Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner)
Anzaldúa, Gloria
Askeland, Lori
Awkward, Michael
Baldwin, James
Baker, Houston A., Jr.; “black (w)hole”; blues matrix; Trueblood episode
Beecher, Catherine
Bhabha, Homi
Blues, the: expressiveness; in The Bluest Eye; in Corregidora; in Invisible Man; moment; origins; paradox; performance; as repository; sentiment; as home; in Native Son; in Song of Solomon; vernacular
Blues, Ideology, and Afro-American Literature: A Vernacular Theory (Baker)
Bluest Eye, The; blues expressiveness; blues kitchen; blues paradox; gender divisions; comparison to Invisible Man; comparison to Native Son; “outdoors”; comparison to Song of Solomon; storefront
Body, the
Bontemps, Arna
Brown, Claude
Brown, Sterling
Campbell, Bebe Moore
Carby, Hazel
Christian, Barbara
Collins, Patricia Hill
Conner, Marc C.
Corregidora; black hole; comparison to The Bluest Eye; body as home; comparison to Invisible Man; mapping of home; comparison to Native Son; social context; comparison to Song of Solomon
Cullen, Countee
Davis, Angela
De Certeau, Michel
“Double consciousness”
Douglass, Frederick
Doyle, Laura
Dozens, the
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Du Cille, Ann
Dunbar, Paul Laurence
Ellison, Ralph
Equiano, Olaudah
Family; in The Bluest Eye; in Native Son
Faulkner, William
Franklin, Wayne
Gallop, Jane
Ghetto, the
Giles, James
Gilyard, Keith
Go Down, Moses (Faulkner)
God Sent Sunday (Bontemps)
Gottfried, Amy
Great Migration
Grewal, Gurleen
Griffin, Farah
Gundaker, Grey
Hansberry, Lorraine
Harlem Renaissance
Harris, Trudier
Heidegger, Martin
“Heimlich.” See “Unheimlich”
Heinze, Denise
Hirsch, Marianne
Home blueprint of; in The Bluest Eye; built environment; in Corregidora; in Invisible Man; in Native Son; quest for; in Song of Solomon; in Sula; stultifying
Home to Harlem (McKay)
Hughes, Langston
Hurston, Zora Neale
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs)
Invisible Man; blues kitchen; blues paradox; blues performance; comparison to The Bluest Eye; comparison to Native Son; gender divisions; metaphor of containment; social context; comparison to Song of Solomon; Trueblood episode
Jacobs, Harriet
Jim Crow Johnson, Barbara
Jones, Gayl
Jung, Carl
Kaplan, Amy
Kirby, Kathleen M.
Kitchen: blues kitchen; dysfunctional; gendered and racialized place; as hearth site of resistance; structure
Lacan, Jacques
Lefebvre, Henri
Marx, Karl
Massey, Doreen
McCall, Dan
McCluskey, John
McDowell, Deborah
McKay, Claude
McKittrick, Katherine
Middle Passage
Morrison, Toni
Moses, Cat
Mosley, Walter
Mumbo Jumbo (Reed)
Murray, Albert
Native Son; Bessie’s blues; Bigger’s alienation; Bigger’s relationship to folk culture; as blueprint for home; failed blues expression; comparison to The Bluest Eye; comparison to Corregidora; gender divisions; comparison to Invisible Man; social context; comparison to Song of Solomon
Negro spiritual
Northern city. See “Promised land”
Ostendorf, Berndt
Paradise (Morrison)
Petry, Ann
Pile, Steve
Place; place-making; home as place; as opposed to space
Prawer, Siegbert
“Promised land”
Rainey, Ma
Reed, Ishmael
Reilly, John M.
Rushdie, Salman
Sanctified Church, The (Hurston)
Scarry, Elaine
Shange, Ntozake
Smith, Bessie
Song of Solomon; comparison to The Bluest Eye; comparison to Corregidora; comparison to Invisible Man; mapping of home; comparison to Native Son; social context
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois)
Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner)
Space: barriers; in The Bluest Eye; in Corregidora; in Invisible Man; in Native Son; as opposed to place; in Song of Solomon
Spatial politics
Spillers, Hortense
Steiner, Michael
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Street, The (Petry)
Toomer, Jean
12 Million Black Voices (Wright)
Walker, Alice
Willis, Susan
Wirth, Louis
Wong, Shelley
World War II
Wright, John S.
Wright, Richard