Geese, Ducks, Mergansers
Brant, Branta bernicla
Family Anatidae (Geese, Ducks, Mergansers)
Size: 25.5"
Season: Winter
Habitat: Coastal bays, marshes or nearby fields
The brant is a small, dark, fairly short-necked goose with a short, stubby bill. Its plumage is barred sooty gray above with black flight feathers. Its underparts are mixed gray and white down to the flanks, then become pure white to the short, black-edged tail. The head and neck are black with a partial white neck band (lacking in juveniles). Although western populations are quite dark on the breast, here in the East the breast is pale with obvious separation between the lower neck and the breast. Sexes are similar. Brant feed in the water for eelgrass and aquatic invertebrates or in nearby fields for insects and emit a low, throaty, croaking call. They fly low to the ground in rather loose, unorganized groups. The adult is illustrated.