Intuitive Eating Resources


Intuitive Eating Book

Tribole, E., and E. Resch, 2012. Intuitive Eating, 3rd edition. St. Martin’s Press: NY, NY.

Intuitive Eating Audio CD

This set of four CDs, which is an excellent companion to our book, focuses on the practical how-to aspects of Intuitive Eating. It is not a verbatim reading of the book.

Intuitive Eating Website

Get the latest news from our blog and calendar of events. You will also find articles, research, interviews, and general information about Intuitive Eating.

Counseling and Support

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor Directory

This is a listing of allied health professionals who are trained and certified in the Intuitive Eating process. We receive numerous requests for local Intuitive Eating health professionals. To help fill this gap, we offer certification for allied health professionals. These health professionals include dietitians, psychotherapists, physicians, physical therapists, nurses, chiropractors, dentists, occupational therapists, licensed massage therapists, licensed physical trainers, certified health education specialists, licensed health and life coaches, and others in the health profession who espouse the Intuitive Eating principles in their work.

Intuitive Eating Online Community

Be inspired, share your story, and partake of the many tools to empower your Intuitive Eating journey. This is your community, with over ten thousand members. It’s free, but you will need to sign up.

Professional Resources

How to Become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

We are eager to spread the message of Intuitive Eating through allied health professionals who qualify to be certified and listed on our Intuitive Eating Counselor Directory. Training for this certification includes three steps:

  1. A self-study program administered by Helm Publishing (
  2. Intuitive Eating PRO teleseminar training, led by Evelyn Tribole.
  3. Supervision and coaching with either Elyse Resch or Evelyn Tribole.

Upon completion of the certification requirements, you will have the option to receive the following:

  1. Membership in the Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors Community.
  2. Listing in the Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors Directory on the Intuitive Eating website (

Figure R.1. The logo of certified Intuitive Eating counselors.

For more details and information see these websites:

Intuitive Eating Professionals on LinkedIn

An international group of nearly four thousand allied health professionals. We share news, views, and resources.