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Bold–faced page numbers indicate illustrations


Abraham, Ralph, 52–53, 247, 267, 279

accelerators, 7, 115, 125, 263, 271

Agnew, Harold, 2

Ahlers, Günter, 127, 314

Air Force (United States), 249

air resistance, 41–42

Albers, Josef, 116, 229

American Mathematical Monthly, 69

aperiodicity, 12, 15, 139, 246

and life, 299–300

and unpredictability, 22

Apple computer, 7, 305

approximation, 15, 67–68, 210

Archimedes, 21, 39

architecture, 116–17, 229

Aristotle, 40–42

Arizona, University of, 317

Army (United States), 13

Arnold, V. L, 182

art, 94, 116–17, 186–87, 222, 229

asteroids, 14, 314

AT&T Bell Laboratories, 127, 208, 255

Atlantic Ocean, 55

atmosphere, 3, 11, 170

chaos in, 17

atomic bomb, 2, 7, 122

attractors, 237, 246, 269

basins of, 43, 233–36, 299

fixed–point (steady state), 64, 134, 227, 233, 237, 253, 255

limit cycles (oscillating), 73, 134, 227, 253, 255

stability of, 150

see also strange attractors

automobiles, 246

averages, 12, 168–69


Barnsley, Michael, 215–16, 220–21, 226, 236–39

baseball, 67

Bateson, Gregory, 243

bees, 316–17

Belgium, 132

bell–shaped curve, see normal distribution

Beluzov–Zhabotinsky reaction, 287

Bergé, Pierre, 127

bifurcation, 71, 73, 74–75, 76, 78, 128, 173, 204–5, 211, 215, 223, 265, 305

in physiology, 281–82, 291

see also period–doubling; intermittency; quasiperiodicity

biological clock, see circadian rhythms

biology, 198–200, 230, 239, 299, 314

mathematics in, 76, 198–201, 278, 282

models in, 60

theoretical, 79, 292

see also physiology

Birkhoff, George D., 182, 329

Birkhoff’s bagel, 254

Blake, William, 115

blood vessels, 4, 108–9, 122

Bohr, Niels, 7

boundaries, 114, 165, 198, 218–19, 220, 227, 232–33

in snowflake formation, 309

Bourbaki, 88–90

brain, 3, 7, 163–64, 239, 298–99, 307

Bremen (West Germany), University of, 229

Brookhaven National Laboratory, 306

Brown, Norman O., 243

Burke, William, 244–45, 262, 267

Butterfly Effect, 8, 20–23, 246–47, 261, 328, 329


calculators, 69, 79, 170–71

calculus, see equations, differential California Institute of Technology, 243

California, University of

at Berkeley, 4, 45, 52, 247, 272

at Santa Cruz, 37, 52, 229, 243–245, 248–49, 264, 267, 269, 271–272

Cambridge University, 6

Cantor set, 92–94, 93, 99

Cantor, Georg, 92, 111, 118

Carruthers, Peter, 158, 160

Cartwright, Mary Lucy, 332

Casati, Giulio, 184

causality, 201

Cayley, Arthur, 218

Central Intelligence Agency, 4, 249

chaos, 3–5, 260, 319–24

in astronomy, 4–5, 14, 53–56, 144, 244, 245, 314

in biology, 230, 239

chemical, 287, 317

in climate, 271, 307

as creative process, 43

in dripping faucet, 262–66, 269

in earth’s magnetic field, 29

in ecology, 64, 315–17

in economics, 307

in experiments, 68

formal definitions, 306

in galactic orbits, 147

government financing of, 4

as health, 298

in human heart, 288–90

and Ice Ages, 170

interdisciplinary character of, 5

on Jupiter, 53

language of, 4

named, 69

nondissipative, 144, 252

onset of, 170, 174–75, 194

and perception, 164

resistance to ideas of, 31, 37–38, 106, 131, 139, 180, 303–6

as revolution, 6, 37

sensitive dependence on initial conditions in, 8, 23, 44, 52, 67–68, 152, 230, 246–47, 253, 311

