One of the many positive changes to come out of our simplification program is that I’ve learned that if something isn’t going well, it’s usually better to stop doing it.
Many of us grew up with the misguided belief that if something is not working, a business transaction, a partnership, or any kind of endeavor, all we had to do was work harder at it, and somehow we could make it right. Holding on to that belief has kept millions of people in difficult life choices, and has created a lot of unhappiness that could be avoided. Obviously, there’s a difference between hard work that produces wonderful and satisfying results, and hard work that you just know is never going to accomplish what you want it to.
You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole. It takes courage to realize that something you’ve been working on, perhaps for a long time, just isn’t right and to walk away from it. When I look back on my life I can see that the things that have turned out well were, for the most part, relatively easy; and the things that didn’t turn out well were, for the most part, impossibly difficult; they were simply not meant to be. I know now if it’s not working, it’s best to move on, and to put my energies elsewhere.
Think how simple your life would be if you eliminated the impossible things—the things that probably weren’t meant to be anyway—and concentrated on doing what works.