Epigraph    Vilia…aqua “Let the rabble admire worthless things, / May golden Apollo supply me with cups full of water from the Castalian spring” (from Ovid, Amores 1.15.35–6; Apollo is the sun god, and the Castalian spring on Mount Parnassus was sacred to him and to the Muses)    Dedication HENRY WRIOTHESLEY poets commonly sought noble patrons for their work; the Earl of Southampton was nineteen in 1593 when the poem was published    idle hours a conventionally modest disclaimer, but may refer to the closure of the theaters due to an outbreak of plague    some graver labour Shakespeare may be thinking of The Rape of Lucrece, published the following year and also dedicated to Wriothesley    graver more important, substantial    first…invention i.e., first published work/first poetic work (deemed more literary than a play)    ear plow    survey literary examination, evaluation

    1    EVEN as just when/in the same way as    purple-coloured red (with connotations of regality or of the flush of dawn)

    3    hied him hurried    chase hunt

    5    Sick-thoughted lovesick    makes amain hastens

    9    Stain to eclipsing, making tarnished (the beauty of)    nymphs beautiful young women/female spirits    lovely beautiful (usually used of a woman)

  10    white and red i.e., in terms of complexion

  12    Saith says

  13    Vouchsafe deign, condescend    alight dismount from

  14    proud splendid/high-spirited    saddle-bow the arched front of a saddle

  15    meed reward

  16    honey secrets sexual sweets (secrets has vaginal connotations)

  18    set seated

  19    satiety excess

  24    wasted spent/diminished    sport sexual entertainment

  25    sweating a moist, warm    palm was thought to be a sign of an amorous, sexually vigorous nature

  26    precedent…livelihood indicator of sexual vitality

  27    balm soothing ointment

  28    sovereign superlative/healing

  29    enraged inflamed, ardent

  30    Courageously boldly/lustfully

  31    lusty lively/lustful courser large powerful horse

  32    tender youthful

  34    leaden dull, inert (with phallic implications)    appetite sexual appetite, desire    unapt not inclined/not able    toy engage in sexual play

  37    studded ornamented with studs, a sign of luxury    ragged rough

  39    stallèd up confined, secured

  40    prove try

  41    would wished to    thrust penetrated sexually

  42    governed…lust was stronger than him but unable to arouse him sexually

  43    So…down she lay down beside him as soon as he was down

  46    chide rebuke (her)

  47    broken interrupted

  50    maiden virginal/girlish

  53    miss wrongdoing, misbehavior

  55    empty unfed    sharp by fast made hungry by lack of food

  56    Tires pulls, tears

  58    gorge crop, gullet in which partially digested food is stored

  61    content please/be content

  63    pray prayer (puns on “prey”)

  66    distilling falling in minute drops

  69    awed awestruck, terrified    fret annoyed, vexed

  71    rank full

  72    Perforce of necessity

  73    prettily ingeniously/coaxingly (sense then shifts to “attractive”)

  75    lours frowns, looks angry

  76    ’Twixt between

  79    Look…can however he looks

  81    remove withdraw (from a siege)

  82    contending striving, antagonistic

  84    countless numberless/infinitely valuable

  86    dive-dapper dabchick, a small diving water-fowl

  90    winks shuts his eyes/winces

  91    passenger traveler on foot

  92    turn favor (plays on sense of “sexual act”)

  94    bathes in water i.e., weeps

  96    coy shy/reserved/disdainful

  98    god of war i.e., Mars, with whom Venus had an adulterous affair

  99    sinewy muscular    bow acknowledge defeat

100    jar fight

104    uncontrollèd unconquered    crest feathers on the top of a helmet

105    sport…dally all terms that can also signify “have sex”

107    churlish harsh, because it signifies war;    red suggests blood and anger, but in line 110 the color signifies passion    ensign battle flag

108    arms plays on sense of “weapons”    field battlefield

109    overswayed ruled, exercised power over

111    Strong-tempered made strong by tempering (heating steel and then immersing it in cold water)    his…obeyed submitted to his superior strength

114    foiled defeated

119    there…lies i.e., reflected in the pupils of her eyes

121    wink close your eyes

123    keeps his revels holds his festivities/has sex (the erotic sense continues in play and sport)    but twain only two

124    bold courageous/sexually immodest    in sight observed

125    blue-veined suggestive of closed eyes (and perhaps with connotations of the erect penis)