in shapes, 195–202

and stability, 48, 55

teaching of, 244

see also strange attractors; disorder; aperiodicity

chaos game, 236–39, 238

chaotic attractors, see strange attractors

Chicago, University of, 307

China, 306

chromosomes, 5

circadian rhythms, 285–86, 288

City College of New York, 128, 131, 150, 159

climate, 168–70, 271, 307

White Earth equilibrium, 170

clouds, 2–3, 7, 11–12, 18, 26, 107, 157, 185–86

clustering, 91

coastlines, 94–96, 95, 105, 161, 237

cocaine, 283

Cohen, I. Bernard, 111

Cohen, Richard J., 290

color, 164–65

Columbia University, 244, 323

Comet Halley, 14–15

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 216

complex numbers, 215–20, 222–23, 226–32, 240

computers, 1, 7, 18, 209–10, 217, 227

analog, 244–47, 264, 267

and “artifacts,” 222

at Los Alamos, 178

attitudes toward, 13

and economics, 85

Cray, 7, 19

experimentation on, 230–31

graphics, 4, 15, 30, 38, 55, 71, 77, 114, 150, 178, 222–23, 226–40, 255, 269, 283

and heart rhythms, 289

and iterative fractals, 102

interactive use of, 38, 178–79

in laboratory experiments, 131, 289

personal, 7, 110–11, 114, 144, 146, 150, 231

Royal McBee, 11–12, 15–16, 19

simulating nonlinear systems, 44, 185, 209–10

supercomputers, 1, 7, 19, 123, 137

Systron–Donner, 244–7, 264, 267

Von Neumann and, 18

weather modeling on, 11–12, 14–15, 19, 21, 168–70

Control Data Corporation, 19

convection, 24–26, 25, 47, 128, 135, 139–41, 192–95, 202–6, 208–211, 314

Cornell University, 54, 158–59, 229, 285, 306

Corsica, 215

Couette–Taylor flow, 128–31, 129, 194, 203

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York University), 77, 283

Cousteau, Jacques Y., 197

Creti, Donati, 53

crisis, 23

Crutchfield, James P., 248–51, 259, 264, 267, 270, 272, 306

cryptology, 256

Cvitanović, Predrag, 183

cycles, 73, 171

in ecology, 59, 73, 75, 78, 171

in economics, 68

cyclones, 12


Dartmouth College, 13

Darwin, Charles, 111, 201

dendrites, 309, 311–14, 312

determinism, 5, 12, 14, 237, 250–51

differential equations, see equations

dimension, 47, 96–98

in phase space, 135

infinite, 135, 208

measuring, 262, 271

see also fractal

discontinuity, 92–94, 114

in phase transitions, 127

in price changes, 93

disease, 292

disorder, 3, 7, 15, 30, 56, 68, 266, 308

measuring, 257

dissipation, 42–43, 144, 182, 209, 314

as agent of order, 209, 314

attractors and, 138

