Sandpipers, Phalaropes


Marbled Godwit, Limosa fedoa

Family Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Phalaropes)

Size: 18"

Season: Spring and fall migrant

Habitat: Coastal beaches, mudflats, inland fields

As its name suggests, the marbled godwit is marbled, or barred, with dark across its buff body, although the underside lacks marbling in winter plumage. The long pinkish bill has a slight upcurved portion at the tip, where it becomes dark in color. The legs are dark, and the underwing is a rich cinnamon color. It also has a light superciliary stripe above a dark eye line. Marbled godwits move about with slow, steady progress and probe in shallow water to find aquatic worms and crustaceans. Their call is a loud god-WIT. The adult is illustrated.