127    tender spring youthful growth (of stubble)

133    hard-favoured harsh-featured    foul ugly

134    Ill-nurtured coarse, ill-bred    crooked deformed

135    O’erworn worn out by age or work    rheumatic afflicted by catarrh or by the watering eyes of old age    cold afflicted by a cold/dispirited/sexually passionless

136    Thick-sighted poor-sighted    juice vigor/vaginal moisture

140    grey regarded as a particularly beautiful eye color

142    marrow vitality/sexual essence

146    trip dance lightly

147    nymph female spirit who lived in the sea

148    footing footprint

149    spirit may play on sense of “penis”    compact composed

150    gross heavy, earthy    light may play on sense of “unchaste, lustful”    aspire rise/be ambitious/grow erect

152    forceless powerless

154    list please, choose

155    light unimportant/weightless/unchaste

156    heavy serious/troublesome/weighty

157    affected in love

158    upon thy left i.e., by grasping your left hand

160    on of

161    Narcissus in Greek mythology, a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool; in some versions of the tale he drowned attempting to embrace himself    himself himself forsook abandoned himself (for himself)

162    shadow reflection

164    Dainties delicacies, sweetmeats    the use enjoyment/sex

165    sappy sap-filled    bear bear fruit

168    get beget, reproduce

169    increase produce

172    That thine so that your offspring

175    this this time, now

177    Titan another name for the Greek sun god    tirèd weary/dressed, attired

178    burning…hotly i.e., hotly/lasciviously

179    his team i.e., Titan’s team of horses that drew the sun’s chariot

180    So…him provided that Titan could be like Adonis

181    lazy sprite sluggish spirit

182    disliking disapproving, reluctant

183    fair sight beautiful eyes/handsome appearance

184    vapours clouds or noxious fogs rising from the ground

185    Souring contracting, pursing

188    bare poor, unconvincing

197    done ended

198    heavenly…sun the sun in the sky and Adonis himself

202    want lack/desire

203    thy mother Adonis was the incestuous product of his mother, Myrrha’s love for her own father

204    unkind cruel/unnatural

205    contemn disdain, scorn    this thus

206    suit request/courtship

213    Statue Adonis was a descendent of Pygmalion and the statue he had made, fallen in love with, and married after she had been brought to life by Aphrodite/Venus

215    complexion appearance

216    by…direction of their own accord

219    blaze forth proclaim/burn forth

220    Being…cause i.e., even though she is the goddess of love and supreme judge of amorous affairs, she cannot determine matters in her own favor

221    fain willingly

222    intendments intentions

226    would wants to (bind him)

228    locks…one intertwines her fingers (so that he cannot escape her embrace)

229    Fondling foolish one/one who is doted upon

230    ivory pale i.e., fair-skinned arms encircling him (a pale is a fence; plays on sense of “white”)

231    park enclosed tract of land reserved for keeping and hunting game    deer puns on “dear”

232    mountain…dale i.e., breasts and vagina (replete with pleasure-giving fountains)

235    limit area defined by a boundary    relief feeding, pasturing (hunting term)/sexual ease

236    bottom-grass lush grass growing at the base of the valley/pubic hair (bottom signifies “lower regions,” not “buttocks/anus,” a sense not then in use)    plain i.e., stomach (possibly pubic mound)

237    hillocks i.e., buttocks (possibly breasts)    brakes thickets, i.e., pubic hair    obscure hidden, secret/dark

240    rouse cause to issue forth from cover (hunting term); Adonis will instead be “roused” sexually by Venus

243    if so that if he

247    caves…pits i.e., dimples

249    wits sanity

250    Struck…first having already been smitten by love

251    in…forlorn helpless and wretched under your own rules/unable to control your own area of authority

257    remorse pity, compassion

259    neighbours by is nearby

260    breeding in heat    jennet small Spanish horse    lusty lively/lustful    proud spirited/sexually aroused

261    trampling courser stallion stamping on the ground

264    straight directly/immediately

266    girths straps that hold the saddle in place

267    bearing carrying his weight/enduring his injuries/fertile

272    compassed crest arched ridge of the neck

275    glisters sparkles, glitters

276    courage disposition/sexual desire

277    told counted

278    gentle noble/calm

279    Anon shortly    curvets springs, frisks

280    As who should like one who might    tried proven

283    recketh he cares he for    stir fuss, agitation

284    flattering coaxing, wheedling    Holla stop (used to a horse)