in convection, 24–25, 204

in phase space, 50–51, 134

in turbulence, 122–23, 138, 201

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 110, 181, 201, 299

Douady, Adrien, 221–22, 227–28, 240

drugs, in psychiatry, 298–99

Duffing equation, 304–5

Duke University Medical Center, 289

Dynamical Systems Collective, 248–272

dynamical systems, 4, 24, 42, 52, 66, 118, 132, 134, 144, 169, 227, 252

Poincaré on, 46

Smale on, 45

dripping faucet as, 262–66, 269

in ecology, 59

dynamo, 29

Dyson, Freeman, 37, 73, 130, 161


earth, magnetic field of, 29

earthquakes, 103–4, 107

eclipses, 14, 18

École Normale Supérieure, 87–88, 90, 191

École Polytechnique, 87–88, 191 ecology, 4, 59, 61–63, 69, 77–79, 166, 315–17

cycles in, 73

equilibrium in, 64, 70, 73, 79

models in, 69

economics, 4, 20, 83, 92–93, 271

cotton prices, 83–84

cycles in, 68

eddies, 12, 20, 122–23, 198

Eiffel Tower, 100

Eilenberger, Gert, 117

Einstein, Albert, 7, 14, 52, 111, 181, 245, 314, 324

electricity, 36, 234–35

Energy, Department of (United States), 4, 249

Enola Gay, 2

entropy, 7, 257–58, 261–62, 268, 271, 306, 308

epidemics, 22, 61, 78

equations, 20, 168

difference, 61, 149, 208

differential, 12, 17, 44, 46, 61, 67, 187, 195, 208, 264

Duffing, 304–5

fluid, 24, 133

and global behavior, 174–75

learning to solve, 67, 250–51

logistic, 166–68, 170–72, 174–75

Lorenz system, 23–25, 47, 60, 116, 135, 139–41, 245–17, 329–30

as metaphors, 77

Navier–Stokes, 24

Newton’s method for solving, 217–220, 220

polynomial, 216–20

and real systems, 60, 263

equilibrium, 43, 60–64, 79

in climate, 169–70

in ecology, 64, 70, 315–17

in pattern formation, 309–14

in physiology, 298

see also attractors

errors, 8, 15–17, 21, 193, 256, 261

in communications, 91–92

in weather forecasting, 21

Euclid, 46, 94, 97, 226

European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, 19–20

evolution, 5, 109, 116, 201, 251, 261, 314, 346

experimentation, 41, 125, 192–95, 202–6, 208–11, 263

Couette–Taylor flow, 128–31, 129

erratic behavior in, 68

numerical, 70, 112, 167, 178–79, 209–10

vs. theory, 125–26

Exxon Corporation, 114


Farmer, J., Doyne, 248–52, 258–59, 266, 268, 270–72, 303

Fatou, Pierre, 221, 226–27

Faust (Goethe), 163

feedback, 61, 167–68, 193, 223, 226, 279, 292, 314

Feigenbaum, Mitchell J., 1–4, 157–87, 194, 197, 206–10, 215, 268–69, 303, 305, 307, 314, 321

