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Mikel Healey Photography

Tracey Landworth Photography

Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, is an award-winning registered dietitian with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, CA, specializing in eating disorders. She also trains health professionals on how to help their clients cultivate a healthy relationship with food, mind, and body through the process of Intuitive Eating, a concept she co-pioneered. Tribole is author of several books, including Healthy Homestyle Cooking, and is coauthor of Intuitive Eating. She was the nutrition expert for Good Morning America, and was a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for six years. She served three years on the Social Media committee of the Academy for Eating Disorders. Tribole is often sought after by the media for her nutritional expertise, and has appeared in hundreds of interviews, including CNN, NBC’s Today Show, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and People magazine. She also gives presentations around the world on intuitive eating.

Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, is a nutrition therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA, with over thirty-five years of experience, specializing in eating disorders, intuitive eating, and health at every size. She is coauthor of Intuitive Eating, has published journal articles, and does regular speaking engagements and extensive media interviews. Her work has been profiled on CNN, KABC, NBC, AP Press KFI Radio, USA Today, and KTTV television, among others. Resch is nationally known for her work in helping patients break free from the diet mentality through the intuitive eating process. Her philosophy embraces the goal of reconnecting with your internal wisdom about eating. She supervises and trains health professionals, is a certified eating disorder registered dietitian, fellow of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, and fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Foreword writer Tracy Tylka, PhD, is professor of psychology at the Columbus and Marion campuses of The Ohio State University. She attended the University of Akron for her undergraduate and graduate studies, earning her BA in psychology in 1995, MA in counseling psychology in 1998, and PhD in counseling psychology in 2001. Tylka completed her predoctoral internship at the counseling center at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. She joined the department of psychology at The Ohio State University as an assistant professor in 2001, received tenure and promotion to associate professor in 2007, and was promoted to full professor in 2013.