

Calliope Hummingbird, Stellula calliope

Family Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)

Size: 3.25"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Brushy fields, feeders

The smallest breeding bird in North America, and an uncommon visitor to New England, the calliope hummingbird is a tiny, short-tailed, and short-billed hummingbird with wings that extend beyond the tail when perched. The adult male is iridescent green above, on the head, and along the sides, while below it is white with an iridescent-red, streaked gorget (sometimes held stiffly away from the body). Females are green above, buff below, with sparse, dark streaking on the throat. Although a tiny bird, the calliope hummingbird makes an arduous migration to wintering grounds in Mexico each year. It feeds on flower nectar or feeders from a hover, or hunts small insects in midair. Its voice is a quick, high-pitched zip and buzzy chattering. The female (top) and male (bottom) are illustrated.