We are grateful to many people, including—but not limited to—the following:
David Hale Smith, Inkwell Management, LLC, our agent, for championing our work and his associate, Liz Parker, for her swift attention to detail.
Ryan Buresh, our acquisitions editor, for his enthusiastic vision; Jennifer Eastman, our copy editor, for her patience and diligent help; and the New Harbinger Publications editorial team for their guidance. Susan Albers, PsyD, for endorsing us and introducing us to New Harbinger Publications. St. Martin’s Press, for graciously allowing us to reprint parts of Intuitive Eating.
Tracy Tylka, PhD, for putting Intuitive Eating on the research map and validating its many components.
The following researchers for sharing their tools and in sight:
Kristin Neff, PhD; Linda Bacon, PhD; Deb Bugard, PhD; Carl Lavie, MD; Catherine Cook-Cottone, PhD; Janet Polivy, PhD; C. Peter Herman, PhD; Ellen Satter, MS, RDN, MSSW; Susie Ohrbach; Jane Hirschmann, PhD and Carol Munter; Lauren Mellin, PhD; Rachel Calgero, PhD; Diane Neumark-Sztainer, PhD, MPH, RD; Traci Mann, PhD; Leann Birch, PhD.
To the following communities and individuals for advocating Intuitive Eating:
Health at Every Size, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors, and the Intuitive Eating On-line Community.
Arlene Drake, PhD, LMFT, for her constant and nurturing support and advice throughout this project. (ER)
Pablo Nardi, for his unwavering support and basic goodness. (ET)
Shazi Shabatian, MS, RDN (Associate), and the members of the professional group I supervise, for their input and encouragement. (ER)
Samantha Mullen for her reliable and constant help with all Intuitive Eating projects. (ET)