Bookburners Season 3, Episode 10: Into the Woods © 2017 text by Serial Box Publishing, LLC.
All Rights Reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in part, in any audio, electronic, mechanical, physical, or recording format. Originally published in the United States of America: 2017.
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ISBN: 978-1-68210-173-5
This literary work is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, incidents, and events are the product of imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Written by: Andrea Phillips
Cover Illustration by: Jeffrey Veregge
Art Director: Charles Orr
Lead Writer: Max Gladstone
Editor: Marco Palmieri
Executive Producer: Julian Yap
Executive Producer: Molly Barton
Bookburners original concept by Max Gladstone and Julian Yap