71. Slow Down to the Posted Speed Limit


I was taught to drive in my youth by a professional race car driver. This may or may not have anything to do with the fact that I’ve always driven fast. I considered this an asset when I got onto the fast track, where it seemed as though everyone else was moving, both on foot and on wheels, at breakneck speeds. I was several years into our simplicity program before I realized that, while I had slowed down in almost every other area of my life, I was still driving as though I were on a race course.

I decided to change my driving style; I’ve learned to drive more slowly. Doing so has given me a whole new appreciation for driving, since I now have the opportunity to see and hear and feel more when I’m behind the wheel. And I’m more patient with other drivers, which has reduced the stress of driving. Paradoxically, it seems that slowing my driving speed has given me more time; more time to think, more time to reflect, and more time to enjoy life.

Once you slow down your driving pace, you’ll no longer have to wonder why the driver in front of you is always traveling slower than you are.