Pigeons, Doves


Mourning Dove, Zenaida macroura

Family Columbidae (Pigeons, Doves)

Size: 12"

Season: Year-round

Habitat: Open brushy areas, urban areas

The common mourning dove is a sleek, long-tailed dove with a thin neck, a small rounded head, and large black eyes. It is pale gray brown underneath and darker above, with some iridescence to the feathers on the neck. There are clear black spots on the tertials and some coverts, and a dark spot on the upper neck below the eye. The pointed tail is edged with a white band. The mourning dove pecks on the ground for seeds and grains and walks with quick, short steps while bobbing its head. Its flight is strong and direct, and the wings create a whistle as the bird takes off. Its voice is a mournful, owl-like cooing. It is solitary or found in small groups but may form large flocks where food is abundant. The adult is illustrated.