Phillis, why should we delay
Pleasures shorter than the Day?
Can we (which we never can)
Stretch our lives beyond their Span,
Beauty, like a Shadow, flies,
And our Youth before us Dies.
Or, would Youth and Beauty stay,
Love hath Wings, and will away.
Love hath swifter Wings than Time;
Change in Love to Heaven doth climb.
Gods that never change their state
Vary oft their Love and Hate.
Phillis, to this Truth we owe
All the Love betwixt us two.
Let not you and I require
What has been our past desire;
On what Shepherds you have smil’d,
Or what Nymphs I have beguil’d;
Leave it to the Planets too,
What we shall hereafter do;
For the Joys we now may prove,
Take advice of present Love.