from The Winter’s Tale, I, ii

LEONTES (aside):

                           Too hot, too hot!
      To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods.
      I have tremor cordis on me: my heart dances,
      But not for joy, not joy. This entertainment
      May a free face put on, derive a liberty
      From heartiness, from bounty, fertile bosom,
      And well become the agent –’t may, I grant.
      But to be paddling palms and pinching fingers,
      As now they are, and making practised smiles
      As in a looking glass; and then to sigh, as ’twere
      The mort o’th’deer – O, that is entertainment
      My bosom likes not, nor my brows!

∗ ∗ ∗

                           Ha’not you seen, Camillo –
      But that’s past doubt, you have, or your eye-glass
      Is thicker than a cuckold’s horn – or heard –
      For to a vision so apparent rumour
      Cannot be mute – or thought – for cogitation
      Resides not in that man that does not think –
      My wife is slippery? If thou wilt confess –
      Or else be impudently negative
      To have nor eyes, nor ears, nor thought – then say
      My wife’s a hobby-horse, deserves a name
      As rank as any flax-wench that puts to
      Before her troth-plight: say’t and justify’t.
      I would not be a stander-by to hear
      My sovereign mistress clouded so without
      My present vengeance taken. ’Shrew my heart,
      You never spoke what did become you less
Than this; which to reiterate were sin
      As deep as that, though true.

                           Is whispering nothing?
      Is leaning cheek to cheek? Is meeting noses?
      Kissing with inside lip? Stopping the career
      Of laughter with a sigh? – a note infallible
      Of breaking honesty. Horsing foot on foot?
      Skulking in corners? Wishing clocks more swift?
      Hours minutes? Noon midnight? And all eyes
      Blind with the pin and web but theirs, theirs only,
      That would unseen be wicked – is this nothing?
      Why, then the world and all that’sin’t is nothing;
      The covering sky is nothing; Bohemia nothing;
      My wife is nothing; nor nothing have these nothings,
      If this be nothing.