

Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus

Family Picidae (Woodpeckers)

Size: 12.5"

Season: Summer

Habitat: Variety of habitats including suburbs and parks

The common northern flicker is a large, long-tailed woodpecker often seen foraging on the ground for ants and other small insects. It is barred brown and black across the back and is buff with black spotting below. The head is brown with a gray nape and crown, and the upper breast carries a prominent half-circle of black. The male has a black patch at the malar region. Flight is undulating and shows an orange wing lining and white rump. This flicker voices a loud, sharp keee and will sometimes drum its bill repeatedly at objects, like a jackhammer. The northern flicker is sometimes referred to as the red-shafted flicker. The male is illustrated.