iPhone® Game Development
iPhone® Game Development
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.10475 Crosspoint BoulevardIndianapolis, IN 46256www.wiley.com
Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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This book is dedicated to the two most important women in my life: Mom, without your many sacrifices, nothing would have been possible; and Kathy, the love of my life, your love and patience strengthens me. —Chris
To my wife and kids, who made this possible, I thank God for all of you. —Jamey
About the Authors
Chris Craft is a software developer focusing primarily on device application development. He is a frequent CodeProject.com article author. Chris currently serves as a senior software architect for ACS Technologies Group, Inc., where he concentrates on his passion: mobile development. He previously was a senior developer for Taylor Data Systems, where he worked on sales force automation, field service, inventory, and data collection mobile applications. In the technical community, Chris is cofounder of a local developer user group and is also a member of Revolution Church. He has recently become engaged to Kathy Gulledge of Florence, South Carolina.
Jamey McElveen has been a game development enthusiast since 1995. He began coding games back in the days of DOS. With the release of the iPhone SDK he was one of the developers in the original gold rush to the App Store. Jamey works in Florence, South Carolina, as lead software architect at ACS Technologies Group, Inc. He is passionate about software and its role in Christianity and the field of Ministry. Jamey obtained his degree in Computer Engineering from Clemson University. He lives with his wife, Connie, and three boys, Jake, Slater, and Seth, in Timmonsville, South Carolina.
Chris and Jamey are the founders of the popular iPhone development site, http://appsamuck.com. They released their first training example the first day the NDA was lifted from the 2.0 SDK: 10/1/2008. They continued the series every day for 31 days until 10/31/2008.
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