV ii, 3643/1; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, p. 43 n. 10. Gairdner, for once, is wrong to argue that the endorsement on the draft of the second dispensation (Minuta dispensationis missae Thadeum cursorem ) means that it was the dispensation Wolsey sent to Knight the previous December. As we have seen, Thaddeus was also the courier for Foxe and Gardiner’s mission; moreover, this draft of the second dispensation reflects the criticisms made of the first in London in February 1528.
2. A.F. Pollard, Wolsey (London, 1929), p. 232.
3. Pocock, Records I, pp. 156–8 (LP IV ii, 4290).
4. LP IV ii, 4355, 4430.
Chapter 49
1. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 382; LP IV ii, 4391 (p. 1924); Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 120.
2. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 30–2; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 88–9.
3. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 43–4; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 70; LP IV ii, 4409.
4. G. Clark, A History of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 3 vols. (1964–6), I, p. 72; Athenae Cantabrigienses, ed. C.H. and T. Cooper, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1858), I, p. 87; LP IV ii, 4277.
5. St. P. I, pp. 298–9 (LP IV ii, 4409).
6. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 43–4; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 70; LP V, p. 305.
7. LP IV ii, 4392 (p. 1924); Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 35.
8. M.D. Knowles, ‘“The Matter of Wilton” in 1528’, BIHR 31(1958), pp. 93–5; Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 44–5; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 74–5.
9. LP IV ii, 4440, 4456, 4463, 4649.
10. St. P. I, pp. 309–12 (LP IV ii, 4468).
11. Ibid., p. 312 (LP IV, 4476).
12. Knowles, ‘The Matter of Wilton’, pp. 95–6; SP I, pp. 313–16 (LP IV ii, 4488, 4497).
Chapter 50
1. St. P. I, pp. 316–17 (LP IV ii, 4508).
2. Friedmann, Anne Boleyn I, p. 63.
3. Fiddes, Life of Cardinal Wolsey, pp. 174–6 (LP IV ii, 4507).
4. Herbert, The Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth, p. 174 (LP IV ii, 4509).
5. LP IV ii, 4584.
6. Burnet, History of the Reformation I, p. 104 (LP IV ii, 4480; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, 187).
7. Burnet, History of the Reformation I, p. 103 (LP IV ii, 4360; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 188).
8. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, pp. 37, 48; Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 84–5; CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 789; Knecht, Francis I, pp. 217–18.
9. LP IV ii, 3682.
Chapter 51
1. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 47; Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 82; ‘The Romaunt of the Rose’, p. 11. 7401–4 in The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. F.N. Robinson (Oxford, 1966), p. 634.
2. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 47; Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 82; Murphy, ‘Literature and Propaganda’, pp. 146–8.
3. Fuller, Worthies II, pp. 234–5.
4. CSP Sp. III ii (1527–1529), p. 846.
5. Samman, ‘Henrician Court’, p. 383; Commons I, p. 527; LP IV ii, 4422; D. Starkey, ‘The Court: Castiglione’s Ideal and Tudor Reality–being a discussion of Sir Thomas Wyatt’s Satire addressed to Sir Francis Bryan ’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 45 (1982), pp. 232–9, espec. pp. 235–7.
6. LP IV ii, 4978, 5008, 5013–14.
7. Love Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Savage, p. 37; Letters of Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 82–3.
8. Ambassades en Angleterre de Jean du Bellay: la Première Ambassade, ed. V.-L. Bourrilly et P. de Vaisserie (Paris, 1905), p. 481 (LP IV ii, 5016 [p. 2177]).
9. LP IV ii, 5063; Hall, Chronicle, p. 756.
10. LP IV ii, 5023, 5028; IV iii, 5148, 5150.
11. Ambassades, ed. Bourrilly et de Vaisserie, p. 527 (LP IV iii, 5163); LP IV iii, 5179.
12. Ambassades, ed. Bourrilly et de Vaisserie, p. 543 (LP IV iii, 5209, 5210); LP IV iii, 5572 (pp. 2463, 2464).
13. The Letters of Stephen Gardiner, ed. J.A. Muller (Cambridge, 1933), p. 7 (LP IV iii, 5184).
14. Burnet, History of the Reformation V, p. 444 (LP IV iii, 5422).
15. St. P. I, pp. 329–31 (LP IV iii, 5393); LP IV iii, 5375.
16. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, pp. 385, 433; LP IV iii, 5416.
17. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 115–17 (LP IV iii, 5427); LP IV iii, 5428 (p. 2836).
18. St. P. VII, pp. 166–9 (LP IV iii, 5481).
19. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 92–102 (LP IV iii, 5523); LP IV iii, 5535 (pp. 2449–50). The despatch of the couriers from England can be followed in LP V, p. 311.
20. St. P. VII, pp. 169–70 (LP IV iii, 5519).
21. Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, p. 14; LP IV iii, 5541.
22. Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, pp. 15–16, 109 (LP IV iii, 5547, 6011 [p. 2676]).
23. LP IV iii, 5572 (pp. 2463, 2464).
24. St. P. VII, p. 183 (LP IV iii, 5635).
Chapter 52
1. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 386; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 235; St. P. I, p. 34 (LP IV iii, 5936).
2. Letters of Gardiner, ed. Muller, p. 21 (LP IV iii, 5798).
3. Ibid., pp. 21–2 (LP IV iii, 5819).
4. Ibid., pp. 20, 29 (LP IV iii, 5821, 5844).
5. F. Heal, Of Prelates and Princes: a Study of the Economic and Social Position of the Tudor Episcopate (Cambridge, 1980), p. 61.
6. Heal, Of Prelates and Princes, p. 113.
7. Letters of Gardiner, ed. Muller, pp. 22–3 (LP IV iii, 5816).
8. Richardson, Mary Tudor, pp. 245, 253; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 189, 195.
9. Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon, pp. 215–17; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 221.
10. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 189–190.
11. Ibid., pp. 195, 196.
12. Ibid., p. 234.
13. Rebholz, Wyatt: Complete Poems, p. 77.
14. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 213, 234.
15. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 386.
16. Cavendish, Wolsey, 92–7.
17. Commons I, pp. 315–16; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series I, pp. 307–10 (LP IV iii, 5953).
18. Cf. Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 150.
19. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, pp. 386, 434–5; Hall, Chronicle, p. 760; Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, pp. 108, 110 (LP IV iii, 6011); St. P. I, p. 352 (LP IV iii, 6114).
20. LP IV iii, 6076 (p. 2715).
21. LP IV iii, 6083, 6085; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 366.
22. C. Sturge, Cuthbert Tunstal: Churchman, Scholar, Statesman, Administrator (London, 1938), p. 110; Heal, Of Prelates and Princes, p. 113; LP IV iii, 6286.
Chapter 53
1. St. P. VII, p. 106; (LP IV ii, 4897 [p. 2120]).
2. Knecht, Francis I, pp. 139–45, 180–1.
3. E.E. Lowinsky, ‘A Music Book for Anne Boleyn’, in J.G. Rowe and W.H. Stockdale (eds.), Florilegium Historiale: Essays presented to Wallace K. Ferguson (Toronto, 1971), pp. 188–9; Dowling, Humanism, p. 231.
4. ‘William Latymer’s Cronickille of Anne Buleyn’, ed. M. Dowling, Camden Miscellany 30 (CS 4th series 39, 1990), p. 63; BL, Add. MS 43, 827, fos. 3–3v; J. Shakespeare and M. Dowling, ‘Religion and Politics in Mid-Tudor England through the Eyes of an English Protestant Woman: the Recollections of Rose Hickman’, BIHR 55 (1982), p. 97; Sotheby’s Sales Catalogue, 7 December 1982, p. 71; Henry VIII: a European Court in England, ed. D. Starkey (London, 1991), pp. 107–11; Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 317.
5. J.P. Carley, ‘Her moost lovyng and fryndely brother sendeth gretyng’, in M.P. Brown and S. McKendrick (eds.), Illuminating the Book Makers and Interpreters: Essays in Honour of Janet Backhouse (London, 1998), pp. 261–72.
6. Fiddes, Life of Wolsey II, p. 256 (LP IV iii, App. 197).
7. C.H. and T. Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigiensis, 2 vols. (Cambridge and London, 1858), I, p. 37.
8. J. Foxe, The Acts and Monuments, ed. J. Pratt, 8 vols. (London, 1874), V, pp. 421–9; App. to V, no. 6; (LP IV ii, 4073); Sturge, Cuthbert Tunstal, pp. 140–1.
9. P. Gwyn, The King’s Cardinal: the Rise and Fall of Thomas Wolsey (London, 1990), pp. 480, 486, 488.
10. St. P. VII, p. 106; (LP IV ii, 4897 [p. 2120]); Fiddes, Life of Wolsey II, p. 256 (LP IV iii, App. 197); LP IV ii, 4647.
11. LP IV iii, 5416.
12. Foxe, Acts IV, pp. 656–8; LP IV ii, 4030.
13. Foxe, Acts IV, pp. 659–64.
14. Foxe, Acts IV, p. 657; T.S. Freeman, ‘Research, Rumour and Propaganda: Anne Boleyn in Foxe’s “Book of Martyrs”’, HJ 38 (1995), p. 809; Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford to 1500 I, pp. 20–1.
15. Gwyn, King’s Cardinal, p. 486; Dowling, Fisher, pp. 89–113.
16. J.A. Guy, The Public Career of Sir Thomas More (Brighton, 1980), p. 107; Sturge, Tunstal, pp. 363–4; P. Ackroyd, The Life of Sir Thomas More (London, 1998), p. 273; Gwyn, King’s Cardinal, p. 486.
17. The Complete Works of St Thomas More VII: A Supplication of Souls, ed. F.O. Manley, G. Marc’hadour, R. Marius and C.H. Miller (London, 1990), pp. 127–8.
18. Complete Works of St Thomas More VII, pp. lxv–vi; Hall, Chronicle, p. 764.
19. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 326; Guy, More, pp. 106, 206–7. Gunn, Charles Brandon, pp. 106–7 displays a proper scepticism about Suffolk’s supposed role but even he leaves the views attributed to Darcy unquestioned.
20. GEC IV, pp. 73–4.
21. LP IV iii, 5749 (p. 2554).
22. LP IV iii, 5749 (p. 2550); CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 235.
23. LP IV iii, 5749 (p. 2551).
24. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 764–6.
