Home! That’s it … you decide to go home.

You walk through the trees until you reach the main road, then towards the bus stop by the camp entrance. As the bus approaches, you get the dragon to climb up under your shirt so that it stays hidden throughout the ride.

When you get home, your parents are furious. They give you a long lecture about how silly and dangerous it was for you to have left the school camp so suddenly. But then you show them the dragon. After they have recovered from the shock, you tell them about the crazy cryptozoologist.

‘Right,’ says Mum. ‘I’ll take care of her.’

She rings the police and puts in a complaint about Myfanwy harassing you at the school camp.

You are amazed when your parents agree to let you keep the dragon as a pet – so long as it remains a secret.


You name the dragon Bruce and you do indeed become the best of friends.

