Gulls, Terns


Little Gull, Hydrocoloeus minutus

Family Laridae (Gulls, Terns)

Size: 11"

Season: Winter

Habitat: Coastal shores, estuaries, bays, lakes

The aptly named little gull is the smallest gull, with a stocky body, short legs, rounded wings, domed head, and a delicate, thin bill. It has a pale-gray mantle and white underparts, the upper wings are pale gray with a white trailing edge (no black on the wingtips), and the underwings are dark gray, also with a white trailing edge. In breeding plumage the head has a full, black hood, while in winter the head is white with a dark ear patch and smudging on the crown. The legs are red and the bill is blackish or dark red. Their behavior and posture are reminiscent of a tern, with erratic, buoyant flight on fast wing beats. They hunt for insects in the air or dabble at the water’s surface and voice a series of short, repeated, nasal kek notes. The breeding adult (bottom) and nonbreeding adult (top) are illustrated.