25. Hall, Chronicle, p. 766; S.E. Lehmberg, The Reformation Parliament, 1529-36 (Cambridge, 1970), p. 88.
Chapter 54
1. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 386.
2. Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, ed. J.G. Nichols (CS old series 77, 1859), pp. 240–2.
3. MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 16–22.
4. Narratives of the Reformation, ed. Nichols, pp. 241–2; Foxe, Acts VIII, pp. 6–7; MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 45.
5. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, pp. 386–7; Narratives of the Reformation, ed. Nichols, p. 242.
6. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 46; Foxe, Acts VIII, p. 7.
7. Foxe, Acts VIII, pp. 8–9; Narratives of the Reformation, ed. Nichols, p. 242.
8. Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, p. 105. This important despatch of 12 October 1529 has been overlooked since it is not calendared in LP.
9. The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, ed. E.F. Rogers (Princeton, 1947), pp. 495–6.
10. Foxe, Acts VIII, pp. 8–9; Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 130–3 (LP IV iii, 6247).
11. Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, pp. 65, 82 (LP IV iii, 5862, 5945).
12. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 238; Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford to 1500 III, pp. 1785–6; St. P. VII, p. 223 (LP IV iii, 6073).
13. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 238; Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, p. 105; St. P. VII, p. 227 (LP IV iii, 6147).
14. Narratives of the Reformation, ed. Nichols, p. 242. I have inferred Cranmer’s role in formulating the questions from the fact that his ‘book’ was the key text when the matter was submitted first to Cambridge.
15. CSP Mil. I (1385–1618), p. 533.
16. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 351–2.
17. Athenae Cantabrigienses I, pp. 130–2; Foxe, Acts IV, p. 642; Sermons of Hugh Latimer, ed. G.E. Corrie (Parker Society, Cambridge, 1844), pp. 1–24.
18. LP IV iii, 6162; Dowling, Fisher, pp. 7–13, 144–5.
19. LP IV iii, 6176.
20. Athenae Cantabrigienses I, pp. 86–7; Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 130–3 (LP IV iii, 6247).
21. LP IV iii, 6259, 6325; V, p. 317; PPE Henry VIII, p. 30.
22. Foxe, Acts V, p. 135; Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 327.
23. Athenae Cantabrigienses I, pp. 86–7; LP IV iii, 6259, 6325; PPE Henry VIII, p. 30.
24. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 132 (LP IV iii, 6247); M. Dowling, ‘Anne Boleyn and Reform’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 35 (1984), pp. 38–9.
25. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, II, p. 189 (LP VII, 693).
26. LP IV iii, 6111, 6163; V, p. 317; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 432, 437; PPE Henry VIII, p. 19.
27. St. P. VII, p. 227–9 (LP IV iii, 6147).
28. Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, p. 123.
29. Ibid., p. 125.
30. LP IV, 6111 (p. 2729), 6290; Friedmann, Anne Boleyn, I, pp. 106–7; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 480–1; MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 48.
31. LP IV iii, 6290 (pp. 2826–7).
32. Ibid., 6307; St. P. VII, p. 234 (LP IV iii, 6355); Friedmann, Anne Boleyn, I, pp. 108–9; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 620–1.
33. LP IV iii, 6592; Pocock, Records of the Reformation II, pp. 13, 14 (LP IV iii 6669); MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 51–3; Hall, pp. 775–80.
34. LP IV iii, 6449. This letter is calendared as anonymous, but it is certainly from De Langes.
35. LP IV iii, 6455. This is a letter to Wiltshire, not from him as LP states.
36. LP IV iii, 6497, 6505; Knecht, Francis I, pp. 223, 239–40. Garay’s reaction to the verdict and means by which it was obtained is CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 621–3.
37. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 634.
Chapter 55
1. HKW IV, pp. 76–7; Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 390; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 691.
2. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 690; LP V, p. 321.
3. LP IV iii, 6667 (St. P. VII, p. 261); Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, p. 261 especially n. 3. Scarisbrick dates the letter from Henry announcing the new doctrine to ‘late August’; as I show, the proper date is 16/17 August.
4. A. Ogle, The Tragedy of the Lollard’s Tower (Oxford, 1949), p. 153.
5. LP IV iii, 6293.
6. Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, pp. 147, 150, 172.
7. Ibid., pp. 176–81. LP IV iii, 5790, as Scheurer points out on p. 176 n. 3, misdates these instructions to 1529.
8. LP IV iii, 6562, 6563; Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, pp. 183–94; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 690.
9. LP IV iii, Appendix 256.
10. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 389; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 535–6.
11. PPE Henry VIII, pp. 47, 50, 74; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 691.
12. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 710.
13. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 258; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 621.
14. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), pp. 722–3.
15. Tudor Royal Proclamations, eds Hughes and Larkin, I, pp. 197–8.
16. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 734.
17. Ibid., p. 804.
18. Ibid., p. 790.
19. Ibid., pp. 758–9.
20. The Libraries of King Henry VIII, ed. J.P. Carley (London, 2000), p. lxv; PPE Henry VIII, pp. 85, 89.
21. Libraries of King Henry VIII, ed. Carley, pp. xxxiii, xxxvi–vii.
22. PRO, OBS 1419: Index; PPE Henry VIII, pp. 65, 153, 158, 248 (this last gift was made to Henry when he was actually staying in the Abbey); D. Knowles, The Religious Orders in England: III The Tudor Age (Cambridge, 1959), pp. 378–9; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 3rd series II, pp. 77–80 (LP IV ii, 4004).
23. Letters of Gardiner, ed. Muller, p. 39 (LP IV, 5935); Libraries of King Henry VIII, ed. Carley, pp. xxxvii–ix.
24. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 803.
25. Ibid., p. 852.
26. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 109–16; Ives, Anne Boleyn, pp. 168–9.
27. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 63.
Chapter 56
1. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 263.
2. St. P. I, pp. 346–9 (LP IV iii, 6024); LP IV iii, 6035, 6059.
3. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 102–4; Fiddes, Life of Wolsey II, p. 223 (LP IV iii, 6075).
4. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 7–9, 10–14 (LP IV iii, 6182, 6224).
5. LP IV iii, 6112.
6. Commons I, pp. 728–9.
7. P.J. Ward, ‘The Origins of Thomas Cromwell’s Public Career: Service under Cardinal Wolsey and Henry VIII, 1524–1530’ (University of London Ph.D. thesis, 1999); St. P. I, p. 261 (LP IV ii, 3360).
8. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 3rd series II, pp. 171–2 (LP IV iii, 6036).
9. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 104–5.
10. St. P. I, p. 355 (LP IV iii, 6181).
11. LP IV iii, 6115; X, 878.
12. LP IV iii, 6210, 6213, 6214, 6220.
13. Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, pp. 436–7; Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 130, 133, 138, 144; R.B. Merriman, Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, 2 vols. (London, 1902), I, p. 332 (LP IV iii, 6571).
14. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 368.
15. Ibid., pp. 514–15, 600–1, 619.
16. Ibid., pp. 647–8; Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 137.
17. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 486.
18. Merriman, Cromwell I, p. 327 (LP IV iii, 6076); CSP Sp. IV i, p. 630.
19. CSP Sp. IV i, pp. 707, 711–12.
20. LP IV iii, 6688; Commons I, pp. 337–9.
21. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 267.
22. Cavendish, Wolsey, p. 137; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 819.
23. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 150–1.
24. Ibid., pp. 155–6.
25. Ibid., pp. 155–7.
26. Ibid., p. 152.
27. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), pp. 263, 267; CSP Sp. IV i, pp. 805, 819.
28. BL, Add. MS 48066, fos. 184–7; CSP Sp. IV i (1529–30), p. 820.
29. Cavendish, Wolsey, pp. 167–81.
30. Ibid., pp. 178–9, 185; Commons II, pp. 470–1.
31. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 267.
Chapter 57
1. CSP Sp. IV i (1529–1530), p. 600.
2. LP V, g. 220(18), p. 751; PPE Henry VIII, pp. 17, 72, 78, 84, 122, 197.
3. Friedmann, Anne Boleyn I, p. 130.
4. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 3.
5. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 112.
6. Ibid., pp. 169–70.
7. Ibid., pp. 171–6.
8. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 176–7; Commons II, p. 264; Gunn, Charles Brandon, pp. 115, 118.
9. PRO, OBS 1419; PPE Henry VIII, pp. 139–42; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 198; J. Strype, Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1812), II, p. 679.
10. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 212.
11. Hall, Chronicle, p. 781.
12. PPE Henry VIII, pp. xiii–xv.
13. Ibid., pp. xiii–xv, 147–52; LP V, g. 364(36–7); PRO, OBS 1419.
14. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 212.
15. N. Pevsner and D. Lloyd, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (1967), p. 638; W.R.D. Harrison and Viscount Chandos, Oak Gallery, The Vyne, Hampshire (Basingstoke, 1979); Commons III, pp. 72–5.
16. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 222–4.
17. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 228.
18. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), pp. 287–8.
Chapter 58
1. LP V, 628; G.R. Elton, Policy and Police: the Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell (Cambridge, 1972), p. 384.
2. A. Hawkyard, ‘From Painted Chamber to St Stephen’s Chapel; the Meeting Places of the House of Commons until 1603’, Parliamentary History 21 (2002), p. 69.
3. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 114–15; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 63.
4. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 384; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 131–4.
5. The Debellation of Salem and Bizance, ed. J.A. Guy, R. Kean and C.H. Miller (The Complete Works of St Thomas More X, London, 1987), pp. xxxiii–v.
6. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 384; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, p. 134.
7. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 405; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 134–5.
8. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 135–8; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 411–12; LP V, 886.
9. Hall, Chronicle, p. 784; Commons II, pp. 280–1; III, pp. 471–2; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 117, 138–9.
10. Foxe, Acts IV, pp. 659–64; Complete Works of St Thomas More VII, p. lxv; PRO, OBS 1419.
11. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 84–6, 138–9.
12. Ibid., pp. 145–53, 159.
13. Merriman, Cromwell I, pp. 343–4 (LP V, 723).
14. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 175, 446, 450–1.
15. LP IV iii, g. 6542(23); V, g. 1139(32), g. 1207(7); CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 525; HKW IV, p. 148; B. Cherry and N. Pevsner, London 3: North West (1991), pp. 421–2.
16. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 444, 463; LP V, 614, 1117; Foedera XIV, p. 435.
17. Foedera XIV, p. 435.
18. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 508.