and art, 186

and childhood, 159

and color theory, 164–66

discovery of universality, 172–74, 206

and Libchaber, 208–9

and mathematical proof, 183

–ology, 182

and perception, 163

rejection letters, 180

theory for onset of chaos, 175–79

Feigenbaum numbers, 175, 183, 209, 211, 215–16, 223, 290

Fermi, Enrico, 68, 333

ferns, 198, 238

Feynman diagrams, 162

Feynman, Richard P., 137, 161, 324

fibrillation, see heart, arrhythmia in Fields Medal, 45–46

fireflies, 293

Fisher, Michael, 160

flames, 196

flow, 197–98, 199, 296–97

fluid dynamics, 38, 121–22, 131, 245

fluids, 2, 7, 22, 196, 296–97

experiments in, 122, 124–28, 130–131, 152, 192–95, 202–6, 208–11

Ford, Joseph, 6, 38, 184, 252, 304–6, 314, 321

forecasting, 13–14, 17, 55

economic, 15, 20

optimism about, 18

tides and eclipses, 18

Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon, 40

Fowles, John, 117

Fox, Ronald, 305

fractal basin boundaries, 43, 233–36, 235, 299

fractals, 4, 98, 110, 161–62, 215, 310, 316, 322

attractors as, 139, 140, 152

blood vessels as, 108, 293

in cinematic effects, 114

computer programs for, 110–11, 114

as “dusts,” 228

earthquakes as, 103–4

dimension of, 102, 106–7, 162, 247, 271

goose down as, 110

Koch curve, 98–100, 99, 102–3, 237, insert following page 114

Menger sponge, 101

as “monstrosities,” 102

in pattern formation, 310, 311, insert following page 114

in physiology, 109, 293

as shapes, 118, 219, 221, 227, 236, 237

Sierpinski carpet and gasket, 100, 101, 237

in turbulence, 123, 162

in wildness, 117

see also Mandelbrot set; strange attractors

France, 88, 90, 127, 144, 191, 197, 217, 258

Franceschini, Valter, 209

Franklin, Benjamin, 36

free will, 5, 251

frequency spectrum, 205–6, 206, 207

friction, 24–25, 41–42, 50, 63, 122, 134, 144, 204, 209

functions, iteration of, 61–64, 69–71, 73, 167–68, 170–72, 174–75, 176–77, 222


Gaia hypothesis, 279, 307

galaxies, 7, 114, 116

modeling, on computers, 146

Galileo, 39–42, 53

Gell–Mann, Murray, 66, 126

General Electric Corporation, 114

geodynamo, see earth, magnetic field


classical vs. fractal, 94, 226, 238

dimension in, 97

of surfaces, 104–6

Georgia Institute of Technology, 38, 216, 252, 304

Germany, 191, 229

Giglio, Marzio, 127

Glass, Leon, 281, 290–91

Global Atmosphere Research Program, 18

God, 8, 12, 121, 168, 185, 201, 314

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von color theory of, 163–65

on plants, 197

Goldberger, Ary L., 281–82, 293

Gollub, Jerry P., 127–28, 150, 152, 194, 209

gonorrhea, 65, 79

Gould, Stephen Jay, 200

gout, 277

gravity, 15, 42

Guckenheimer, John, 182

Guevara, Michael, 290–91

Gulf Stream, 55, 197

gypsy moths, 4, 61, 171


Halley, Edmond, 14–15

Hao Bai–Lin, 306

Harvard University, 69, 83, 164, 222–223, 243–44, 290

Medical School, 281, 293

Haverford College, 128

Hawking, Stephen, 6–7

“Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?” 6

heart, 3–4, 8, 109, 280–83

arrhythmia in, 281, 283–84, 288–289, 291

defibrillating devices for, 284, 289, 292

valves, 122, 282–83

Heiles, Carl, 147

Heisenberg, 14, 121

Hénon, Michel, 44, 144–49, 303

on galactic orbits, 146–47, 148

Hénon attractor, see strange attractors

Hiroshima, 2

Hohenberg, Pierre, 208, 314

Holmes, Philip, 306

Hooke, Robert, 53

Hoppensteadt, Frank, 77

horseshoe, see Smale

Houthakker, Hendrik, 83–84

Hubbard, John, 217–19, 226–29, 240, 306

Huberman, Bernardo, 269–70, 275–278, 307, 324

Hudson’s Bay Company, 79

Huygens, Christian, 40, 292


Ice Ages, 170

Ideker, Raymond E., 288–89

imaginary numbers, see complex numbers

immune system, 263, 272, 280, 314

information theory, 255–62, 268

information, 222, 239, 255–57, 261, 293, 321, 324

creation of, 258, 260–62, 324

insects, 4, 61, 171, 285–86

insomnia, 286, 298

