Gulls, Terns


Roseate Tern, Sterna dougallii

Family Laridae (Gulls, Terns)

Size: 12.5"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Sandy or rocky offshore islands, barrier beaches, open ocean

The roseate tern is a medium-size, very pale tern with short, red legs, a rounded crown, a long, forked tail, and a thin bill. The body is white below and pale gray on the back and upperwings, with darker-gray outer primaries, and a crisp, black cap. Breeding adults have a subtle, rosy wash to the breast, giving this bird its name. Winter adults have a white forehead but retain a streaky cap behind the eyes and have darker legs. The bill is solid black most of the year, but the basal half becomes reddish orange in midsummer. Roseate terns feed primarily on small fish, which they catch by plunge-diving from a great height or by snatching them on the water’s surface. They voice a two-part, raspy che-WIT or a single keer call. The nonbreeding adult (top) and breeding adult (bottom) are illustrated.