Pigeons, Doves


Rock Pigeon, Columba livia

Family Columbidae (Pigeons, Doves)

Size: 12"

Season: Year-round

Habitat: Urban areas, farmland

Formerly known as the rock dove, the rock pigeon is the common pigeon seen in almost every urban area across the continent. Introduced from Europe, where it inhabits rocky cliffs, rock pigeons have adapted to city life, and domestication has resulted in a wide variety of plumage colors and patterns. The original, wild version is a stocky gray bird with a darker head and neck and green to purple iridescence along the sides of the neck. The eyes are bright red, and the bill has a fleshy white protuberance (cere) on the base of the upper mandible. There are two dark bars across the back when the wing is folded, the rump is white, and the tail has a dark terminal band. Variants range from white to brown to black, with many pattern combinations. The adult is illustrated.