Little of the present work would have come about without the generous support that I received from my parents, K. R. and T. F. Steffens. I am also much indebted to Muni Bhikkhu, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ñāṇananda Bhikkhu, Guttasīla Bhikkhu, Ñāṇaramita Bhikkhu, Ajahn Vipassī, Dhammajīva Bhikkhu, Brahmāli Bhikkhu, Ānandajoti Bhikkhu, Anagārika Santuṭṭho, Prof. Lily de Silva, Prof. P. D. Premasiri, Godwin Samararatne, Dhammacāri Vishvapani, Michael Drummond, and Andrew Quernmore for suggestions, corrections, inspiration, and criticism. Any shortcomings or misrepresentations are entirely down to my own insufficient level of meditative practice and theoretical understanding.