285    curb restraining strap passing under the horse’s jaw and fastened to the bit

286    caparisons decorated saddle cloths    trappings gay colorful ornamental coverings

290    limning out painting

294    bone frame

295    fetlocks the tufts of hair growing on parts of horse’s ankle joints    shag rough, shaggy

297    crest ridge of the neck    passing surpassingly, exceedingly

301    scuds darts nimbly

303    bid…base challenge the wind to a chase (from the children’s game in which two teams occupy separate bases and chase opponents trying to leave their base)

304    where possibly a contraction of “whether”

306    who which

310    puts…strangeness makes a show of aloofness    unkind cruel/unaffectionate, not sexually interested

311    Spurns at kicks out at/rejects

312    kind embracements affectionate embraces (i.e., as the stallion mounts her for sex)    heels mares often kick out as they’re mounted

314    vails lowers in submission    tail probably with phallic connotations    plume feathers (here probably imagined in a military helmet)

316    fume anger

319    testy irritated

320    unbacked unbroken/riderless    breeder mare in heat

321    Jealous of catching fearful of being caught    forsake abandon

323    As as if    wood wordplay, since it could also mean “mad”    hie them hasten

325    swoll’n with chafing bursting with anger

326    Banning cursing

327    happy…fits moment is opportune again

328    lovesick love i.e., Venus

330    aidance assistance

331    stopped stopped up, closed    stayed dammed up

333    So likewise

334    vent uttering

335    attorney i.e., the tongue

336    client i.e., heart    breaks may play on sense of “goes bankrupt”    as i.e., being    suit lawsuit/courtship

339    bonnet hat

341    nigh near

342    all…eye he watches her out of the corner of his    eye/he watches her mistrustfully

343    wistly intently

344    wayward willful, obstinate

347    But just

349    just before right in front of

351    heaveth lifts

354    apt receptively    dint impression

356    suing pressing their case

357    as as though

359    dumb play theatrical dumb show, mime    his its    made plain explained

360    chorus-like like characters commenting on the action of a play or dumb show

361    Full very

362    prisoned imprisoned    jail Shakespeare’s spelling “gaile” may pun on “gale”

363    band bond, shackle

364    engirts surrounds

365    wilful willing/persistent/desirous

366    a-billing caressing one beak with the other

367    engine instrument, i.e., tongue

368    mover one in motion, i.e., mortal    mortal round earth

369    Would thou wert I wish you were

370    wound i.e., profoundly wounded heart

371    thy…thee I would assure you of my help

372    bane death, destruction

375    steel harden (puns on “steal”)

376    grave engrave, make an impression upon

377    regard notice

381    bereft deprived of

382    hence go away

384    palfrey horse for ordinary riding (as opposed to a warhorse)

387    Affection passion, lust

388    suffered permitted (to burn)

391    jade worn-out horse

393    fee due, reward

395    thong leather strap, i.e., rein    bending crest arched neck

396    Enfranchising freeing

397    in…bed naked in her bed

400    agents parts (i.e., penis)    like similar

401    faint feeble, faint-hearted    bold daring/sexually immodest

404    of from

405    on of    presented offered, available

406    Though even if    yet still, nevertheless    proceedings behavior

408    made perfect learned by heart

409    quoth said

411    owe i.e., take on the responsibility of the debt

412    My…it the only desire I feel for love is the urge to discredit it

414    but…breath in the same breath, at the same time

417    springing sprouting, growing    diminished weakened, deprived

419    backed and burdened broken in and ridden

420    waxeth grows

422    idle worthless    bootless pointless

424    alarms calls to arms    ope open

426    battery assault by heavy bombardment

429    mermaid’s i.e., Siren’s, a mythical creature, part-woman, part-bird, whose enchanting singing lured sailors to their death (also slang for prostitute)

430    pressed (I am) oppressed, crushed

434    inward…invisible inner, invisible beauty (i.e., his voice)

435    outward parts physical appearance    move stir/sexually arouse (picking up on the genital sense of part)

436    sensible capable of feeling

443    stillatory still (in which perfume is distilled)    face excelling incomparably beautiful face