19. Pocock, Records of the Reformation II, pp. 188–9 (LP V, 791).
20. G.J. Richardson, ‘Anglo-French Political and Cultural Relations during the Reign of Henry VIII’ (University of London Ph.D. thesis, 1996), p. 210.
21. PRO, OBS 1419; CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), pp. 342, 343.
22. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 487–9.
23. P.A. Hamy, Entrevue de François Premier avec Henry VIII à Boulogne sur Mer en 1532 (Paris, 1898), pp. ix–xii (LP V, 1187). The writer of this letter is identified by Correspondance du Cardinal du Bellay, ed. Scheurer, I, p. 280 n. 4.
24. Knecht, Francis I, pp. 237–8; LP VI, 692 (pp. 309–10).
25. LP V, 1231.
26. Ibid., 1220.
27. Ibid., 1229, 1376.
28. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 524–5.
29. LP V, 1239.
30. LP V, 1271; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 508, CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 351.
31. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 508, 511–12.
32. LP V, 1484; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 793–4.
33. PRO, OBS 1419.
Chapter 59
1. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 495, 527.
2. AR I, p. 302.
3. PRO, OBS 1419; Hall, Chronicle, p. 794; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 637–8.
4. PPE Henry VIII, pp. 273–77; CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 340; CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 509.
5. PRO, OBS 1419: Index; Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 32–4.
6. HKW III, pp. 264–7; LP V, 1467.
7. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 566–7.
8. LP V, 1685.
9. HKW III, pp. 264–7; Thurley, Royal Palaces, p. 51; Inventory of King Henry VIII, ed. Starkey, I, p. 5 (nos. 6–8).
Chapter 60
1. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 376; MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 82.
2. J. Rowlands, Holbein: the Paintings of Hans Holbein the Younger (Oxford, 1985), pp. 133–4; Strong, Tudor and Jacobean Portraits I, pp. 323–4.
3. CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 349.
4. LP V, 1514.
5. St. P. VII, pp. 386, 390 (LP V, 1564); LP V, 1380–1.
6. MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 69–77.
7. Foxe, Acts VIII, pp. 55–6.
8. Ibid.
9. St. P. VII, p. 386 (LP V, 1564).
10. LP V, 1609.
11. Ibid., 1620.
12. Harpsfield, Pretended Divorce, p. 290; MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 84.
13. Foxe, Acts VIII, p. 66.
14. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, pp. 57–9; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 3rd series II, p. 178–dated by Samman, ‘The Henrician Court’, p. 437.
15. St. P. VII, pp. 410–11 (LP VI, 101).
16. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 585.
17. LP VI, 73.
18. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 609; LP VI, 661 (p. 300).
19. Friedmann, Anne Boleyn, I, pp. 183–4.
20. Harpsfield, Pretended Divorce, pp. 234–5; PRO, OBS 1419; St. P. VII, p. 410; warrants dated 24 and 25 January 1533 (LP VI, 196 (3, 17) ).
21. Harpsfield, Pretended Divorce, p. 235.
22. Ives, Anne Boleyn, p. 209.
Chapter 61
1. Friedman, Anne Boleyn I, pp. 189 n. 2. This despatch is not calendared.
2. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 593–4; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, p. 171.
3. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 597–9.
4. St. P. VII, p. 425 (LP VI, 177).
5. St. P. VII, pp. 442–3 (LP VI, 226).
6. Burnet, History of the Reformation I, p. 215–dates corrected from MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 87.
7. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 600–1 (LP VI, 160).
8. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), pp. 598–9; CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 383.
9. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 602 (LP VI, 160); Friedmann, Anne Boleyn I, p. 190 n. 1. This latter despatch is not calendared.
10. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 618; LP VI, 296.
11. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 174–5.
12. MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 88–9.
13. Strype, Cranmer II, p. 683; Lingard, History of England, V, p. 4.
14. HKW I, pp. 519–21.
15. Lingard, History of England V, p. 4 n. 2.
16. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 89.
17. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, p. 175.
18. LP VI, 351 (p. 167).
19. Ibid., (pp. 167–8); CSP Ven. IV (1527–1533), p. 393.
20. Lingard, History of England V, pp. 265–6; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 90–1.
21. LP VI, 391 (p. 179).
22. Ibid., 366; HKW IV, p. 40; Thurley, Royal Palaces, p. 68.
23. Pocock, Records of the Reformation II, pp. 473–4 (LP VI, 461).
24. St. P. I, p. 94 (LP VI, 470).
25. Pocock, Records of the Reformation II, pp. 473–4 (LP VI, 461); St. P. I, p. 395 (LP VI, 469).
26. St. P. I, p. 395 (LP VI, 469).
27. LP VI, 496.
28. St. P. I, p. 396 (LP VI, 495).
29. St. P. I, pp. 396–7 (LP VI, 528).
Chapter 62
1. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 36 (LP VI, 661).
2. LP VI, 396, 631; X, 1231.
3. LP VI, 613.
4. See P.E. Schramm, A History of the English Coronation (Oxford, 1937); The Coronation of Richard III: the Extant Documents, ed. A.F. Sutton and P.W. Hammond (Gloucester, 1983), pp. 228–44; The Crown Jewels. The History of the Coronation Regalia in the Jewel House of the Tower of London, ed. C. Blair, 2 vols. (London, 1998), ch. III.
5. Hall, Chronicle, p. 798.
6. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series, p. 304 (LP VI, 693): Gunn, Charles Brandon, p. 118; M. Perry, Sisters to the King (London, 1998), p. 212.
7. CSP Sp. IV ii (1531–1533), p. 80.
8. LP VI, 701; J.H. Round, The King’s Serjeants and Officers of State with their Coronation Services (London, 1911), p. 375.
9. LP VI, 560.
10. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 37.
11. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 798–9.
12. LP VI, 556 (pp. 240–1, 244).
13. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 37; LP VI, 563.
14. LP VI, 396 (p. 182), 563; Hall, Chronicle, p. 799.
15. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 799–800.
16. LP VI 556 (p. 244).
17. Hall, Chronicle, p. 800; A. Keay, The Elizabethan Tower of London: the Haiward and Gascoyne Plan of 1597 (London Topographical Society 158, 2001), p. 41.
18. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 37; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 800–1.
19. LP VI, 583, 584 (pp. 264–5); Hall, Chronicle, p. 800.
20. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 37–8.
21. J. Rowlands and D. Starkey, ‘An old tradition reassessed: Holbein’s portrait of Queen Anne Boleyn’, The Burlington Magazine 125 (1983), p. 92; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 801–2; An English Garner: Tudor Tracts, ed. A.F. Pollard (London, 1903), pp. 24–6; Everyman Encyclopaedia, 1978 edn. sub ‘Charites’.
22. Dowling, Humanism, p. 134; J.P. Carley, ‘John Leland in Paris: the Evidence of the Poetry’, Studies in Philology 83 (1986), p. 19.
23. An English Garner, ed. Pollard, p. 17.
24. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 799–800, 802.
25. AR I, pp. 302–3; Hall, Chronicle, p. 802.
26. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 38.
27. Hall, Chronicle, p. 802.
28. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 38.
29. Hall, Chronicle, p. 803.
30. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series, II, p. 39.
31. Hall, Chronicle, p. 803.
32. Ibid.
33. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 39; Hall, Chronicle, p. 804; An English Garner, ed. Pollard, p. 19; LP VI, 701.
34. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 804–5.
35. Ibid., pp. 803–5.
36. Ibid., p. 805; LP VI, 583.
37. LP VI, 585; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 39.
38. R. Marius, Thomas More (London, 1984), pp. 438–40.
Chapter 63
1. LP VI, 351 (p. 164). I have transposed Henry’s words into direct speech.
2. Ibid., 613.
3. HKW IV, pp. 102–6; Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 49, 50.
4. PRO, OBS 1419; LP VI, 975 (p. 421).
5. LP VI, 890.
6. J.W. Kirby, ‘Building Work at Placentia 1532–1533’, Transactions of the Greenwich and Lewisham Antiquarian Society 5 (1957), p. 49.
7. LP VI, 918 (p. 397); ‘Inventories of the Wardrobes, Plate, Chapel Stuff, Etc. of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and the Wardrobe Stuff at Baynard’s Castle of Katherine, Princess Dowager’, ed. J.G. Nichols, The Camden Miscellany 3 (CS old series 61, 1855), pp. 30, 40.
8. The Lisle Letters, ed. M.St.C. Byrne, 6 vols. (Chicago and London, 1981), I, pp. 515, 518 (LP VI, 948, 1004).
9. LP VI, 1069 (p. 453).
10. Inventory of King Henry VIII, ed. Starkey, p. 182 (no. 9035); The Bedford Inventories: the Worldly Goods of John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France (1389–1435), ed. J. Stratford (Society of Antiquaries, London, 1993), pp. 85–6, 355.
11. LP VI, 1069 (p. 453), 1135; St. P. I, p. 407.
12. LP VI, 1069 (p. 453).
13. AR I, p. 304; LP VI, 1111.
14. St. P. I, p. 407; LP VI, 1112.
15. Kirby, ‘Building Work at Placentia’, p. 50.
16. Hall, Chronicle, p. 805.
17. LP VI, 1111, 1112; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 805–6.
Chapter 64
1. LP VI, 324 (p. 150).
2. LP VIII, 440; Kirby, ‘Building Work at Placentia’, p. 50.
3. Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England II, pp. 652–3.
4. St. P. I, p. 414.
5. Ibid., p. 415 and n. 3; HKW IV, p. 149.
6. N. Pevsner and B. Cherry, Hertfordshire (London, 1977), pp. 164–5; A. Emery, The Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 2 vols. (1996, 2000), II, pp. 253–5; Hembry, ‘Episcopal Palaces’, p. 154; HKW IV, p. 149. ‘Prince Edward’ in HKW is an error for ‘Princess Elizabeth’.
7. Commons III, p. 312.
8. St. P. I, p. 415; PRO, OBS 1419.
9. LP VI, 1528.
10. Tudor Royal Proclamations I, pp. 209–11; St. P. I, p. 397 (LP VI, 760).
11. St. P. I, pp. 397 and n. 2, 402 (LP VI, 760, 765).
12. LP VI, 351 (p. 168).
13. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials I, pp. 230–1 (LP VI, 1139).
