A huge thank-you to my agent Tanera Simons, who had to endure me hyperventilating when she told me I had a publishing deal. She has also had to convince me (several times since) that it wasn’t a wind-up. Thank you, Tanera, and everyone at Darley Anderson—I feel very lucky to have found you.
My incredible editors, Vicki Mellor at Pan Macmillan and Catherine Richards at Minotaur, who both “got” The Other Woman from the word go. It has been a pleasure to work alongside you to make the book the best that it can be.
To the fabulous Sam, who was my sounding board and kept pushing for more pages, before I’d even written them. And to my other very special friends, who will all, no doubt, find something of themselves in The Other Woman—be it a shared memory, a familiar character trait, or a hidden meaning. Thank you for the inspiration, support, and encouragement.
To my much-missed mother-in-law, who couldn’t have been further from Pammie if she tried. And to my own mum—well, you’ll have to ask my husband!
To my wonderful husband and children, who had no idea that I was even writing a book—thank you for just letting me get on with whatever you thought I was getting on with! This is what I was doing!
And finally, to everyone who has read The Other Woman—thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoyed it.