instability, 18, 169, 198, 299

in pattern formation, 309

Institut des Hautes Études Scienti–fiques, 132, 134

Institute for Advanced Study, 14, 37, 69, 132, 272

Institute for Physical Science and Technology (University of Maryland), 65

intelligence, 5, 251

intermittency, 209, 290

International Business Machines Corporation, 83–84, 86–87, 90, 222–223, 249

International Congress of Mathematicians, 45–46, 139

Italy, 127, 209

iteration, see feedback; functions


Jacot, Louis, 258

jellyfish, 199, 200

Jensen, Roderick V., 306

jet lag, 286

Johns Hopkins University, 126, 285

Josephson junctions, 42, 271

Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 31

Journal of the Institute of Water Engineers, 197

Julia, Gaston, 216, 221, 226–27

Julia sets, 216, 221–22, 222, 228–29, 236–37

Jupiter, 53–56, insert following page 114


Kac, Mark, 183–84

Kadanoff, Leo, 160–61, 329

Koch, Helge von, 99, 118

Koch curve, 98–100, 99, 102–3, 237, insert following page 114

Kolmogorov, A. N., 76, 123, 182, 261

Kuhn, Thomas S., 35–39, 262, 315

concept of paradigms, 37, 39, 42, 52, 107, 269

problem–solving vs. scientific revolutions, 36–37


Lamont–Doherty Geophysical Observatory (Columbia University), 103

Landau, Lev D., 123–24, 130–32, 137, 152, 194

Lanford, Oscar E., 183, 268

language, 256

Laplace, Pierre Simon, 14, 144

lasers, 42, 271, 130–31

leaves, 196, 202, 238

Lehrer, Tom, 243

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 115–16

Leontief, Wassily, 84

Libchaber, Albert, 191–97, 202–11, 314

conception of “flow,” 195–202

“Helium in a Small Box,” 192–95, 193, 202–6, 208–11

measures period–doubling, 205–6

life, 7, 198–202, 251, 279

light, 164–65

lightning, 4

linguistics, 90

Littlewood, J. E., 332

logistic difference equation, 63–64, 69–70, 79, 166–68, 170–72, 174–175

Lorenz, Edward, 11–31, 44, 48, 52–53, 55–56, 65, 69, 71, 76, 116, 135, 139–40, 144, 149, 168–69, 182, 194, 244, 246, 253, 259, 264, 303, 314, 316–17, 321

and aperiodicity, 22

Butterfly Effect, 8, 20–23, 246–7, 261

childhood, 13

and climate, 168–69

and coffee cup, 25

“Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow,” 30, 66–67, 139–41

discovered by physicists, 67

discovers sensitive dependence on initial conditions, 16, 17

and mathematics, 13

waterwheel, 27, 29, 31

and weather modeling, 15

Lorenz attractor, 28, 30, 140, 149, 218, 245–47, 269, insert following page 114

as music, 244—45

infinite complex of surfaces, 139–141

Los Alamos National laboratory, 14, 157, 160, 178

Center for Nonlinear Studies, 4

Theoretical Division, 1, 158, 179, 248, 272

Lovelock, James E., 279, 307, 308

Lyapunov exponent, 247, 253, 255, 262, 268, 316

lynx, 79


MacArthur, Robert, 315

Magellan, Ferdinand, 226

Mahler, Gustav, 163

Malkus, Willem, 31

Malthusian growth, 62–63

Mandelbrojt, Szolem, 87, 88

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 4, 83–118, 161–162, 182, 191, 216, 219–21, 223, 226–28, 237–38, 240, 303, 321

childhood, 87

and biology, 108–10

and cotton prices, 84–86

and dimension, 96–98

and economics, 83

and fractal constructions, 100

The Fractal Geometry of Nature, 104, 111–13

geometric intuition, 88

“How Long Is the Coast of Britain?”, 94–96

and mathematicians, 111, 114

Merchant of Venice syndrome, 108

Noah and Joseph effects, 92–94

and physicists, 87

and randomness, 84

and self–similarity, 103

Mandelbrot set, 221–32, 224–25, 239–240, 306, inserts following pages 114 and 194

defined, 227

discovered, 222–23, 224–25

programming, 231–32

Mandell, Arnold, 278, 293, 298–99

Marat, Jean–Paul, 111

Marcus, Philip, 54–56

Marcuse, Herbert, 243

Margulis, Lynn, 279

Maryland, University of, 65

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 11, 13, 21, 31, 103, 159, 163, 290, 321