14. LP VI, 1528 (p. 617).
15. Ibid., 1528 (p. 618).
16. LP VI, 1558 (p. 629).
17. LP VII, 171 (p. 69), 214 (pp. 84–5); LP VIII, 440 (misdated).
18. Ibid., 83 (p. 31).
19. Ibid., 171 (p. 68).
20. Ibid., 296.
21. Ibid., 1126; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, pp. 177–8.
22. N. Pevsner, Bedfordshire, Huntingdon and Peterborough (London, 1968), p. 215; Emery, Greater Medieval Houses II, pp. 229–33; Hembry, ‘Episcopal Palaces’, pp. 147, 153; LP VI, 1558 (p. 628); St. P., p. 417.
23. St. P. I, p. 417.
24. LP VII, 83 (p. 33).
25. For example Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, pp. 178–9.
26. LP VI, 1528 (p. 618).
27. Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, p. 169.
28. Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 198–9; 25 Hen. VIII, c. 25; Statutes III, pp. 471–4; LP VII, 51/3; G.R. Elton, The Tudor Constitution: Documents and Commentary (Cambridge, 1960), p. 12.
29. St. P. I, pp. 420–1 (LP VII, 695).
30. 26 Hen. VIII, cc. 1, 2, 13; Statutes III, pp. 492–3, 508–9; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, pp. 202–5.
31. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 27–29.
32. LP VIII, 1105.
Chapter 65
1. LP VIII, 683, 989, 1018; PRO, OBS 1419.
2. Ibid., 465 (p. 211).
3. LP VIII, 989; PRO, OBS 1419.
4. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials I, p. 255; Commons I, pp. 400–3; III, pp. 471–2; Henry VIII: a European Court, ed. Starkey, pp. 118–23; LP VIII, 989.
5. Henry VIII: a European Court, ed. Starkey, pp. 118–23.
6. J. Sherwood and N. Pevsner, Oxfordshire, (London, 1974), p. 600; J.A.A. Goodall, God’s House at Ewelme: Life, Devotion and Architecture in a Fifteenth-Century Almshouse (Aldershot, 2001) pp. 13–14, 18; Gunn, Charles Brandon, pp. 44–5.
7. LP VIII, 1101, 1130; HKW IV, pp. 90–1.
8. J. Youings, The Dissolution of the Monasteries (London, 1971), pp. 149, 151, 152.
9. Youings, Dissolution, p. 149.
10. Sermons and Remains of Hugh Latimer, ed. G.E. Corrie (Parker Society, 1845), p. 364; ‘William Latymer’s Cronickille’, pp. 60–1.
11. Sermons and Remains of Latimer, ed. Corrie, pp. 407–8; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 76, 90.
12. A. Hawkyard, ‘Thornbury Castle’, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 95 (1977), pp. 51–8; Commons I, p. 93; The Maire of Bristowe is Kalendar, ed. L.T. Smith (CS new series 5, 1872), pp. 53–4.
13. Henry VIII: a European Court, ed. Starkey, pp. 118–23; Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII, pp. 92–3.
14. Commons III, pp. 148–50.
15. LP IX, 58 (p. 18).
16. Sermons and Remains of Latimer, ed. Corrie, p. 367 (LP IX, 231).
17. Tyndale’s career is well summarized in D. Daniell, Let There Be Light: William Tyndale and the Making of the English Bible (London, 1994); Ives, Anne Boleyn, pp. 314–15.
18. LP IX, 182, 405.
19. LP VIII, 1151; B. Moynahan, If God Spare My Life: William Tyndale, the English Bible and Sir Thomas More–A Story of Martyrdom and Betrayal (New York, 2002), especially pp. 313–54, speculates on More as the source of Philips’s funding.
20. LP IX, 275, 409, 498. Cromwell’s remembrances are dated to August by the reference to ‘the royal assent and congé d’élire for Hereford’. This was granted on the 20th of the month.
21. LP IX, 275; X, 663.
22. 25 Hen. VIII, c. 27; Statutes III, pp. 483–4.
23. LP VIII, 48; G.R. Elton, The Tudor Revolution in Government (Cambridge, 1953), pp. 190–201; Commons II, pp. 238–9; III, pp. 124–6.
24. LP VIII, 290.
25. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 137; St. P. I, pp. 428–9 and n. 1 (LP VIII, 766); Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials V, p. 527 (LP VIII, 821); LP VIII, 1158 (8).
26. LP IX, 203, 273; XI, 117; Sermons and Remains of Latimer, ed. Corrie, pp. 368–9 (LP IX, 272).
27. Sermons and Remains of Latimer, ed. Corrie, pp. 368–9 (LP IX, 272); LP XI, 117.
28. LP IX, 342, 360, 372.
29. Rowlands, Holbein, pp. 85, 139–40; LP IX, 378.
30. LP VIII, 1117; Muller, Stephen Gardiner, p. 60; W. Schenk, Reginald Pole, Cardinal of England (London, 1950), pp. 59–60, 109.
31. LP IX, 434 (p. 140), 741.
32. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 139.
33. Muller, Stephen Gardiner, pp. 55, 57–8, 60; LP IX, 594 (p. 198).
34. LP VIII, 1118; IX, 403; Muller, Stephen Gardiner, pp. 60–78.
35. Letters of Gardiner, ed. Muller, pp. 67–8 (LP IX, 442).
Chapter 66
1. Emery, Greater Medieval Houses II, p. 264; LP VII, 662.
2. N. Sanders, Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism, ed. D. Lewis (London, 1877), pp. 7 n. 1, 131 n. 4.
3. LP VII, 1013 (pp. 386–8).
4. PPC VII, pp. 344, 345 (LP VII, 786).
5. PPC VII, p. 347.
6. LP VII, 135; IX, 1036 (p. 356), 1037.
7. LP IX, 1036 (pp. 356–8).
8. LP IX, 1040.
9. St. P. I, p. 451 (LP IX, 1050).
10. LP X, 28; Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials I, p. 386.
11. LP X, 28, 59 (pp. 20–1); Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials I, p. 386.
12. LP X, 59 (p. 21).
13. Ibid.
14. LP X, 141 (pp. 49–50).
15. LP X, 142.
16. St. P. I, p. 452 (LP X, 37).
17. St. P. I, p. 452; LP X, 37, 41, 141 (p. 51).
18. AR I, pp. 310–11.
Chapter 67
1. LP X, 141 (p. 51).
2. Sanders, Anglican Schism, pp. 131–2.
3. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials V, pp. 578–80 (LP X, 40); LP X, 141 (p. 50), 351 (p. 134), 484 (p. 284).
4. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials V, pp. 580–2 (LP X, 128).
5. LP X, 199 (p. 69).
6. Ibid., 199 (p. 70).
7. Ibid., 141 (p. 48), 307/ii (p. 117).
8. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, p. 265 (LP X, 100); Hall, Chronicle, pp. 584–5.
9. LP X, 200 (p. 71).
10. Ibid., 282 (p. 102).
11. Ibid., 39, 141 (pp. 50, 53), 284.
12. Ibid., 282 (pp. 102–3).
13. Ibid., 352.
14. Ibid., 351 (p. 134).
15. Sanders, Anglican Schism, p. 132 n. 4; LP X, 282 (p. 103).
16. PRO, OBS 1419.
17. LP X, 908, p. 378.
Chapter 68
1. Schenk, Reginald Pole, pp. 49–69; GEC IX, pp. 94–7.
2. LP X, 601 (p. 243).
3. Ibid., 601 (pp. 243–4).
4. Ibid., 615; G.W. Bernard, ‘Anne Boleyn’s Religion’, HJ 36 (1993), p. 13; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 154–5; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, p. 245. Lehmberg fails to spot the preacher’s irony.
5. Bernard, ‘Anne Boleyn’s Religion’, p. 14; 27 Hen. VIII, c. 28; Statutes III, pp. 575–8; Lehmberg, Reformation Parliament, p. 227.
6. ‘William Latymer’s Cronickille’, p. 57.
7. ‘William Latymer’s Cronickille’, p. 57; E.W. Ives, ‘Anne Boleyn and the Early Reformation in England: the Contemporary Evidence’, HJ 37 (1994), p. 397; LP X, 345.
8. ‘William Latymer’s Cronickille’, pp. 57–8.
9. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 155; Ives, ‘Anne Boleyn and the Early Reformation’, p. 398.
10. LP X, 351, 615/5; 699 (pp. 287–9, 292); St. P. VII, p. 684 (LP X, 726).
11. LP X, 699 (pp. 289–91); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), pp. 91–3.
12. LP X, 699 (pp. 291–2); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), pp. 94–6.
13. LP X, 1069 (pp. 440–1); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), p. 137.
14. St. P. VII, p. 684 (LP X, 726).
15. LP X, 715.
16. The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, ed. J. Anstis, 2 vols. (London, 1724), I, pp. 400–1 (LP X, 715); P.J. Begent and H. Chesshyre, The Most Noble Order of the Garter: 650 Years (London, 1991), particularly ch. 1; M.E.L. Collins, The Order of the Garter 1348–1461: Chivalry and Politics in Late Medieval England (Oxford, 2000), passim.
17. The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, ed. Anstis (London, 1724), I, pp. 400–1 (LP X, 715).
18. LP X, 752.
19. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 189–91; LP X, 736; S.E. Lehmberg, The Later Parliaments of Henry VIII 1536–1547 (Cambridge, 1977), p. 1.
20. LP X, 752, 1134.
21. E.W. Ives, ‘Faction at the Court of Henry VIII: the Fall of Anne Boleyn’, History 57 (1972), pp. 172, 174.
22. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, p. 265 (LP X, 100).
23. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 455; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 58 (LP X, 798).
24. Commons III, p. 19; DNB sub ‘Norris’; Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 452; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 55 (LP X, 793).
25. LP X, 913.
26. CSP For. Elizabeth I, p. 527.
27. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, p. 352 (LP X, 789).
28. T. Amyot, ‘Transcript of an Original Manuscript, containing a Memorial from George Constantyne to Thomas Lord Cromwell’, Archaeologia 23 (1831), p. 64.
29. Lettres de Henry VIII à Anne Boleyn, ed. G.-A. Crapelet (Paris, 1835), p. 185.
30. Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, pp. 64–5; Hall, Chronicle, p. 819.
31. Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, p. 64; Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 457; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 60 (LP X, 797).
Chapter 69
1. Hall, Chronicle, p. 819; Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 256–7; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 59–60 (LP X, 797); Commons II, 142–5.
2. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 451; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 53–4 (LP X, 793); LP X, 782.
3. LP X, 782.
4. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 458; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 61 (LP X, 799).
5. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 452–3; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 55, 57–8 (LP X, 793).
6. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 454; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 53–4, 57 (LP X, 798); LP XIII I, 981/2 (14).
7. E.W. Ives, ‘Court and County Palatine in the Reign of Henry VIII: the Career of William Brereton of Malpas’, Transactions in the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 123 (1971), pp. 1–38; Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, p. 65.
8. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 456–7; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 60; LP X, 797.
9. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 454–7; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 58–60 (LP X, 797–8).
10. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 451, 454, 456; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 54, 59 (LP X, 793, 797, 798).
11. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 451–2, 454; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 54–5 (LP X, 793, 798).
12. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 456–7; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 60; LP X, 797.
13. MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 156–7.
14. Burnet, History of Reformation I, pp. 320–1; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 157–8.
15. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 452, 457; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 60 (LP X, 793, 797).
16. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, p. 454; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 57 (LP X, 798).
17. LP X, 876, particularly p. 362; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 189–226, particularly p. 192.
18. LP X, 876 (p. 361); Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 191.
19. DKR, 3rd report (1842), pp. 242–3; LP X, 908 (p. 377).
20. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, p. 46 (LP X, 866).
21. DKR, 3rd report (1842), pp. 243–5; Keay, The Elizabethan Tower of London, p. 44; LP X, 908 (p. 377).
22. The Reports of Sir John Spelman, ed. J.H. Baker (Selden Society 93, 1977), p. 71; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 37–8; LP X, 876, 908; Ives, ‘Faction’, p. 187.
23. LP X, 908 (pp. 377–8).
24. LP X, 908 (p. 378); Reports of Spelman, ed. Baker, p. 71; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 38, 223–4; Ives, ‘Faction’, p. 187.
25. LP X, 908 (p. 378).
26. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 39; LP X, 876, 908 (p. 378).
27. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 459–60; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, p. 63 (LP X, 890).
28. Burnet, History of the Reformation VI, p. 167 (LP X, 868); LP X, 896, 909 (p. 380).
29. LP X, 902.
30. LP X, 902; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 40–1.
31. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 39–40; Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, p. 65; LP X, 869, 908 (p. 379).
32. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 460–1; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 64–5 (LP X, 910).
33. Cavendish, Wolsey, ed. Singer, pp. 460–1; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 64–5 (LP X, 910).
34. LP X, 911. For slightly different versions of Anne Boleyn’s scaffold speech see Bentley, Excerpta Historica, p. 264 and Hall, Chronicle, p. 819.
Jane Seymour
Chapter 70
1. LP X, 901; Friedmann, Anne Boleyn II, p. 200; Rowlands, Holbein, p. 144, plates 99, 100; Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII, p. 81.
2. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, p. 306 (LP X, 1047).
3. LP X, 1069 (p. 450). Edward Seymour, who had earlier been in the employ of Cardinal Wolsey, had entered the Emperor’s service early in 1521 on the recommendation of the King and Cardinal. This information, given in a letter of Cuthbert Tunstal’s written at Worms (LP III i, 1201), testifies to Chapuys’s accuracy and throws light on Seymour’s pro-Imperial sympathies throughout his career.
4. LP X, 1069 (p. 450); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), pp. 157–8.
5. Banners, Standards and Badges from a Tudor Manuscript in the College of Arms (The De Walden Library, 1904), pp. 19, 118.
6. LP X, 282 (p. 103), 601 (p. 245); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), pp. 39–40, 84.
7. Commons I, pp. 375–8; LP VII, 1554.
8. LP VII, 1554 (p. 579).
9. PRO, OBS 1419.
10. LP X, 601 (p. 245); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), p. 84.
11. LP X, 601 (p. 245).
12. LP X, 908 (pp. 377, 379); Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 43; Inventory of King Henry VIII, pp. 346–9; HKW IV, p. 64.
13. LP X, 908 (p. 379), 915; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 259–60.
14. LP X, 926.
15. Ibid.; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 43; Commons I, pp. 663–6.
16. LP X, 908 (p. 378), 926, Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, p. 396 (LP X, 1047); IV, p. 52 (LP X, 1000); Hall, Chronicle, p. 819.
17. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 43–4.
18. LP X, 1017; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 47.
19. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 49; Commons I, pp. 728–34.
20. LP X, 942.
21. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 15–16.
22. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 44.
23. Rebholz, Wyatt: Complete Poems, p. 155; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 44.
24. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 44–6.
25. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 46–7; Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 15–16; LJ I, p. 84.
26. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 47–8.
27. LP X, 901, 908 (p. 377).
28. LP X, 1069 (pp. 450–2); CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), p. 157.
29. HKW IV, pp. 154–6; LP X, 968.
30. LP X, 991.
31. Ibid., 1083.
32. Ibid., 1108.
33. Ibid., 1021; XI, 7 (p. 7).
34. LP VII, 1172 (misdated by the Calendar); X, 1110, 1134/1, 4, 1150.
35. LP X, 1134/4; XI, 7 (pp. 7–8).
36. St. P. I, pp. 457–9 and no. 2 on p. 458 (LP X, 1136–7).
37. LP X, 7 (p. 8).
38. LP X, 1186–7; XI, 6.
39. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 51; LP XI, 40 (pp. 23–4).
40. 28 Hen. VIII, c. 7; Statutes III, pp. 655–62; LJ I, p. 92; Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 20–2.
41. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, p. 265 (LP X, 100); D. Knowles, The Religious Orders in England, 3 vols. (Cambridge, 1955–1959), III, p. 308; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 3rd series III, p. 39 (LP IX, 457); LP X, 383 (the ‘Queen’ in this letter is Jane, not Anne, as the Calendar supposes), 858; Add I i, 1262 (misdated in the Calendar).
42. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 55–6; St. P. I, pp. 460–1 (LP XI, 501); LP XI, 8 (p. 9).
43. Commons II, pp. 423–4; LP XI, 854; A. Fletcher, Tudor Rebellions (London, 1968), pp. 120–1, 128–30.
44. LP XI, 860.
45. St. P. I, pp. 523–4 (LP XI, 1306).
46. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 59–60.
47. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, pp. 576–7 (LP XI, 1358).
48. CSP Sp. V ii (1536–1538), p. 280; Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, III, pp. 577–8, 818 (LP XI, 1397; Addenda I i, 1154); LP XII i, 43, 44, 1224.
49. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, 910 (LP XII i, 23); LP XII i, 43, 44, 1225.
50. LP XII i, 1224; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 65.
51. LP XII i, 1267; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 64.
52. St. P. I, pp. 551–2 (LP XII ii, 77).
53. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, pp. 151, 162 (LP XII ii, 271, 626).
54. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, pp. 163–4, 167 (LP XII ii, 711, 808).
55. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, p. 172 (LP XII ii, 861); LP XII ii, 680, 839, 911; The Works of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey and Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder, ed. G.F. Nott, 2 vols. (London, 1815–16), II, p. 423 (LP XII ii, 871); Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 65.
56. Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 199 (LP XII ii, 889).
57. Works of…Wyatt, ed. Nott, II, pp. 320–1 (LP XII ii, 890).
58. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 65–7.
59. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 68; LP XII ii, 911.
60. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, p. 174; (LP XII ii, 923); LP XII ii, 939.
61. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 69; Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, p. 428 (LP XII ii, 988).
62. St. P. I, p. 572 (LP XII ii, 970).
63. St. P. I, p. 573 (LP XII ii, 977).
64. LP XII ii, 971; 1060.
Part Three: The Later Queens
Chapter 71
1. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, V, pp. 491, 615–16, 665 (LP XIV i, 1014; XIV ii, 22, 284).
2. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, V, p. 666; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 468.
3. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, pp. 26–7.
4. Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, pp. 56–78.
5. Ibid., pp. 59–61.
6. R. McEntegart, ‘England and the League of Schmalkalden, 1531–1547’, (University of Cambridge Ph.D. dissertation, 1992), pp. 259–79, 288; LP XIII ii, 444; Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, pp. 62–3.
7. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 65–6, 68–74, 82–3; 31 Hen. VIII, c. 14; Statutes III, pp. 739–43.
8. McEntegart, ‘England and the League of Schmalkalden’, pp. 319–45; Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, pp. 56, 58.
9. Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, pp. 58, 75.
Anne of Cleves
Chapter 72
1. R. McEntegart, ‘Fatal Matrimony: Henry VIII and the Marriage of Anne of Cleves’ in Starkey, ed., Henry VIII: a European Court, p. 140.
2. LP XIV i, 103, 103/2.
3. St. P. I, pp. 604–5 (LP XIV i, 552).
4. St. P. VIII, pp. 6–7 and note 1 (LP XII ii, 1187).
5. Rowlands, Holbein, pp. 116–17, 145; Inventory of King Henry VIII, ed. Starkey, pp. 237 (no. 10580), 240 (no. 10706), 384 (no. 15391).
6. LP XIV, i, 103/2; St. P. I, pp. 604–5 (LP XIV i, 552).
7. LP XIV i 490; A.B. Chamberlain, Hans Holbein the Younger, 2 vols. (London, 1913), II, pp. 174–5; McEntegart, ‘Fatal Matrimony’, pp. 140, 142 (plate XI.2).
8. Commons III, pp. 92–6; F.G. Emmison, Tudor Secretary: Sir William Petre at Court and Home (London, 1961), p. 43; LP XIV i, 1193.
9. Chamberlain, Holbein II, pp. 175–6; LP XIV ii, 781 (p. 312).
10. Amyot, ‘Memorial from George Constantyne’, pp. 60–1.
11. Chamberlain, Holbein, p. 176; Strickland, Lives of the Queens, III, pp. 35–60 (LP XIV ii, 33).
12. LP XIV ii, 117.
13. St. P. I, p. 605.
14. LP XIV ii, 153, 187; PRO, OBS 1419.
15. House of Commons, ed. Bindoff, II, pp. 27–9; LP XIV ii, 201.
16. LP XIV ii, 187, 200, 286.
17. LP XIV ii, 258, 309; Starkey (ed.), Henry VIII, p. 149.
18. LP XIV ii, 356, 388.
19. Ibid., 634.
20. Ibid., 347, 674; XV, 14 (p. 4); St. P. VII, pp. 208–9 (LP XIV ii, 677).
21. St. P. VII, pp. 212–13.
22. LP XIV ii, 685; Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, p. 213.
23. LP XIV ii, 718.
24. LP XV, 14 (p. 4).
25. LP XIV ii, 754; XV, 10; MacCulloch, Cranmer, 261.
26. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 109–10.