446    other four i.e., senses

448    suspicion wariness of evil

451    ruby-coloured portal i.e., his lips

453    betokened Wrack signified shipwreck

456    flaws squalls of wind

457    presage omen    advisedly attentively, warily    marketh observes, notes

459    grin bare his teeth

462    ere before

463    flatly prostrate/without hesitation

465    recures cures, heals

466    love some editors emend to “loss”    thriveth prospers

469    late intent recent intention

471    cunning skillful/crafty    wittily ingeniously

472    Fair fall may fair befall, good luck to (playing on Venus’ literal “fall”)

475    wrings pinches

480    so…still as long as he continues to kiss her (still may play on sense of “motionless”)

482    blue windows blue-veined eyelids/eyes (though these were gray in line 140)

490    repine discontent

494    drenched immersed/drowned

495    Or either

497    death’s annoy i.e., as distressing as death

500    shrewd severe, harsh

503    leaders military captains (who serve the queen)/guides

504    But were it not    piteous merciful, compassionate

506    liveries uniforms worn by a particular nobleman’s servants    wear wear out

507    verdure freshness/taste

509    star-gazers astrologers

510    plague in 1593, the year of the poem’s publication, the plague was particularly virulent in London

511    seals…imprinted stamps that have left their authoritative impression in my lips, as if in wax

513    sell myself connotations of prostitution

514    So provided that    use good dealing trade fairly/have good sex

515    slips errors/counterfeit coins/sexual lapses

516    seal-manual signature/personal seal on a ring

519    touches kisses

520    told counted

523    queen may pun on “quean,” i.e., prostitute    owe bear, have for

524    Measure…with i.e., attribute my aloofness to

525    know plays on sense of “have sex with”

526    fry very young fish    forbears spares

527    mellow ripe

529    world’s comforter i.e., sun

531    owl…shrieks considered a bird of ill omen, the owl’s cry was thought to herald death

532    fold the pen, enclosure

538    tendered paid (in settlement of a debt)

540    Incorp’rate united in one body

541    disjoined broke off

544    surfeit drink to excess    on drouth of drought

545    plenty abundance (of desire/flesh/kisses)    pressed overwhelmed/pressed literally    dearth famine

550    insulter (victorious) attacker

551    vulture i.e., ravenous desire, predatory imagination    pitch fix, set (may play on a sense of the noun: “highest point to which a bird of prey soars before swooping on its victim”)

553    spoil booty, goods acquired by plunder

554    forage plunder, pillage/glut oneself like a wild beast

555    reek and smoke sweat    reek smoke with heat

556    careless reckless

557    oblivion generating heedlessness

558    wrack destruction

561    roe species of small deer    chasing being hunted

562    froward refractory, fretful    dandling rocked or joggled up and down

564    listeth desires

565    so is so    temp’ring heating

567    out of hope (that seem) hopeless    compassed achieved    vent’ring taking risks

568    whose…commission who has license to go further than his orders

570    choice object of choice

571    gave over given up

573    Foul harsh, unkind

574    rose…plucked like lock-picking, a standard image of (female) virginity loss

575    fast safe, secure

580    look well to take good care of

581    Cupid the Roman god of love was Venus’ son; he caused people to fall in love by firing arrows at them    protest declare

583    waste spend

584    watch remain awake

586    make the match agree to the assignation, appoint a rendezvous (match plays on sense of “sexual encounter”)

590    lawn fine white linen/alternative name for the plant “hound’s tongue” or “Venus’ navelwort”

592    yoking fastening around the neck/subduing

595    lists official enclosure in which tournaments were held (possibly plays on sense of “list” as “pleasure/appetite”)

596    champion opponent/one who fights on her behalf    mounted on horseback, i.e., on top of her    hot encounter spirited fight/lustful sexual encounter

597    prove discover

598    manage take a horse through a series of exercises/handle sexually, “ride”

599    That so that    Tantalus in Greek mythology, a king who stole from the gods and was condemned to stand in a pool below a fruit tree that remained just out of his reach

600    clip embrace    Elysium the heaven of classical mythology

601    painted grapes refers to Pliny’s account of Zeuxis the painter, apparently so skillful that birds mistook his painted grapes for real ones

602    pine the maw starve the stomach

603    mishaps misfortunes

604    helpless useless

605    warm effects sexual feelings and arousal

608    assayed attempted    proved demonstrated, achieved

611    Fie expression of impatience or disgust

613    hadst would have

615    advised warned

616    churlish rough, violent

617    tushes tusks    whetteth still sharpens continually

618    mortal death-dealing    bent determined (referring to the butcher)/curved (referring to the tusks)