in biology, 60, 69, 198–200, 282, 290

complex analysis, 227

and hermeticism, 89

experimentation in, 38, 112, 218–219, 229

and Mandelbrot, 111

and numbers, 178

rigor in, 89, 183, 218, 230–31

vs. physics, 47, 52, 66, 69, 113, 118, 178

and turbulence, 121–25, 130–33, 137

Maurei, Jean, 192, 203

Maxwell, James Clerk, 181

May, Robert, 4, 69–80, 135, 166–67, 171, 172, 182, 208, 259, 303, 321

“messianic” plea, 79, 245, 316

and period–doubling, 70–71, 172

and epidemiology, 78

McGill University, 281, 288, 290

measles, 61, 78–79, 315

Medawar, Sir Peter, 200

Menger sponge, 101

meterorites, 29, 314

meterology, 3, 11–13, 21–22, 55, 168–169

Metropolis, Nicholas, 167–68, 173, 182

Mines, George, 288

mixing, 122, 255, 257

mode locking, 290, 293, 294–95


approximation in, 15

borrowed from physics, 60, 282

for convection, 25–26, 29–30

“daisy world,” 279

detail vs. generalization in, 278–79

for earthquakes, 107

for ecology, 59–63, 69

in economics, 20

for epidemics, 316

for galactic orbits, 146–47, 149

for heart motion, 281–83

for schizophrenia, 276–78

stability in, 48

for weather, 11–14, 16–17, 19–21, 55

Morse code, 258

Moscow University, 46

mosquitoes, 285–86

Myrberg, P. J., 183, 335

mysticism, 195


National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 54

National Center for Atmospheric Research, 250

National Institute of Mental Health, 275

National Institutes of Health, 275

National Meterological Center, 19

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 21

National Science Foundation, 46, 131, 249, 317

Nature, 49, 79–80, 245, 307

Navier–Stokes equation, 24

Navy (United States), 249, 275

Nazis, 87, 191

Neumann, John von, 14, 18–19, 21

on nonlinearίty in fluids, 24

New York Academy of Sciences, 258–259, 269, 275

New York City public schools, 159

see also City College of New York

New York University, 77, 283. See also Courant Institute

Newton’s method, 217–20, 220, 227,

insert following page 114

Newton, Sir Isaac, 12–13, 15, 39, 41, 55, 118, 144–45, 164, 217, 324

and color, 164–66

Nice Observatory, 144, 149

Nobel Prize, 3, 7, 160

Nobel Symposium, 182

noise, see errors

nonlinear dynamics, see chaos

nonlinearity, 23–24, 56, 63, 73, 80, 162, 333

as agent of stability, 193–94

in dripping faucet, 264

in fluid models, 283

in pendulum, 41–43

and problem–solving, 153, 162, 166, 250–51

in schizophrenia, 277

teaching of, 42

in textbooks, 67, 250–51

normal distribution, 84


Office of Naval Research, see Navy

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1

oscillators, see pendulums

Oxford University, 215, 306, 321


Packard, Norman, 248–51, 258–59, 270, 272

parabola, 166–67, 176

Paris Opera, 117

particle physics, 6–7, 115, 125

patterns, 5, 43, 196, 261, 308

across scale, 86

in biology, 299

formation of, 272, 308, 310, 314

generated by fractal processes, 236–239

in weather, 12, 15, 22

universality of, 195, 197–202

Peitgen, Heinz–Otto, 229–31, 236, 240

pendulums, 39, 41–44, 49, 60, 169–170, 174, 234, 292–93, 315

Aristotle and Galileo on, 40–42

double, 230

nonlinearity in, 42–43

in phase space, 50, 136–37

and schizophrenia, 276

spherical, 43

strange attractor of, 143

perception, 163

period–doubling, 71, 73, 76, 171–72, 176–77, 204, 206, 211, 215, 265, 305

found in experiment, 204–6, 207

in heart cells, 290

in schizophrenia, 276

phase space, 49–52, 50, 134–39, 136–137, 144, 149, 206, 227, 230, 246, 261, 269, 299

