Typical Owls


Barred Owl, Strix varia

Family Strigidae (Typical Owls)

Size: 21"

Season: Year-round

Habitat: Wooded swamps, upland forests

The barred owl is a large, compact owl with a short tail and wings, rounded head, and big, dark eyes. It lacks the ear tufts seen on the great horned owl and has comparatively small talons. Plumage is gray brown overall with dark barring on the neck and breast, turning to streaking on the belly and flanks. It swoops from its perch to catch small rodents, frogs, or snakes. Its voice, often heard during the day, is a hooting who-cooks-for-you or a kind of bark. Its nests are made in tree cavities vacated by other species. The adult is illustrated.