619    bow-back arched back    battle battalion in full array

620    pikes spines (maintains the image of armed troops by playing on sense of “long-handled weapons with pointed steel heads”)

621    fret rage

622    sepulchres tombs

623    moved angered/forced to leave his lair (hunting term)

625    brawny covered with hardened skin, unfeeling

626    proof armor

628    ireful angry    venture dare to attack

632    tributary i.e., submissive (a tributary pays homage to his conqueror)

633    eyne eyes

635    vantage his advantage

636    root dig up, destroy    mead meadow

637    cabin lair

638    foul wicked

639    will wish, intention

641    not to dissemble I won’t lie

645    downright straight down/straightaway

647    boding foreboding, fearful

649    jealousy anxious care for another’s safety

650    sentinel guard, lookout

651    suggesteth incites

653    Distemp’ring disturbing the natural constitution of/diluting with water

654    abate put out

655    bate-breeding strife-producing

656    canker parasitic grub that destroys plants    tender spring youthful growth

657    carry-tale rumormonger, telltale    dissentious quarrelsome

661    so that

663    his i.e., Adonis’

667    indeed in reality

668    That I who

670    divination prophetic insight

673    needs wilt must

674    Uncouple release your dogs    flying fleeing

675    subtlety cunning

676    roe species of small timid deer    encounter fight

678    well-breathed fit, not out of breath

679    on foot in pursuit    purblind dimly sighted (which hares were thought to be)

680    overshoot outstrip, overtake

682    cranks and crosses twists and turns about and crosses backward and forward    doubles sharp turns

683    musets gaps in hedges and fences/hares’ lairs

684    amaze confuse

686    cunning well-trained/crafty

687    earth-delving conies burrowing rabbits    keep live

689    sorteth mixes

690    shifts stratagems    waits on attends

694    ado fuss, difficulty    cold fault point at which they lost the scent

695    spend their mouths bark loudly    echo in Greek mythology, Echo was the nymph who loved self-obsessed Narcissus and pined away on his account until only her voice was left

697    Wat common name for a hare

700    alarums sounds of their approach

702    sore grievously    passing-bell bell tolling for the souls of the dead

703    dew-bedabbled made wet by the dew

704    return turn again/turn back    indenting zigzagging

705    envious malicious

708    relieved helped

712    Unlike myself i.e., contrary to my usual behavior as the goddess of love    moralize explain the moral meaning

715    leave break off

716    aptly promptly, readily

718    of by

724    true honest

725    modest Dian i.e., Diana, Roman goddess of chastity (modesty), the moon, and hunting

726    forsworn having broken her vow (of chastity)

727    of…reason I see the reason for the darkness of the night

728    Cynthia the Greek name for Diana

729    forging counterfeiting

731    framed created, shaped    high heaven’s despite defiance of heaven

733    destinies in Greek mythology, the three Fates were also known as “Destinies”: one spun the thread of a man’s life, another measured it, and the third cut it

734    cross thwart, oppose    curious ingenious, beautifully fashioned

736    defeature disfigurement

738    mischances misfortunes, disasters

739    agues acute fevers

740    pestilence plague    wood mad

741    marrow-eating sickness syphilis (which corrodes the bones)    attaint infection

742    Disorder disturbance of bodily balance/(sexual) misdemeanors    blood sexual desire

743    Surfeits digestive disorders resulting from excessive eating or drinking    impostumes abscesses

747    favour facial features    savour sweet scent    hue complexion

751    fruitless childless/useless

752    vestals virgins (specifically the priestesses who guarded the sacred fire of the temple of Vesta in Rome)    self-loving i.e., not giving their love to a man/selfish because producing no children

754    dearth famine

755    prodigal extravagant

756    oil with connotations of semen (burns then refers to sexual heat)

760    destroy…obscurity also alludes to masturbation

762    Sith since    pride arrogance, self-love/state of (masturbatory) phallic erection    slain picking up on the sexual sense of “to die” (“to orgasm”)

763    made away murdered

764    mischief calamity/evildoing

765    whose…slay who commit suicide (but continues the play on masturbation)    desperate spiritually hopeless (the state that preceded suicide)