27. Ibid.; Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 215–16.
28. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 214–16.
29. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 424–5 (LP XV, 823).
30. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 110–11; Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 425.
31. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 425–6; LP XV, 861/2(ii).
32. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 427.
33. Hall, Chronicle, pp. 836–7.
34. Thurley, Royal Palaces, pp. 236–7.
35. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 427.
36. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 220–1; Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 430.
37. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 221–2.
38. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 2nd series II, p. 166 (LP XV, 776).
39. LP XIV ii, 634; XV, 215–16.
40. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 428.
41. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 213, 217–8.
42. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 112.
43. LP XV, 541.
44. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 116–17; Commons, I, pp. 734–5; III, pp. 297–301; R.M. Warnecke, The Marrying of Anne of Cleves (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 183–4.
45. Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation, ed. H. Robinson, 2 vols. (Parker Society, Cambridge, 1846–7), I, pp. 201–2.
46. LP XV, 737.
47. Ibid., 766, 804, 770; MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 270.
48. 32 Hen. VIII, no. 52 (LP XV, 498/60).
49. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 429.
50. LP XVI, 578; Original Letters, ed. Robinson, I, pp. 201–2; Warnecke, Anne of Cleves, pp. 184–5.
51. Warnecke, Anne of Cleves, pp. 184–5; LP XV, 848.
52. A.W. Bouterwek, ‘Anna von Cleve’, Zeitschrift des Bergischen Geschichteverein 54 (Bonn, 1869), pp. 170–2; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 268–9. I owe the translation of the documents printed in Zeitschrift to Dr Rory McEntegart.
53. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 2nd series II, p. 159 (LP XV, 845); Bouterwek, ‘Anna von Cleve’, pp. 172–75.
54. Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 2nd series II, p. 159; LP XV, 823–4, 860–1; Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 210–222; Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, pp. 431–9; Kelly, Matrimonial Trials, pp. 268–9.
55. Bouterwek, ‘Anna von Cleve’, pp. 172–75; HMC Rutland, 4 vols. (1888–1905), I, p. 27 (LP XV, 844). LP XV, 844 is undated. It cannot belong to the 6th as LP followed by Warnecke assumes (p. 231)–though Warnecke also reuses it, unawares, in her account (p. 238) of the events of the 8th (recte the 9th and 10th)! Instead, I have assigned it to the night of the 9th–10th which fits with Harst’s account. An annotation on the extant copy at Belvoir (HMC Rutland I, p. 27) also dates the encounter as occurring on the night of the 9th, the letter itself being written the following (‘the present’) morning by Rutland.
56. St. P. VIII, p. 405 (LP XV, 908); LP XV, 925.
57. St. P. I, pp. 637–8 (LP XV, 872); Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, pp. 204–5.
58. LP XV, 908, 925.
59. Ibid., 874 dated to 14 July by LP XV, 925/ii.
60. St. P. I, 643–5; LP XV, 925.
Catherine Howard
Chapter 73
1. L.B. Smith, A Tudor Tragedy: the Life and Times of Catherine Howard (New York, 1961), pp. 37, 39–41, 43–4.
2. Smith, Tudor Tragedy, pp. 44–5.
3. GEC IX, p. 615; Smith, Tudor Tragedy, pp. 44–5.
4. Smith, Tudor Tragedy, p. 45.
5. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 135, 135v, 138v (LP XVI, 1321).
6. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 249.
7. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 130 (LP XVI, 1320).
8. Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 251; PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 136 (LP XVI, 1321).
9. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 136v–137; (LP XVI, 1321). This letter is several times referred to in sworn depositions; e.g. LP XVI, 1400.
10. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 137 (LP XVI, 1321).
11. LP XVI, 1469.
12. LP XIV ii, 572 (p. 203); Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 252.
13. LP XVI, 625, 632, 1359; XVII, app. 10; Burnet, History of the Reformation IV, p. 252.
14. LP XVI, 901, 1409/1; Letters, ed. Robinson, I, pp. 201–2 (LP XVI, 578); Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 121–2.
15. Zurich Letters, ed. Robinson, I, pp. 201–2 (LP XVI, 578); LP XVI, 1409/3.
16. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 123; Correspondance Politique de Mm. de Castillon et de Marillac, ed. J. Kaulek (Paris, 1885), pp. 213, 223 (LP XV, 976; XVI, 60).
17. Correspondance Politique, ed. Kaulek, p. 218 (LP XVI, 12); PRO, OBS 1419. But the motto was not, contrary to widespread opinion, complemented by the badge of a ‘rose without a thorn’. Like so many entrenched errors about Henry’s Queens, the story originates with Agnes Strickland (Lives of the Queens III, p. 122) and it has been repeated, with less excuse, by her many successors (e.g. Fraser, Six Wives, pp. 331–3). Strickland’s authority is a coin, supposedly issued in Catherine’s honour. She describes it as having the crowned royal arms and the cipher ‘HR’ for ‘Henricus Rex’ on the one side, and, on the other, a crowned rose with the motto: ‘Rutilans rosa sine spina’ (‘the dazzling rose without a thorn’) and the cipher ‘KR’ ‘Katerina Regina’. In fact, such coins, known as Crowns of the Double Rose, and worth five shillings, had been issued since Wolsey’s recoinage of 1526. They indeed bore ciphers in honour of Henry’s first three Queens: ‘HK’ for Henry and Catherine (of Aragon); ‘HA’ for Henry and Anne Boleyn and ‘HI’ for Henry and Jane Seymour. But after Jane’s death, and in the absence of a Queen for over two years, the cipher became simply ‘HR’, which it remained till the end of the reign. Probably the coin described by Strickland is in fact one of those struck in honour of Catherine of Aragon (capital ‘H’, ‘K’ and ‘R’ are very similar in form in Tudor lettering and it is easy to confuse them). And, at any event, the rose badge and motto ‘Rutilans rosa sine spina’ refer to Henry himself, and not to any of his Queens. C.A. Whitton, ‘The Coinage of Henry VIII and Edward VI in Henry’s name: Part 2’, British Numismatic Journal 26 (1949–51), pp. 171–212, esp. pp. 172–3. Thus the rose has nothing to do with Catherine and the motto has nothing to do with her supposed blemishlessness either. This reading of the evidence is confirmed by M. Siddons, Heraldic Badges of England and Wales (forthcoming). Dr Siddons finds that Catherine, unlike Henry’s other wives, seems to have displayed no personal badge.
18. Correspondance Politique, ed. Kaulek, p. 218 (LP XVI, 12).
19. LP XVI, 223; BL, Stowe MS 559, fos. 55–58v (LP XVI, 1389); G. Reynolds, The Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Miniatures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen (London, 1999), no. 6.
20. LP XV, 901; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 119–20.
21. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 305 (LP XVI, 436).
22. LP XVI, 449; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), pp. 305–6.
23. MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 272–4.
24. PPC VII, pp. 105–7 (LP XVI, 422, 424); LP XVI, 423; Commons II, pp. 105–7, 240–1.
25. PPC VII, pp. 105, 107.
26. LP XVI, 466, 515, 516; Commons III, pp. 249–52.
27. Correspondance Politique, ed. Kaulek, pp. 262–3 (LP XVI, 467).
28. St. P. VIII, p. 546 (LP XVI, 660).
29. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 314 (LP XVI, 662).
30. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 124.
31. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 314 (LP XVI, 662).
32. LP XVI, 314.
33. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 324 (LP XVI, 835); HKW IV, pp. 14–15.
34. LP XVI, 804.
35. LP XVI, 1389.
36. PPE Princess Mary, p. 96.
37. LP XV, 21 (as Strickland asserts [Lives of the Queens of England III, pp. 122–3], this is a list of Catherine Howard’s household, not of Anne of Cleves’s, as LP seems to assume); XVI, 449, 1416; PPC VII, p. 354.
38. LP X, 901.
39. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 161 (LP XVI, 1339).
40. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 327 (LP XVI, 864).
41. LP XVI, 1011.
42. PRO, OBS 1419; HKW IV, p. 47.
43. Hall, Chronicle, p. 842; LP XVI, 1088.
44. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 160 (LP XVI, 1339).
45. LP XVI, 1130.
46. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 153 (LP XVI, 1338).
47. LP XVI, 1130; Hall, Chronicle, p. 842.
48. LP XVI, 1131.
49. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 154 (LP XVI, 1338).
50. HKW IV, pp. 355–6, 477; Thurley, Royal Palaces, p. 70; LP XVI, 1183.
51. LP XVI, 1183.
52. PPC VII, p. 352 (LP XVI, 1334).
53. PPC VII, pp. 352–3 (LP XVI, 1334); MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 287.
54. PPC VII, p. 353 (LP XVI, 1334); Select Works of John Bale, ed. H. Christmas (Parker Society, Cambridge, 1849), pp. 138, 142, 243; The Writings of John Bradford, ed. A. Townsend (Parker Society, Cambridge, 1853), pp. 283, 288.
55. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 274.
56. PPC VII, pp. 354–5 (LP XVI, 1334); PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 128–31, 135–138v, 149–51, 155–67.
57. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 129 (LP XVI, 1320).
58. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 138–138v (LP XVI, 1320).
59. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 129v, 157, 161; LP XVI, 1320, 1339.
60. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 155 (LP XVI, 1339).
61. PPC VII, p. 355 (LP XVI, 1334).
62. LP XVI, 1332; Correspondance Politique, ed. Kaulek, pp. 352–4. I have followed Marillac’s chronology (LP XVI, 1332). It fits with the time of the first interrogations on the 5th; it is also confirmed by the later testimonies of the Duchess of Norfolk and Robert Davenport about the Duke of Norfolk’s movements on the Sunday and Monday (LP XVI, 1398, 1400). Chapuys gives another, quite different timetable (LP XVI, 1328; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 384). Since this is incompatible with both Marillac and the English evidence, I have ignored it.
63. HMC Bath, 5 vols. (London, 1904–1980), II, pp. 8–9.
64. St. P. I, pp. 689–90 (LP XVI, 1325); MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 288.
65. LP XVI, 1398, 1400; St. P. I, p. 691 (LP XVI, 1331).
66. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 159 (LP XVI, 1339); HMC Bath II, pp. 9–10.