folding in. 51–52, 149, 253

infinite dimensional, 136–37, 271

reconstruction of, 265–66, 316

phase transitions, 126–28, 160–61, 236, 298

physics, 3, 6

of beer glasses, 245

condensed matter, 126

experiment vs. theory, 125–26

and God, 8, 12, 121, 185

Grand Unified Theory of, 7

laws of, 6, 12, 14

mentors and protégés in, 244, 249

Newtonian, 6

and turbulence, 121–25, 130–33, 137

particle, 6–7, 115, 125

radios vs. chemistry sets, 132

reductionism in, 185

teaching of, 42, 56, 67–68, 244, 250

without chaos, 67

physiology, 272, 276

complexity in, 279–80

dynamical diseases, 292

eyes, 275–78

fractal approach to, 109, 293

lungs, 108–9

see also blood vessels; brain; heart; immune system

pinball, 233–34

planets, 14

Plato, 195, 202

Poincaré, Jules Henri, 46–47, 88, 123, 145, 166, 181, 264, 321–22

and many–body problem, 145

Poincaré conjecture, 46

Poincaré map, 142–44, 143, 146, 150, 290, 316

Pomeau, Yves, 149

population, see ecology

predictability, 7–8, 14, 18, 21, 253, 268

and aperiodicity, 22

Princeton University, 4, 69, 146, 285

proteins, 79, 298


quadratic difference equation, see logistic difference equation

quantum chaos, 306, 314

quantum mechanics, 6–7, 118, 161. 184–85. 250, 314

quarks, 5

quasiperiodicity, 2, 209


rain, 18

randomness, 3, 5, 8, 21–22, 68, 73, 84, 122, 236–39, 251–52, 257, 261, 306

in biology, 206, 239

and complexity, 314

in constructing fractals, 236–39

debate over, in ecology, 77–78

and determinism, 250–52

hidden structure in, 22

and information theory, 252, 261

from simple models, 79

and weather forecasting, 21–22

Rayleigh, Lord, 128

recursion, 103, 150, 179, 299

Red Spot of Jupiter, 53–56, insert following page 114

reductionism, 5, 14, 115, 165, 185, 201, 210, 279, 304

redundancy, 256

relativity, 6–7, 14, 121, 162, 226

renormalization group theory, 161–62, 172, 179–80, 268–69

Reynolds, Osborne, 128

Richardson, Lewis F., 94–95

Richter, Peter, 229–30, 236, 240

Ricker, W. E., 63

rivers, 92, 197–98, 199, 260

Rössler attractor, see strange attractors roulette, 248

Royal McBee computer, 11–12, 15–16, 19

Rubin, Jerry, 45

Ruelle, David, 4, 131–34, 138–39, 149–50, 152–53, 182, 194, 216, 259, 261, 307

childhood, 132–33

on heart dynamics, 280–81

invents strange attractors, 133–34, 138–39

meets Lorenz, 141

on turbulence, 133

Ruysdael, Jacob van, 186


Santa Catalina mountains, 316

Sarkovskii, A. N., 74

satellites, 18–20, 53–55, 293

scaling, 86, 90, 103, 107, 115–16, 172–73, 175, 179, 186

in economics, 86

in phase transitions, 161

in turbulence, 162

Schaffer, William M., 15, 315–17

schizophrenia, 275–78, 292, 298

Scholz, Christopher, 103–7

Schrier, Alvin, 290–91

Schrödinger, Erwin, 299–300

Schwenk, 197

Schwinger, Julian, 161


causality in, 201–2

communication in, 31, 38, 181–82, 184, 196, 252, 275

financing of, 249

in Soviet Union, 76

and mysticism, 195

“normal,” 36–37

peer review in, 131, 180–81, 195

revolution in, 36–39, 111, 315

seeing the unexpected in, 35

traditional beliefs in, 14–15, 44, 64–65, 85, 92–93, 123–24, 303–306

second law, see thermodynamics

self–organization, 55, 252, 261, 308, 314

self–similarity, 103, 115–16, 227

in turbulence, 162

Shakespeare, William, 258, 320

Shannon. Claude, 255–57

Shaw, Christopher, 259

Shaw, Robert Stetson, 243–50, 252–253, 258–72, 293

and dripping faucet, 262–66, 269

Shlesinger, Michael, 5

Sierpiński carpet and gasket, 100, 101, 237