766    butcher-sire murdering father    reaves deprives

767    Foul-cank’ring discoloring and corroding    treasure plays on sense of “semen”    frets erodes, decays

768    put to use loaned out with interest/employed sexually

769    fall return (plays on the notion of Venus’ literal fall and on sense of sexual succumbing)

770    over-handled too commonly treated (with sexual connotations)

773    foul wicked, immoral/dirty, black

774    treatise tale, talk

776    moving persuasive (also suggests busy literal motion)

777    wanton lustful

781    Lest in case

782    closure enclosure

783    undone ruined

787    reprove reject, condemn

789    device tricks, wily ingenuity

792    bawd pimp

795    semblance appearance

796    blotting tarnishing, staining

797    Which refers to    beauty hot tyrant i.e., lust    stains sexually defiles    bereaves robs, plunders

806    text theme on which one speaks    green young, inexperienced

808    teen sorrow, affliction

813    laund glade, open space in a wood    apace swiftly

816    eye sight

818    late-embarkèd recently departed on a ship    friend could also mean “lover”

820    ridges crests    contend strive in conflict

821    pitchy intensely black (“pitch” is a tarlike substance)

822    Fold in enfold, envelop

824    flood sea

825    stonished astonished/bewildered/dismayed

827    confounded confused/defeated

828    fair…way i.e., Adonis, whose presence illuminated the path

830    neighbour neighboring

831    Make…of echo

832    Passion lament    deeply solemnly/loudly

836    extemporally spontaneously, improvised

837    thrall captive    dote infatuatedly fond/foolish

839    heavy sad    anthem song in which two voices sing in response to one another

845    copious abundant, verbally elaborate

847    withal with

848    parasites flatterers

849    tapsters innkeepers

850    humour mood, whim    fantastic wits young men with fanciful ideas and wild notions

854    moist cabinet dewy dwelling (lark’s nest on the ground)

860    clear shining

862    influence flow of power thought to emit from stars and planets

863    a son i.e., Adonis, mortal but brighter than the sun (on which “son” puns)

864    May who may

865    myrtle the evergreen shrub or small tree was sacred to Venus

866    o’erworn gone by

868    hearkens listens

870    coasteth approaches/pursues at a distance (hunting term)    cry yelping of hounds

875    milch doe lactating female deer    dugs teats, udder

876    brake thicket

877    are…bay have cornered the prey, forcing it to turn to defend itself

879    folds coils

882    Appals dismays, terrifies    confounds overcomes

883    chase animal that is hunted

887    curst fierce, savage

888    strain court’sy are excessively polite regarding (i.e., hang back)    cope encounter, fight

889    dismal ominous

890    surprise ambush

894    basely fly run away in a cowardly manner    stay the field remain on the battlefield

895    ecstasy frenzy (of anxiety)

899    Bids commands

901    frothy foaming

903    sinews nerves

906    rate berate, angrily reprove    murther murder/(being) a murderer

907    spleens impulses

909    mated checked, thwarted

911    respects considerations/intentions    naught…respecting heeding nothing at all/incapable of proper thinking

912    In hand preoccupied

914    caitiff wretch

916    sovereign plaster sure remedy (i.e., licking)

919    ill-resounding harshly echoing

920    flap-mouthed a mouth with broad, hanging lips

921    welkin sky    volleys…voice i.e., barks repeatedly

923    Clapping pressing down, fixing

926    prodigies extraordinary events, regarded as omens

928    Infusing imbuing, filling    dreadful terrifying

929    up in

930    exclaims on cried out on, loudly accuses

931    Hard-favoured harsh-featured

932    divorce separator

933    earth’s worm i.e., creature that feeds on dead bodies

939    no eyes Death’s face is traditionally represented as a skull with empty eye sockets

941    mark target    dart arrow

942    cleaves splits

943    he had Adonis would have

947    golden arrow i.e., that causing love (as opposed to Cupid’s lead arrow, which provoked loathing)    fled hastened

948    ebon ebony (wood)/black

950    heavy sorrowful

953    mortal vigour deadly strength (an oxymoron, as    vigour refers to the strength or attributes of living things)

954    rigour harshness, pitilessness

956    vailed lowered in defeat    who which    sluices dams, floodgates

957    crystal tide i.e., flow of tears

960    course flow, current

961    lend and borrow reflect one another

963    crystals mirrors (or possibly “magic crystals”)

967    Variable changeable, fluctuating    passions strong emotions/sorrow/means of expressing suffering    throng crowd around and press upon