67. LP XVI, 1334, 1366.
68. HMC Bath II, pp. 9–10; GEC X, pp. 141–2.
69. HMC Bath II, pp. 9–10.
70. St. P. I, p. 695 (LP XVI, 1333).
71. LP XVI, 1342–3; PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 157–9 (LP XVI, 1339).
72. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 157 (LP XVI, 1339).
73. LP XVI, 1134; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 210; PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 158 (LP XVI, 1339).
74. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 158–9; Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, V, p. 616; LP X, 1134/4; XVI, g. 678 (13).
75. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 153–4; (LP XVI, 1338); fos. 158–9.
76. PRO, SP 1/167, fos. 158–9 (LP XVI, 1339).
77. GEC II, p. 288; III, pp. 699–73; IX, pp. 671–2; LP XIV ii, 572/4.
78. PRO, SP 1/167, fo. 159; (LP XVI, 1339).
79. DKR, 3rd report (1842), pp. 261–4 (LP XVI, 1395); St. P. I, pp. 701, 707 (LP XVI, 1425, 1434); LP XVI, 1430, 1432; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, pp. 131–2.
80. DKR, 3rd report (1842), pp. 264–6 (LP XVI, 1470); GEC II, p. 311.
81. LP XVI, 1457; St. P. I, p. 721 (LP XVI, 1454).
82. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 144–6; Smith, Tudor Tragedy, pp. 201–2; LJ, I, pp. 168, 171, 172, 174–6; 33 Hen. VIII, c. 21; Statutes of the Realm III pp. 857–60; Hall, Chronicle, p. 843.
83. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 465 (LP XVII, 63).
84. Smith, Tudor Tragedy, pp. 201, 203; Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 144–5; LJ I, p. 176.
85. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 472 (LP XVII, 124 [p.50]).
86. LP XVII, 100; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 472 (LP XVII, 124 [p. 50]).
87. LP XVII, 100; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 472 (LP XVII, 124 [p. 50]); Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 128–9 (LP XVII, 106).
88. Sessions, Henry Howard, p. 150; Original Letters, ed. Ellis, 1st series II, pp. 128–9 (LP XVII, 106); B. Winchester, Tudor Family Portrait (London, 1955), pp. 38–9; Hall, Chronicle, p. 543; CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 472 (LP XVII, 124 [p. 50]).
Chapter 74
1. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), pp. 410–11 (LP XVI, 1403).
2. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 396 (LP XVI, 1359 [p. 628]).
3. St. P. I, pp. 714, 716–18 (LP XVI, 1445, 1449, 1453); LP XVI, 1457.
4. LP XVII, 35.
5. LP XVI, 1457, 1459; PRO, OBS 1419.
6. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 468 (LP XVII, 92).
7. CSP Sp. VI i (1538–1542), p. 473 (LP XVII, 124 [p. 51]).
Catherine Parr
Chapter 75
1. DNB sub ‘Parr’.
2. GEC XII i, pp. 218–19; Commons III, p. 521; LP I i, 1123/15; A.R. Myers, The Household of Edward IV: the Black Book and the Ordinances of 1478 (Manchester, 1959), p. 289.
3. C.L. Schofield, The Life and Reign of Edward IV, 2 vols. (London, 1923) I, pp. 585, 589; II, pp. 23, 159; LP Hen. VII II, p. 89; Myers, Household of Edward IV, pp. 111–12; HO, pp. 11, 12, 14–16; D. Starkey, The English Court: from the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War (London, 1987), ch. 3.
4. LP I i, g. 257 (1), g. 604 (14); I ii, 2053/1–5, 2838; II ii, 3807.
5. N.H. Nicolas, Testamenta Vetusta, 2 vols. (London, 1826) II, p. 549; LP II i, 1153, 1573.
6. LP II i, 1759, 1861; II ii, p. 1472.
7. Wills from Doctors’ Commons, ed. J.G. Nicols and J. Bruce (CS old series 83, 1863), p. 9; A dispraise of the life of a courtier, and a commendation of the life of the labouryng man, trans. by Sir F. Bryan, 1548: STC 12431, foreword.
8. LP II ii, 3747, 3807; Testamenta Vetusta, II, pp. 548–9.
9. LP III i, 528, 577; III ii, app. 20.
10. T.D. Whitaker, A History of Richmondshire; in the North Riding of Yorkshire, 2 vols. (London, 1823), II, p. 281 (LP III ii, 3649); A dispraise of the life of a courtier, foreword.
11. Whitaker, Richmondshire II, p. 281 (LP III ii, 3649); Wills from Doctors’ Commons, pp. 14, 18; LP VII, 861.
12. GEC XI, pp. 546–7.
13. Whitaker, Richmondshire II, p. 281 (LP III ii, 3649).
14. LP III ii, 3178, 3210, 3264; Whitaker, Richmondshire II, p. 281 (LP III ii, 3649).
15. LP IV i, 162.
16. LP IV iii, 5508/2 (p. 2433); Wills from Doctors’ Commons, p. 10; GEC IX, pp. 671–2; Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Bishop of London 1520 to 1610, ed. G.J. Armitage (HS 25, 1887), p. 5.
17. Wills from Doctors’ Commons, p. 10; GEC II, pp. 422–3.
18. Wills from Doctors’ Commons, pp. 13, 14, 18.
19. Commons, III, pp. 8–9; GEC VII, pp. 482–3.
20. Testamenta Vetusta, II, pp. 548–9; Wills from Doctors’ Commons, p. 18; Sturge, Tunstal, table I, p. 148 n. 5.
21. Commons, III, pp. 60–2: LP Addenda I ii, 1297.
22. M.H. and R. Dodds, The Pilgrimage of Grace 1536–1537 and the Exeter Conspiracy 1538 (Cambridge, 1915), I, pp. 201–2; M.L. Bush, The Pilgrimage of Grace; a Study of the Rebel Armies of October 1536 (Manchester, 1996), pp. 143–4.
23. LP XII i, 101, 131, 789 (p. 345).
24. Dodds, Pilgrimage I, pp. 205, 237–8, 265, 345, 377; Bush, Pilgrimage, pp. 175, 376, 392.
25. LP XII i, 392(ii); Bush, Pilgrimage, pp. 29–30; M. Bush and D. Bownes, The Defeat of the Pilgrimage of Grace (Hull, 1999), p. 186.
26. Dodds, Pilgrimage I, 113, 131, 147; II, p. 81; LP XII i, 1084 (p. 492), 1087 (pp. 495, 501).
27. LP VI, 1199; VII, 1437.
28. Cited in B. Kemeys and J. Raggatt, The Queen Who Survived: the Life of Katherine Parr (London, 1993), p. 55.
29. MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 326; D. Starkey, Elizabeth: the Struggle for the Throne (London, 2000), pp. 45–6.
30. LP XII i, 96, 131, 169, 173; Bush and Bownes, Defeat of the Pilgrimage, p. 43.
31. LP XII i, 173; Bush and Bownes, Defeat of the Pilgrimage, pp. 97–9.
32. LP XII ii, app. 28; A.G. Dickens, Lollards and Protestants in the Diocese of York (Oxford, 1959), pp. 61–2, 68; Commons I, pp. 432–4.
33. Dickens, Lollards and Protestants, ch. 3; LP X, 742.
34. LP X, 742.
35. Dickens, Lollards and Protestants, pp. 61, 68; LP XII i, 578.
36. Plumpton Correspondence, ed. T. Stapleton (CS old series 4, 1839), p. 232; Dickens, Lollards and Protestants, pp. 62–3; GEC VII, p. 484 note a.
37. Dickens, Lollards and Protestants, pp. 58–9, 76.
38. LP XII i, 578.
39. Tudor Treatises, ed. A.G. Dickens (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series 125, 1959), p. 42.
40. LP XII i, 201 (pp. 91–2).
41. Dickens, Lollards and Protestants, pp. 96–102.
42. LP XII ii, 14, 101.
43. LP XII ii, 166, 665(ii).
44. LP XII ii, 665(ii); G.R. Elton, Policy and Police; the Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell (Cambridge, 1972), pp. 56 n. 4, 371–2. In p. 56 n. 4 Elton confuses Lord Latimer with another of his brothers, William Nevill, who had been arrested earlier on another matter.
45. Cited by Strickland, Lives of the Queens III, p. 212.
46. LP XII i, 913; XII ii, 784; XIII i, 312, 812; XIV ii, 782 (p. 334).
47. Commons III, pp. 60–1; LP XII i, 713; XIV i, 477; Add I ii, 1297 (which is misdated 16 January 1538); GEC IX, p. 669.
48. LP XII ii, 1060 (p. 374); Testamenta Vetusta II, p. 548; Wills from Doctors’ Commons, p. 17.
49. Lisle Letters, ed. Byrne, IV, pp. 147, 157; VI, p. 18 (LP XII ii, 167, 424; XV, 135); LP XIV ii, 572 (p. 202); XV, 21 (p. 9): GEC X, pp. 405–9. In some of these documents Anne is referred to as Mrs Fitzherbert. I think this is probably a reflection of her husband’s descent from a bastard line.
50. Strickland, Lives of the Queens III, p. 198; Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, pp. 433–4; DNB sub ‘Latimer’ and ‘Coverdale’.
51. PRO, PROB 11/29, fos. 134v–136v (Testamenta Vetusta, II, pp. 704–6); GEC VII, p. 483; PRO, SP 1/177, fos. 123–125v (LP XVIII i, 443). Since PRO, SP 1/177, fos. 123–125v calendared as LP XVIII i. 443 has been extraordinarily misused by Catherine’s historians, it is important to get the basic facts right. It is, as we have seen in the text, a tailor’s bill which was addressed to Catherine while she was still Lady Latimer. But, as she seems to have been a late payer, it was only settled after she became Queen, when payment was authorised by the signature of her Chancellor, Sir Thomas Arundell. It does not therefore record gifts to Catherine by Henry. It does not mean that the King’s relationship with her antedated her husband’s death. And it does not show her taking pity on Princess Mary by providing her with clothes, as the (step) daughter referred to is Margaret Neville not Mary Tudor. Nor, finally, does it suggest that Catherine ever ‘sought and obtained a position in Mary’s household as one of her ladies’ (S.E. James, Katheryn Parr: the Making of a Queen (Aldershot, 1999), p. 90).
