You scream as the ground gives way beneath you and you fall.
You land on the hard ground. You grope around for your torch, until you finally grasp it in your hand and switch it on. Struggling to your feet, you make sure that you’re unhurt, and then look about.
You are in a pit with rock walls. You look up. It’s high. That was quite a drop. You’re lucky that a couple of bruises is all you got.
You call out for help.
There is no response.
You groan. Why did you go off on your own? That was a silly thing to do. You should have stayed at the school camp.
But how could you resist the possibility of dragons? You’ve been obsessed with the mythical creatures since you were little. When you found out there were legends about dragons having once lived in Wenley Caves near your school camp … well, you just had to investigate.
So, here you are, stuck at the bottom of a hole in a cave. And no one knows where to find you.
You slump to the ground and knock against something. You shine the torch downwards. There’s a smooth object half-buried in the sand. You dig it out. It looks like a large egg, about the size of a football. It’s bright red. You continue digging and find a smaller egg, about the size of an ordinary chook egg. It’s a sort of teal colour.
Could these be dragon eggs? you wonder, excitement building.
But what good are they to you if you’re stuck in a pit?
You notice a slight breeze. Still holding the smaller egg, you wave your torch around and find a crevice in one of the rock walls. You can feel a waft of air coming through it. Is it a way out?
But the crevice is tight. You’re not even sure you could fit.
If you want to try squeezing through the crack in the wall, go here.
If you’ d rather stay where you are and shout for help, go here.