968    become befit, suit

969    entertained received, given hearing    labours so makes such efforts (to be supreme)

972    consulting for conferring about/planning

973    this this time, now    hollo huntsman’s call to his hounds

975    imagination image, train of thought

981    orient lustrous, shining (used of pearls)

983    foul dirty    sluttish grimy/immoral, whorish (as all men tread on it)

985    hard-believing incredulous, skeptical

987    weal happiness, well-being

991    wrought made

993    called…naught claimed Death was worthless

995    clepes calls

996    Imperious supreme imperial ruler

999    Whenas when

1000    still severe always rigorous in punishment

1001    shadow dark presence/ghost

1002    railed on loudly abused

1004    wreaked revenged

1006    act i.e., utter his words

1010    suspect suspicion    extenuate seek to excuse

1012    insinuate ingratiate herself

1013    trophies memorial monuments erected after wars

1015    Jove supreme Roman god

1018    mutual…kind i.e., universal destruction, the end of the world

1021    fond foolish/infatuated

1022    hemmed with surrounded by

1024    with false bethinking misguidedly

1026    but late only recently

1027    lure bunch of feathers used by keepers to recall a hawk (i.e., deceptively enticing)

1029    unfortunately ill-fatedly

1038    cabins caves, i.e., eye-sockets

1039    office function

1040    disposing direction, management

1041    still always

1043    Who refers to the heart    perplexèd confused/afflicted

1044    suggestion prompting/incitement

1045    tributary subject one who acknowledges subordination and pays homage

1046    wind…ground thought to be the cause of earthquakes

1048    confound throw into confusion, overwhelm

1049    surprise ambush

1051    threw unwilling light eyes were thought to emit light, which enabled them to see

1052    trenched gouged, dug (but, like flank, the word also had the military sense it does now)

1053    flank fleshy side between ribs and hip    wonted customary

1054    purple blood-red

1056    But stole that did not steal

1059    passions expresses her grief    doteth behaves in a deranged manner (with suggestion of “dotes infatuatedly on him”)

1061    bow bend

1062    till now before now (for a lesser cause)

1064    dazzling blurring (with the intensity of her gaze or with tears)

1065    mangling that mutilates, disfigures

1067    several separate

1079    trim pretty

1081    Bonnet hat

1082    Nor sun nor neither sun nor

1083    fair pale complexion/beauty (puns on fear)

1088    gaudy brilliantly fine

1091    straight straightaway

1094    would not fear did not wish to frighten

1095    To…sung when he entertained himself by singing (the rhyme is stronger with the old spelling and pronunciation “song”)

1098    silly defenseless

1099    shadow reflection

1101    by nearby

1105    foul, grim ugly    urchin snouted with a snout like a hedgehog

1106    downward directed to the ground (implies literal and moral lowness)    still constantly

1107    beauteous livery i.e., Adonis’ physical beauty

1113    whet sharpen    again in return

1114    persuade him there win him over/persuade him to stay

1115    nuzzling rootling, burrowing with the snout/nestling affectionately

1119    bless…his give himself to me (possibly “give me a child”)

1127    coffer-lids lids of either a treasure chest or coffin    lids i.e., eyelids

1129    glasses mirrors

1131    virtue power

1132    his its

1139    Ne’er…low never emotionally balanced, always swinging between elation and misery (or perhaps “never between social equals”)

1142    blasted withered, as if by frost    a breathing while the space of a mere breath

1143    o’erstrawed strewn over, concealed

1144    sweets delights    beguile deceive

1147    sparing frugal, modest    riot revelry, debauchery, excess

1148    tread the measures dance

1149    staring bold-faced

1151    silly helplessly, weakly

1153    where is where there is

1156    just honest, upright

1157    Perverse self-willed, stubborn    shows most toward appears most docile, willing to learn

1158    to into

1160    sire father

1161    discontents grievances/malcontents

1162    combustious combustible, easily kindled

1163    Sith since

1168    purple blood-red

1174    reft stolen

1175    breach break

1177    guise manner

1178    issue offspring

1180    grow unto himself i.e., not produce offspring/mature, grow up

1184    next of blood next of kin/literally created from Adonis’ blood

1185    hollow cradle i.e., the cleft between Venus’ breasts

1189    hies hastens

1193    Paphos coastal town in southwest Cyprus; sacred to Venus

1194    immure shut away