52. Commons III, pp. 297–301; Sudeley MS; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 222.
Chapter 76
1. Sudeley MS; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 222.
2. Commons III, pp. 297–8; LP XVIII i, 42, 259 (p. 148), 288.
3. Commons III, p. 9; GEC VII, p. 483.
4. LP XVIII i, 288, 491–2.
5. LP XVIII i, 468, 740.
6. PRO, OBS 1419; LP XVIII i, 675, 676, 740; PPE Princess Mary, p. 118.
7. LP XVIII i, 854, 873; Hall, Chronicle, p. 858.
8. LP XVIII i, 873.
9. Ibid., 894.
10. Ibid., 918.
11. Ibid., 919.
12. CSP Sp. VI ii (1542–1543), p. 444 (LP XVIII i, 954). My translation of the phrase ‘être en chemise’.
13. Original Letters II, pp. 240–1.
14. Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 143; PRO, OBS 1419; HKW IV, p. 44.
15. PRO, OBS 1419; Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 145.
16. PPE Princess Mary, p. 91.
17. CSP Sp. VI ii (1544), p. 459 (LP XVIII ii, 39).
18. Wills from Doctors’ Commons, p. 14.
19. PPE Princess Mary, pp. 123–4; HKW IV, pp. 43–4, 47–8, 75–6.
20. LP XVIII ii, p. 501.
21. PRO, OBS 1419.
22. M. Levine, Tudor Dynastic Problems, 1460–1571 (London, 1973), pp. 155–6.
23. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, p. 194; 35 Hen. VIII, c. 1; Statutes III, pp. 955–8.
24. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 195–6; Foxe, Acts V, pp. 475–97.
25. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 186–8; 34 and 35 Hen. VIII, c. 1; Statutes III, pp. 894–7.
26. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 184–5; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 311–13, 313.
27. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 473–4.
28. APC I, pp. 96–8; Commons II, pp. 366–7; III, pp. 383, 571.
29. LP XVIII ii, 546/xix.i (p. 324).
30. APC I, pp. 150–1.
31. PRO, OBS 1419; Narratives of the Reformation, ed. Nichols, p. 352. MacCulloch’s identification of other supposed royal visits to Westminster in this period (Cranmer, p. 315) is based on a misunderstanding of the procedures of the Great Seal.
32. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 490–97.
33. PRO, OBS 1419; Commons I, p. 599; Foxe, Acts V, p. 494.
34. Foxe, Acts V, p. 495.
35. Ibid.; LP XVIII ii, g. 241 (6).
36. Foxe, Acts VIII, p. 33–4; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 302–5, 308, 311, 314–17, 319–20.
37. Foxe, Acts VIII, p. 29; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 317–18; Commons II, pp. 513–15.
38. LP XVIII ii, 546 (p. 370).
39. Foxe, Acts V, p. 496.
40. LP XVIII ii, 504, 526; PRO, OBS 1419; MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 250, 320–1. Cranmer’s summons to Court has not been noted in the attempt to date Foxe’s story. It seems to be crucial, as does the evidence of the presence at Court of Norfolk and Russell, who figure prominently in Foxe and Morice’s narratives.
41. Foxe, Acts VIII, p. 25; Narratives of the Reformation, p. 354–8. MacCulloch, Cranmer, pp. 320–1 offers a dating for this incident which Henry’s itinerary makes impossible.
42. Foxe, Acts VIII, pp. 30–1. Lehmberg, Later Parliaments, pp. 196, 198; 35 Hen. VIII, cc. 5, 12, 18; Statutes III, pp. 960–2, 970–1, 981.
43. Emden, Biographical Register…Oxford 1501–1540, p. 90; MacCulloch, Cranmer, p. 320; Narratives of the Reformation, ed. Nichols, pp. 254–8.
44. PRO, OBS 1419; LP XVIII ii, 516.
45. Siddons, Heraldic Badges (forthcoming); LP XVIII i, 918.
Chapter 77
1. Hall, Chronicle, p. 859.
2. LP XIX I, 7, 9; ‘Narrative of the Visit of the Duke of Najera to England, in the Year 1543–4; Written by his Secretary, Pedro de Gente’, ed. F. Madden, Archaeologia 23 (1831), pp. 350–1.
3. CSP Sp. VII (1544), p. 55 (LP XIX i, 118).
4. ‘Visit of the Duke of Najera’, ed. Madden, pp. 352–3; P. Holman, Four and Twenty Fiddlers: The Violin at the English Court, 1540–1690 (Oxford, 1993), pp. 78–80; S.E. James, ‘Lady Jane Grey or Kateryn Parr?’, Burlington Magazine 108 (1996), p. 204.
5. LP XIX i, 323; St. P. IX, p. 661 (LP XIX i, 392); CSP Sp. VII (1544), p. 182 (LP XIX i, 591).
6. LP XIX i, 620/ii.
7. M. Merriman, The Rough Wooings: Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542–1551 (East Linton, 2000), pp. 77, 81, 83.
8. Merriman, Rough Wooings, pp. 111–13, 118–21.
9. Ibid., pp. 116–18, 144–9.
10. GEC VII, pp. 597–8; Merriman, Rough Wooings, pp. 48–9, 89, 97, 100, 103.
11. CSP Sp. VII (1544), p. 266 (LP XIX i, 730); GEC VII, p. 599 notes b and c.
12. LP XIX i, 779 (pp. 476–7).
13. LP XVI, 1333.
14. LP XIX i, 779; G. Donaldson, Scotland: James V to James VII (Edinburgh, 1965), p. 76; Merriman, Rough Wooings, pp. 141–2.
15. LP XIX, i, 780; HMC Rutland I, p. 30.
16. CSP Sp. VII (1544), p. 244 (LP XIX i, 799).
17. St. P. I, pp. 763–5 (LP XIX i, 864).
18. St. P. I, p. 764 (LP XIX i, 864); Thurley, Royal Palaces, p. 80; The Chronicle and Political Papers of King Edward VI, ed. W.K. Jordan (London, 1966), p. 3.
19. LP XIX ii, 424.
20. Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials VI, pp. 312–13 (LP XIX i, 1029).
21. LP XIX i, 943, 954.
22. LP XIX i, 1020; Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, pp. 176–7; M. Perry, The Word of a Prince: a Life of Elizabeth I from Contemporary Sources (Woodbridge, 1990), pp. 30–1.
23. LP XIX ii, 4.
24. LP XIX i, 979, 980; Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, III, p. 172 (LP XIX i, 980).
25. St. P. X, pp. 12–14 (LP XIX i, 979).
26. St. P. X, pp. 12–14 (LP XIX i, 979); LP XIX ii, 424.
27. Strickland, Lives of the Queens III, p. 216.
28. St. P. X, pp. 12–14 (LP XIX i, 979).
29. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, III, 173–4 (LP XIX i, 1019).
30. St. P. X, p. 23 (LP XIX ii, 35).
31. St. P. X, pp. 28–9 (LP XIX ii, 39).
32. St. P. V, p. 396 (LP XIX ii, 48); LP XIX ii, 58.
33. LP XIX ii, 174.
34. Ibid., 688 (p. 406).
35. Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 365–7 (LP XIX ii, 201).
36. GEC XI, p. 255; Commons I, pp. 400–3.
37. Commons I, p. 337; III, pp. 60, 501, 539.
38. Commons II, p. 491; III, pp. 501–2.
39. The House of Commons 1558–1603, ed. P. W. Hasler, 3 vols. (1981) II, pp. 201–2; LP XVII ii, 531.
40. Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, p. 368 (LP XIX ii, 201).
41. St. P. X, p. 69 (LP XIX ii, 228); LP XIX ii, 251.
42. Lodge, Illustrations I, pp. 55–6 (LP XIX ii, 251).
43. St. P. I, p. 768; X, pp. 82–3 (LP XIX ii, 292, 280).
44. LP XIX ii, 424 (p. 242), 688 (p. 407); Wriothesley’s Chronicle I, p. 149.
Chapter 78
1. M. Shell, Elizabeth’s Glass (Lincoln and London, 1993); J.K.M. McConica, English Humanists and Reformation Politics under Henry VIII and Edward VI (Oxford, 1965), p. 231.
2. Perry, Word of a Prince, pp. 31–35.
3. McConica, English Humanists, p. 228.
4. Ibid., pp. 230, 236–7, 241–2.
5. Ibid., pp. 231–2; Dowling, Humanism, pp. 236–7.
6. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ed. Wood, III, pp. 181–2; Letters of the Queens, ed. Crawford, p. 219.
7. St. P. I, p. 840 (LP XX ii, 769).
8. Commons I, p. 579; LP XX ii, 995 (p. 490), 1030; XXI i, 643, p. 318 (fo. 85).
9. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, p. 472; Foxe, Acts V, p. 562.
10. Muller, Stephen Gardiner, pp. 118–19, 135.
11. Perry, Word of a Prince, pp. 45–6.
12. Letters of King Henry VIII, ed. Byrne, pp. 418–22.
13. LP XX ii, 1030.
14. Ibid.
15. Strype, Ecclesiatical Memorials VI, pp. 318–20; LP XXI i, 279/2.
16. CSP Sp. VIII (1545–6), pp. 111, 232, 310, 318 (LP XXI i, 289).
17. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 553–61; G. Redworth, In Defences of the Church Catholic: The Life of Stephen Gardiner (Oxford, 1990), pp. 233–4.
18. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 553–4.
19. PRO, OBS 1419; Foxe, Acts V, pp. 554–7.
20. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 557–8.
21. LP XX ii, g. 910(55), 995 (p. 493); APC I p. 470–1.
22. PRO, E 315/161, fos. 22–34; LP XVII, g. 1154(49); XX i, 650(70); XXI ii, 331(71), g. 332(73); CSP Sp. VIII (1545), pp. 130, 163.
23. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 558–60.
24. Foxe, Acts V, pp. 560–1.
25. CSP Sp. VIII (1545–1546), p. 535; XXI ii, 684; H. Miller, ‘Henry VIII’s Unwritten Will: Grants of Lands and Honours in 1547’, in Ives, Knecht and Scarisbrick, eds., Wealth and Power, pp. 87–105; Sessions, Henry Howard, ch. 15.
26. PRO, E101/424/12, fo. 76; Starkey, Elizabeth, pp. 63–4.
27. Starkey, Elizabeth, pp. 67, 69–71.