Sinai, Yasha, 76, 261

Smale, 4, 47–48, 50, 52–53

Smale, Stephen, 4, 45–53, 61, 70, 76, 89, 118, 132, 171, 182, 208, 247

antiwar protests, 45

conjecture on chaos, 45, 47–48, 66

horseshoe, 51–52, 51, 76, 132–33, 149

influence on Yorke, 65–66, 69

stability in the sense of, 47–48

Smith, J. Maynard, 64

smoke, 5

snowflakes, 114, 272, 309–14, 312313

solar system, 5, 14

stability of, 145

Soviet Union, 74, 76, 252

space balls, 40, 43

spectrum diagram, 205–6, 206, 207

Spiegel, Edward A., 244–45

stability, 47, 309

through feedback, 61–62, 193–94, 292

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 263

Stanford University, 269

stars, 4

state space, see phase space

Stein, Myron, 167–68, 173

Stein, Paul, 167–68, 173–74, 182

Steiner, Rudolf, 197

Stevens, Wallace, 196

Stewart, H. Bruce, 306, 334–35

stock market, 85, 93, 152, 271, 307

storms, 20, 54, 108, 170, 322

strange attractors, 4, 133–35, 137–38, 140–44, 143, 152, 209, 246, 252, 254, 258, 262, 266, 269, 271, 320

basins of, 43, 233–36

in climate, 307

in epidemics, 316

in experiment, 265–66

fractal nature of, 139, 141, 152

measuring, 253–55

named by Ruelle and Takens, 133–134

of Feigenbaum, 175

of Hénon, 149–50, 151

of Lorenz, 28, 30, 139–41, 140, 149, 153, 218, 244–47, 269, insert following page 114

of Rössler, 141

of Ueda, 141

supercomputers, 1, 7, 19, 123, 137

superconductivity, 244, 247

surface tension, 311

Swift, Jonathan, 103

Swinney, Harry L., 126–27, 150, 152, 194, 203, 209, 266, 270, 317

Symmer, Robert, 111

Systron–Donner computer, see computers, analog


Takens, Floris, 133, 138–39, 141 and reconstructing phase space, 266

Taylor, Sir Geoffrey Ingram, 130

Tellus, 169

Texas, University of, 266, 285

thermodynamics, second law of, 257–258, 307, 308

as metaphor, 308

Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth, 198–202

tides, 14, 18

Tolstoy, Leo, 38

topology, 45–46, 50, 52, 198, 253

and dynamical systems, 47

of biological rhythms, 286, 289, 292

traffic, 5

transistor, 7

turbulence, 2, 4, 7, 39, 121–25, 130–133, 137–38, 162, 198, 203, 307

and information, 261

in heart valves, 282–83

on Jupiter, 53

Landau picture of, 123–25, 130–33, 137, 180, 194

modeling, with computers, 137

onset of, 122–23, 170, 174–75, 192, 194

Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 186


Ueda, Yoshisuke, 45, 141

Ueda’s attractor, see strange attractors

Ulam, Stanislaw, 68, 182, 326

uncertainty, 14, 261

universality, 5, 172–81, 187, 196, 215, 236

apparent lack of, 153

consequences for science, 179–81, 183, 268–69

discovered by Feigenbaum, 172–75

theory for, 175–79

and perception, 166

unpredictability, 44, 253, 258, 261, 319

Updike, John, 53


van der Pol, Balthasar, 49, 51, 332

van Gogh, Vincent, 186

Vatican, 53

Virchow, Rudolf, 111

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 159

Voyager, see satellites


war, 5

Water Resources Bulletin, 197

Watson, James, 111

weather, 5, 7, 168

and strange attractors, 152

aperiodicity in, 12, 15

control and modification, 18–19

forecasting, 13

modeling, 11–15, 19

Weaver, Warren, 257

White, Robert, 21

Wilson, Kenneth, 160–62

wind, 5, 11, 15–16

Winfree, Arthur, 284–86, 288–89, 291–92, 307


Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 269, 275


Yale University, 306

Yorke, James, 65–69, 182, 259, 270–271, 317

and fractal basin boundaries, 233–235

message to physicists, 69, 73

recognition of chaos, 73–76