Sandpipers, Phalaropes
Ruddy Turnstone, Arenaria interpres
Family Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Phalaropes)
Size: 9.5"
Season: Winter
Habitat: Wide variety of shoreline habitats, from rocky intertidal sites to beaches and mudflats
The gregarious, frenetic ruddy turnstone is a chunky, short-legged shorebird with a short, wedge-shaped bill. The breeding adult has ruddy and black upperparts, a white belly, and a complex pattern of black and white on the head. The nonbreeding bird is pale brown and black above, with drab head markings. The stubby legs are orange. In flight the bird is white below and strongly patterned light and dark above. Turnstones bustle about constantly to pick, pry, or probe for almost any food item. Indeed, it will “turn stones” to search for its prey. The nonbreeding adult (top) and breeding adult (bottom) are illustrated.