

American Golden-Plover, Pluvialis dominica

Family Charadriidae (Plovers)

Size: 10.5"

Season: Spring and fall migrant

Habitat: Open fields, pastures

The American golden-plover was previously considered conspecific (of the same species) with the Pacific golden plover, as the lesser golden plover. It is similar to the black-bellied plover but slightly smaller with a smaller bill and darker tail region. The breeding male is mottled golden brown and black above, black below and on the face and throat, and white above the eye and down the sides of the neck. The crown is dark. Nonbreeding adults are mottled gray and brown with a pale supercilium below a contrasting dark crown. They eat a variety of insects, larvae, and plant matter, gleaned by scooting about and pecking at the ground. The nonbreeding adult (top) and breeding adult (bottom) are illustrated.